14 Spontaneous Internal Carotid Artery Dissection


14 Spontaneous Internal Carotid Artery Dissection

Joseph M. Zabramski


Spontaneous carotid artery dissection (CAD) accounts for 2% of all ischemic strokes but up to 20% of thromboembolic strokes in persons younger than age 45 years. Dissection typically results from an intimal arterial tear, allowing blood to “dissect” within the arterial wall and creating a false lumen, stenosis, and possible pseudoaneurysm formation. The most common clinical presentation is unilateral neck pain or headache and focal cerebral ischemia. Large vessel occlusion is observed in 15 to 30% of cases. Digital subtraction angiography is regarded as the gold standard for the diagnosis of cervical arterial dissections. However, noninvasive evaluation methods such as magnetic resonance angiography and computed tomography angiography have emerged as reliable alternatives. Medical treatment with antiplatelet agents or anticoagulation is the principal treatment modality. However, patients who present with major ischemic stroke and are appropriate candidates should receive tissue plasminogen activator, or endovascular mechanical thrombectomy or stenting, or both. Patients on medical therapy with recurrent symptoms should also be considered for endovascular treatment. The majority of patients with pseudoaneurysms should be treated conservatively, with endovascular intervention reserved for those with documented enlargement or recurrent ischemic symptoms. Surgery plays only a limited role in spontaneous CAD, with the use of extracranial–intracranial bypass procedures generally reserved for symptomatic patients in whom endovascular therapy is not possible or was unsuccessful. The overall prognosis for patients with spontaneous CAD is generally good. The death rate is 3 to 7% in modern series, and 75 to 80% of patients who present with stroke make a good functional recovery.


Once considered uncommon, spontaneous internal carotid artery (ICA) dissection is increasingly diagnosed as a cause of stroke. Arterial dissections of head and neck arteries were first identified pathologically in the 1950s, but not until the 1970s and 1980s did they begin to be widely recognized as a clinical entity. Carotid artery dissections account for only 2% of all ischemic strokes but for approximately 20% of thromboembolic strokes in persons younger than 45 years ( 1 , 2 in algorithm ). Despite increasing recognition, the pathogenesis, risk of subsequent ischemic stroke, and best treatment options for spontaneous ICA dissection are still debated.

Algorithm 14.1 Decision-making algorithm for spontaneous internal carotid artery dissection.

Major controversies in decision making addressed in this chapter include:

  1. Use of intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA).

  2. Whether to treat with anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents.

  3. Role of endovascular procedures:

    1. Intra-arterial rt-PA and stent-assisted embolectomy.

    2. Stent placement for management of carotid stenosis or occlusion.

    3. Stent-assisted coiling for management of dissecting aneurysms.

  4. When to consider advanced microvascular surgical procedures for ischemic symptoms (extracranial–intracranial [EC-IC] bypass).

Whether to Treat

The management of spontaneous ICA dissection depends on the presence of symptoms and radiographic findings. The majority of patients with spontaneous ICA dissections present with ischemic stroke symptoms and should be treated with either medical or endovascular therapy or both modalities ( 1 –7 in algorithm ). Patients suspected of having a spontaneous ICA dissection should be evaluated initially with computed tomography (CT), CT angiography (CTA), and CT perfusion ( 1 , 2, 4 in algorithm ). The primary management strategies for spontaneous ICA dissection include observation, antithrombotic regimens, surgical intervention, and endovascular therapy. Given the relatively high morbidity and mortality associated with untreated spontaneous ICA dissection, observation alone should be avoided unless there are strong contraindications. Asymptomatic patients with radiographic evidence of ICA dissection should be considered for medical management with antithrombotic agents. Patients presenting with acute ischemic symptoms are best managed following accepted Level 1 Stroke protocols that include both medical and endovascular management ( 2–6 in algorithm ). Recent studies suggest that even patients with dense neurological deficits are potential candidates for endovascular therapy, with significant benefits documented for mechanical thrombectomy up to six hours after the onset of stroke due to large vessel occlusion ( 5, 6 in algorithm ).

Anatomical Considerations

Dissection of the carotid arteries is generally thought to arise from an intimal tear. The tear allows blood under arterial pressure to enter the wall of the artery, creating a so-called false lumen. Subintimal dissection of blood tends to result in stenosis of the anatomical arterial lumen (▶ Fig. 14.1a ). Subsequent activation of platelets at the site of intimal disruption leads to local thrombus formation, with potential extension into the vessel lumen and a high incidence of thromboembolic phenomena (▶ Fig. 14.1b ). Dissection into the subadventitial layers causes aneurysmal dilation of the artery wall (▶ Fig. 14.1c ). Combinations of stenosis and aneurysm formation are often observed in the same patient. Although the aneurysms associated with dissection may be referred to as pseudoaneurysms, they are not true pseudoaneurysms, because their walls are composed of blood vessel elements (i.e., media and adventitia). The term dissecting aneurysm is more appropriate and will be used in this chapter.

Fig. 14.1 Patterns of carotid artery dissection. Small intimal flap with focal subintimal thrombus (a, sagittal view, artist′s illustration). Larger intimal flaps expose the basement membrane, leading to greater activation of the clotting cascade with formation of subintimal and intraluminal thrombus (b, sagittal view, artist′s illustration); this pattern is associated with a high incidence of thromboembolic stroke. Dissection extending through the media leads to weakening and aneurysmal dilation of the artery wall (c, sagittal view, artist′s illustration). Intramural hematoma leads to narrowing of the vessel lumen without disruption of the intimal layer (d, sagittal view, artist′s illustration); patients with this type of dissection are most likely to present with isolated headache or retro-orbital pain. (Used with permission from Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona.)

Intimal tears can be difficult to identify, but the absence of any communication between the false arterial lumen and the true arterial lumen in carefully studied patients suggests that at least some spontaneous dissections are caused by a primary intramural hematoma without a subsequent intimal tear (▶ Fig. 14.1d ). Primary intramural hemorrhage has been reported as the cause of cervical arterial dissection in up to 25% of patients with spontaneous ICA dissection and in up to 75% of those with vertebral artery dissection.


Clinical Evaluation

The most common presenting symptoms for patients with spontaneous ICA dissection include headache and focal cerebral ischemia ( 1 , 2 in algorithm ). The classic triad of unilateral headache and/or neck pain, cerebral ischemia, and Horner′s syndrome is present in only 30% of patients. Unilateral headache and focal cerebral ischemia are the most common presentation. Cerebral ischemia is reported as the major presenting symptom in 70 to 90% of patients and is much more commonly the result of artery-to-artery embolism secondary to thrombus formation at the site of dissection rather than the result of hemodynamic compromise caused by dissection-related stenosis or occlusion ( 1 –6 in algorithm ).

Major stroke is usually preceded by warning signs, such as transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) and amaurosis fugax. However, approximately 20% of patients present with an ischemic stroke without any prior warning. Major intracranial branch occlusions are observed on angiography in 15 to 30% of cases of ischemic stroke after dissection.


Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is regarded as the gold standard for the radiographic diagnosis of cervical arterial dissections. However, noninvasive evaluation methods such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), and CTA have emerged as reliable alternatives.

The most common finding on CTA/DSA in carotid dissection is an eccentric smooth-tapered stenosis or a flame-shaped occlusion (▶ Fig. 14.2a,b ). Other angiographic findings include an intimal flap and an associated false lumen, stenosis with intimal thrombosis, and dissecting aneurysms (▶ Fig. 14.2c ). An intimal flap and a double lumen, which are pathognomonic features of dissection, are found in less than 10% of cases.

Fig. 14.2 Left internal carotid artery dissection with the classic appearance of a flame-shaped tapering occlusion (a, computed tomography angiogram, and b, digital subtraction angiogram). This patient presented with spontaneous onset of retro-orbital pain and a 20- to 30-minute episode of difficulty with speech. The patient was managed conservatively with antiplatelet therapy. At 5-month follow-up, spontaneous recanalization of the vessel lumen was found, with a small focus of aneurysmal dilation (c, arrow) at the skull base (c, computed tomography angiogram). Follow-up imaging 1 year later (not shown) was unchanged. (Used with permission from Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ.)

MRI and MRA are both highly sensitive for diagnosis of carotid dissection. Compared with DSA, the sensitivity of MRI and MRA is reported to be 87 to 99%. In addition, diffusion-weighted MRI provides an accurate and detailed assessment of ischemic brain injury. Imaging evidence of ischemic cerebral injury is present in more than 50% of patients with carotid dissection.

CTA is another alternative diagnostic modality. The comparison of CTA with MRI or MRA has shown the two modalities to be equally accurate in the diagnosis of carotid dissection. The most reliable indicator of a dissection on CTA is an eccentric arterial lumen combined with mural thickening. Other CTA findings of dissection include stenosis, occlusion, and dissecting aneurysms. Carotid occlusions usually have a tapered shape similar to that seen on DSA (▶ Fig. 14.2a ). The primary advantage of CTA in the evaluation of patients with dissection is the relative ease and speed of this imaging modality, as well as the fact that it is readily available at all designated stroke center hospitals ( 4-6 in algorithm ).

Duplex ultrasonography is the least invasive imaging technique, but it is the most limited in usefulness. Factors that curtail the accuracy of ultrasonography include operator-dependent precision and limitations in delineating atherosclerotic lesions from those of a dissecting nature. In addition, spontaneous dissections often begin well above the bifurcation beyond the typical region of screening. Ultrasonography may be the most useful for follow-up imaging and to guide the duration of treatment in patients with known dissection.

The initial workup of a patient with suspected carotid artery dissection should include a basic head CT scan to rule out subarachnoid, intracranial, and intraventricular hemorrhage ( 1 in algorithm ). The choice of further diagnostic evaluation is typically dictated by the clinical presentation of the patient. The workup of patients presenting with acute focal neurological deficits should follow established acute stroke protocols that include level 1 stroke evaluation ( 2 in algorithm ) and the administration of intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) in patients who meet the appropriate criteria ( 3 in algorithm ). At the author′s institution, CTA and CT perfusion studies are obtained as part of the acute stroke workup ( 4 in algorithm ), and patients with major intracranial vessel occlusion ( 5 in algorithm ) or major cerebral perfusion deficits ( 6 in algorithm ) are referred, as appropriate, to the endovascular team.

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