17 Quantitative Attributes of Spinal Implants


17 Quantitative Attributes of Spinal Implants

A thorough understanding of the forces applied to the spine and, in turn, resisted by spinal implants is essential. These applied forces are often extremely complex. However, if they are broken down into components, the component force vectors may be quantitated and better understood.

The force vector of a simple compression instrumentation construct is usually applied at a finite distance from the instantaneous axis of rotation (IAR) and is perpendicular to the long axis of the spine, thus creating a bending moment that is proportional to the perpendicular distance from the point of application of that force to the IAR (i.e., proportional to the lever arm or moment arm; see the following, Chapter 2, and Fig. 17.1a).

Fig. 17.1 (A) A compressive force (F) applied at a finite distance (d) from the instantaneous axis of rotation (IAR; dot). (B) A distraction force (F) that is applied “in line” with the IAR (in the neutral axis) does not result in a bending moment application. A distraction force (F’) that is applied at some distance (d) from the neutral axis causes a bending moment, the magnitude of which is dictated by the perpendicular distance (d) from the IAR.

The use of distraction as an isolated force to the dorsal aspect of the spine is uncommon. However, distraction may be applied in the interbody region. Thus, the distraction is applied “in line” with the IAR in the region of the neutral axis. A distraction force that is applied “in line” with the IAR does not result in an applied bending moment, whereas a distraction force applied at a perpendicular distance from the IAR creates a bending moment that is proportional to the length of the lever arm (Fig. 17.1b).

Of course, most spinal implants can be placed in a neutral mode—that is, they apply no forces of any type to the spinal column at the time of surgery (see Chapter 16). However, the application of an implant so that it never applies (or bears) a load (force) is impossible. Even if the implant is placed in a neutral mode at the time of surgery, any movement or change in body position after surgery presents stresses to the construct that alter its neutral mode characteristic. Hence, an implant placed in a neutral mode resists compression when the patient assumes an upright posture. Thus, this implant, in a sense, is placed in a distraction mode (see Chapter 16 and Fig. 17.2a). This same implant resists forces applied, to one degree or another, in all planes. In so doing, it may function as a distraction device, a tension-band fixator, or a cantilever, and so forth. Implants seldom function by only one biomechanical mechanism or mode. In other words, the mechanism and mode of load bearing vary, depending on the loading conditions.

Fig. 17.2 (A) A spinal implant placed in distraction (small solid arrows). This implant bears the axial load (hollow arrows) with the intrinsic spinal elements. (B) A spinal implant placed in compression is unloaded during weight bearing. If enough compression (small solid arrows) were applied, the spinal implant might conceivably bear no load during assumption of the upright position. This would be the case if the compression force applied by the implant (small solid arrows) were equal to the weight of the torso above the implant itself (hollow arrows)—that is, the case of zero weight bearing. In such a situation, the axial load (hollow arrows) would equal nonimplant distraction forces (large solid arrows), and the implant would be unloaded (see Chapter 12 and Fig. 12.12).

Conversely, a spinal implant placed in a compression mode may be used to “share” the load with an accompanying interbody strut (Fig. 17.2b). If a cantilever beam is placed in a distraction mode, it bears all of the load. If it is placed in a compression mode, it shares the load with intrinsic vertebral components or interbody struts. Such an implant placed in compression might even be non–weight-bearing in the upright position (zero weight bearing; see the following). These points must always be considered during the clinical decision-making process.

All spinal instrumentation techniques apply forces to the spine via one or a combination of six basic mechanisms: (1) simple distraction, (2) three-point bending, (3) tension-band fixation, (4) fixed moment arm cantilever beam fixation, (5) nonfixed moment arm cantilever beam fixation, and (6) applied moment arm cantilever beam fixation. The biomechanical principles involved with each of these techniques are discussed separately. These strategies may be employed via a ventral, a lateral, or a dorsal approach.

17.1 Simple Distraction Fixation

Simple distraction fixation can be applied from either a ventral interbody or a dorsal approach. Ventral distraction constructs generally apply forces that are in line with the IAR—that is, in the interbody region. This allows the ventral distraction implant to effectively resist axial loads without applying a bending moment (see Fig. 17.1 b). Ventral interbody distraction can cause extension of the spine if the distraction forces are applied ventral to the IAR (ventral to the neutral axis; Fig. 17.3a). The application of a dorsal distraction force as an isolated entity is uncommon. This is so because of its propensity to pathologically exaggerate or cause a kyphotic deformity. The location of the point of force application dorsal to the IAR creates a bending moment that results in flexion (Fig. 17.3b). The combination of distraction and three-point bending instrumentation application eliminates this pathologic situation by applying a ventrally directed force at the fulcrum (Fig. 17.4).

Fig. 17.3 (A) Ventral spinal distraction (straight arrows) can cause spinal extension (curved arrows) if the application of the distraction forces is ventral to the instantaneous axis of rotation (IAR; neutral axis). (B) Conversely, the application of distraction forces (straight arrows) dorsal to the IAR (neutral axis) results in spinal flexion (curved arrows)—that is, in tension-band distraction.
Fig. 17.4 (A) The force vectors at work when a person is standing on the end of a springboard. (B) These three-point bending forces are defined by Equation 1, M = (D1 × D2 × F3PB)/D3PB, in which D1 and D2 are the distances from the fulcrum to the terminal hook–bone interfaces, D3PB is the sum of D1 and D2, and F3PB is the ventrally directed force applied at the fulcrum. (C) Spinal three-point bending constructs (horizontal arrows) are usually applied in combination with another force vector complex—commonly, distraction (vertical arrows).

Distraction applied to the spine at a finite perpendicular distance from the IAR results in a force application similar (but opposite in direction) to that achieved with tension-band (compression) fixation. This distraction force application might be termed tension-band (distraction) fixation (see Fig. 17.3b).

17.2 Three-Point Bending Fixation

A springboard is a common example of a three-point bending force application. It consists of a fulcrum that directs a force vector in a direction opposite the direction of the terminal force vectors (Fig. 17.4a). Three-point bending spinal instrumentation constructs apply similar force vectors (Fig. 17.4b), usually with an accompanying distraction or compression force application (Fig. 17.4c). Three-point bending constructs commonly involve instrumentation application over multiple (five or more) spinal segments, with accompanying dorsally directed forces at the upper and lower construct–bone interfaces and a ventrally directed force at the fulcrum that is equal to the sum of the two dorsally directed forces (see Fig. 17.4b). This technique can be used to decompress the ventral dural sac following trauma by distracting the posterior longitudinal ligament (ligamentotaxis or annulotaxis). The desired resultant force is the pushing of the offending bone and/or disc fragments ventrally and away from the dural sac (see Chapter 8).1,​2 Because of the relative weakness of the posterior longitudinal ligament and/or the fixed nature of the retropulsed fragments, however, this technique may not always succeed (see Chapter 8).

Dorsal distraction force vector application is rarely “pure.” It is frequently used in combination with the application of a three-point bending force to the spine (see Fig. 17.4c). The application of sufficient dorsal distraction so that the implant makes contact with the spine at the level of the site of pathology (at an intermediate point along the construct; i.e., at a fulcrum) results in three-point bending force application.1,​3 The application of a distraction force between two adjacent spinal levels where a fulcrum is not present is an exception (e.g., the use of a Knodt rod in distraction that spans only one motion segment). In this case, no intermediate point of fixation at a fulcrum is available. With longer constructs, flexion occurs before engagement of the fulcrum because of the application of the distraction force at points dorsal to the IAR. This is most common in the lumbar region, where a lordotic posture is present (Fig. 17.5).

Fig. 17.5 The application of dorsal distraction forces (arrows) to a lordotic spine may result in inadvertent flexion. Dots represent points of force application by the implant.

The bending moment at the site of pathology from three-point bending construct application is defined mathematically by the following equation:

Equation s. Kap.

M=  D1 × D2 × F3PBD3PB M={ }{ }{{D}_{1{ }}\times  {D}_{2{ }}\times { }{F}_{3{P}{B}}\over{{D}_{3{P}{B}}}}  1

in which M is the bending moment, D1 and D2 are the distances from the fulcrum to the terminal hook–bone interfaces, D3PB is the sum of D1 and D2, and F3PB is the ventrally directed force applied at the fulcrum (see Fig. 17.4).1,​4

17.2.1 Terminal Three-Point Bending Fixation

A three-point bending construct can be used to correct a deformity near the termini of the construct, as opposed to the midportion of the construct (the more common situation). This is termed terminal three-point bending fixation. Usually, the implant is positioned so that the sagittal deformation is at the rostral end of the construct, if ventral subluxation is present (Fig. 17.6).

Fig. 17.6 Terminal three-point bending. (A) A ventral translational deformation relative to the next-most-caudal segment can be corrected by (B) the application of three-point bending forces to each of the three segments depicted. (C) This results in translational deformation reduction.

In reality, terminal three-point bending fixation is simply a three-point bending construct in which the fulcrum is situated near one end of the construct—that is, D1 is short and D2 is relatively long. In light of this, the springboard previously discussed is more appropriately considered a terminal three-point bending structure. Of note is that the moment arm attained by a terminal three-point bending construct is less than that attained if similar ventrally and dorsally directed forces are applied when the fulcrum is in the midportion of the construct. This must be taken into consideration clinically.

17.3 Tension-Band (Compression) Fixation

Dorsal spinal compression (tension-band fixation) is usually applied by wires, clamps, springs, or rigid constructs in compression. These techniques apply spinal compression forces at dorsal sites (Fig. 17.7a). Ventral tension-band fixation constructs, however, may also be applied (Fig. 17.7b). Although one may not think of a ventral cervical plate as a compression device, it resists extension of the motion segment when the spine is extended, thus functioning as a compression fixator.

Fig. 17.7 (A) Dorsal spinal tension-band fixation. (B) Ventral spinal tension-band fixation.

It is emphasized that implants function differently under different loading conditions. A ventral cervical fixed moment arm cantilever (i.e., constrained plate) functions as a cantilever if an axial load is applied. If, however, the patient extends the neck, the implant will limit extension at the instrumented segment via a tension-band fixation (in extension) mechanism (see Fig. 17.7b). Tension-band fixation applies compression forces at a perpendicular distance from the IAR (e.g., from the plate to the IAR; see Fig. 17.7b).

By the nature of the tension-band fixation construct, an extension (dorsal) or flexion (ventral) bending moment is applied to the spinal segments that are “compressed.” For tension-band fixation techniques, the bending moment applied at the site of pathology is defined mathematically by the following equation:

Equation s. Kap.

MTBF = FTBF ×DIAR – TBF{M}_{{T}{B}{F}}{ }={ }{F}_{{T}{B}{F}{ }}\times {D}_{{I}{A}{R}{ }-{ }{T}{B}{F}} 2

in which MTBF is the bending moment, FTBF is the compression force applied at the upper and lower termini of the construct at the instrument–bone interface, and DIARTBF is the perpendicular distance from the IAR to the applied force (Fig. 17.8).1

Fig. 17.8 The forces applied by a tension-band fixation construct are described by Equation s. Kap. MTBF = FTBF ×\times DIARTBF, where MTBF is the bending moment, FTBF is the compression force applied at the upper and lower termini of the construct at the instrument–bone interface, and DIARTBF is the perpendicular distance from the instantaneous axis of rotation to the tension-band fixation applied-force vector.

Ventrally positioned extradural masses (bone and/or disc fragments) may be thrust dorsally into the spinal canal during the application of dorsal compression forces. Therefore, ventral decompression procedures may be appropriate before the application of dorsal instrumentation constructs, particularly if ventral compression via retropulsed bone and/or disc fragments exists (Fig. 17.9a).3 Additionally, tension-band fixators do not, in and of themselves, bear axial loads. They simply apply compression via a tension band. Therefore, if axial load–bearing ability is inadequate, it must be restored (Fig. 17.9b).

Fig. 17.9 (A) The application of dorsal compression (hollow arrows) may result in the retropulsion of ventral disc or bone into the spinal canal. (B) Decompression and the restoration of axial load-bearing ability will prevent this. Tension-band fixators (hollow arrows) do not, in and of themselves, bear axial loads. If axial load-bearing ability is not present, it must be restored. Solid arrows represent applied loads.

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