Marco Ferrari, Marco Ravanelli, Francesco Belotti, Francesco Doglietto
The transcondylar/transjugular tuberculum approach is the extreme lateral extension of the lower transclival approach.1It was developed to resect clival and petroclival lesions with lateral extension and has been currently employed to treat chordomas, chondrosarcomas, meningiomas, and other lesions located medial to the plane passing along lower cranial nerves and acoustic-facial bundle.1,2This approach has been called “far-medial” in relation to the possibility to reach the area of the jugular foramen through a medial transnasal perspective, as an alternative to classical neurosurgical routes such as the far-lateral approach. Skull base teams dealing with lesions of this area should master and eventually combine the far-medial and classical transcranial approaches.3–5
The far-medial approach consists in the combination of two pathways contiguous to the hypoglossal canal, the transcondylar and the transjugular tuberculum, which are created by removing the bone of the occipital condyle and the jugular tuberculum that lie immediately below and above the hypoglossal canal, respectively. The former route leads to the vertebral artery, posterior inferior cerebellar artery, and spinal root of the accessory nerve, whereas the latter one paves the way toward the anterior inferior cerebellar artery, lower cranial nerves (glossopharyngeal, vagus, and cranial root of the accessory nerve), and acoustic-facial bundle (facial and vestibulocochlear nerve). Of note, the corridor through this area of the skull base is bounded and crossed by several venous vessels and plexuses (i.e., inferior petrosal sinus, petroclival vein, plexus of the hypoglossal canal) converging toward the internal jugular vein.2Therefore, intense venous bleeding should be expected and properly managed.
In addition to the anatomical landmarks discussed for transclival and transodontoid approaches, the far-medial approach requires early identification of the position and orientation of the hypoglossal canal. This can be achieved by sequentially using the tail of the inferior turbinate, anterior rectus capitis muscle, and a bony depression in its cranial insertion (i.e., supracondylar groove) as landmarks for the external opening of the hypoglossal canal.1The internal end can be identified by performing a subperiosteal removal of the lateral edge of the lower clivus until a funnel-shaped dural fold comes into view, allowing the localization of the canal before to start the bone removal.
Being based on the removal of thick bony structures, the far-medial approach is particularly useful in bony-originated tumors, such as chordomas and chondrosarcomas, which arise from the clivus or the petroclival junction and grow predominantly within the bone. It is worth mentioning that the farmedial approach is a challenging route by virtue of several factors: (1) it exploits a deep and diagonal surgical corridor, which requires dedicated instruments, high expertise, and remarkable precision in endoscopic transnasal maneuvers; (2) it crosses a number of important neurovascular structures, whose injury could lead to severe complications for the patient1,2,6; (3) it includes partial removal of the bony framework of the craniocervical junction, thus requiring careful assessment of the need for occipitocervical fusion2; (4) being an extension of the lower transclival approach, the difficulty to obtain a watertight closure of the dura is further remarked.
Fig. 22.1 Axial view of the jugular tuberculum and adjacent structures. This axial cadaver cut shows with a cranial-to-caudal perspective the jugular tuberculum (JuT) and adjacent structures. V3, mandibular nerve; X*, glossopharyngeal, vagus, and cranial accessory nerves; ARCM, anterior rectus capitis muscle; cET, cartilaginous portion of the eustachian tube; IPS, inferior petrosal sinus; IT, inferior turbinate; LoC, lower clivus; LPM, lateral pterygoid muscle; MMA, middle meningeal artery; MOb, medulla oblongata; MS, maxillary sinus; Na, nasopharynx; NS, nasal septum; peICA, petrous tract of the internal carotid artery; VA, vertebral artery.Fig. 22.2 Axial view of the occipital condyle and adjacent structures. This axial cadaver cut shows with a caudal-to-cranial perspective the occipital condyle (OCo). IJV, internal jugular vein; IPS, inferior petrosal sinus; JuB, jugular bulb; LoCM, longus capitis muscle; LVPM, levator veli palatini muscle; MOb, medulla oblongata; Na, nasopharynx; PCV, petroclival vein; phICA; parapharyngeal tract of the internal carotid artery; SiS, sigmoid sinus; VA, vertebral artery.Fig. 22.3 (a–d) CT axial anatomy of the jugular foramen and surrounding structures. The panel shows four axial CT scans from a plane passing through the jugular tuberculum (JuT), cranially (a), to a plane passing through the upper portion of occipital condyle (OCo), caudally (d). The jugular tuberculum lies caudal to the petrous apex (PA) and the petroclival junction (PCJ), medial to the jugular foramen, which is formed by a vascular (vJuF) and a nervous (nJuF, white dotted line) compartment, lateral to the lower clivus (LoC), and cranial to the occipital condyle. The occipital condyle houses the hypoglossal canal (HyC), which runs from posteromedial to anterolateral. Other bony canals, which usually contain a vein with variable size and course, can be identified in the posterior portion of the occipital condyle. Of note, the petrous (peICA) and parapharyngeal (phICA, black dotted line) tracts of the internal carotid artery lie just anterior to the nervous compartment of the jugular foramen, while the vascular compartment is located medially to the mastoid tract of the facial nerve (VII). bET (white dotted line), bony portion of the eustachian tube; cET, cartilaginous portion of the eustachian tube; FSp, foramen spinosum; SSp, spina sphenoidalis.Fig. 22.4 (a–d) Axial MRI scan of the jugular foramen and hypoglossal canal regions. This panel of contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MRI scans with fat saturation shows several neurovascular structures of the area of the jugular foramen and the hypoglossal canal (four images from cranial to caudal, from a to d). The inferior petrosal sinus (IPS), sigmoid sinus (SiS), petroclival vein (PCV), and the venous plexus of the hypoglossal canal converge to form the jugular bulb (JB) and the internal jugular vein (IJV). Inferior petrosal sinus and petroclival vein run parallel along the intracranial and extracranial surfaces of the lower clivus (LoC), respectively. Due to contrast enhancement of the surrounding vascular structures, the intraforaminal and intracanalar tracts of the glossopharyngeal–vagus–accessory (X*) and hypoglossal (XII) nerves can be, respectively, identified. The vertebral arteries (VA), basilar artery (BA), anterior spinal artery (ASA), and cerebellar artery (PICA) can be identified in the cisternal space in front of the lower portion of the pons (Po), medulla oblongata (MOb), and cranial portion of the spinal cord. (Black asterisk: Contrast-enhanced mucosa of the eustachian tube; White asterisk: Rosenmüller’s fossa or lateral nasopharyngeal recess.) V3, mandibular nerve; ChP, choroid plexus; ET, eustachian tube; LoCM, longus capitis muscle; LPM, lateral pterygoid muscle; MPM, medial pterygoid muscle; NaP, nasopharyngeal posterior wall; peICA, petrous tract of the internal carotid artery; phICA, parapharyngeal tract of the internal carotid artery; PtPl, pterygoid plexus.Fig. 22.5 (a–d) CT coronal anatomy of the jugular foramen and surrounding structures. The panel shows four coronal CT scans from a plane passing through the lower clivus (LoC), anteriorly (a), to a plane passing through the posterior portion of hypoglossal canal (HyC), posteriorly (d). The hypoglossal canal run from posteromedial to anterolateral within the occipital condyle (OCo). The jugular tuberculum (JuT) separates the hypoglossal canal from the nervous compartment of the jugular foramen (nJuF), while the vascular compartment (vJuF) lies more posteriorly and laterally. Ar, anterior arch of the atlas; LMAt, lateral mass of the atlas; OP, odontoid process.Fig. 22.6 MRI axial anatomy of the anterior rectus capitis muscle. The panel shows an axial contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MRI scan with fat saturation (a) and an axial CISS (constructive interference in steady state) MRI scan (right image) (b) passing through the longus capitis muscle (LoCM) and the anterior rectus capitis muscle (ARCM). The cranial insertion of the anterior rectus capitis muscle (also called the supracondylar groove) can be used as a landmark for the external end of the hypoglossal canal (HyC). Of note, in case of medial kinking of the parapharyngeal tract of the internal carotid artery (phICA), the dissection of the muscle should be performed carefully due to the adjacency of the artery. As shown in this case, the vertebral arteries (VA) can be remarkably asymmetric in terms of caliber and course; the right hypertrophic posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) compensates for hypoplasia of vertebral artery on the same side. ASA, anterior spinal artery; IJV, internal jugular vein; LoC, lower clivus; MOb, medulla oblongata.Fig. 22.7 MRI axial and paracoronal anatomy of the hypoglossal nerve. MRI angiography (a) shows the main arteries that run close to or within the hypoglossal canal: the vertebral artery (VA), the meningeal branch for the anterior condylar canal (AMBr) of the ascending pharyngeal artery, and the parapharyngeal tract of the internal carotid artery (phICA). Hypoplasia of the right vertebral artery is counterbalanced by the hypertrophic posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA). An axial (b) and three paracoronal CISS (constructive interference in steady state) MRI (c–e) depict the course and anatomic relationships of the cisternal tract of the glossopharyngeal (IX), vagus (X), cranial accessory (XIc), spinal accessory (XIs), and hypoglossal (XII) nerves. The white dotted lines mark the orientation of the paracoronal images. LoC, lower clivus; MOb, medulla oblongata.Fig. 22.8 MRI axial and paracoronal anatomy of the lower cranial nerves and the acoustic-facial bundle. Two axial constructive interference in steady state (CISS) MRI scans (a, b) and one paracoronal CISS MRI scan (lower image) (c), whose orientation is marked by the white dotted line, summarize the cisternal anatomy of facial (VII), vestibulocochlear (VIII), glossopharyngeal (IX), vagus (X), and accessory (XI) nerve. Of note, the choroid plexus (ChP) lies between the acoustic-facial bundle, cranially, and the group of lower cranial nerves, caudally. VI, abducens nerves; AICA, anterior inferior cerebellar artery; BA, basilar artery; JuT, jugular tuberculum; MOb, medulla oblongata; Po, pons; SCA, superior cerebellar artery.
Endoscopic Dissection
Nasal Phase
Paraseptal sphenoidotomy.
Transrostral sphenoidotomy.
Expanded transrostral sphenoidotomy.
Vertical uncinectomy.
Anterior ethmoidectomy.
Posterior ethmoidectomy.
Transethmoidal sphenoidotomy.
Facultative: Horizontal uncinectomy.
Facultative: Type A–D endoscopic medial maxillectomy.
Skull Base Phase
Transclival (lower clivus) approach.
Facultative: Transclival (midclivus) approach.
Step 1: Removal of the anterior rectus capitis muscle.
Step 2: Opening of the bony hypoglossal canal.
Step 3: Opening of the periosteal sheath of the hypoglossal canal.
Step 4: Medialization of the vertebral artery.
Step 5: Partial removal of the jugular tuberculum.
Step 6: Total removal of the jugular tuberculum.
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