14 Orbital Decompression, Optic Decompression, Supraorbital Approach, and Transorbital Approach


14 Orbital Decompression, Optic Decompression, Supraorbital Approach, and Transorbital Approach

Davide Mattavelli, Marco Ravanelli, Andrea Luigi Camillo Carobbio, Davide Lombardi

The sinonasal cavity can be used as a corridor toward the orbital cavity and the optic canal. In particular, the ethmoid complex and the maxillary sinus are adjacent to the medial and inferior orbital walls, respectively, while the optic canal can be reached at the junction between the lateral and superior walls of the sphenoid sinus. Consequently, transnasal endoscopic surgery is currently employed for performing orbital and optic decompression (mainly for Graves’ disease and posttraumatic optic neuropathy), 1 , 2 repair of some fractures of the orbital walls, 3 , 4 and resecting selected orbital tumors and skull base lesions that compress the optic nerve. 5 8 Additionally, transnasal endoscopic surgery is an excellent approach to drain subperiosteal and orbital abscesses resulting from complicated acute rhinosinusitis. 9 , 10

This chapter includes the description of four procedures: orbital decompression, optic decompression, supraorbital approach, and transorbital approach.

Orbital decompression is indicated when intraorbital pressure increases (causing exophthalmos, strabismus, and/or diplopia) as a result of dysthyroidism (especially Graves’ disease) or infection (i.e., abscesses requiring surgical drainage), leading to impairment of the optic nerve function. The medial wall and the portion of the inferior one medial to the infraorbital nerve can be removed through a transnasal approach. Furthermore, periorbital incision and lysis of the intraorbital connective septa further decrease intraorbital pressure in cases of severe orbital hypertension.

Optic decompression is indicated when retrobulbar compressive optic neuropathy occurs as a consequence of trauma, dysthyroidism, or skull base tumors or tumor-like lesions (e.g., fibrous dysplasia). The main clinical manifestations leading to indicate an optic decompression are visual field/acuity impairment, dyschromatopsia, and alteration in visual evoked potentials. Decompression can be obtained by removing the medial wall of the optic canal, incising the optic periosteum, and sectioning the annulus of Zinn. While performing these maneuvers, particular attention should be paid to not damage the ophthalmic artery, which commonly runs in the inferomedial quadrant of the optic canal.

The transnasal supraorbital approach consists of a subperiosteal dissection along the inferior face of the orbital roof. This route can be adopted to address lesions or fluid collections (i.e., subperiosteal abscesses) located below the orbital roof or to expand the transcribriform or transplanum–transtuberculum approach in lesions with lateral extension. To reach the orbital roof via a subperiosteal plane, the ethmoidal arteries must be sectioned to have a full view of the dihedral corner between the lamina papyracea and the fovea ethmoidalis. Craniectomy of the lesser sphenoidal wing and removal of the optic strut are also possible through this approach, providing subtotal exposure of the paraclinoid tract of the internal carotid artery.

The transnasal transorbital approach allows access to the extraconal and intraconal compartments of the orbit passing through the periorbit. Removal of orbital tumors is usually performed by blunt dissection with the help of cottonoids gently pushed along the surface of the lesion; this minimizes the chance of injury to neurovascular structures. However, from cadaveric dissection aiming to acquire sound anatomical knowledge of the position and relationship of the most important orbital structures, it is suggested to meticulously remove the orbital fat and identify the nerves and vessels running within the orbit. The main landmarks guiding orbital dissection are the extrinsic orbital muscles, which can be adequately exposed by removing the extraconal fat. Schematically, three triangles between the skull base, the medial rectus muscle, the inferior rectus muscle, and the orbital floor can be identified to access the intraconal orbital content.

Fig. 14.1 Anterior view of the orbital cavity. This illustration shows the architecture of the left orbital cavity as seen from an anterior-to-posterior perspective.
Fig. 14.2 Superior view of the orbital cavity. This illustration shows the architecture of the right orbital cavity as seen from a cranial-to-caudal perspective.

In recent years, transorbital endoscopic approaches through eyelid skin and/or conjunctiva are gaining increasing popularity. 11 15 Although the step-by-step description of these techniques (i.e., superior eyelid crease approach, precaruncular approach, preseptal lower eyelid approach, and lateral retrocanthal approach) is beyond the purposes of the present atlas, it is of note that transorbital endoscopic approaches are progressively included in the toolkit of skull base surgeons, thus warranting dedicated study and training. Therefore, the reader is strongly recommended to acquire familiarity with these approaches and use a cadaver dissection setting to compare the different degrees of maneuverability and exposure provided by endoscopic transnasal and transconjunctival/transcutaneous transorbital approaches when targeting orbital compartments and related skull base areas.

Fig. 14.3 Contrast-enhanced CT axial anatomy of the orbit and orbital apex. The panel shows three axial contrast-enhanced CT scans passing through the orbital cavity (a is the most cranial and c is the most caudal). The orbital cavity is separated from the ethmoidal compartments by the lamina papyracea (LP). The posterolateral orbital wall separates the orbital content from the temporal fossa anteriorly and middle cranial fossa posteriorly and is formed by the zygomatic bone anteriorly and the greater wing of the sphenoid bone (GWSB) posteriorly. The orbital apex can be defined as the portion of the orbital cavity and related canals/fissures that lies posterior to a plane (white dotted line) passing through the lateral border of the superior orbital fissure (SOF) and the posterior ethmoidal foramen (PEF). It includes the optic canal (OC) and the superior orbital fissure and is adjacent to the cranial portion of the lateral wall of the sphenoid sinus (LWSS). ACP, anterior clinoid process; CPr, carotid prominence; CS, cavernous sinus; EFA, extraconal fat; Ey, eyeball; LRM, lateral rectus muscle; IFa, intraconal fat; IOF, inferior orbital fissure; IRM, inferior rectus muscle; MMA, middle meningeal artery; MRM, medial rectus muscle; MS, maxillary sinus; ON, optic nerve; OnC, Onodi’s cell; OpA, ophthalmic artery; pcICA, paraclinoid tract of the internal carotid artery; PE, posterior ethmoid; pICA, paraclival tract of the internal carotid artery; sICA, parasellar tract of the internal carotid artery; TM, temporal muscle.
Fig. 14.4 Coronal MRI scan of the anterior orbital content. This contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MRI with fat saturation shows the anterior portion of the superior rectus muscle (SRM), medial rectus muscle (MRM), inferior rectus muscle (IRM), and lateral rectus muscle (LRM) few millimeters posterior to their insertion on the eyeball (Ey). The inferior oblique muscle (IOM) can be identified in the inferior portion of the orbital cavity. The superior oblique muscle (SOM) runs in a cranial position with respect to the infratrochlear artery (ITA), which is one of the terminal branches of the ophthalmic artery, and becomes thinner while getting close to the trochlea. The superior ophthalmic vein (SOpV) usually runs close to the medial border of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle (LPSM), anteriorly, and adjacent to the inferior surface of the muscle, posteriorly. IOCa, infraorbital canal; LG, lacrimal gland.
Fig. 14.5 CT and MRI coronal anatomy of the orbit. The coronal CT scan (a) shows the bony structures surrounding the orbital cavity. The lamina papyracea (LP) and the orbital floor (OrF) separate the orbital content from the anterior (AE) and posterior ethmoid compartments and from the maxillary sinus, respectively. The infraorbital canal (IOCa) runs within the orbital floor in a posterior-to-anterior direction. The ethmoidal canals run from the orbital cavity to the olfactory groove, housing the anterior, middle (when present), and posterior ethmoidal arteries. The orbital roof (OR) is a thick bony lamina, formed by the frontal bone anteriorly and the sphenoid bone posteriorly. This lamina tilts superiorly from the level of the fovea ethmoidalis (FoE), following the superior convexity of the orbital content. One T1-weighted (b) and two T2-weighted (c, d) MRI scans show the orbital content and adjacent structures. The orbital fat can be divided into extraconal orbital fat (EFa) and intraconal orbital fat (IFa) with respect to the cone formed by the medial (MRM), inferior (IRM), lateral (LRM), and superior (SRM) rectus muscles. The levator palpebrae superioris oblique muscle (LPSM), superior oblique muscle (SOM), and inferior oblique muscle lie within the extraconal compartment (i.e., between the muscular cone and the orbital walls) together with some neurovascular structures (e.g., supratrochlear, supraorbital, and lacrimal bundles). The optic nerve (ON), short posterior ciliary artery (SPCA), and long posterior ciliary artery (LPCA) run within the intraconal compartment. The ophthalmic artery (OpA) has a tortuous course within the orbital cavity: after exiting from the optic canal, it first turns laterally and superiorly around the optic nerve, then it runs in a borderline fashion between the intraconal and extraconal compartments, in the space between the superior rectus, the medial rectus, and the superior oblique muscle, and finally it moves close to the inferior border of the superior oblique muscle. The fat tissues of the intraconal and extraconal compartments are only partially separated from each other by the muscular cone. An intricate system of connective fibers, called intraorbital connective septal system (ICSS), connects the orbital compartments and their contents with the extrinsic muscles and the periorbit. As seen in the MRI scans, the planes formed by the periorbit and the lamina papyracea (LP-Per) medially and by the periorbit, orbital roof and related dura (OR-ORD) superiorly appear as hypointense lines between the hyperintense signals of orbital fat and ethmoidal mucosa/cerebrospinal fluid, respectively. Ey, eyeball; IOCa, infraorbital canal; OGy, orbital gyri.
Fig. 14.6 Coronal and sagittal MRI anatomy of the orbital apex (anterior portion). The T1-weighted contrast-enhanced coronal MRI scan with fat saturation (a) shows the optic nerve (ON) and ophthalmic artery (OpA) few millimeters after the entrance within the orbital cavity. The inferior quadrant of the orbital apex is opened toward the pterygopalatine fossa via the inferior orbital fissure inferior orbital fissure. As shown in the sagittal contrast-enhanced CISS (constructive interference in steady state) MRI (b), the inferior orbital fissure is interrupted by the orbitalis muscle (OrM; also called Müller’s muscle), which appears as a thin hypointense structure located anterosuperiorly with respect to the foramen rotundum (FRo). V2, maxillary nerve; Ey, eyeball; GG, gasserian ganglion; IRM, inferior rectus muscle; LRM, lateral rectus muscle; peICA, petrous tract of the internal carotid artery; pIMA, pterygopalatine tract of the internal maxillary artery; SpS, sphenoid sinus; SRM, superior rectus muscle.
Fig. 14.7 Coronal MRI anatomy of the orbital apex (middle portion). This T1-weighted coronal MRI scan shows the optic nerve (ON) and the ophthalmic artery (OpA) within the optic canal, being separated from the superior orbital fissure by the optic strut (OSt). The oculomotor nerve (III) can be identified within the superior orbital fissure, surrounded by hyperintense fat tissue. V2, maxillary nerve; ACP, anterior clinoid process.
Fig. 14.8 (a–f) Coronal and sagittal CT and MRI anatomy of the orbital apex (posterior portion). The panel shows two coronal scans (CT, upper images; contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MRI with fat saturation, lower images) in the middle and four sagittal scans corresponding to white dotted lines The optic strut (OSt) serves as root for the anterior clinoid process (ACP) and separates the optic canal (OC) from the superior orbital fissure and cavernous sinus (CS). This bony structure can be variably pneumatized by the lateral optic–carotid recess (LOCR) of the sphenoid sinus (SpS) or Onodi’s cell (OC). V2, maxillary nerve; FRo, foramen rotundum; OpA, ophthalmic artery; pICA, paraclival tract of the internal carotid artery; PEA, posterior ethmoidal artery; PSph, planum sphenoidale; sICA, parasellar tract of the internal carotid artery; SOF, superior orbital fissure; VC, vidian canal.
Fig. 14.9 (a–c) Multiplanar CT anatomy of the orbital apex (posterior portion). The posterior ethmoidal artery (PEA) runs approximately 7 mm anterior to the optic canal (OC). Pneumatization of the optic strut through the lateral optic–carotid recess (LOCR) can reach the anterior clinoid process (ACP) following the inferolateral surface of the optic nerve (ON). (White dotted line: foramen lacerum.) FL, foramen lacerum; FRo, foramen rotundum; OnC, Onodi’s cell; PE, posterior ethmoid compartment; pnACP, pneumatized anterior clinoid process; SpS, sphenoid sinus; VC, vidian canal.
Fig. 14.10 (a–c) Multiplanar constructive interference in steady state (CISS) MRI anatomy of the orbital apex (posterior portion). Multiplanar CISS reconstruction provides the complete view of the optic apparatus, including optic tracts, optic chiasm (OCh), and optic nerve (ON). III, oculomotor nerve; CS, cavernous sinus; OnC, Onodi’s cell; pICA, paraclival tract of the internal carotid artery; SpS, sphenoid sinus; VC, vidian canal.

Endoscopic Dissection

Nasal Phase

  • Total uncinectomy.

  • Anterior ethmoidectomy.

  • Posterior ethmoidectomy.

  • Type A endoscopic medial maxillectomy.

  • Paraseptal sphenoidotomy.

  • Transrostral sphenoidotomy.

  • Expanded transrostral sphenoidotomy.

  • Transethmoidal sphenoidotomy.

  • Facultative: type B–D endoscopic medial maxillectomy.

Skull Base Phase

Two-Wall Orbital Decompression

  • Step 1: Removal of the medial orbital wall.

  • Step 2: Removal of the orbital floor medial to the infraorbital canal.

Optic Decompression

  • Step 1: Removal of the inferomedial wall of the optic canal.

  • Step 2: Incision of the periosteum of the optic canal.

Supraorbital Approach

  • Step 1: Section of the ethmoidal arteries.

  • Step 2: Subperiosteal dissection of the orbital roof.

  • Step 3: Partial craniectomy of the orbital roof and exposure of the paraclinoid carotid artery.

  • Step 4: Removal of the optic strut.

  • Step 5: Incision of the superior carotid ring.

Transorbital Approach

  • Step 1: Removal of the periorbit.

  • Step 2: Lysis of the intraorbital connective septal system.

  • Step 3: Removal of the extraconal fat.

  • Step 4: Removal of the intraconal fat.

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