18 Construct Design


18 Construct Design

For the purposes of the discussion presented in this chapter, four terms require definition: (1) construct, (2) implant, (3) assembly, and (4) construct design. Construct is the combination of the implant and the portion of the spine to which it is attached. An implant is an inserted device that is used to minimize or eliminate spinal segmental motion. An implant assembly refers to an implant (without the spine) that, via component–component attachments, that can maintain its shape without assistance from the structure of the spine. Finally, construct design is defined as “the act of crafting an operative instrumentation plan for a case-specific instability problem that includes formulating both a blueprint for the instrumentation construct to be placed and a strategy for the implementation of the blueprint.” 1 It goes without saying that the definition of a meticulous preoperative strategy is vital to a successful outcome.

18.1 Fundamental Concepts

The nomenclature of spinal instrumentation is both complex and confusing because of the wide variety of available implants and implant components, modes of application, and choices of construct purchase site. The determinants of the spinal construct of choice in each clinical situation must be carefully addressed by the surgeon. They include the indication for instrumentation, the fundamental type of instrumentation to be used, the mode of application of the implant, and the complexity of the construct to be implanted.

18.1.1 Indications for Spinal Instrumentation

Indications for spine surgery often depend on the extent and type of spinal instability present. The quest to quantitate the extent of spinal instability in order to optimize its management should lead the surgeon to ask two fundamental questions: What is expected from the implant? Is this expectation reasonable? If these questions are answered appropriately, the foundation of the construct design process has been properly established. 1

18.1.2 Choice of Implant Construct

The use of a spinal implant involves several choices: (1) the longitudinal member (rod or plate), (2) the method of anchoring to bone (wire, hook, or screw), and (3) the mechanism of cross fixation.

18.1.3 Mode of Application of the Implant

The mode of application of the implant is a critical element in the construct design process. The surgical placement of the implant in distraction, compression, neutral, translation, flexion, extension, or lateral-bend mode affects the extent of the exaggeration or correction of deformity and the extent of the exaggeration or relief of neural compression. 1

18.1.4 Mechanism of Load Bearing

As was outlined in Chapter 17, there are six fundamental construct types: (1) simple distraction, (2) three-point bending, (3) tension-band fixation, (4) fixed moment arm cantilever beam fixation, (5) nonfixed moment arm cantilever beam fixation, and (6) applied moment arm cantilever beam fixation. This implies that there are six fundamental mechanisms of load bearing. These are associated, respectively, with corresponding construct types: (1) simple distraction, (2) three-point bending, (3) tension-band fixation, (4) fixed moment arm cantilever beam fixation, (5) nonfixed moment arm cantilever beam fixation, and (6) applied moment arm cantilever beam fixation. An implant almost always functions differently under different loading conditions (see Chapters 17 and 29).

18.2 Nomenclature of Construct Design

A methodical and prospective (preoperative) development of a “blueprint” for implant placement helps the surgeon plan the operation. It also facilitates communication between the surgeon, surgeon’s assistants, nurses, and implant vendors.

A simple scheme has previously been presented 1 and is outlined here. It provides information regarding the following: (1) the level of the lesion of the unstable segments(s); (2) the most advantageous type of implant (which includes the anchor, longitudinal member, and cross member); (3) the mode of application at each segment level; (4) the method of load bearing by the construct; and (5) a clear definition of the complexity of the construct. This scheme “forces” the surgeon to select the appropriate implant components in advance, so that intraoperative communication between the surgeon and his or her assistants is facilitated and the likelihood of a well-conceived operation and a satisfactory outcome is maximized.

Although the principles that govern the decision-making process regarding construct design are common to all aspects of spinal instrumentation surgery in all regions of the spine, they are more graphically and clinically obvious in the thoracic and lumbar regions than in the cervical region. This is so, in part, because the correction of cervical deformity has not traditionally been considered with the same enthusiasm as that of thoracic and lumbar deformity. The principles of diagnosis and treatment, nevertheless, are the same. Both require meticulous attention to detail, both require a consideration of adjacent regions of the spine and the effects of surgery upon them; and both require a consideration of global sagittal and coronal balance. The latter is particularly emphasized because the consideration of balance (sagittal and coronal) has not traditionally been a priority in cervical spine deformity surgery—as, obviously, it should have been.

Both cervical and thoracic–lumbar deformity surgery can employ the various modes of application techniques (e.g., compression, distraction, neutral, distraction followed by compression, distraction and compression) at different segmental levels of the spine. Regardless, this chapter focuses on thoracic and lumbar construct design strategies for the portrayal of principles. The cervical spine is highlighted, when appropriate, to emphasize region-specific nuances.

18.2.1 Line-Drawing Framework

Simple posterior–anterior and lateral line drawings of the spine provide a framework for the clear definition of the operative plan (Fig. 18.1). Often, only a posterior–anterior drawing is necessary, unless the operative plan includes the reduction of a deformity in the sagittal plane (e.g., a kyphotic deformity) or the placement of both dorsal and ventral implants. Hence, redundant information should not be depicted on the lateral view. The line drawing provides the blueprint for surgery. It should be clear and concise. It should also permit a specific focus on either the cervical and cervicothoracic region (Fig. 18.1a) or on the thoracic and lumbar region (Fig. 18.1b). Occasionally, a blueprint of the entire spine may be required (Fig. 18.1c).

Fig. 18.1 A blueprint format for planning a construct design strategy. A posterior–anterior view is shown on the left, and a lateral view on the right. Note that the diagram does not include the cervical spine. If instrumentation is planned in this region, the line drawing can be extended or the spinal segments relabeled to conform to the extent of the operative plan. Room at the bottom of the page allows the inclusion of other vital information, such as the patient’s demographic data (bottom right) and the following: (1) the method of load bearing (distraction, three-point bending, tension-band fixation, cantilever beam with fixed moment arm, cantilever beam with nonfixed moment arm, or cantilever beam with applied moment arm); (2) the longitudinal member type (rod or plate); and (3) a description of planned complex maneuvers (i.e., derotation maneuvers). (A) A cervical and cervicothoracic, (B) a thoracic and lumbar, and (C) a total spine blueprint are shown. A, anterior; L, left; P, posterior; R, right. (Image obtained from Benzel. 7 )

The convention for the posterior–anterior line drawing is that the left side of the drawing portrays the left side of the patient—that is, the drawing portrays the patient as viewed from behind. This is in accordance with the most common surgical approach and, as such, reduces the chance of confusion.

18.2.2 Level of Pathology and Level of Fusion

The designation of the level of pathology or spinal instability, the levels to be fused, and the type of fusion should next be placed on the line drawing. The level(s) of instability or pathology are designated by Xs and the fusion by a hatched outline of an anatomically correct depiction of the fusion (Fig. 18.2).

Fig. 18.2 The level of instability is designated by Xs drawn in both disrupted disc interspaces and the injured vertebral body, as in this case of an unstable L1 compression fracture. A planned ventral interbody fusion is depicted by the cross-hatched area. (Image obtained from Benzel. 7 )

An accurate delineation of the unstable motion segment(s) is important regarding the definition of the number of spinal levels to be spanned, both above and below the level of pathology. For example, the instability consists of a loss of integrity of only the T12–L1 motion segment, the instrumentation of three levels above places the upper end of the implant at T10, and the instrumentation of two levels below places the lower end of the implant at L2 (Fig. 18.3a). This is designated by the nomenclature 3A–2B, which describes an implant extending from three spinal levels above to two levels below the region of pathology.

Fig. 18.3 An illustration of the changes in instrumentation length caused by changes in the definition of the specific location of the area(s) of instability. (A) A T12–L1 translational deformity, with the T11–T12 and L1–L2 disc interspaces and end plates left unharmed. A 3A–2B construct extends from T10 to L2. T10 is three segments above the T12–L1 disc interspace, and L2 is two segments below this interspace. (B) An unstable L1 compression fracture. Both the T12–L1 and L1–L2 disc interspaces have been violated. A 3A–2B construct, in this situation, extends from T10 above to L3 below. This construct is one segment longer than that shown in (A). The difference resides in the definition of the lower extent of the instability; in (A) it is at T12–L1, whereas in (B) it is at L1–L2. (Image obtained from Benzel. 7 )

If, however, the L1 vertebral body is fractured and its juxtaposed disc interspaces are disrupted, the T12–L1 and L1–L2 motion segments are structurally disrupted. In this case, the same implant design designation described above (3A–2B) results in an implant extending from T10 (three levels above the upper extent of the pathology) to L3 (two levels below the lower extent of the pathology; Fig. 18.3b). In the former case, the implant extends from T10 to L2 (the lower extent of the pathology being the upper aspect of T12); in the latter, it extends from T10 to L3 (the lower extent of the pathology being the lower aspect of L1).

The mechanical effect of immobilizing any motion segment may be unnecessarily significant. Therefore, a clear definition of the level of instability is critical regarding the surgical decision-making process.

18.2.3 Type of Implant Components

The type of implant components used in the instrumentation construct should be delineated clearly on the blueprint. The implant component at each implant–bone interface (anchor) is a wire, hook, or screw. The convention used here is to designate a hook by a right-angled arrow, with the arrowhead pointing in the direction of the orientation of the hook (i.e., toward the bone purchase side of the hook). Each screw is designated by an X surrounded by a circle. Wire is depicted as a loop. 1 The insertion sites of these components are indicated by placement of the previously described symbols at the appropriate levels of the spine on the line drawing, with accompanying designations to specify anatomical sites of purchase: P for pedicle, L for laminar or sublaminar, T for transverse process, and I for iliac (Fig. 18.4). 1

Fig. 18.4 The types of implant components (anchors) and their locations are illustrated in this hypothetical and somewhat unconventional 3A–2B construct, in which hooks, sublaminar wire, and pedicle screws are attached to a rod. Many fixation modalities are depicted for illustrative purposes. Hooks are designated by right-angled arrows, with the arrowheads pointing in the direction of the orientation of the hooks (i.e., the side of the hook–bone interface). Screws are designated by circled Xs and wires by loops. The location of each is defined by P for pedicle, L for laminar, or I for iliac. (Image obtained from Benzel. 7 )

Implant components that function as anchors to bone include screws, hooks, and wire. Hooks may be placed in a sublaminar, transverse process, or pedicle location. Wires can be placed in a sublaminar, interspinous, and a variety of other locations. Care must be taken with sublaminar placement of hooks or wires to prevent neural compression or injury. This is particularly relevant in the midthoracic region, where the spinal cord blood supply is relatively tenuous and the spinal canal relatively small.

18.2.4 Mode of Application at Each Segmental Level

The mode of axial load application (distraction, compression, or neutral) at each implant–bone interface is indicated by an arrow pointing in the direction of force application for distraction and compression, or by a horizontal line for neutral application.

Bending moments are difficult to depict accurately on the line drawing; hence, they are described in the notation. For example, the rods are placed in a concave left configuration, which is then followed by a 90-degree counterclockwise rotation (derotation maneuver) to convert the scoliotic deformity to a kyphotic deformity.

The modes of application at each segmental level are depicted with the arrows and lines, as described previously. These are drawn lateral to the designations for implant type (Fig. 18.5a). If force applications in the sagittal plane are planned, they are depicted on the lateral line drawing (Fig. 18.5b). Finally, cross member (cross fixator) locations can be designated by elongated rectangles with circles (see Fig. 18.5a).

Fig. 18.5 The totality of forces applied to the spine by the implant (i.e., the mode of application) is depicted. This force distribution can be created by distraction and compression maneuvers performed intraoperatively. The axial forces thus attained are supplemented by deformity correction with the application of four-point bending forces to the spine (right). The placement of a cross-member is designated by elongated rectangles with open circles (left). (Image obtained from Benzel.7)

18.2.5 Mechanical Attributes of Spinal Implants: Construct Type

The mechanism by which a construct bears loads is also specified. There are six methods of load bearing associated with six construct types (see Chapter 17): (1) distraction, (2) three-point bending, (3) tension-band fixation, (4) fixed moment arm cantilever beam, (5) nonfixed moment arm cantilever beam fixation, and (6) applied moment arm cantilever beam. Because this information is difficult to depict on the line drawing, it is simply recorded in the space provided at the bottom of the page.

18.3 Construct Design Considerations

There are many factors to be considered in the design of a spinal instrumentation construct. Attention should be paid specifically to bony integrity, the location of the unstable spinal segment, implant length, the need for cross fixation, the axial load-bearing capacity of the instrumented spine, the orientation of the instability, the need for dural sac decompression, and the armamentarium of the surgeon. Each of these factors must be adequately addressed if the outcome is to be optimized.

18.3.1 Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis creates a surgical dilemma in the form of reduced integrity of the implant–bone interface. Hooks and sublaminar wires resist pullout better than screws and therefore are advantageous in the patient with osteoporosis. Hooks and sublaminar wires apply forces to the spine at a considerable perpendicular distance from the instantaneous axis of rotation (IAR). In general, it is optimal to use as many anchors as possible in the patient with osteoporosis. This strategy allows the surgeon to “share” the load between components of the construct, thus making individual single-component failure less likely.

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