18 Case Presentations and Surgical Technique: Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Diskectomy: Upward-Migrated Extrusion of the L1-L2 Disk


18 Case Presentations and Surgical Technique: Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Diskectomy: Upward-Migrated Extrusion of the L1-L2 Disk

Clinical Findings

  • A 43-year-old man presented with left leg pain that was scored at 5/10 and back pain that was scored at 7/10 on the visual analog scale (VAS).

  • The patient’s chief complaint is left flank and buttock pain.

  • Preoperative imaging shows a left paramedian extrusion of a ruptured disk with upward migration at the L1-L2 level ( Fig. 18.10 ).

Preoperative Plan

  • The skin entry point is ~11 cm from midline ( Fig. 18.11 ).

  • Parallel or mild caudal to cranial angulation of trajectory is needed.

Surgical Procedures

  1. The angle of needle insertion is parallel to the upper end plate of the lower vertebral body, and the tip of the needle is positioned at the midpedicular line ( Fig. 18.12 ).

  2. After sequential dilators, the working channel is inserted ( Fig. 18.13 ).

Fig. 18.9 (A) Postoperative sagittal MRI showing complete removal of the herniated nuclear contents from the spinal canal. The cerebrospinal fluid column can be seen anterior to the thecal sac. (B) Postoperative axial MRI showing the expanded thecal sac.
Fig. 18.10 Sagittal (A) and axial (B) MRIs show a left paramedian extrusion of a ruptured disk with upward migration at the L1-L2 level (arrows).
Fig. 18.11 The skin entry point is ~11 cm from the midline (arrows).
Fig. 18.12 The correct angle of the needle during insertion is shown in AP (A) and lateral (B) fluoroscopic views.
Fig. 18.13 The placement of the working channel is shown in AP (A) and lateral (B) fluoroscopic views.

  • The upward-migrated disk fragment is removed after making a caudal to cranial angulation of the working channel ( Fig. 18.14 ).

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Jul 12, 2020 | Posted by in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on 18 Case Presentations and Surgical Technique: Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Diskectomy: Upward-Migrated Extrusion of the L1-L2 Disk

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