This midline bifrontal transbasal approach has been mostly used for the extradural tumor of the middle anterior skull base. An olfactory nerve is preserved in the unilateral transbasal approach, but olfaction is generally sacrificed when the bifrontal transbasal approach is used. In the extensive transbasal approach, the bifrontal craniotomy is combined with a supraorbital osteotomy to allow the surgeon to perform an ethmoidectomy, sphenoidostomy, and extensive clivectomy. This approach affords the surgeon access to the cavernous sinus and the orbital apex. The surgical angle makes control of hemorrhage from the medial cavernous sinus challenging. Although an extensive intradural exposure is possible, it is generally avoided because of the risk of postoperative infection. The approach is most often used for the resection of midline clival lesions, frontal skull base lesions, medial orbital lesions, and paranasal lesions, including nasopharyngeal tumors, chondrosarcomas, chordomas, and meningiomas.
removal of the whole supraorbital bar and lateral orbital wall
Illustrated Steps with Commentary
Fig. 4.1 (Step 1) Skin incision.A long pericranial graft can be obtained by lifting the posterior scalp flap (A). A more posteriorly placed skin incision facilitates harvesting of a longer pericranial flap (C). A more posteriorly placed skin incision can be hidden behind the patient’s hairline (B).Fig. 4.2 A long vascularized pericranial or galeal flap is raised and hinged on the orbital arteries. (PC, pericranial flap)Fig. 4.3 Elevation of the skin flap with protection of the frontalis branch of the facial nerve.The deep and superficial layers of the temporal fascia are separated by the deep temporal fat pad close to the zygoma. Both layers attach to the lateral aspect of the zygomatic arch. The superficial layer is contiguous with the pericranium, so the superficial layer can be separated from the deep layer by continuing a subperiosteal dissection over the temporalis muscle. (DDTF, deep layer of the deep temporal fascia; Fat, fat tissue; SDTF, superficial layer of the deep temporal fascia)Fig. 4.4 Supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves and arteries.The skin flap should be raised to preserve the supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves and arteries. These nerves and arteries emerge from the notches or foramen in the supraorbital ridge. The supraorbital nerve ascends over the forehead and ends in two branches, a medial and a lateral branch. They are initially situated beneath the frontalis muscle, reaching nearly as far back as the lambdoid suture. The medial branch perforates the frontalis muscle and the lateral branch penetrates the galea aponeurotica. (SOF, superior orbital fissure; SON, supraorbital nerve)Fig. 4.5 Supratrochlear notch (A) and supraorbital foramen (B) on the right side.If the bony encasement of the nerve is incomplete, the nerve can be raised out of the notch along with the pericranium. In the case of a complete bony foramen, the nerve and artery can be released by cutting a “V” shaped wedge of bone (A “V” osteotomy) around the foramen with a small drill bit, a sagittal saw, or a small osteotome.Fig. 4.6 “V” osteotomy of supraorbital foramen.In this case, the supratrochlear nerve and artery (A) pass over a notch in the supraorbital ridge; the supraorbital nerve and artery (B) pass through a foramen that is opened by a “V” osteotomy in the supraorbital ridge.Fig. 4.7 Complete release of the supraorbital nerve and the artery with foramen.The “V” osteotomy was begun with a diamond drill. The thinned bone is fractured with an osteotome.Fig. 4.8 Craniotomy for a unilateral transbasal approach.Unilateral transbasal approaches afford the surgeon a limited view of the anterior medial skull base that lies medial to the orbit. The further the craniotomy is extended toward the opposite side, the wider that medial corridor will become. (NFS, nasofrontal suture)Fig. 4.9 Craniotomy for bilateral transbasal approach.The bilateral frontal craniotomy for the transbasal approach should extend at least between the midposition of the orbital rims. Further lateral exposure, especially to the right for a right-handed surgeon, affords the surgeon a greater degree of freedom for bringing instruments into the operative field. When the dura is thin and adherent to the bone, the craniotomy is performed in two stages. A dura frontal flap is turned within 1.5 cm of the midline. The pericranium overlying the sagittal sinus is freed from the bone and the contralateral frontal bone flap is turned. (NFS, nasofrontal suture)Fig. 4.10 (Step 2) Bilateral frontal craniotomy for a transbasal approach.If the frontal sinuses are well developed, the inferior bone cut of the craniotomy passes through the frontal sinuses. The mucosa should be drilled from the frontal sinus cavities that are removed with the frontal bone flap and from the remaining frontal sinus. If the dura is to be opened, opening the anterior ethmoid air cells will provide another path for a CSF leak. (FS, frontal sinus)Fig. 4.11 Frontonasal duct.The frontal sinus drains into the nasal cavity under the middle turbinate through the frontonasal duct. The duct originates at the inferior medial corner of the frontal sinus occlusion of the duct and isolates the frontal sinus from the nose. The inner table of the frontal sinus is removed to improve visualization of the skull base. The mucosal rests are removed from the walls of the sinus with a diamond drill to avoid the formation of a mucocele. (NFD, nasofrontal duct)Fig. 4.12 Dural elevation from the frontal base of the inferior fossa.The dura is elevated from the base of the anterior fossa to expose the crista galli. (FB, frontal base)Fig. 4.13 Crista galli.The dura is tightly pulled over the crista galli and tethered bilaterally at the olfactory groove. The anterior edge of the crista galli can be exposed, but it is difficult to completely remove the dura covering without tearing the dura. (CG, crista galli; FB, frontal base; FS, frontal sinus)Fig. 4.14 Anterior ethmoid nerve and artery emerging from the anterior ethmoidal foramen.The anterior ethmoid artery should be coagulated as the first step in raising the dura from the cribriform plate. (AEA&N, anterior ethmoid artery and nerve; FB, frontal base)Fig. 4.15 Posterior ethmoid nerve and artery emerging from posterior ethmoidal foramen.The posterior ethmoid artery is coagulated as the next step. (AEA&N, anterior ethmoid artery and nerve; PEA&N, posterior ethmoid artery and nerve)Fig. 4.16 Cribriform plate.After the anterior and posterior ethmoid arteries are coagulated the dura is sharply dissected from the cribriform plate severing the olfactory nerve. (AEA&N, anterior ethmoid artery and nerve; CG, crista galli; CP, cribriform plate)Fig. 4.17 Anterior and posterior ethmoid nerves and arteries cut at orifice of the anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramen.The anterior and posterior ethmoid arteries pass posterior laterally after entering the anterior fossa. The arteries’ impressions can be seen as grooves in the bone. These tributaries of the ophthalmic arteries supply blood to anterior fossa tumors. (AEA&N, anterior ethmoid artery and nerve; CG, crista galli), (CP, cribriform plate; PEA&N, posterior ethmoidal artery and nerve)Fig. 4.18 (Step 3) Dural holes made by branches of the olfactory nerves.Holes where the olfactory nerve branches penetrate the dura must be closed. These small holes should be closed in two layers. Simple sutures are used to approximate the dura. A fascial patch is sewn over the disrupted dura. (CG, crista galli; CP, cribriform plate)Fig. 4.19 Stitches of small holes.The small holes resulting from the elevation of the frontal base dura should be stitched closed by plicating the dura on either side of the row of holes.Fig. 4.20 Fascial patch graft.A patch is sewn over the dural rents to ensure a watertight closure.Fig. 4.21 (Step 4) Variations in the size of the osteotomy of the supraorbital bar.The size of the osteotomy of the supraorbital bar will vary depending on the amount of exposure required. Regardless of the lateral extent of the bone to be removed, the inferior bone cut is on the frontonasal suture. A lower bone cut will not increase the exposure. The medial palpebral ligament, which is attached to the frontal process of the maxillary bone, should be preserved. (AA’, limited bifrontal transbasal approach; B-B’, extended bifrontal transbasal approach)Fig. 4.22 Variations in the lateral extent of a supraorbital bar resection.(A, limited bifrontal transbasal approach; B, extended bifrontal transbasal approach; C, extensive bifrontal transbasal approach)Fig. 4.23 Osteotomy for limited bifrontal transbasal approach.The periorbita is separated from the frontal bone. The periorbita and dura are protected with flat metal retractor blades. The periorbita can also be protected by Gelfoam (Pfizer Inc., NY, NY) or bone wax placed between the periorbita and the frontal bone. A sagittal saw is used to perform an osteotomy through the frontonasal suture and medial to the supraorbital notches. Finally, osteotomies of the orbital roof connect the frontonasal and supraorbital bony cuts using a sagittal saw or a diamond drill.Fig. 4.24 Exposure achieved after a limited supraorbital osteotomy.The frontonasal duct is seen after the orbital bar is removed. Further drilling of the frontal sinus exposes the anterior and posterior ethmoid sinuses. (NFD, nasofrontal duct; SON, supraorbital nerve)Fig. 4.25 Extended osteotomy for a bifrontal transbasal approach.For the extended bifrontal osteotomy the orbital rim is cut at the level of the superior temporal line. These incisions are connected to the frontonasal osteotomy by an incision through the orbital roof. These orbital roof cuts are most safely made using a diamond drill. (NFD, nasofrontal duct; Or, orbit; SON, supraorbital nerve)Fig. 4.26 Supraorbital bar.Ten millimeters of orbital roof is removed along with the supraorbital bar in the extended transbasal approach. The remaining orbital roof is removed piecemeal.Fig. 4.27 Osteotomy for an extensive bifrontal transbasal approach.For the extensive bifrontal transbasal osteotomy the lateral orbital rim osteotomy is made through the frontal process of the zygoma. (NFD, nasofrontal duct; Or, orbit; SON, supraorbital nerve)Fig. 4.28 Osteotomy for an extensive bifrontal transbasal approach.The lateral orbital wall is removed. The lacrimal gland is well seen through the periorbita. (LG, lacrimal gland; Or, orbit; SON, supraorbital nerve)Fig. 4.29 Removal of the orbital roof.The orbital roof is removed. (NFD, nasofrontal duct; Or, orbit; SON, supraorbital nerve)Fig. 4.30 (Step 5) Opening of the ethmoid sinus.Drilling the posterior inferior wall of the frontal sinus exposes the ethmoid sinus. Further resection of the ethmoid sinus exposes the nasal mucosa. If the dura is opened, opening the ethmoid sinuses makes it more difficult to control CSF. The surgeon must meticulously close the dura and fastidiously secure the vascularized pericranial graft over the bony opening. (Et, ethmoid sinus; mNC, mucosa of the nasal cavity)Fig. 4.31 Nasal mucosa covering.The nasal cavity must be separated from the surgical field to prevent postoperative infection. After the cribriform plate is removed, the nasal mucosa is mobilized from the medial orbit. (mNC, mucosa of the nasal cavity; SC, sphenoidal crest)Fig. 4.32 Separation of the nasal cavity.The mobilized nasal mucosa should be plicated with absorbable sutures covering the nasal cavity. This maneuver helps isolate the nasal cavity from the surgical field. (mNC, mucosa of the nasal cavity; SC, sphenoidal crest; Vo, vomer)Fig. 4.33 Exposure of the sphenoid sinus.The natural ostia of the sphenoid sinus exit through the sphenoidal concha. The natural ostia exit through the vertical midpoint of the sphenoid sinus. (mNC, mucosa of the nasal cavity; OSS, ostium of the sphenoid sinus; TS, tuberculum sellae)Fig. 4.34 A less magnified view of the anterior fossa.Looking from above, the natural ostia into the sphenoid sinus are seen bilaterally. The nasal mucosa is seen entering the ostium on the right. The perpendicular plate of the ethmoid is seen articulating with the crest of the sphenoid. (mNC, mucosa of the nasal cavity; OSS, ostium of the sphenoid sinus; SC, sphenoidal crest; TS, tuberculum sellae)Fig. 4.35 Exposure of the sphenoid concha.The nasal mucosa is raised bilaterally to expose the sphenoid concha. (mNC, mucosa of the nasal cavity; SC, sphenoidal crest; TS, tuberculum sellae)Fig. 4.36 The anatomical relationship between the nasal mucosa, sphenoidal concha, and vomer.The posterior nasal septum is composed of the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid superiorly and the vomer inferiorly. The perpendicular plate of the ethmoid articulates with the thin sphenoidal crest and the ala of the vomer covers the thicker teardrop shaped rostrum of the sphenoid. (Al, ala of the vomer; SCo, sphenoidal concha; SC, sphenoidal crest; OSS, ostium of the sphenoid sinus; PerE, perpendicular plate of the ethomoid; Vo, vomer)Fig. 4.37 The anatomical relationship between the middle turbinate and the sphenoid concha.The middle turbinate, perpendicular plate, sphenoid concha, and natural ostia of the sphenoid sinus are well seen after the nasal mucosa is cut. (MT, middle turbinate; ON, optic nerve; OSS, ostium of the sphenoid sinus; SC, sphenoidal crest; TS, tuberculum sellae)Fig. 4.38 Before sphenoidostomy.The anterior wall of the sphenoid is exposed by removing the last remnants of the ethmoid sinuses. This picture should be compared with the next photo (Fig. 4.39). (MT, middle turbinate; ON, optic nerve; Or, orbit; SON, supraorbital nerve; TS, tuberculum sellae)Fig. 4.39 (Step 6) After sphenoidostomy.The anterior and superior walls of the sphenoid sinus are removed. The optic canals should not be opened to avoid the risk of injury to the optic nerves. The medial wall of the orbit should also be kept intact. Meningitis can be avoided by establishing multiple barriers between the CSF and the nasal cavity. The dura should be kept closed to protect against postoperative intracranial infection. The dura on the planum sphenoidale between the optic nerves can be used to anchor sutures by holding the vascularized free flap to the anterior skull base after surgery. The nasal mucosa may be sutured to separate the nasal cavity from the neurocranium. (MT, middle turbinate; ON, optic nerve; Or, orbit; SON, supraorbital nerve; SS, sphenoid sinus)Fig. 4.40 Sella floor and carotid prominence.The sella floor, carotid prominence, and optic canals are seen. In some patients the bony covering of the carotid arteries and optic nerves is incomplete, making the carotid vulnerable to injury. (CP3, carotid prominence formed by C3 portion of the internal carotid artery; CP5, carotid prominence formed by C5 portion of the internal carotid artery; ON, optic nerve; Or, orbit; SF, sella floor; SS, sphenoid sinus)Fig. 4.41 Sella floor and intercavernous sinus.The intercavernous sinus is skeletonized through the thin sella floor. The bilateral carotid prominences overlying the C3 portion (anterior bend) of the internal carotid arteries are observed. (CP3, carotid prominence formed by C3 portion of the internal carotid artery; ICS, intercavernous sinus; ON, optic nerve; SF, sella floor)Fig. 4.42 Carotid prominences overlying the C3 and C5 on the left side.Two prominences on the lateral wall of the sphenoid sinus over-lie the carotid artery. The superior prominence under the optic canal overlies C3 and the inferior posterior prominence overlies C5. (CL, clivus; CP3, carotid prominence formed by C3 portion of the internal carotid artery; CP5, carotid prominence formed by C5 portion of the internal carotid artery; ON, optic nerve; Or, orbit; SF, sella floor)Fig. 4.43 Carotid prominences overlying C3.This magnified view demonstrates the carotid prominence over-lying the C3 portion of the internal carotid artery. The carotid sheath and orbitocarotid recess can be seen in this view. (CP3, carotid prominence formed by C3 portion of the internal carotid artery; OCR, opticocarotid recess; ON, optic nerve; SF, sella floor)Fig. 4.44 Trigeminal prominence.The trigeminal prominence covering the maxillary nerve, second division (V2) of the trigeminal nerve can be seen on the lateral wall of the sphenoid sinus just below the carotid prominence. (C3, C3 portion of the internal carotid artery; CP5, carotid prominence formed by C5 portion of the internal carotid artery; ON, optic nerve; TP, trigeminal prominence)Fig. 4.45 Internal carotid artery from C5 to C3 portion skeletonized through the medial cavernous wall.Removing the bone from the lateral wall of the sphenoid sinus demonstrates the course of the carotid artery through the cavernous sinus. (C3, C3 portion of the internal carotid artery; C5, C5 portion of the internal carotid artery; DSF, dura of the sella floor; ON, optic nerve)Fig. 4.46 Exposure of the vidian canal.Further drilling of the lateral wall of the sphenoid sinus results in exposes of the vidian canal lateral to the C5 portion of the internal carotid artery. (FOEV, foramen ovule emissary vein; C3, C3 portion of the internal carotid artery; C5, C5 portion of the internal carotid artery; ON, Optic nerve; TP, trigeminal prominence; Vi, vidian nerve)Fig. 4.47 Exposure of the vidian nerve, mandibular nerve, and foramen ovale emissary vein.The vidian nerve lies lateral to the C5 portion of the internal carotid artery. The mandibular nerve, the third division (V3) of the trigeminal nerve, and the foramen ovale emissary vein that constitutes a prominent connection between the posterior cavernous sinus, and the pterygoid plexus are observed lateral to the vidian nerve. (C3, C3 portion of the internal carotid artery; C5, C5 portion of the internal carotid artery; FOEV, foramen ovale emissary vein; ON, optic nerve; TP, trigeminal prominence; V2, maxillary nerve; V3, mandibular nerve; Vi, vidian nerve)Fig. 4.48 Maxillary nerve.The maxillary nerve (V2) is found between the C5 segment of the carotid artery and the vidian canal. As the microscope has been tilted laterally, the vidian nerve is not well seen in this photograph. Below the maxillary nerve we see the medial edge of V3 accompanied by a prominent emissary vein. (C3, C3 portion of the internal carotid artery; FOEV, foramen ovale emissary vein; ON, optic nerve; V2, maxillary nerve [second division of the trigeminal nerve])Fig. 4.49 (Step 7) Clivectomy.Moving back to the midline, the clivus is removed behind and under the sphenoid sinus. (aFM, anterior portion of the foramen magnum; C3, C3 portion of the internal carotid artery; C5, C5 portion of the internal carotid artery; CL, clivus; DSF, dura of the sella floor; ON, optic nerve)Fig. 4.50 Extension of the clivectomy to the foramen magnum.The clivectomy can be extended to the anterior wall of the foramen magnum. (aFM, anterior portion of the foramen magnum; C3, C3 portion of the internal carotid artery; C5, C5 portion of the internal carotid artery; CL, clivus; DSF, dura of the sella floor; ON, optic nerve)Fig. 4.51 Dural exposure.Complete clivectomy exposes the anterior aspect of the posterior fossa dura. The blue dye that indicates the basilar plexus is seen on the dura. Although these veins can cause troublesome bleeding, hemostasis can usually be accomplished with hemostatic agents and patience. (aFM, anterior portion of the foramen magnum; DSF, dura of the sella floor; ON, optic nerve; PD, posterior fossa dura)Fig. 4.52 Jugular tubercle on the left side.The jugular tubercle on the left side is seen as an upward pointing bony protrusion. Because of the limited surgical corridor, it is difficult to demonstrate the jugular tubercle and the anterior foramen magnum in the same picture. (aFM, anterior portion of the foramen magnum; CP5, carotid prominence formed by C5 portion of the internal carotid artery; JT, jugular tubercle; PD, posterior fossa dura)Fig. 4.53 (Step 8) Dural opening.Most often the transbasal approach is used for extradural lesions. In such cases every effort should be made to maintain the integrity of the dura as a barrier against infection. If the surgeon intends to open the dura, the intradural dissections demonstrated in Figs. 1.56–1.60will afford the reader the intradural anatomy as seen from the transbasilar approach. Should the surgeon elect to open the dura, plans must be made to close off the cavity with vascularized tissue. (BA, basilar artery; C3, C3 portion of the internal carotid artery; C5, C5 portion of the internal carotid artery; DSF, dura of the sella floor; ON, optic nerve; VA, vertebral artery)Fig. 4.54 Medulla oblongata and upper cervical spine.Opening the dura at the inferior end of the clivectomy demonstrates the upper cervical spinal cord, the medulla oblongata, the basilar artery, and the vertebral arteries. The anterior spinal artery and the spinal rootlets are also seen. (ASA, anterior spinal artery; BA, basilar artery; Md, medulla oblongata; VA, vertebral artery)Fig. 4.55 Exposure of the vertebrobasilar junction.The vertebrobasilar junction and left anterior inferior cerebellar artery are observed. (AICA, anterior inferior cerebellar artery; ASA, anterior spinal artery; BA, basilar artery; Md, medulla oblongata; PICA, posterior inferior cerebellar artery; VA, vertebral artery)Fig. 4.56 Exposure of lower cranial nerves over the abducens nerve on the left side.The lower cranial nerves over the abducens nerve and posterior inferior cerebellar artery on the left side are seen by translocating the left vertebral artery. The lower cranial nerves are seen passing over the jugular tubercle. (IX, glossopharyngeal nerve; PICA, posterior inferior cerebellar artery; VI, abducens nerve; X, vagus nerve; XI, accessory nerve; XII, hypoglossal nerve)Fig. 4.57 Exposure of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves on the left side.The glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves are observed on the left side passing over the jugular tubercle. (IX, glossopharyngeal nerve; JT, jugular tubercle; VA, vertebral artery; X, vagus nerve)Fig. 4.58 Exposure of the hypoglossal and accessory nerves on the left side.The accessory and hypoglossal nerves are seen on the left side. (VA, vertebral artery; X, vagus nerve; XI, accessory nerve; XII, hypoglossal nerve)Fig. 4.59 Exposure of the left internal carotid artery after removal of the medial wall of the cavernous sinus on the left side.Removal of the medial wall of the cavernous sinus demonstrates the internal carotid artery from C3 to C5. Sympathetic nerve fibers travel along the wall of the artery. (C3, C3 portion of the internal carotid artery; C5, C5 portion of the internal carotid artery; ON, optic nerve; PG, pituitary gland; SpP, sympathetic plexus)Fig. 4.60 Exposure of the vidian nerve.The deep petrosal nerve is a branch of the sympathetic plexus that surrounds the carotid artery. It joins the greater superficial petrosal nerve to form the vidian nerve. (C3, C3 portion of the internal carotid artery; C5, C5 portion of the internal carotid artery; FOEV, foramen ovale emissary vein; SpP, sympathetic plexus; Vi, vidian nerve)Fig. 4.61 Passing of the dissector through the triangle formed by V2 and V3.To understand the relationship of the branches of the trigeminal nerve as seen from a transbasal approach, compared with the more familiar relationship appreciated from a middle fossa approach, a dissector is passed through the triangle formed by V2 and V3 in the middle fossa. (C3, C3 portion of the internal carotid artery; C4, C4 portion of the internal carotid artery; C5, C5 portion of the internal carotid artery; C6, C6 portion of the internal carotid artery; ON, optic nerve; SpP, sympathetic plexus)Fig. 4.62 Identification of the foramen ovale.To appreciate the anatomical relationships seen through the transbasal approach, the probe is placed through the foramen ovale. (C5, C5 portion of the internal carotid artery; SpP, sympathetic plexus; Vi, vidian nerve)Fig. 4.63 The position of the eustachian tube.The dissector is inserted in the eustachian tube that connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx. (ET, eustachian tube; Vi, vidian nerve)Fig. 4.64 Exposure of the optic chiasm and the pituitary stalk.The chiasm, bilateral optic nerves, and stalk are observed in this view. (ON, optic nerve; PG, pituiraty gland; St, stalk)Fig. 4.65 Exposure of the anterior circulation and optic chiasm.Cutting the dura along the sphenoid wings and elevating the frontal lobes demonstrates the carotid bifurcations above the optic chiasm inferiorly, and we see the vertebrobasilar junction. (A1, A1 [horizontal] portion of the anterior cerebral artery; A2, A2 portion of the anterior cerebral artery; Acom, anterior communicating artery; BA, basilar artery; C1, C1 [atlas]; C3, C3 portion of the internal carotid artery; C5, C5 portion of the internal carotid artery; Chi, chiasm; DS, dorsum sellae; Heu, Heubner’s artery; M1, M1 portion of the middle cerebral artery; M2, M2 portion of the middle cerebral artery; ON, optic nerve; Or, orbit; St, stalk; VA, vertebral artery)Fig. 4.66 Observation of the oculomotor nerve and adjacent structures on the right side.Removal of the cavernous sinus reveals the third cranial nerve and the free margin of the tentorium. The optic nerve and the C2 segment of the carotid artery are also seen. (C1, C1 [atlas]; C3, C3 portion of the internal carotid artery; C5, C5 portion of the internal carotid artery; III, oculomotor nerve; OA, occipital artery; ON, optic nerve; PG, pituitary gland; St, stalk)Fig. 4.67 Identification of the trochlear nerve.The trochlear nerve is covered by a thin dural membrane. (C1, C1 [atlas]; C3, C3 portion of the internal carotid artery; III, oculomotor nerve; IV, trochlear nerve; ON, optic nerve)Fig. 4.68 Trochlear nerve.The thin dural membrane is peeled off so the trochlear nerve is well seen. The tentorium is raised with a forceps. (C1, C1 [atlas]; C3, C3 portion of the internal carotid artery; III, oculomotor nerve; IV, trochlear nerve; ON, optic nerve)
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