41 Lateral Approaches to Anteriorly Located Lesions of the Craniovertebral Junction
Surgical resection of lesions located at the level of the craniovertebral junction (CVJ), especially lesions located anteriorly, is particularly challenging. Indeed, many important neurological, vascular, and bony structures need to be preserved. Their exposure and control require particular techniques that have been developed over the past 20 years. These techniques use surgical approaches that have been given different names: far lateral, extreme lateral, transcondylar, and so on.1–8 In fact, all of these approaches may be grouped under the label lateral approaches as opposed to anterior (transoral) or posterior (standard posterior midline)9 approaches. These lateral approaches have an axis of work either anteriorly or posteriorly, and they can be subdivided into anterior and posterolateral approaches. Each of these approaches then differs in the extent of bone resection and mobilization of the vertebral artery. Whatever the chosen technique, the general principles are the same, and each surgeon has to tailor the surgical technique according to each pathological case and his or her experience. Therefore, while dealing with a CVJ lesion, the surgeon must choose the best single or combined approach, namely, the anterior approach (transoral and derived approaches),10 posterior approach (standard midline posterior opening),9 or lateral approach (anterior or posterolateral approaches).
The lateral approaches are directed to the lateral wall of the CVJ ( Fig. 41.1 ). This lateral wall is made up of the C1–C2 joint, the lateral mass of the atlas with the trans-verse process and the foramen of C1, the C0–C1 joint, the occipital condyle, and the jugular tubercle. It thus comprises important elements contributing to the stability of the CVJ. In fact, this wall is in a plane that is anterior to the neuraxis. It means that with an access flush to its posterior aspect, one may reach the subarachnoid space anterior to the spinal cord and the medulla oblongata. It must be noticed that there is no intervertebral foramen at the C0–C1 and C1–C2 levels, as the joints are anterior to the merging of the cervical nerve roots. The lateral routes can therefore take advantage of this wide free space situated behind the lateral wall of the CVJ.

The space posterior to the lateral wall of the CVJ is crossed by the vertebral artery, which is the key structure to control in lateral approaches.11,12 The vertebral artery runs vertically from the C2 to the C1 transverse foramina along the C1–C2 joint; it then runs horizontally in the groove of the posterior arch of the atlas behind the occipital condyle, then runs obliquely superiorly and medially to reach the dura at the level of the foramen magnum. The segment of the vertebral artery between the C2 transverse foramen and the foramen magnum dura is called the V3 or suboccipital segment.13–16
The vertebral artery has a muscular and a radicular branch at each level. The muscular branches are connected to the muscular branches of the external carotid and subclavian arteries, making a network that can revascularize the distal vertebral artery in case of proximal occlusion. The radicular branches follow the second and first cervical nerve roots; they never give origin to the anterior radiculomedullary artery. The vascular supply of the dura mater of the anterior part of the foramen magnum comes from the radicular artery of the third interspace (C2–C3) ( Fig. 41.2 ), which runs along the vertebral body of C2, then along the odontoid process (where it is called the anterior meningeal artery). It connects with the contra-lateral artery and with the ascending pharyngeal artery.
The anatomy of the CVJ and the vertebral artery is not fixed, and changes occur during movements of the head and neck, especially rotation. Because the atlas follows the rotation of the head, whereas the axis does not, the relations between the bony elements are changing, as are the relations between the vertebral artery and these bony elements; the vertebral artery is stretched on one side and compressed on the other. During surgery with the patient in the supine position and the head rotated toward the opposite side, the C1 transverse process is projected ante-riorly, and the posterior arch of atlas is brought into view.5 The vertebral artery is stretched on both sides of the transverse foramen of C1, with the two vertebral artery parts (the C1–C2 portion and the part above C1) running almost parallel, with only the posterior arch of the atlas interposed between them. Consequently, for surgical approaches to lesions located anterior to the CVJ, care must be taken to not rotate too much of the head.

The variations and anomalies of the CVJ anatomy must be known and identified before contemplating surgery. First, in 40% of patients, both vertebral arteries are not of equal size; one is smaller and called minor or hypoplastic (atretic when it does not join the opposite vertebral artery and ends at the posteroinferior cerebellar artery [PICA] or at the occipital artery), and the other is bigger and called dominant. PICA may use part of the course of the radicular artery of the second interspace (C1–C2). When it is the vertebral artery, it corresponds to a duplication with the intradural course of the vertebral artery ( Fig. 41.3 );17,18 the normal extradural segment may persist or become atretic. When it is the PICA, it corresponds to an extracranial origin of this artery (20% of cases) ( Fig. 41.2 ). Second, there may persist a congenital anastomosis between the carotid artery and the vertebrobasilar system. Most of these anastomoses are intracranial (trigeminal, otic, or hypoglossal), but one of them, called the proatlantal artery, is located extracranially at the level of the CVJ ( Fig. 41.3 ).19,20

Bony malformations are also frequent at the CVJ: fusion of various pieces of bone or supplementary bony elements may modify the mobility of the CVJ and the relations between anatomical structures. It may even cause pathological conditions, such as intermittent compression of the vertebral artery or of the neuraxis. Lastly, calcification or sometimes ossification of the occipitoatlantal ligament turns the groove of the vertebral artery in the posterior arch of the atlas into a tunnel.21,22
Surgical Technique
Among the lateral approaches, the posterolateral is mainly designed for intradural lesions, especially foramen magnum meningiomas. Conversely, the anterolateral approach is best applied to extradural tumors, the most common being chordoma ( Fig. 41.4 ).
Posterolateral Approach
This is a lateral extension of the standard midline approach ( Figs. 41.5, 41.6, 41.7, and 41.8 ).2,3,5,9,23,24 It is best to start from the midline, where the anatomy is familiar. The patient’s position may be sitting, prone, or lateral, depending on the surgeon’s preference. Skin incision starts in the midline, extending vertically up from the C4–C5 level to the occipital protuberance, then curving laterally along the superior occipital line toward the mastoid process. The posterior muscles are cut together with the skin, leaving a cuffof tissue for further reattachment. The muscles are split from the bone to expose the posterior fossa and generally the posterior arch of the atlas and the lamina of C2.

Bone must be split subperiosteally, especially at the level of the arch of the atlas. Exposure progresses from medial to lateral, then from inferior to superior. The lamina of C2 is exposed up to the joint of C1–C2, the posterior arch of the atlas up to the transverse foramen. Between the arch of the atlas and the lamina of C2, the C2 nerve root is identified with venous plexuses on both sides.

Elevating the periosteum from the inferior edge of the arch of the atlas to the superior one allows the surgeon to free the groove and mobilize the vertebral artery out of it ( Fig. 41.6 ). In fact, this technique preserves the periosteal sheath surrounding the vertebral artery and therefore avoids troublesome venous bleeding. The entire length of the vertebral artery groove can be exposed, thus allowing bone resection up to the C0–C1 joint (occipital condyle–lateral mass of the atlas) ( Fig. 41.7 ). For resection of the occipital bone above the vertebral artery toward the occipital condyle, the superior aspect of the vertebral artery needs to be controlled. There is no landmark at this level, as the occipitoatlantal ligament continues with the periosteal sheath of the vertebral artery. Moreover, this ligament is sometimes calcified or even ossified. The bone opening thus obtained, without any drilling of the lateral mass of the atlas or of the occipital condyle, allows the surgeon to reach the intradural space anterior to the neuraxis.
The surgical approach is then decided according to tumor location, with consideration of essentially two parameters: whether the lesion is above or below the vertebral artery, and whether it is anterior or lateral to the neuraxis. The bony resection is extended above (toward the occipital condyle) or below (toward the lateral mass of the atlas), depending on the location of the tumor with respect to the vertebral artery. The difference between anterior and lateral tumors is the axis of displacement of the neuraxis. Lateral tumors displace the neuraxis laterally and therefore enlarge the access. Consequently, bone resection does not need to be extended at its maximum. In contrast, anterior tumors develop in front of the neur-axis, which is displaced straight posteriorly. Therefore, the space lateral to the neuraxis is not enlarged, and bone has to be drilled up to the C0–C1 joint. However, drilling of the occipital condyle must be exceptional and very limited.
Dura is opened by a curvilinear incision sometimes with a counter incision toward the vertebral artery ( Fig. 41.7d ), so that the space between the neuraxis and the dura is maximally opened.
In any case, the bone opening must be extended toward the opposite side beyond the midline so that the neuraxis cannot be compressed against the bone during tumor manipulation. It is also important to release the neuraxis as soon as possible after the bony and dural opening to give more space to the neuraxis. This is achieved by dividing the two first arches of the denticulate ligament and the first (sometimes also the second) cervical nerve root. The first arch gives passage to the vertebral artery and the first cervical nerve root. The nerve roots must be cut lateral to their connection with the accessory nerve. Indeed, sometimes proximal segments of the first and second cervical nerve roots are the main components of the accessory nerve.
In cases where the tumor is below the vertebral artery, the lower cranial nerves are pushed cranially and posteri-orly by the tumor. These nerves will be found at the superior pole of the lesion at the end of surgery. The resection must start at the caudal aspect of the meningiomas, with the goal of releasing the dural attachment and controlling the vascular supply first; then the tumor is debulked in a dry surgical field with a sucker, an ultrasound aspirator, or a laser, according to the tumor consistency. When freeing the dural insertion, it is important to keep a small part of the base, at the side of the neuraxis, undetached, to avoid free movement of the lesion, which can cause inadvertent damage to the neuraxis during the remnant resection. When hollowing the tumor, a small layer is also kept with its capsule against the neuraxis. This part will be resected as the last surgical step and under better conditions when the meningioma is completely devascularized and the surgical field is widely open.
If the tumor is above the vertebral artery, two special points must be taken into consideration: the displacement of the lower cranial nerves and the dissection of the vertebral artery branches. Indeed, in this location, the displacement of the lower cranial nerves cannot be anticipated. To prevent damage, the rootlets must be under control on the side of the jugular foramen, then followed along their courses more or less adherent to the meningioma. With the lesion being progressively debulked, the nerve rootlets can be more easily mobilized, often inferiorly, to allow a more confident tumor resection at some distance from fragile nerve structures. The tumor dissection from the vertebral artery branches, especially the PICA, is another difficulty encountered with tumors located above the vertebral artery. Precise knowledge of the anatomy based on preoperative investigation is mandatory.
If the meningioma encases the vertebral artery, the technique is as described above. Special consideration is nevertheless required if the meningioma has its insertion on the dura surrounding the vertebral artery penetration. The dural resection is better achieved by progressing from the extradural side toward the intradural aspect, along the vertebral artery, because the vertebral artery invaginates into the dura with its periosteal sheath. This furrow can be resected as long as the vertebral artery adventitia is not invaded.
A watertight dural closure is required to prevent postoperative cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage. The closure is generally easy with a curvilinear incision. If necessary, a dural patch using the suboccipital aponeurosis achieves a perfect closure. In any case, the muscular and aponeurotic layers must be tightly closed.
Anterolateral Approach
This is the standard technique used to expose the vertebral artery all along the neck but applied on the suboccipital (V3) segment ( Figs. 41.9, 41.10, 41.11, 41.12, and 41.13 ). The general principles are the same whatever the segment but with some modifications in relation to the anatomy at this level.3,5

The patient is placed in the supine position with the head extended and more or less rotated toward the opposite side ( Fig. 41.9 ). It must be kept in mind that the more the head is rotated, the more of the anterior arch of the atlas is projected away and the more the posterior arch is brought into view. Therefore, rotation must be chosen according to the part of the CVJ that has to be reached.
Skin incision follows the medial edge of the stern-mastoid muscle for 10 cm, its upper part going up to the tip of the mastoid process and then along the mastoid process and the superior occipital crest toward the inion. The sternomastoid and posterior cervical muscles are detached from the occipital bone and mastoid process. The digastric muscle is separated from its groove and reflected anteriorly. Next, the internal jugular vein is exposed at the C3 level, and the space between the internal jugular vein and the sternomastoid is opened. This space is filled with fat and lymphatic elements. The accessory nerve (CN XI) must be identified and dissected free from its junction with the sternomastoid up to its crossing with the internal jugular vein and to the skull base. For easier identification, the patient must not receive any curare-like drugs so that working close to the nerve does not induce contraction of the sternomastoid. The fad pad surrounding the nerve is freed from the deep plane of muscles and rolled around the nerve for protection. A stitch is used to retract this fat pad as well as the nerve, both inferiorly and medially ( Fig. 41.10 ).
Next, the small muscles inserted on the transverse process of the atlas are divided flush with the tip of this process. This transverse process is easily recognized, as it is projected anteriorly by rotation of the head. It can be felt with the finger 10 to 15 mm anterior and inferior to the tip of the mastoid process. Dividing all the muscles attached on the transverse process of the atlas brings into view the two segments of the vertebral artery (the C1–C2 segment and the part above C1) on both sides of the posterior arch of the atlas. Care must be taken to keep the periosteal sheath surrounding the vertebral artery intact to avoid any troublesome venous bleeding ( Fig. 41.11 ).
Still working subperiosteally, the transverse foramen of the atlas can be unroofed with resection of the trans-verse process. This permits mobilization and, whenever necessary, transposition of the vertebral artery out of the transverse foramen. When the vertebral artery is exposed from C2 to the end of the groove in the posterior arch of the atlas, any part of the CVJ on one side can be reached. The surgeon can work on the posterior part or move in front of the anterior arch of the atlas in the retropharyngeal space or work through the bone elements ( Fig. 41.12 ). In fact, when instability already exists due to tumoral invasion or inflammatory process destroying the ligaments, drilling the lateral wall of the CVJ does not worsen the patient’s status and is an acceptable technique. Drilling the occipital condyle gives access to the tip of the clivus; drilling the lateral mass of the atlas gives access to the odontoid process and the contralateral mass of the atlas;25 and drilling the jugular tubercle leads to the jugular foramen ( Figs. 41.13 and 41.14 ).8,26 The strategy must be adjusted according to the location and extent of tumor. The shortest way to reach a tumor is often the best, as it does not destroy important structures. As a rule, CVJ stability may be compromised by tumor development but not by surgical work.

Through the anterolateral approach, the surgeon can follow intradural extensions of a tumor which has its main bulk in the bone and the extradural space. However, this approach is certainly not well designed for intradural lesions.

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