4 Oncology (Brain)


4 Oncology (Brain)

4.1 Astrocytomas (Table 4.1a)



Imaging/other diagnostics



Astrocytomas with better prognosis:

  1. Grade I:

    • Pilocytic astrocytoma

    • Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma

  2. Grade II:

    • Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma

See following table “Other Astrocytic Tumors” (Table 4.1b)

Diffuse astrocytoma:

(Grade II)

  1. Young adults presenting with seizures

  2. Focal neurologic deficits are less common (compared to high grade lesions)

  3. May be an incidental finding (investigating trauma, headache etc.)

  4. They represent 20% of astrocytomas

  1. Imaging:

    1. MRI: ↑ intensity in T2 weighted images. Typically a frontal lobe lesion with no or minimal enhancement

    2. CT: ↓ density

  2. Histology: nuclear atypia and pleomorphism

Subtypes of diffuse astrocytomas:

  1. Fibrillary (most common)

  2. Gemistocytic (> 20 gemistocytic cells per high power field associate with worse prognosis)

  3. Protoplasmic

Mainstay of treatment is:

  1. Maximal Surgical resection that can be safely accomplished. Consider awake craniotomy for lesions involving eloquent brain. Early resection is superior to biopsy and observation (5-y survival rate of 74 vs. 60%) 1 and should be preferred even for incidental findings 2

  2. Radiation therapy. Dose: 50 Gy in 2-Gy fractions over 6 wk. There is data suggesting that postoperative (early) radiation prolongs progression-free survival but does not prolong overall survival. 3 May choose not to give adjuvant radiation post-op in patients who fulfill several of the following criteria:

    • Age < 40 y

    • Lesion not crossing midline

    • Initial tumor size < 5 cm

    • No pre-op neuro deficit

    • Gross total resection with isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutation

    If adjuvant radiation is not given, then perform very close follow-up.


    1. More favorable for:

      • Gross total resection

      • Young age (< 40 y)

      • Karnofsky’s performance score > 80

      • Location in noneloquent brain

      • Maximal tumor diameter < 4 cm

      • Mutations in IDH1 and IDH2

      If above criteria are met, then a 5-y survival rate of 97% may be expected. 4

    2. Five-year survival rate:

      • Gross total resection: 70%

      • Subtotal resection: 40%

    3. Overall median survival is 8 y

    4. Recurrent tumor may be of the same or higher grade (III or IV) compared with initial tumor. Treat with:

      • Surgical re-resection if possible, particularly in the presence of mass effect

      • Radiation therapy if it had not been administered initially or significant time has passed since administration

      • Chemotherapy may be a good option for those who have not received it before. Investigative clinical treatment protocols may be preferable for patients having previously received chemotherapy.

Anaplastic astrocytoma:

(Grade III)

  1. Mean patient age at presentation: ~50 y

  2. 30% of astrocytomas

  1. There is usually enhancement and edema on imaging

  2. Histology: nuclear atypia and mitoses

From a “low-grade” astrocytoma or de novo

Treatment options for anaplastic astrocytomas (grade III) and glioblastomas (grade IV) are the same

Current treatment for patients < 70 y is surgery PLUS radiation PLUS chemotherapy

  1. Open surgery is preferred when gross total resection is possible. Partial resection carries risk of postoperative hemorrhage and edema and there is no survival benefit. 5 Gross total resection is associated with improved survival. 6

  2. Stereotactic biopsy should be preferred when:

    • Gross total resection cannot be safely achieved

    • Elderly patients, usually those older than 70 y (young age is the most important positive prognostic factor)

    • Karnofsky’s performance scale < 70

    • Multiple lesions

    Target the most suspicious region for high-grade lesion based on MRI.

  3. Radiation therapy of tumor and the margin of Increased signal in T2 weighted image (T2WI) signal 7 within 6 wks from surgery or biopsy Total dose is 60 Gy administered as 2 Gy for 5 d/wk for 6 wsk (30 fractions)

  4. Chemotherapy: Temozolomide: (alkylating agent)

    1. Within 6 wks from surgery or biopsy.

    2. Dose 8 : 75 mg/m2/d until the completion of radiation therapy

    3. A month after the end of radiation therapy, initiate 5d of daily treatment every 4 wks for a total of 6 cycles with 150 to 200 mg/m2/d

    Possible side effect: myelosuppression.

    Methylation of O 6 -methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene is a good prognosticator for tumor response to temozolomide

  5. Recurrence:

    1. Consider surgical resection if it can be safely performed and Karnofsky’s performance scale is > 70

    2. Carmustine-impregnated wafers, placed in tumor bed, marginally increase survival but have a high complication rate (wound healing, malignant edema, etc.). May be considered for recurrence if not already used in primary resection. 9

    3. Consider stereotactic radiosurgery for patients with no indication for surgery

    4. Consider chemotherapy (temozolomide or other agents)

  6. Prognosis: For both grades III and IV, prognosis is more favorable for:

    1. Gross total resection

    2. age < 50 y

    3. MGMT gene methylation (predicts response to alkylating chemotherapy)

    4. IDH1 and IDH2 gene mutations

Overall prognosis:

  • Anaplastic astrocytoma: median survival 2–3 y

  • GBM:

    1. IDH wild-type GBM (typically de novo -90% of cases): median survival (with complete treatment) 15 mo. 10

    2. IDH-mutant GBM (usually history of prior low grade glioma and younger age: 10% of cases): median survival (with complete treatment) 31 mo. 10


(Grade IV)

  1. The most common primary tumor of brain with mean patient age at presentation: ~55 y for de novo lesion and ~45 y for progression from lower grade

  2. 50% of astrocytomas

  3. Multifocal in 5%

  4. Rarely:

    • CSF dissemination

    • Metastases

  5. “Butterfly glioma”: invasion of contralateral hemisphere through corpus callosum

  1. MRI: typically deep frontotemporal lesion with irregular enhancement

  2. Histology: microvascular proliferation, necrosis

  1. Subtypes:

    • Giant cell GBM (better prognosis)

    • Gliosarcoma: 2% of GBMs typically in temporal lobe with sarcoma component and metastases

    • Epithelioid GBM

  2. Genetic syndromes associated with GBM:

    1. Turcot’s

    2. Li–Fraumeni

    3. Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1)

4.1.1 Other Astrocytic Tumors (Table 4.1b)



Imaging/other diagnostics



Pilocytic (juvenile) astrocytoma:

(Grade I)

  1. Pediatric patients and young adults, usually younger than 20 y

  2. Almost 30% of pediatric gliomas

  1. MRI: frequently enhancing mural nodule and cyst

  2. Predilection for:

    • cerebellar hemispheres

    • hypothalamus, optic nerves chiasm

    • brainstem

  1. Surgical resection: the nodule (and the enhancing components) should be resected

  2. Biopsy in optic chiasm lesion (for optic nerve involvement: surgical resection)

  3. Recurrence: repeat surgical resection

  4. Radiation therapy in:

    1. Inoperable recurrence

    2. Optic chiasm involvement


  • 10-y survival rate of 85%

  • 20-y survival rate of 70%

Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma

(Grade I)

  1. Age < 20 y

  2. Associated with tuberous sclerosis

  3. Hydrocephalus

  4. Seizures

MRI: lesion arising in the ventricular wall near the foramen of Monro:

  • With heterogeneous signal on T1WI and T2WI

  • With significant contrast enhancement

  • may be cystic

Consider surgical resection in:

  1. Progressive growth

  2. mass effect symptoms-hydrocephalus

Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma:

(Grade II)

  1. Pediatric patients and young adults with supratentorial, superficially located lesion (subpial astrocytes)

  2. Seizures


  • typically cystic lesion

  • with mural nodule

  • in temporal lobe

Surgical resection

Prognosis: 5-y survival rate of 80%

Anaplastic pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma:

(Grade III)

Increased number of mitoses or necrosis compared to typical grade II pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma

  1. Surgical resection

  2. Radiation therapy

4.1.2 Oligodendrogliomas and Oligoastrocytomas (Table 4.1c)

Overall better prognosis than astrocytic tumors



Imaging/other diagnostics



(Grade II)

  1. Adults of 40 y (there is also a second peak in pediatric patients 6–12 y of age)

  2. See “For all the above tumors”

  1. MRI:

    • Infiltrative lesion in cortex and subcortical white matter of frontal lobe (followed in frequency by temporal lobe)

    • Cystic component may be present

    • Lesion may enhance

    • T2WI: hyperintense

    • Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI): no diffusion restriction

  2. CT: hypodense lesion with calcifications (in 70–90%)


  • “Fried egg” cytoplasm (artifact of fixation with formalin)

  • “Chicken wire” (fine network of branching capillaries); vascular pattern

  1. Surgical resection

  2. Chemotherapy:

    1. PCV: procarbazine,carmustine and vincristine is the mainstay of treatment

    2. Temozolomide. Less toxicity and side effects (particularly nausea) but ongoing study for comparison with PCV in effectiveness.

  3. Radiotherapy: typically not a first-line treatment in newly diagnosed patients. Initial studies showed that adding radiation to surgery and chemo increased progression-free survival, but did not increase overall survival. Employed primarily as a second-line therapy for recurrences. Nonetheless, there are new data suggesting that adding radiation to chemo on first diagnosis may increase survival in:

    1. Patients younger than 40 y with subtotal resection

    2. Patients older than 40 y. 11


  • 1p/19q co-deletion (combined loss of heterozygosity) predicts response to chemotherapy and longer survival

  • Improved survival also for:

    • Young age

    • Frontal lobe lesion

    • No enhancement

    • Complete resection

  • 5-y survival rate: 70%. Overall median survival of 12 y

Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma:

(Grade III)

  1. Age > 40 y

  2. See “For all the above tumors”

  1. Contrast enhancement does not reliably distinguish grade II oligodendroglioma from grade III lesions

  2. MRS may help distinguish oligodendroglioma from anaplastic subtype: presence of lipid/lactate peak in the latter

  1. Surgical resection

  2. Chemotherapy

  3. Radiation therapy


  • 1p/19q co-deletion predicts response to chemotherapy and longer survival

  • 5-y survival rate: 40%. Overall median survival of 4y


(Grade II)

  1. Patients 30–50 y old

  2. See “For all the above tumors”

Two types of cells (oligodendroglioma + diffuse astrocytoma)

Treatment similar to anaplastic oligodendrogliomas


  • 1p/19q co-deletion predicts response to chemotherapy and longer survival

  • Depends on the extent of astrocytic component

  • 5-y survival rate: 60%. Overall median survival of 6y

Anaplastic oligoastrocytoma:

(Grade III)

  1. Patients is 30–50 y old

  2. See “For all the above tumors”

  1. As above

  2. Nuclear atypia, pleomorphism, increased mitoses

Treatment is similar to oligoastrocytoma.

Prognosis is worse than oligoastrocytoma

For all the above tumors

For all the above tumors, symptoms include:

  1. Seizures (in almost 70% of cases)

  2. Headache

  3. Focal neurological deficit

  4. Hemorrhage

For all the above tumors:

  1. Mutations in IDH1 and IDH2 (detected by immunohistochemistry and MRS) are associated with improved prognosis. 12

  2. Presence of astrocytic component worsens prognosis

  3. Antiepileptics. Routinely given, even prophylactically, for all patients with oligodendroglial tumors

4.2 Ependymomas (Table 4.2)



Imaging/other diagnostics




(Grade I)

  1. Patient are 40–60 y of age

  2. Typically asymptomatic

  3. may present due to obstructive hydrocephalus

  1. Small, usually < 2 cm (vs. subependymal giant cell astrocytomas, which are typically large)

  2. Location frequency:

    • 4th ventricle in 60%

    • Lateral ventricles in 40%

  3. No enhancement or edema in MRI (isointense on T1WI and hyperintense on T2WI)

  4. Histology: epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) negative (vs. positive in ependymomas)

  1. Close follow-up in asymptomatic patients

  2. Treat hydrocephalus if present

  3. Surgical resection is uncommon and is reserved for symptomatic mass effect and growing lesions with atypical behavior

Prognosis: excellent. A very slowly growing lesion that usually remain asymptomatic


(Grade II)

  1. Pediatric patients:

    • Posterior fossa lesion (floor of the 4th ventricle)

    • Hydrocephalus with subsequent ↑ICP and cranial nerves palsies (CNVI, VII)

  2. Adults:

    • intramedullary spinal lesion: The subtype presenting in the filum is typically of myxopapillary histology and is a much more benign variant (grade I).

    • It may also present, less commonly, as a supratentorial lesion frequently with cystic component

  3. “Drop metastasis” (spine) may present along with the cranial lesion and should be ruled out

  4. Associated with NF2

  1. MRI of entire neuraxis to exclude seeding.

  2. Lesion may be:

    • lobulated

    • cystic

    • with calcifications

    • with varying enhancement

  3. Lesions rarely may also present outside the CNS (mediastinum, ovaries and other)

  4. Histology: Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) positive (vs. choroid plexus papillomas and metastatic carcinomas that are negative)

  1. Grade II variants:

    1. Cellular

    2. Papillary (“classic form”)

    3. Clear cell

    4. Tanycytic

  2. Myxopapillary ependymoma of the filum is a grade I lesion)

  1. Surgical resection is the mainstay both for cranial and spinal lesions. Extent of resection affects survival. 13 Due to frequent invasion of obex, complete resection is often impossible in children.

  2. Radiation: For patients with cranial lesions, who are older than 3 y include:

    1. Fractionated radiation at resection bed

    2. Spinal radiation in case of drop metastasis. Ependymomas are very radiosensitive. Spinal ependymomas (both intramedullary and myxopapillary of the filum) are typically cured via surgery and do not require radiation

  3. For cranial lesions, consider:

    • postoperative (2 wks postop) lumbar puncture for CSF cytology or

    • MRI of neuraxis to exclude drop metastasis


5-y survival:

  1. Pediatric patients 30%

  2. Adults near 80%

  3. Myxopapillary > 95%

Anaplastic ependymoma

(Grade III)

Commonly a posterior fossa lesion in pediatric patients

  1. MRI: contrast enhancement

  2. Histology: pleomorphism, mitoses, endothelial proliferation, necrosis

  1. Surgical resection

  2. Followed by radiation therapy to the primary site and spinal metastases. 13 , 14

Worse prognosis for:

  1. age < 3 y

  2. subtotal resection. 13

Chemotherapy could be considered as a treatment option for ependymomas in order to delay radiation therapy in very young children. 15

Note: Ependymoblastoma is a pediatric grade IV malignant lesion classified in primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs).

4.3 Brainstem Gliomas (Table 4.3a)



Imaging/other diagnostics


Focal or diffuse

  1. Mesencephalic/tectal: a benign subtype of brainstem gliomas

  2. Pontine: *Diffuse pontine glioma: the most common pediatric brainstem tumor

  3. Medullar

  1. Pediatric patients

  2. Multiple cranial nerve palsies

  3. Long tract signs

  4. Vertical and rotatory nystagmus

  5. Decreased alertness

  6. Hydrocephalus


  1. Typical presentation of diffuse lesion is hypointense on T1WI, hyperintense on T2WI with no contrast enhancement. Enhancement and necrosis is related to higher grade lesions

  2. Pilocytic (focal) lesion presents with enhancement

  1. Radiation therapy is the primary treatment for brainstem gliomas (50 Gy for 6 wk, 5 d/wk)

  2. No biopsy for diffuse lesions. Perform brain MRS (differential diagnosis includes, encephalitis, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis [ADEM], demyelination)

  3. Surgery only for:

    1. Hydrocephalus

    2. Dorsal exophytic lesion (usually pilocytic astrocytoma).


    • Use monitoring

    • Beware of the fourth ventricle floor (identify facial and hypoglossal colliculus)

  4. Dexamethasone

  5. Chemotherapy. Recently, in addition to standard chemotherapy, chemoembolization has been employed.

Prognosis for diffuse lesions:

  • Survival of 6–12 mo

  • Better prognosis for:

    1. Tectal gliomas:

      • A benign subtype of brainstem gliomas

      • Usually does not require any intervention except for shunting due to obstruction of aqueduct of Sylvius

    2. Cystic and focal exophytic lesions

Note: Higher-grade lesions are more frequent in lower brainstem, while lower-grade lesions are more frequent in upper brainstem

4.3.1 Optic Apparatus/Hypothalamic Gliomas (Table 4.3b)



Imaging/other diagnostics



Typically a pilocytic astrocytoma

  1. Children typically younger than 5 y of age

  2. Disturbance of vision (visual acuity or field defects)

  3. Endocrine dysfunction (hypopituitarism, precocious puberty)

  4. Hydrocephalus and/or psychobehavioral symptoms (large lesions involving the 3rd ventricle and/or limbic system)

  1. MRI brain: the lesion infiltrates the optic apparatus (typically no displacement). Hyperintense on T2WI with various enhancement

  2. Consider MRA for suprasellar lesions

  3. Evaluate vision and endocrine function

  4. Classification:

    • Stage 1: optic nerves only

    • Stage 2: chiasm involved

    • Stage 3: hypothalamic involvement

  1. Association with NF1 (REMEMBER: repeated ophthalmologic evaluation for NF1 patients).

  2. May be bilateral.

  1. Asymptomatic nonprogressing lesions may be followed closely (imaging, vision, and endocrine function).

  2. Chemotherapy (carboplatin and vincristine among other regimens) for symptomatic or progressive tumor

  3. Radiation therapy (stereotactic radiosurgery, external beam radiation) for:

    1. Older children (age >3 y)

    2. Progression during chemotherapy

    3. Relapse after chemotherapy

  4. Consider surgical resection for:

    1. Unilateral lesion anterior to chiasm with no useful vision.

    2. Shunt placement for suprasellar expansion causing hydrocephalus


  1. worse for:

    • Location posterior to chiasm

    • Young age

    • Pilomyxoid astrocytoma subtype

  2. Better for:

    • NF1 patients.

    • 10-y survival rate is approximately 85% with treatment 16

4.4 Choroid Plexus Tumors (Table 4.4)



Imaging/other diagnostics



Choroid plexus papilloma

(Grade I)

  1. Usually children < 2 y with supratentorial lesion and signs of ↑ ICP (macrocrania, tense fontanelle etc.).

  2. Adults usually present with infratentorial lesion

  3. Anatomic location:

    1. 50% in lateral ventricles (atrium, left >right)

    2. 40% in 4th ventricle and cerebellopontine angle (CPA)

    3. 5% in 3rd ventricle (roof)

    4. 5% in multiple sites

  4. Presents typically with hydrocephalus


  • strongly enhancing lobulated intraventricular lesion usually associated with hydrocephalus

  • Cauliflower shape

Very frequent in first year of life

Surgical resection

Prognosis: 5-y survival: ~90%

Atypical choroid plexus papilloma

(Grade II)

As above

  1. MRI: similar to choroid plexus papilloma + possibly hemorrhage-necrosis

  2. Histology: Two or more mitoses per 10 high-power fields (related to recurrence)

Surgical resection


  • Higher recurrence rate as compared to grade I lesions

  • Intermediate 5-y survival rate between grade I and III lesions

Choroid plexus carcinoma

(Grade III)

As above

  1. MRI: similar to atypical choroid plexus papilloma + frequently ependymal, brain invasion and edema

  2. Histology: More than 5 mitoses per 10 high-power fields

  3. Immunohistochemistry: if positive epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) or carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), consider metastatic lesion rather than primary choroid plexus tumor

  1. Surgical resection (the most important prognostic factor)

  2. After partial surgical resection consider:

    1. Chemotherapy

    2. Radiation therapy (not in children < 3 y of age). 17 , 18 , 19


  • 5-y survival rate: ~50% after complete surgical resection

  • Worse outcome:

    1. CSF seeding

    2. Brain invasion

    3. TP53 gene mutation

For all the above tumors:

80% of choroid plexus tumors present in children < 2 y of age

For all the above tumors:

  1. Imaging cannot reliably distinguish between different grades

  2. Perform preoperatively MRI of entire spine (there is risk of CSF seeding, higher with grade III lesions)

For all the above tumors:

Associated with:

  • Li–Fraumeni syndrome

  • Aicardi’s syndrome

For all the above tumors:

  1. Always consider surgery for residual tumor or recurrence

  2. Possible complication: postoperative subdural collections (fistula between ventricles and subdural space) that may require shunting

  3. Hydrocephalus may not resolve completely postoperatively.

4.5 Neuronal and Mixed Neuronal–Glial Tumors (Table 4.5)



Imaging/other diagnostics



Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNT or DNET)

(Grade I)

  1. Children and young adults (< 20 y of age) with pharmacoresistant epilepsy

  2. temporal (or frontal) lesion

  3. Very slow growth

  1. MRI:

    1. Wedge-shaped cystic supratentorial cortical lesion

    2. No edema with usually no enhancement (or punctate enhancement)

    3. Typically hyperintense on T2WI

  2. Associated with cortical dysplasia

Surgical resection for pharmacoresistant epilepsy:

  1. Resect epileptogenic foci

  2. Duration of intractable seizures is inversely correlated to improvement after surgery



Children and young adults with seizures and temporal lobe lesion

Frequently cystic lesion with enhancing mural nodule and calcifications

Neuronal (ganglion) + astrocytic (glial) cells: some correlate prognosis with the astrocytic component

Surgical resection

Prognosis: 10-y survival rate of 85%

Anaplastic ganglioglioma:

(Grade III)

  1. Surgical resection

  2. Radiation therapy

Prognosis: not significantly worse

Central neurocytoma:

(Grade II)

  1. Young adults with large ventricles

  2. Symptoms of ↑ICP

  1. MRI and CT:

    1. “Bubbly” lesion originating in septum pellucidum, within the lateral and 3rd ventricles in the vicinity of foramen of Monro

    2. Contrast enhancement

    3. Usually calcifications

  2. Histology: “Fried egg” cell appearance similar to oligodendroglioma, but no IDH mutations or 1p19q deletions

  1. Surgical resection: The 2-year and 4-year recurrence rates in pts w/ MIB-1 labeling >4% are 50% and 75% respectively

  2. Stereotactic radiosurgery if MIB-1 is elevated (> 2%) and no gross total resection has been achieved

  3. Chemotherapy in recurrence and inoperable tumors

Prognosis: complete surgical resection is a cure.


  1. Middle-age patients and slow growth

  2. Possibly catecholamine release with severe hypertension/cardiac arrhythmias

  3. Cranial nerves palsy

  4. Based on location:

    1. Carotid body tumor (carotid bifurcation):

      • Painless mass in neck that may affect cranial nerves X and XII or cause narrowing of internal carotid artery (ICA) with accompanying cerebrovascular events

      • Angiogram: splaying of bifurcation

      • 5% are bilateral

    2. Glomus tympanicum (auricular branch of vagus):

      • Most common tumor of middle ear

      • Very vascular

      • Hearing loss-tinnitus

      • Lower cranial nerves palsy and possibly cranial nerve VII

    3. Glomus jugulare (jugular foramen, superior vagal ganglion):

      • Very vascular

      • Hearing loss–tinnitus

      • Lower cranial nerves palsy + possibly cranial nerve VII palsy

    4. Glomus intravagale (inferior vagal ganglion): rare

    5. Pheochromocytoma (adrenal medulla and sympathetic chain): If age < 50 y perform genetic testing mainly to exclude:

      • von Hippel–Lindau

      • multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN2A) and MEN2B

      • neurofibromatosis

  1. Laboratory workup:

    1. Plasma metanephrines

    2. 24-h urine collection for metanephrines and catecholamines

    3. Clonidine suppression test

  2. Otoscopic examination for glomus tympanicum (red mass that pulsates behind eardrum)

  3. Angiogram helps differentiate glomus from vestibular schwannoma and evaluates the possibility to sacrifice the jugular vein during surgery

Paraganglion cells

  1. Surgical resection:

    Consider preoperative embolization 24–48 h before surgery in selected cases. There is a risk of significant edema following embolization Following surgery, there is postoperative risk of lower cranial nerve dysfunction (tracheostomy or gastrostomy may be needed)

  2. Radiation therapy (40 Gy in 15 fractions): Controls growth but does not cause shrinkage. Consider in large tumors or patients who cannot tolerate surgery.

REMEMBER: If the tumor secrets catecholamines prior to embolization or surgery pretreat:

  1. 2 wks with alpha-blockers:

    • phenoxybenzamine 10 mg orally twice daily to maximum 50 mg twice daily

    • phentolamine IV in acute hypertensive crisis)

  2. 24 h with beta-blockers: propranolol 5–10 mg four times daily

Alpha blockers should precede beta blockers (to prevent hypertension and ischemic heart disease)

Prognosis: 5-y survival rate of 90%

4.6 Embryonal Tumors (Table 4.6)



Imaging/other diagnostics




(Grade IV)

  1. Typically pediatric pts (peak age: 7 y) and young adults with lesion arising from:

    • the roof of the 4th ventricle (vs. ependymoma arising from floor)

    • in cerebellar hemisphere (older children, adults)

  2. May present with:

    1. Hydrocephalus

    2. ↑ ICP signs

    3. Gait disturbance and

    4. Truncal ataxia

  3. Frequently drop metastases (up to 1/3 of cases)

  4. Rarely metastases (higher frequency with large cell subtype)

  5. Preterm children are at increased risk

  1. MRI:

    • T2WI: heterogeneous

    • DWI: restricted diffusion

    • significant contrast enhancement

  2. CT: hyperdense lesion

  3. MRI of entire spine with contrast to rule out drop metastases preoperatively or at least 2–3 wk postoperatively (not earlier because of blood)

  4. Histology: “Small round blue cell neoplasm”

  1. Most common malignant pediatric brain tumor

  2. Based on molecular subgroup (medulloblastomas genetically defined: WHO classification 2016) 20 :

    • Medulloblastoma WNT

    • Medulloblastoma SHH

    • Medulloblastoma Group 3

    • Medulloblastoma Group 4

  1. Surgical resection:

    1. Lesion on the 4th ventricle floor and brainstem is not resected to prevent poor neurological outcome

    2. Consider external ventricular drain (EVD) preoperatively


    1. Gross total resection: no residual tumor

    2. Near-total resection: < 1.5 cm2 residual tumor

    3. Subtotal resection: > 1.5 cm2 residual tumor

  2. Lumbar puncture for cytology before craniotomy if no hydrocephalus

  3. Consider treatment of hydrocephalus (shunt carries a risk of seeding)

  4. Craniospinal radiation therapy for age > 3 y:

    • Dose: 10–15 Gy to tumor bed and 35–40 Gy to neuraxis over 6 wks

    • Consider lower dose to neuraxis after gross total resection

  5. Chemotherapy (lomustine, vincristine, cisplatin):

    • Children < 3 y

    • Residual tumor > 1.5 cm2

    • Metastases

    • Recurrence


  1. Prognosis worse for:

    • Male patient

    • Residual tumor > 1.5 cm2

    • Age < 3 y

    • Metastases

    • Loss of 17q, amplification of c-myc and ERBB2 overexpression

  2. Prognosis based on WHO classification:

    • Medulloblastoma: WNT EXCELLENT (90% long-term survival LTS)

    • Medulloblastoma: SHH GOOD: (60–85% LTS as long as no TP53 mutation)

    • Medulloblastoma: Group 3 POOR: (< 50% LTS)

    • Medulloblastoma: Group 4 GOOD: (75% LTS)

ERBB2-protein negative tumors have a better prognosis

Neuroblastoma: (tumor of the sympathetic nervous system)

  1. Peripheral: the primary tumor is located in the adrenal glands, paraspinal or periaortic regions, where sympathetic nervous tissue is present

  2. Cerebral:

    • Primary cerebral neuroblastoma (PNET)

    • metastases from peripheral neuroblastomas

  1. Most common in children (may be congenital)

  2. 65% of patients present with disseminated disease frequently spreading to bone (with pain)

  3. Skull may be involved:

    • “Raccoon eyes” (involvement of orbits)

    • Palpable calvarial mass

  4. Possibly palpable abdominal or paraspinal mass

  5. There is association with:

    • Opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome (paraneoplastic) 21

    • NF1

CRANIAL workup:

  • 6. MRI brain: supratentorial enhancing lesion with possibly hemorrhagic, necrotic, cystic component

  • 7. CT brain/orbit to evaluate skull invasion

  • 8. Consider bone scan and PET for metastatic disease

Esthesioneuroblastoma (olfactory neuroblastoma):

  • Malignant tumor usually in older adults (> 50 y)

  • Originates from the olfactory neural crest cells

  • Possible extension inside the cranial vault

  • Surgical resection, usually endoscopic

  • Prognosis: 7-y expected survival

  • Neuroblastomas are very radio- and chemosensitive.

  • Treatment includes a combination of surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy.

  • Prognosis is age dependent:

    1. 5-y survival rate for children of age < 1y is 55%

    2. Significantly worse for older children

4.7 Vestibular Schwannoma (Table 4.7)


Imaging/other diagnostics



Patients at the 4th–6th decade of life with:

  1. Ipsilateral sensorineural loss of hearing (high-tone loss and difficulty in discriminating words)

  2. High-pitched tinnitus

  3. Disequilibrium

  4. Tumor > 2 cm may also present with (compression of adjacent structures):

    • Facial numbness

    • Facial weakness (usually late symptom)

    • Otalgia

    • Brainstem symptoms

    • Dysgeusia

    • Lower cranial nerve

    • symptoms

    • Hydrocephalus (tumor > 4 cm)

    • Represents 80% of CPA tumors. Second most common is meningioma.

    • NF2:

  1. Bilateral vestibular Schwannomas

  2. An early diagnosis of vestibular schwannoma (< 40 y of age) should initiate investigation on possible coexistence of NF2

  1. MRI brain:

    • Lesion presents heterogeneous enhancement and may be cystic

    • When large: “ice cream on cone” shape

    • When small: “filling defect” within the increased signal CSF of internal acoustic canal (high-resolution T2WI)

  2. CT brain: enlarged internal auditory meatus (normal diameter: 5–8 mm). Meningiomas cause hyperostosis and decrease of the diameter of the internal auditory canal

  3. Audiometric tests:

    1. Pure-tone audiogram

    2. Speech discrimination

    3. When the lesion is small (< 1.5 cm):

      • ENG (electronystagmography) for superior vestibular nerve

      • VEMP (vestibular evoked myogenic potential) for inferior vestibular nerve

      • ABR (auditory brain responses): prognosis for preservation of hearing

  4. Histology:

    1. Antoni A pattern (cellular, fibrillary elongated appearing tissue)

    2. Antoni B pattern (less cellular microcystic tissue)

  1. It is a grade I lesion presenting in the CPA and arising from Schwann cells of the superior division of the vestibular nerve (transition zone between central and peripheral myelination).

  2. The 2nd most common intracranial schwannoma is from trigeminal nerve

  3. Associated with loss of a tumor suppressor gene on the long arm of chromosome 22

  4. Facial nerve is displaced anteriorly (75% of cases), followed (in frequency) by superiorly, inferiorly, posteriorly

  5. “50/50 rule” to define serviceable hearing:

    • pure-tone audiogram threshold ≤ 50 dB

    • speech discrimination score ≥ 50%

  1. Tumors < 1.5 cm with perfect hearing: consider close follow-up


    1. No further growth is expected if no growth has been documented in the first 5 y from diagnosis

    2. 60% of vestibular schwannomas are slow growing (< 1 mm/y)

  2. Tumors < 1.5 cm with serviceable hearing:

    1. Close follow-up

    2. Stereotactic radiosurgery

  3. Tumors > 1.5 cm:

    1. Stereotactic radiosurgery for:

      • Lesions up to 3 cm with no mass effect

      • Residual post-op lesions (12–16 Gy, depending on weather hearing is serviceable)

    2. Consider fractionated radiotherapy for even larger lesions with no mass effect and significant patient comorbidity

    Approximately 18–24 mo are necessary for radiation therapy to present its full effect

    Surgery vs. radiation therapy:

    1. Radiation therapy appears to be superior to surgery at preserving hearing (particularly when dose to 50% isodose is kept below 13 Gy)

    2. Surgery is superior at controlling vertigo/disequilibrium

    3. Their results appear comparable for:

      • Facial nerve preservation

      • Trigeminal nerve function

      • Tumor control (a temporary increase in dimension may be observed with radiation therapy)

  4. Tumors > 3 cm or with symptoms of mass effect:

    Surgery (always with intraoperative monitoring). Choice of approach depends on several factors including:

    • Tumor size

    • Tumor anatomy

    • Hearing in ipsilateral ear

    • Hearing in contralateral ear

    • Surgeon preference

    Surgical approaches:

    1. Retrosigmoid:

      • Good for hearing preservation

      • Wide angle of view

      • Beware of cerebellar retraction

      • Not good for purely intracanalicular tumors

    2. Translabyrinthine:

      • No preservation of hearing

      • Superior facial nerve preservation

      • Excellent for avoiding cerebellar retraction in large tumors

    3. Subtemporal:

      • Improved hearing preservation

      • Slight increase in facial nerve palsy. Facial nerve encountered first in this approach

      • Excellent approach for purely intracanalicular tumors

Post-op complications

  1. Facial nerve palsy (frequency increasing with size of tumor):

    1. Natural tears when needed and at least every 2 h

    2. Eye lubricant ointment before bedtime and tape the eye shut

    3. If no immediate recovery is expected (or if also sensation is impaired because of CNV dysfunction), then perform tarsorrhaphy in the first days

    4. If no return of function is expected or in case of no improvement in the 1st year, a hypoglossal-facial anastomosis can be considered

  2. Vestibular nerve dysfunction (frequency increasing with size of tumor): nausea, vomit, and disequilibrium (they are self-resolving)

  3. Brainstem dysfunction: persistent ataxia

  4. Lower cranial nerves palsy: risk of aspiration

  5. CSF leak

  6. Headaches due to:

    • chemical meningitis from subdural bone drilling. Irrigate well after drilling to minimize risk

    • attachment of muscle onto dura in craniectomy site. Perform craniotomy instead of craniectomy to decrease this risk.


  1. Treat preoperatively coexistent hydrocephalus. May also present post-op (even years later)

  2. Preserving the facial nerve/brainstem function is more important than the degree of resection (considering the possibility of post-op radiation therapy and that this is a histologically benign tumor)

  3. Chemotherapy: avastin has been used for NF2 vestibular schwannomas

  4. Preoperatively note the location and size of the jugular bulb and sigmoid sinus, as well as the degree of pneumatization of the petrous apex

4.8 Meningiomas (Table 4.8)



Imaging/other diagnostics




(Grade I)


  • Meningothelial (syncytial): the most common

  • Fibrous (fibroblastic)

  • Transitional

  • Psammomatous

  • Angiomatous: abundant blood vessels

  • Microcystic: may present cysts having an atypical radiologic presentation)

  • Secretory: significant perilesional edema that may complicate treatment

  • Lymphoplasmacyte-rich meningioma: significant lympho-plasmacytic infiltrates in the tumor and clinical presentation that resembles an inflammatory process with peripheral blood abnormalities

  • Metaplastic: mesenchymal differentiation of various extent (bone, cartilage, fat may be observed)

  1. Very common (15%) primary intracranial tumor presenting usually in female adults

  2. Presentation

    1. Frequently asymptomatic

    2. Neurological deficit depending on location

    3. Seizures (supratentorial tumor)

    4. Foster–Kennedy syndrome in olfactory groove meningiomas (anosmia + ipsilateral optic atrophy + contralateral papilledema)

  3. Multiple meningiomas are associated with NF2

  1. MRI:

    • dural-based enhancing lesion with variable edema.

    • T1WI: isointense

    • T2WI: hyper or isointense

    • “Dural tail” (which may also be observed in pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma)

    REMEMBER: Check patency of dural sinuses (consider MRV-based on location of lesion)

  2. CT: hyperostosis of adjacent bone and calcification of lesion may be present

  3. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA):

    • May be needed based on anatomic location and/or for pre-op embolization

    • “Sunburst” or radial appearance. Enhancement presents in early arterial phase and persists (“come early, stay late”)

    • External carotid artery feeders with the exception of:

      1. Olfactory groove (fed by the ethmoidal branches of ophthalmic artery, which is a branch of ICA)

      2. Supra and parasellar lesions

  4. Frequent anatomic locations (90% are supratentorial):

    • Adults:

      1. Parasagittal: Grading for meningioma invasion of superior sagittal sinus 22 :

        • Type I: attachment to lateral wall of sinus

        • Type II: lateral recess invasion

        • Type III: lateral wall invasion

        • Type IV: lateral wall and roof invasion

        • Type V: total occlusion of sinus with contralateral wall spared

        • Type VI: total occlusion with invasion of all walls

      2. Convexity

      3. Tuberculum sellae (chiasmal syndrome: optic atrophy + bitemporal hemianopsia)

      4. Sphenoidal ridge:

        • Pterional or lateral third

        • Alar or middle third

        • Clinoidal or medial third

      Multiple meningiomas in 9% of pts (frequently associated with history of radiation or NF2).

    • Children:

      1. Intraventricular

      2. Posterior fossa

  5. Rare anatomic locations:

    1. Intraosseous (skull)

    2. Subcutaneous

  6. Metastases (lung, liver, lymph nodes, heart): usually grade III meningiomas

  7. Consider hemangiopericytoma if the lesion is growing more rapidly than expected

  8. Histology: psammoma bodies (calcified whorls)

  9. Immunohistochemical stains:

    1. EMA

    2. Vimentin

  1. They arise from arachnoid meningothelial “cap” cells

  2. Genetics:

    1. Monosomy 22 (up to 70% of tumors)

    2. 1p and 14q deletions (associated with more aggressive behavior)

    3. Association with NF2

  3. Associated with radiation

  1. Follow up for:

    1. Asymptomatic tumor

    2. No progressive growth

    3. Low life expectancy

      • After first diagnosis, repeat MRI after 3–4 mo (to exclude rapid growth) and then follow annually for 3 y.

      • Pregnancy and breast cancer may cause growth.

  2. Surgical resection for:

    1. Symptomatic

    2. lesions with progressive growth

    Surgical technique:

    1. Consider preoperative embolization with particulate agents

    2. Deprive early the tumor of its blood supply

    3. Internal decompression maintaining the capsule (“if you can debulk, you should debulk”)

    4. Avoid healthy brain retraction

    5. Drill (remove) any attached bone

    6. Maintain venous drainage:

      • Superior sagittal sinus can usually be safely occluded anterior to coronal suture but never posteriorly to the vein of Trolard

      • The dominant transverse sinus should be preserved

      It is safer to:

      • Leave residual tumor in sinus than sacrifice sinus

      • Close follow-up of remnant

      • Stereotactic radiosurgery in case of growth

  3. Consider focal radiation therapy/radiosurgery:

    1. For tumors < 3 cm

    2. For patients with contraindication to surgery

    3. For surgically inaccessible lesion

    4. For growing residual tumor

    5. After recurrence

    6. For atypical or anaplastic meningioma after surgical resection

REMEMBER: Stereotactic radiosurgery has overall disease stabilization rate of 89% and complication rate of 7% 23


  • Most important for preventing recurrence is extent of resection

  • Ki-67/MIB-1 inversely correlates with prognosis

  • Worse prognosis for:

    1. 1p and 14q deletions

    2. Lack of progesterone receptors are associated with more aggressive behavior

Recurrence rate:

  1. Based on WHO grade:

    • 9% for grade I meningioma

    • 29% for grade II atypical meningioma

    • 70% for grade III anaplastic meningioma

  2. Based on Simpson grade (10 year recurrence rate depending on extent of resection) 24 :

    • Grade I: complete (even sinus) → 10%

    • Grade II: complete but only coagulation of dural attachment → 20%

    • Grade III: complete but without coagulation → 30%

    • Grade IV: partial (residual tumor) → 40–80%

    • Grade V: simple decompression/biopsy → 100%

Treatment of recurrence:

  1. Repeat surgical resection and/or

  2. Focal radiation therapy

Atypical meningioma

(Grade II)

Other grade II meningiomas:

  • Chordoid

  • Clear cell: young adults with lesion in spinal canal or posterior fossa

5% of meningiomas

  • Brain invasion and mitotic count of 4 or more/10 high-power fields. 10

  • Can also be diagnosed based on the presence of 3 out of 5 of the subsequent features:

    1. Spontaneous necrosis

    2. Sheeting (loss of whorling or fascicular architecture)

    3. Prominent nucleoli

    4. High cellularity

    5. Small cells (clusters with high nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio) 10

  1. Surgical resection

  2. Radiation therapy after both total and subtotal resection. 25


  1. 5-y survival rate of 30%

  2. Metastases in 5% of cases

Anaplastic (malignant) meningioma

(Grade III)

Other grade III meningiomas:

  • Papillary

  • Rhabdoid

1–3% of meningiomas

  1. MRI:

    • Necrosis

    • Tumor invades brain

    • significant edema

  2. CT: osteolysis may be present

Two subtypes exist:

  • Arising de novo

  • Progressing from lower grade tumor

  1. Surgical resection

  2. Radiation therapy after both total and subtotal resection. 25

  3. No effective chemotherapy exists


  1. Gross total resection appears to confer an overall survival advantage (overall median survival of 3.2 y compared to 1.3 y for subtotal resection)

  2. Patients with z have a better survival 26

  3. Metastases in 30% of cases

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