30 Vertebral Augmentation


30 Vertebral Augmentation

The discussion regarding vertebral augmentation for osteoporotic compression fractures has substantially escalated in recent years. In fact, significant debate regarding the virtues of vertebral augmentation technologies has evolved. 1 3 This is primarily related to the marked and escalating interest on the part of surgeons and their patients, and the relative paucity of quality literature supporting vertebral augmentation strategies and technologies. Although not yet unequivocally proven to be clinically effective, vertebral augmentation strategies and technologies make intuitive sense. Some, however, have suggested that there exists a disconnect between structurally effective surgery and clinical results. 4 Buchbinder et al performed a multicenter, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial of vertebroplasty for painful osteoporotic vertebral fractures. They found no beneficial effect of vertebroplasty compared with placebo control. 4

Considering the enthusiasm for vertebral augmentation technologies, the difficulties related to the association of the procedure itself with outcome metrics have been challenging. Many factors affect outcome. Although clinical studies predominate, 1 3 the study of vertebral augmentation and related techniques in patients with osteoporosis or cancer has a relatively strong basic science background. 1 ,​ 5 10

The varying methodologies associated with both the clinical and laboratory studies employed to assess vertebral augmentation and its associated risk factors most likely explain the controversy and the “shifting sand” nature of the enthusiasm for total disc arthroplasty and related technologies. The research methodologies employed in this arena are often flawed. This raises questions regarding the conclusions derived. 11 13 This chapter addresses this arena from an objective biomechanical perspective.

30.1 Biomechanics and Objective Assessment

The stabilization of a fractured vertebra is for the most part an intuitively sound endeavor. Most chapters in this book have assessed the open surgical approach to spine stabilization. This chapter, however, focuses on a minimally invasive approach, vertebral augmentation.

Vertebral augmentation procedures can be categorized into two groups: (1) stand-alone vertebral body filler techniques (i.e., vertebroplasty) and (2) vertebral body expansion and filler techniques (i.e., kyphoplasty and related techniques). Both theoretically strive to achieve the acquisition of stability and deformity correction. Regarding the latter goal, kyphoplasty would theoretically be expected to be more effective regarding deformity (kyphosis) correction. The evidence regarding vertebral augmentation strategies as a treatment for vertebral compression fractures is not strong, but it does support their use. 14 Again, conflicting reports do exist. 4

Vertebroplasty, as a technique, essentially fills pores. This is illustrated in Fig. 30.1. As such, it would not be expected to significantly increase vertebral body height or correct deformity (e.g., kyphosis). Of concern with all vertebral techniques is the potential for leakage of liquid acrylic into the extravertebral spaces, particularly the spinal canal. This may be most commonly expected when breaches of the dorsal vertebral cortex are present.

Fig. 30.1 (A) Vertebroplasty involves the placement of a large-bore needle into the substance of the vertebral body. (B) This is followed by the injection of a semiliquid injectate under pressure. (C) The injection needle is then removed.

The term kyphoplasty is derived from Greek roots: kyphos (“hump”) and –plasty (“plastic surgery,” from plassein, “to form”). Like a mud jack, it should be able to elevate the vertebral height and correct deformity by expanding the intravertebral space (Fig. 30.2). This is not often achieved, most likely because of the relatively excessive forces required to reduce the fracture and the relatively soft platform (vertebral body side of the end plates) to which the force must be applied. In addition, the stiffness of a vertebra increases rapidly following fracture. Hence, a delay of weeks to months following fracture radically affects the chance for correcting a fracture-related deformity.

Fig. 30.2 (A) Kyphoplasty involves the placement of a large-bore needle into the substance of the vertebral body. (B) Then a balloon is expanded, creating a cavity in the vertebral body. (C) The cavity is filled with semiliquid injectate, usually under less pressure than that used in vertebroplasty. (D) The needle is then removed.

Syringe and syringe design, the fluid mechanics associated with injection, and the amount of material injected affect deformity correction and stability acquisition, as well. Syringe characteristics have been shown to affect the rate and volume of an injection. The viscosity of the injectate affects the rate and volume of the injection, as well. Viscosity changes rapidly following initiation of the polymerization process with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). This and bone porosity are the major factors affecting injection volume. Flow rate and flow volume (penetration into bone) are described by laws of physics, including the Hagen-Poiseuille law and Darcy’s law, respectively. 1 ,​ 15 17

Alternatives to kyphoplasty have been devised as strategies to create a void in bone and expand the marrow spaces. In one such technique, the cement is introduced into a bone void–filling container. This theoretically reduces the chance for cement extravasation outside the confines of the vertebral body. 18

Vertebral body stiffness is theoretically augmented by vertebral augmentation techniques. Other parameters, such as strength, are also affected. Although stiffness is augmented, it is not restored to preinjury values. 1 ,​ 19 ,​ 20 Stresses applied to bone following augmentation vary, depending on the type of bone. Hence, the efficacy of a vertebral augmentation procedure may be related more to the biomechanical characteristics of the bone than to the actual procedure selected or the injectate volume. 1 ,​ 21 Higgins et al confirmed these findings and observed that vertebral body strength is increased following vertebroplasty, but that the location of cement placement does not affect strength. They also observed that augmentation of the upper thoracic vertebrae is not associated with an increase in strength, as is the case in the low thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. Finally, they observed that specimens with low bone mineral density show greater strength improvement following vertebroplasty. 9 These factors obviously affect deformity correction, as well. Conflicting reports prevail. 22 24 Kayanja et al demonstrated that multilevel stiffness and strength are not affected by vertebral augmentation of an intermediate vertebra. They concluded that augmentation of vertebral compression fractures by kyphoplasty does not alter the stiffness or strength of the multilevel segments. 5 The implications of these findings are that compression fractures that occur subsequent to vertebral augmentation may not be related to the augmentation procedure itself, but rather to progression of disease and possibly deformity.

Adjacent-level fractures following vertebral augmentation procedures are relatively common. This phenomenon is related to several factors. First, the patient and the patient’s bone are susceptible because of structural and load-bearing characteristics. Second, if a kyphotic deformity exists, excessive stresses are applied to adjacent levels. Third, the vertebral augmentation procedure itself stiffens the treated segment and in turn causes greater forces to be applied to adjacent segments. Regardless, controversy also prevails in this arena, with conflicting reports refuting the aforementioned notion that stiffness augmentation transmits increased loads to adjacent segments. 25 29

Ahn et al theorized mechanisms for both adjacent and nonadjacent fractures following vertebral augmentation procedures. They suggested that a direct transmission of forces via stiffening of the treated segment is at least in part a causative factor associated with adjacent-level fractures, with the transmission of loads directly to the adjacent segments (Fig. 30.3), whereas nonadjacent fractures may result when the pillar effect is not prominent because of the immobility of the adjacent segment (Fig. 30.4). 3 In this situation, fractures may be related to deformity (kyphosis), the immobility of the adjacent segment, and the mobility of the nonadjacent segment.

Fig. 30.3 (A) A vertebral body compression fracture can be “elevated” by expanding a balloon. (B) This can cause adjacent-level stresses that can subsequently lead to fracture at adjacent segments. (C) Such adjacent-level stresses can be augmented if injectate spills into the adjacent disc interspace.
Fig. 30.4 (A, B) Reduction of a compression fracture can cause stresses at the adjacent level or even at levels separated by (C) one or two motion segments. This is a result of the change in geometry that the vertebral augmentation creates and the markedly altered stiffness of the augmented vertebra.

The material employed for vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty does not seem to affect pain reduction or vertebral body geometry related to fracture treatment. 30 Also, injectate volume does not seem to be affected by injectate type. 31

Vertebral augmentation is often employed for vertebral bodies with cancer involvement. The tumor for which vertebral augmentation is most often performed is multiple myeloma, although other cancers may be amenable to such treatment. Oakland et al studied two donor spines, one affected with multiple myeloma and the other with metastatic bladder cancer. Following augmentation, they observed a significant increase in failure strength. Patterns of tumor infiltration affected fracture strength. 8 Such observations are critical to our appreciation and understanding of regional variations in vertebral body strength and to the planning of case-specific treatment strategies.

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Jun 12, 2020 | Posted by in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on 30 Vertebral Augmentation

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