13 Double Anastomosis Using Only One Branch of the Superficial Temporal Artery: Single-Vessel Double Anastomosis
Double anastomosis using only one branch of the superficial temporal artery (STA), single-vessel double anastomosis (SVDA), describes a valuable technique of direct revascularization for moyamoya disease. A proximal side-to-side anastomosis is made, followed by a distal end-to-side anastomosis with the same STA branch used on both recipient vessels. This technique may be chosen for cases in which preoperative evaluation reveals only a single robust usable STA branch on angiogram, with more than one territory requiring flow augmentation. Additionally, the decision to proceed with SVDA bypass configuration may be made based on intraoperative flow measurements of potential donor and recipient vessels, in an effort to maximize graft potential and minimize bypass failure. This chapter discusses the technique, indications, contraindications, complication avoidance, and other considerations when performing SVDA.
13.1 History and Initial Description
The first description of “moyamoya” disease was by Suzuki and Takaku in 1969. 1 Three years later, professor Yasargil performed the first surgical intervention for moyamoya with a superficial temporal artery (STA) to middle cerebral artery (MCA) bypass, 2 marking the beginning of an evolution in the surgical treatment of the disease. Over the next several decades and into the 21st century, novel surgical strategies have been developed to treat moyamoya disease, and operative techniques have been continually refined. Currently, various operations for both direct and indirect bypass are described to augment blood flow to multiple vascular territories, including the anterior cerebral artery, MCA, and posterior cerebral artery territories. 3
While double-barrel bypass techniques with both the parietal and frontal STA branches have been described, 4 the single-vessel double anastomosis (SVDA) technique is a novel strategy that involves utilizing one donor branch for both a side-to-side, and end-to-side anastomosis, provided the donor artery has sufficient flow to supply multiple bypasses. This technique can be an important addition to the bypass armamentarium in selected patients with moyamoya disease, particularly when a single anastomosis is unlikely to supply sufficient flow to multiple ischemic territories, or in cases where there is mismatch between the available flow from the donor graft exceeding the sink capacity of a single recipient bed.
13.2 Indications
Potential candidates for flow augmentation bypass surgery include patients with symptomatic moyamoya disease with poor cerebrovascular reserve as diagnosed on preoperative studies. We prefer to use a vasodilatory challenge paired with imaging studies to assess cerebrovascular reserve and identify areas at risk with impaired autoregulation stemming from a chronic oligemic state. Vasodilatory challenge normally causes a resultant increase in cerebral blood flow, though in instances of hemodynamic compromise, this response will be either dampened or absent in an impaired vascular territory compared to the normal circulation. 5 The studies we utilize include quantitative MRA with use of Noninvasive Optimal Vessel Analysis (NOVA) software, with a Diamox challenge, and functional MRI (regional and global blood oxygen level dependent [BOLD] imaging) with CO2 challenge. Adequate donor and recipient vessels should be available as noted on digital subtraction angiography. The SVDA bypass configuration, in particular, can be selected as an option during preoperative work up if only a single robust usable STA branch is noted on the angiogram and more than one territory requires flow augmentation (such as with superior and inferior MCA division territories). On the other hand, the decision to proceed with SVDA bypass configuration may be taken intraoperatively based on flow measurements of potential donor and recipient vessels. If the cut flow (i.e., free-flowing carrying capacity) of the STA donor vessel is substantial enough to augment two vascular beds, an initial side-to-side anastomosis is performed. The cut-flow index (CFI) is then measured and calculated; if CFI ≤ 0.5, the second anastomosis is completed in an attempt to get the CFI closer to 1, therefore maximizing the graft potential and minimizing type 2c error and bypass failure. 6 , 7
13.3 Key Principles
Once the vascular territories in need of flow augmentation are identified based on patient symptoms (including left vs. right in bilateral disease), imaging findings, and cerebrovascular reserve testing, the skin incision and craniotomy must be carefully planned. Excessive supragaleal dissection and devascularization of the scalp can be spared if only a single branch of the STA is needed. The skin incision is tailored according to the targeted STA branch. If the parietal branch is being dissected, the skin incision will be made following its path; it can then be reflected anteriorly, distal to the superior temporal line, if a larger skin flap is needed. If the frontal branch is harvested, the incision is made to accommodate for an adequate size craniotomy while minimizing the amount of skin reflected anteriorly. The frontal STA will then be dissected from the underside of the skin flap through the galea. When performing the craniotomy and opening the dura, great care should be exercised in preserving the middle meningeal artery (MMA), as it may already provide critical extracranial-to-intracranial (EC-IC) collaterals, as often seen on preoperative angiography. Various donor/recipient vessels should be identified and different direct bypass configurations planned and selected; the surgeon should be ready to adapt and reconfigure the surgical plan based on intraoperative flow measurements. Flow-assisted surgical technique (FAST) is utilized, 7 which involves the following: performing flow measurement for the STA cut flow; calculating CFI to predict bypass patency rate 6 ; optimizing type 2c error (further described in Chapter 13.4.4); optimizing CFI at 1 by performing more than one anastomosis if needed; maximizing donor capacity.
13.4 SWOT Analysis
13.4.1 Strengths
In contrast to indirect techniques, direct bypass allows for immediate flow augmentation and, in some cases, relief of symptoms. The development of adequate collaterals can take several months after indirect bypass, putting the patient at risk for repeated events in the interim. Specific to the SVDA technique, multiple anastomoses using a single donor vessel maximize its donor capacity while optimizing type 2c error (explained in Chapter 13.4.4). The technique also obviates the need to dissect a second STA branch, therefore saving time, preserving scalp blood supply for improved healing, and providing a salvage plan in case of reoperation or failure of the initial bypass.
13.4.2 Weaknesses
All EC-IC bypass procedures require temporary occlusion time of the recipient bed, putting patients at risk for ischemic events during the surgery; however, temporary occlusion time is required for multiple recipients in SVDA. Furthermore, any problem at the proximal anastomosis site may affect the distal anastomosis, and any potential issue affecting the donor compromises both recipients at once.
13.4.3 Opportunities
Techniques to reduce or eliminate temporary occlusion time will improve the safety of bypass procedures, especially when multiple bypasses are being planned as in SVDA. As such, novel suturing devices may be a target for future consideration. Additionally, the development of more advanced software that is able to accurately and quantitatively identify the amount of flow needed for augmentation in various territories with poor reserve would allow for more reliable and informed surgical planning.
13.4.4 Threats
Four main types of errors 7 , 8 are encountered with direct bypass procedures that constitute threats to the success of this surgery.
Type 1 error, or poor patient selection, occurs when the recipient vascular bed already has adequate collaterals (good hemodynamic reserve) and bypass is unnecessary. In these cases, often times the bypass will fail because the demand is low and there will be poor flow through the anastomosis.
Type 2a error refers to a problem with the donor vessel—in the case of SVDA, the STA branch. Technical issues may be secondary to vessel injury during harvesting, or thrombosis due to inadequate flushing. Of most concern in SVDA is insufficient supply of the single branch to provide adequate flow to two recipient territories, resulting in continued ischemia of both territories. Again, intraoperative flow parameters will dictate whether or not a single STA branch is sufficient.
Type 2b error is simply an anastomosis problem. Meticulous technique and the need for continued practice cannot be understated for bypass surgery, and increasing experience should mitigate these technical issues.
Type 2c error refers to recipient or distal bed problems that may limit the outflow from the bypass. Causes include atherosclerotic disease, vessel stenosis distal to the anastomosis, small recipient vessel size, and increased distal vascular bed resistance.
13.5 Contraindications
Contraindications to the SVDA technique encompass the usual contraindications to bypass for moyamoya in general, including preserved hemodynamic reserve, poor quality donor vessels, and poor quality recipient vessels. Inadequate vessel length or orientation may also prevent a successful SVDA. Finally, unless the cut flow from the single STA branch is sufficient to supply two separate vascular territories, an alternative technique (double barrel, for example) must be employed.

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