3 Imaging of Skull Base Neoplasms

Komal Shah and Lawrence E. Ginsberg


The goals of this chapter are to provide an overview of the imaging appearances of the more common skull base neoplasms, provide imaging strategies, and review ways in which certain imaging features provide clues to tumor type and benign versus malignant pathology. However, this chapter does not depict every conceivable skull base tumor.

3 Imaging of Skull Base Neoplasms

3.1 Introduction

Management of skull base neoplasms requires a team whose members are dedicated and specifically experienced at dealing with these unique tumors. The radiologist is no exception, for imaging plays a vital role in the diagnosis and posttreatment evaluation of skull base tumors. Although radiologists have traditionally concerned themselves with preoperative diagnosis, such a goal is not attainable in every case. Thus the goal of imaging known or suspected skull base tumors is several-fold. First, some patients who are suspected, but not known, to have a skull base tumor (based on pain, cranial neuropathy, etc.) require imaging simply to establish or exclude such a diagnosis. For those who have known skull base tumors, the role of imaging is to establish the full extent and location of the abnormality, outline areas of possible spread and secondary effects on adjacent structures, exclude nodal disease, and, finally, suggest a possible histologic diagnosis.1 In some cases, distinguishing tumor from benign disease entities such as skull base osteomyelitis and other inflammations is a critical role of imaging. Obviously the radiologist can suggest a diagnosis when possible, and in fact for many lesions the imaging is quite characteristic.1 ,​ 2

3.2 Selection of Imaging Modality

For lesions of the sinonasal cavity and skull base, unlike at some anatomical sites in the head and neck, MR and CT are complementary. At the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, virtually all patients who have such lesions will be imaged using both modalities prior to therapy, and many will have both modalities following therapy, at least early on.

The advantages of CT include its ability to detect calcification and bone—important in lesions that either destroy bone or produce some characteristic bony or calcific change. The latter include the classic sunburst periosteal new bone formation in osteosarcoma, the mineralized chondroid matrix of chondrosarcoma, and the hyperostotic reaction typical of certain types of meningioma. CT may also have value, through the multiplanar reconstruction capability of multidetector-row technology, for providing very high-quality images in virtually any plane of section. Furthermore, CT angiography has value, in cases of certain hypervascular lesions, such as glomus tumors or juvenile angiofibroma, for establishing that a lesion is indeed hypervascular and then for assisting in surgical planning.

The advantages of MR include its ability to distinguish tumor within a paranasal sinus from obstructed secretions, something not always possible with CT. MR is better able to detect small soft tissue tumor components, particularly those near bony surfaces for which the enhancement may be inconspicuous on CT, such as with intracranial spread of a sinonasal malignancy. MR is also more accurate in detecting tumor extension through neural foramina and canals, whether by direct or perineural mechanisms.

Fig. 3.29 Left-sided cerebellopontine angle (CPA) meningioma with involvement of the jugular foramen in a 43-year-old woman presenting with tinnitus and progressive left-sided hearing loss. (a) Axial and (b) sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted MR images reveal a dural-based extra axial mass lesion in the left CPA (large arrows). Note extension into the jugular foramen (small arrow in b). A so-called dural tail of enhancement is best seen in the axial image extending laterally from the lesion (smaller arrow in a).
Fig. 3.30 Jugular schwannoma in a 52-year-old man presenting who has a hissing sound in the left ear and left-side sensorineural hearing loss. (a) Axial CT bone window reveals benign expansion and remodeling, without destruction, in the left jugular foramen (arrow). (b) Sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted MR image shows a heterogeneously but brightly enhancing mass lesion extending from the posterior fossa through a widened jugular foramen (arrows) and into the upper carotid space.
Fig. 3.7 Massive skull base meningioma in a 61-year-old woman presenting with progressive vision loss in the left eye and subsequent development of proptosis. (a) Axial CT bone window demonstrates a permeative type of bone destruction (arrows). (b) Axial T1-weighted, (c) T2-weighted, and (d) postcontrast axial T1-weighted MR images demonstrate extensive soft tissue tumor infiltrating the nasoethmoid region, left cavernous sinus, and left orbit (arrows). Note the dural tail along the incisura and sphenoid wing (arrowheads in d). (e) Coronal postcontrast MR image demonstrates the extensive nature of this lesion.
Fig. 3.8 Dural-based planum sphenoidale metastasis initially believed to be meningioma in a 47-year-old woman who has metastatic breast carcinoma. (a) Sagittal T1 postcontrast MR image demonstrates a small enhancing lesion along the planum sphenoidale (arrow). Note similarity with the meningioma shown in Fig. 3.4. (b) Sagittal T1-weighted postcontrast MR image 8 months later shows clear progression of this lesion (arrows), which prompted surgery.
Fig. 3.9 Masticator space and middle cranial fossa/skull base hemangiopericytoma in a 45-year-old man who presented with headache, nausea, and vomiting. Coronal postcontrast T1-weighted MR image demonstrates a large, moderately enhancing mass encompassing the middle cranial fossa and obvious destruction through the calvarium (arrows). There is a central area of nonenhancement, representing necrosis. Though indistinguishable from an aggressive meningioma, this proved to be a hemangiopericytoma at surgery.
Fig. 3.31 Left-sided hypoglossal schwannoma in a patient presenting with headache and left tongue fasciculations. (a,b) Axial postcontrast T1-weighted MR images through the posterior fossa reveal a dumbbell-shaped enhancing tumor with a component in the cerebellomedullary angle (white arrows) and extending through the hypoglossal canal into the upper carotid space (black arrow in b).

3.3 Anterior Cranial Base

The anterior cranial base comprises the orbital and ethmoid roofs and the cribriform plates. Tumors seldom primarily arise within these bony structures—most generally originate intracranially and extend inferiorly through the skull base (e.g., meningioma; Fig. 3.1) or by extending intracranially from an origin in the upper nasoethmoid or frontal sinus region.3 The latter are typically sinonasal malignancies (Fig. 3.2; Fig. 3.3).

Fig. 3.1 Olfactory groove meningioma in a 53-year-old woman complaining of visual disturbance. (a) Axial T1-weighted, (b) T2-weighted, and (c) postcontrast T1-weighted axial MR images each demonstrate a large subfrontal mass (asterisks). Seen are the classic signal characteristics and bright homogenous enhancement typical of meningioma. The T2-weighted image demonstrates so-called CSF-clefts, representing pockets of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) between the lesion and brain surface that are characteristic of an extra-axial lesion (arrows in b). (d) Coronal postcontrast T1-weighted image demonstrating downward, nasoethmoid tumor extension (arrows).
Fig. 3.2 Squamous cell carcinoma of the frontal and ethmoid sinuses in a 66-year-old woman presenting with bloody nasal and oral secretions and subsequent left eye visual changes. (a) Coronal and (b) sagittal T1-weighted postcontrast MR images demonstrate a large, somewhat heterogeneously but brightly enhancing mass lesion filling the frontal and nasoethmoid regions with obvious posterior extension into the epidural space (arrows).
Fig. 3.3 Olfactory neuroblastoma (esthesioneuroblastoma) in the upper nasal cavity in a 47-year-old man complaining of anosmia and subsequent development epistaxis and congestion. (a) Axial postcontrast CT demonstrating relatively nondescript and nonenhancing soft tissue filling the left nasoethmoid region and, to a lesser extent, the right nasal cavity (arrows). There is an enlarged, airless left ethmoid air cell mucocele that is slightly less dense than the tumor (arrowhead). Notice that no overt bone destruction is evident, although there could be in this entity. (b) Axial T1-weighted, (c) T2-weighted, and (d) postcontrast axial T1-weighted MR images demonstrate the characteristic findings of sinonasal malignancy. The lesion is isointense to muscle and other soft tissue (arrows in b). Notice on the T2-weighted image (arrows in c) that the tumor is relatively isointense to brain and not nearly as high-signal or hyperintense as obstructed secretions in the left ethmoid mucocele (arrowheads in c). (d) The lesion enhances brightly, unlike obstructed secretions in the mucocele (arrowhead). (e) Coronal postcontrast T1-weighted MR image shows intracranial extension through the cribriform plate and ethmoid roof (arrows).

Anterior cranial fossa meningiomas often arise at the olfactory groove or tuberculum sella (Fig. 3.1).4 These benign dural tumors may extend inferiorly, growing directly through the ethmoid roof (fovea ethmoidalis) and cribriform plate into the nasal cavity and/or ethmoid sinuses. In such cases, it is generally evident radiographically that the bulk (or so-called “epicenter”) of the tumor is intracranial. In addition, characteristic imaging features of meningioma—such as relatively homogeneous isointensity on T1-weighted images; iso- or slightly hyperintense signal on T2-weighted images; and bright homogeneous enhancement following gadolinium-based IV contrast administration, often with a so-called dural tail of enhancement—make the diagnosis of meningioma straightforward in most cases (Fig. 3.1).4

Sinonasal malignancies may arise in the upper nasoethmoid region. Typical histologic tumor types include olfactory neuroblastoma (esthesioneuroblastoma), sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and neuroendocrine carcinoma.3 Other tumor types are less common. Although the imaging characteristics of these lesions are relatively nonspecific, imaging is important in evaluating for intracranial spread, which will often have implications for surgical therapy. CT can often make this determination, but MR is better in this regard (Fig. 3.2; Fig. 3.3). On CT, sinonasal malignancies generally enhance to a mild or moderate degree. When they involve bone, the pattern is usually one of destruction; sclerosis of bone is uncommon. With MR, sinonasal malignancies are typically close to muscle or brain in signal on T1- and T2-weighted sequences and enhance to varying degrees with contrast administration. Obstructed sinonasal secretions are usually low-signal on T1 and high-signal on T2. If chronic or inspissated, sinus mucosal secretions may become hyperintense (high-signal) on T1-weighted images (Fig. 3.3).3 Review of all sequences generally allows determination of whether sinus is involved with tumor or merely obstructed. It is important to always image the neck in cases of sinonasal malignancy, for such lesions may present with, or recur as, nodal disease.

3.4 Central Skull Base

The central skull base (CSB) includes primarily the sphenoid bone and its various parts as well as adjacent structures such as the cavernous sinus, sella turcica, and parasellar region. A very large variety of tumors may afflict the CSB.1 ,​ 2 ,​ 3 As with the anterior cranial base, lesions may arise intracranially and secondarily involve the sphenoid bone. Alternatively, lesions may arise primarily within the sphenoid bone, or arise inferiorly or anteriorly, and secondarily affect it by upward or posterior spread.

The most common intracranially arising lesion to affect the CSB is meningioma.4 Various aspects of the CSB may be involved, including the planum sphenoidale and tuberculum sella, the anterior clinoid, the greater sphenoid wing, the parasellar region and cavernous sinus, and the petroclival region (Fig. 3.4; Fig. 3.5). In most of these locations, the lesion is merely dural in location; while there may be some reactive bony sclerosis or hyperostosis, the bone is uninvolved.4 One exception is hyperostosing en plaque meningioma of the greater sphenoid wing, which is associated with a very striking sclerotic response, or hyperostosis, because meningioma cells actually involve the bone.4 ,​ 5 This bony involvement has a very characteristic radiographic appearance, including intraorbital extension (Fig. 3.6).1 ,​ 4 ,​ 5

Fig. 3.4 A 53-year-old woman presenting with decreased visual acuity in the right eye. Dx: tuberculum sella meningioma with involvement of the optic sheath/canal. (a) Axial, (b) coronal, and (c) sagittal T1-weighted postcontrast MR images demonstrate enhancing tumor in a characteristic elongated manner along the surface of the right optic nerve (arrows in a). Tumor extends up the tuberculum sella onto the planum sphenoidale (arrows in b and c).
Fig. 3.5 Noninvasive greater sphenoid wing meningioma in an asymptomatic 75-year-old woman. This lesion was picked up on a routine lymphoma screening CT. (a) Axial and (b) coronal postcontrast T1-weighted MR images reveal a homogenously brightly enhancing mass lesion (arrows) along the left anterior clinoid process, superior orbital fissure, and greater sphenoid wing region. An obvious dural tail or enhancement of dura extends from the tumor, characteristic but not diagnostic of meningioma (arrowhead in a).
Fig. 3.6 Hyperostosing en plaque greater sphenoid wing meningioma in a 54-year-old woman presenting with left-sided headaches and progressive visual loss in the left eye. (a) Axial bone window CT image demonstrates left proptosis and gross bone thickening or hyperostosis of the left greater sphenoid wing and lateral orbital wall (arrows). (b) Axial precontrast and (c) fat-suppressed postcontrast T1-weighted MR images show that the bone marrow is markedly abnormal (arrows in b) as opposed to the normal marrow in the right sphenoid triangle, depicted by an arrowhead. Enhancing soft tissue (extraosseous) meningioma can be seen in the left orbit and behind the greater sphenoid wing (arrows in c).

Although most meningiomas, other than the hyperostosing sphenoid wing type, remain confined to the dural space, some meningiomas may invade the CSB in an aggressive, almost malignant manner.1 ,​ 4 The imaging for such invasion can be dramatic, and if the diagnosis of meningioma is unknown, the radiologic diagnosis may be more difficult (Fig. 3.7). Such meningiomas may achieve massive size and may extend directly through the bone, or through neural foramina, into extracranial spaces such as the pterygopalatine fossa, orbit, or masticator space. Such lesions may be grossly destructive of bone. It should be kept in mind, for any location, that dural metastases may be radiographically indistinguishable from meningioma. In a known cancer patient, a lesion that resembles a meningioma on the first imaging study may be a dural metastasis; the finding of growth on serial imaging should raise that possibility (Fig. 3.8).6 ,​ 7 Finally, another lesion that can be radiographically confused with meningioma is the rare, highly vascular malignancy hemangiopericytoma. These also have the potential to be highly destructive of the cranial base (Fig. 3.9).

Another common benign CSB lesion is the pituitary adenoma.1 ,​ 8 ,​ 9 ,​ 10 ,​ 11 Some macroadenomas (those greater than 1 cm) may become giant adenomas (greater than 5 cm) and/or invade the CSB. Such cases may present a diagnostic challenge to the radiologist. There is no imaging feature with which to specifically differentiate giant pituitary adenoma from other CSB masses, except that an adenoma should encompass the pituitary gland and may demonstrate cavernous sinus invasion without perineural spread (PNS). Accordingly, the radiologist should consider pituitary adenoma when confronted with a large, destructive CSB mass and should check hormone levels, especially prolactin (Fig. 3.10).

Fig. 3.10 Massive pituitary adenoma in a 48-year-old man who presented with only severe headache. (a) Axial CT bone window reveals a large destructive process involving the central skull base (CSB; arrows). (b) Axial T2 and (c) postcontrast T1-weighted MR images, respectively, reveal a large minimally and somewhat heterogeneously hyperintense and brightly enhancing mass involving virtually the entire CSB. (d) Sagittal image revealing complete replacement of the sphenoid sinus and clivus. Notice that although the lesion encompasses the sella (asterisk), there is no suprasellar extension, so the diagnosis of pituitary adenoma was less than obvious. The patient’s prolactin level was 344214, indicating prolactinoma.

One relatively uncommon benign tumor that arises near, and that may secondarily affect, the CSB is the juvenile angiofibroma. These highly vascular tumors typically present with epistaxis in teenage males and have very characteristic imaging features.1 ,​ 12 They arise in or near the sphenopalatine foramen, the opening between the pterygopalatine fossa and the nasal cavity. Tumor components are often seen in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx. These aggressive lesions often invade the clivus and sphenoid sinus. Because of the hypervascularity, juvenile angiofibromas enhance brightly on CT. On MR, they have small foci of low signal, so-called flow voids, that represent rapidly flowing arterial supply to the tumor (Fig. 3.11). Vascular studies such as catheter angiography, CT angiography, and MR angiography can provide a surgical road map or facilitate preoperative embolization (Fig. 3.11e).

Fig. 3.11 Juvenile angiofibroma in a 20-year-old man presenting with bilateral nasal congestion but no epistaxis. (a) Axial CT bone window revealing a large mass with destruction of the mid and left aspects of the central skull base (arrows). (b) Contrast-enhanced CT soft tissue window reveals a moderately enhancing mass lesion corresponding to the areas of bone destruction (arrows). (c) Axial T2-weighted and (d) T1-weighted postcontrast MR images reveal a hyperintense, enhancing lesion. Central areas of signal void represent blood vessels and are so-called “flow voids” (arrows in c). (e) Lateral view of an external carotid angiogram in a different patient who has a juvenile angiofibroma reveals marked tumor hypervascularity.

One final intracranial (and sometimes also extracranial) lesion affecting the CSB is peripheral nerve sheath tumor arising from the trigeminal nerve. Histologically such tumors can be schwannoma or neurofibroma, but the imaging appearance of each is similar to that of the other.2 ,​ 6 These usually benign lesions can arise from the main trigeminal trunk and extend along any of its branches or may arise within one of its three divisions. Such lesions often cause widening of foramina or other benign bony remodeling (as opposed to destruction) of the CSB (Fig. 3.12).

Fig. 3.12 Massive trigeminal/skull base schwannoma in a 44-year-old man who presented with right eye swelling and intermittent visual complaints. (a) Axial CT bone window reveals benign bony remodeling (arrows) with the lateral wall of the sphenoid sinus pushed medially. (b) Axial T2, (c) axial postcontrast T1, and (d) coronal postcontrast T1 MR images reveal a very large heterogeneously T2 hyperintense and brightly enhancing extra-axial mass lesion centered at and above the floor of the right middle cranial fossa. The coronal image shows obvious tumor extending into the sphenoid sinus (arrow) and elevation of the right temporal lobe (arrowhead). This was not a straightforward diagnosis, but the lack of bony destruction or edema in the brain argued for a slow growing process such as, in this case, schwannoma.

Among primarily extracranial malignancies that may affect the CSB, probably the most common is nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC).1 ,​ 8 ,​ 13 ,​ 14 Owing to its location immediately inferior to the clivus, upward spread of NPC very commonly involves the CSB. If the nasopharyngeal component is relatively small (Fig. 3.13), the radiologist must bear in mind the possibility of NPC. As opposed to some malignancies that tend to destroy bone—and even though NPC may do exactly this—NPC often has a tendency to infiltrate in a nondestructive manner.15 For this reason, MR imaging is more sensitive than CT for detecting such involvement (Fig. 3.14). Of course, NPC can also cause skull base destruction, which CT also plays a role in detecting.15 Because MR is also more sensitive for detecting intracranial spread via perineural and direct mechanisms, we prefer to use MR as the main imaging modality in cases of NPC.16

Fig. 3.13 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma with massive central skull base (CSB) destruction in a 55-year-old man presenting with headache and subsequent development of diplopia. (a) Axial CT bone window reveals gross destruction of the CSB (arrows). (b) Axial T1 postcontrast MR image demonstrates a small mass in the right fossa of Rosenmüller (arrow). There is also abnormal enhancement in the clivus, indicating tumor involvement (arrowhead). (c) Axial T1 noncontrast and (d) T1 postcontrast MR images show replacement of the normal T1 hyperintense bone marrow of the clivus (asterisks in c), as well as heterogeneously bright contrast enhancement. Skull base involvement in nasopharyngeal carcinoma indicates T3 staging.
Fig. 3.14 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma. (a) Axial CT bone window shows no discernible abnormality in the lower clivus. (b) Axial T1-weighted MR image shows abnormal hypointense signal in the right side of the clivus (arrows), indicating tumor infiltration. The primary cancer is also visible (squiggly arrow in b). The normal marrow demonstrates T1 hyperintense fat signal, as seen in the left side of the clivus and left mandibular condyles (asterisks in b). Also, note right parotid metastasis (arrowhead in b) and right mastoid effusion, owing to Eustachian tube obstruction (arrows in a). This case demonstrates MRI’s utility for evaluating for skull base infiltration in cases in which CT may be normal.

Another type of extracranial malignancy that may secondarily affect the CSB is head and neck malignancy with PNS of tumor.17 ,​ 18 ,​ 19 A thorough description is beyond the scope of this chapter. The most common manner in which the CSB is affected is in a patient who has a known, or sometimes an unknown, malignancy of the face (most commonly in a V2 distribution, such as the cheek; Fig. 3.15) or a lesion of the lower lip or palate (or, less commonly, of other mucosal surfaces). Common tumor types include squamous cell carcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, and desmoplastic melanoma.18 Such lesions may spread proximally, toward the central nervous system, along the branch of the trigeminal nerve that innervates the primary site. For the cheek and palate, this would be the infraorbital (Fig. 3.15) or palatine nerves (Fig. 3.16), respectively, with tumor spread to the pterygopalatine fossa.

Fig. 3.15 Recurrent squamous cell carcinoma in the left premaxillary region in a 62-year-old man who had previously undergone Mohs resection, now presenting with left facial (V2) paresthesias. This case demonstrates perineural tumor spread along the infraorbital branch of the maxillary nerve. (a) Axial postcontrast CT image demonstrates a subcutaneous mass anterior to the left maxillary sinus (straight arrow). There is also abnormal density within the infraorbital foramen and anterior aspect of the left infraorbital canal (curved arrow). Axial (b) pre- and (c) postcontrast T1-weighted MR images reveal enhancing tumor in a premaxillary region (small arrows) as well as abnormal signal and enhancement along the course of the infraorbital nerve (curved arrow). More posteriorly, tumor can be seen actually coursing into the pterygopalatine fossa (large arrow in b). (d) Coronal T1 postcontrast MR with fat suppression reveals enlargement of the infraorbital nerve along the orbital floor or maxillary sinus roof (arrow).
Fig. 3.16 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the left hard palate with perineural spread along the palatine branches of the maxillary nerve in a 55-year-old whose dentist discovered a palatal mass. There was no clinical evidence of neuropathy. (a) Coronal T1 postcontrast MR image reveals a mass in the left side of the hard palate (arrow). (b) Axial CT bone window shows enlargement of the left greater palatine foramen (arrow). Note the normal right greater palatine foramen (arrowhead). (c) Axial postcontrast T1 MR image shows abnormal enhancement in the left pterygopalatine fossa (arrow), indicating spread of perineural tumor to at least this level. From here, tumor can spread posteriorly in a retrograde fashion, either through foramen rotundum or along the vidian nerve.

From here, tumor can spread posteriorly along the main trunk of the maxillary nerve, through foramen rotundum, and into the cavernous sinus or further posteriorly into Meckel’s cave or even onto the main trigeminal trunk.18 For lesions of the lower lip or gingiva, tumor can access the inferior alveolar branch of V3 and then spread upward onto the main trunk of the mandibular nerve (Fig. 3.17), through foramen ovale, and into Meckel’s cave. Though perhaps best considered in the temporal bone section, PNS along the facial nerve may arise from primary or secondary parotid gland tumors (Fig. 3.18).

Fig. 3.17 Recurrent right lower lip squamous cell carcinoma in a 42-year-old man who had previously undergone biopsy and Mohs surgery as well as subsequent wedge resection and neck dissection for prior recurrences. (a) Axial T1-weighted MR image reveals a large recurrence in the right lower lip, very close to the mental foramen (arrows). Note the probable tumor infiltration of the right mandibular marrow cavity (arrowheads). Axial (b) pre- and (c) postcontrast T1-weighted MR images reveal abnormal signal intensity and enhancement in the mandibular foramen for the right inferior alveolar nerve (arrows). (d) Coronal T1-postcontrast MR image reveals tumor extending in an upward and medial direction from the mandibular foramen along the course of the main mandibular nerve trunk (arrows), approaching foramen ovale (arrowhead).
Fig. 3.18 Parotid salivary duct carcinoma associated with perineural spread along the descending segment of the right facial nerve in a 67-year-old man who presented with right-sided facial neuropathy for which an initial MR was said to be negative. (a) Axial noncontrast T1-weighted MR image reveals a mass in the right parotid gland (arrows). Note the posterior extension of disease toward the stylomastoid foramen (curved arrow). (b, c) Axial T1 postcontrast MR images at progressively cephalad positions revealing enlargement and excessive enhancement of the right descending facial nerve segment (arrows).

Recognition of PNS is a critical function of the radiologist, because failure to recognize it—unfortunately a common occurrence—can have a very adverse effect on treatment outcome. Characteristically, PNS occurs in the form of, or at the time of, tumor recurrence (Fig. 3.15), not necessarily at the time of diagnosis or initial therapy. In other cases, unfortunately, PNS is not recognized until late in the patient’s course, as a progression of disease that went undiagnosed and untreated at clinical presentation.

Metastases are the most common malignancies that arise directly in the skull base.3 Such lesions may be lytic or blastic, depending on the primary malignancy; both are common (Fig. 3.19). Their imaging is generally straightforward, except that small lesions may be subtle.

Fig. 3.19 Two patients with skull base metastasis. (a) Axial CT bone window demonstrating a large lytic and destructive metastasis from lung carcinoma (arrow). (b) Axial CT bone window in a patient with metastatic breast carcinoma showing blastic lesions in the clivus (arrows) and the right side of the central skull base lateral to the vidian canal (arrowhead).

Primary CSB malignancies include chordoma and chondrosarcoma. Chordomas are notochord-derived malignancies that occur in the sacrococcygeal region (50%), spine (15%), and clivus (35%).1 ,​ 3 They may also occasionally occur off midline. Most chordomas occur in mid- to late adulthood. Radiographically, they appear as expansile lytic lesions, with internal areas of fragmented bone that are most readily seen on CT (Fig. 3.20). On MR they have characteristic T2 signal hyperintensity within the soft tissue mass component. Some degree of extracranial and/or intracranial extension is typical, the latter of which often results in brainstem compression.

Fig. 3.20 Clival chordoma in a 40-year-old woman complaining of occipital region headache radiating to the right neck. (a) CT bone window demonstrates a large destructive lesion involving the clivus (arrows). (b) Axial T1, (c) T2, and (d) postcontrast T1-weighted MR images reveal a well-circumscribed mass lesion in the central skull base that is isointense on T1 and hyperintense on T2 and that enhances moderately with some heterogeneity (arrows). The bright signal on T2 is strongly suggestive of chordoma.

Chondrosarcomas may also arise in the CSB.1 ,​ 3 These cartilage-derived malignancies tend to occur in proximity to the various synchondroses. Common locations include the petroclival fissure and the upper nasal septum/vomer region (Fig. 3.21; Fig. 3.22; Fig. 3.23). Chondrosarcoma may also involve the greater sphenoid wing more laterally, often with masticator space components (Fig. 3.23). On imaging, many, though not all, will have a mineralized chondroid matrix seen in chondroid tumors anywhere—calcifications in an “arcs and rings” pattern (Fig. 3.21; Fig. 3.23). On MR, although signal intensity varies, marked heterogeneity is often seen, particularly on postcontrast T1-weighted images (Fig. 3.22). A lesion in the appropriate location and having typical imaging features should suggest the possibility of chondrosarcoma.

Fig. 3.21 Nasoethmoid chondrosarcoma in a 38-year-old woman presenting with progressive sinus symptoms, including congestion and epistaxis. (a) Axial CT bone window reveals a destructive mass with internal “arcs and rings” pattern of calcification representing the chondroid matrix (arrows). (b) Axial T2-weighted MR image revealing a relatively homogeneous isointense mass in the nasoethmoid region (arrows). Chondrosarcomas are often, but not always, heterogeneous on T2 and postcontrast MR images.
Fig. 3.22 Nasoethmoid chondrosarcoma in a different patient. Axial T1 postcontrast MR image reveals the marked heterogeneity that is characteristic of some chondrosarcomas, although the appearance can be variable.
Fig. 3.23 Left central skull base/masticator space chondrosarcoma in a 51-year-old woman presenting with severe headaches. (a) Coronal bone window CT revealing a mass destroying the floor of the middle cranial fossa (arrow). Note the marked chondroid calcifications. (b) Axial T1, (c) T2, and (d) postcontrast T1-weighted MR images reveal a somewhat heterogeneous mass that is isointense on T1 and hyperintense on T2 and that enhances brightly following gadolinium administration. This is a fairly classic appearance for chondrosarcoma given the heterogeneity as well as chondroid calcifications.

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