5 Head Injury and ICU


5 Head Injury and ICU

5.1 Head Injury

5.1.1 Definitions (Table 5.1)



Immediate and transient alteration in brain function including mental status and level of consciousness

Differences from mild traumatic brain injury (TBI)

  • Imaging studies are normal

  • Onset of symptoms is immediate (in mild TBI may be hours after trauma)


  • “Bruise” of the brain

  • Associated with multiple microhemorrhages, vascular disruption and perifocal edema

Coup/countercoup injury

Location of brain injury may be the same as impact (coup) or opposite to impact (countercoup)

Malignant cerebral edema

  • Rapid hyperemia with loss of autoregulation after trauma resulting in severe brain swelling

  • Edema of second-impact injury

  • Very high mortality

Diffuse axonal injury (DAI)

  • Mechanism of injury: acceleration/deceleration injury

  • MRI/CT findings: hemorrhagic foci in corpus callosum and brain stem primarily

  • Histopathology: microscopic axonal damage

  • Possible presentation: posttraumatic coma for greater than 6 h without mass lesions or ischemia

5.1.2 Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)

1 (Table 5.2)


BEST eye opening

BEST verbal

BEST motor in ANY limb


Spontaneous movement, following commands


Oriented, conversant

Localizes pain




Withdrawal to pain


To sound

Inappropriate words

Flexion posturing: decorticate


To pressure/pain

Inappropriate sounds

Extension posturing: decerebrate





5.1.3 TBI Classification Based on GCS Score (Table 5.3)


GCS score









5.1.4 Cerebral Edema (Table 5.4a)


Cellular level

Blood–brain barrier







Gray and white matter

  • Posttraumatic

  • Hypothermia

  • Intoxication

Not steroid responsive




White matter

  • Tumors

  • Inflammation

  • High-altitude edemaa

Steroid responsive

Delayed ischemic



Gray and white matter

  • Post SAH or stroke

  • Toxin-mediated

May be a type of vasogenic edema





White matter


  • Transependymal CSF flow

  • Responds to CSF reduction


Intra + extra


Gray and white matter

Reduced plasma oncotic pressure

  • Hyponatremia


High-altitude cerebral edema (Table 5.4b)

Occurs with climbs above 2,000 meters in 50% of people


Ranging from headaches to paralysis and coma


Relative hypoxia


  • Immediate descent

  • Oxygen, steroids


  • Gradual ascent over 2–4 d

  • Avoidance of alcohol and hypnotics


2 5 (Table 5.4c)


  • Most common TBI (6 per 1,000/y)

  • Most common in young male adults


  • Mechanisms of injury: direct OR indirect head trauma

  • Symptoms:

    • ±Short loss of consciousness (LOC)

    • Physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms

  • GCS 13–15

  • Imaging: normal!!

Indications for CT/MRI

  • Age > 65 y

  • Coagulopathy

  • Symptoms:

    • Severe headache, vomiting

    • Seizures

  • GCS < 15

  • Focal or worsening neurological examination

Second impact syndrome (Table 5.4d)


Second injury while still symptomatic from first


Rare condition primarily in athletes


  • Loss of autoregulation

  • Malignant edema from vascular engorgement and increased cerebral blood flow (CBF)


  • “Walks off field” after second injury

  • Collapses within 1–5 min, coma, death



5.1.5 Herniation Syndromes (Table 5.5a)

Name (alternate name)


Subfalcine (cingulate)

  • Definition: lateral displacement of cingulum underneath falx cerebri

  • Can lead to compression of anterior cerebral artery (ACA) branches

Transtentorial (central)

  • Definition: downward displacement of cerebrum (typical stage-by-stage progression; see Table 5.5b)

  • Eye movement difficulty

Uncal (lateral transtentorial)

  • Definition: mesial temporal lobe compressed against ridge of the tentorium notch at the level of mesencephalon → causing midline shift resulting in anisocoria (typical “blown pupil”)

  • Most common

Cerebellar (foramen magnum)

  • Definition: compression of medulla from cerebellar tonsils

  • Presentation: fulminant heart rate and blood pressure (BP) changes; tetraparesis


  • Definition: herniation through a skull defect

  • Causes: posttraumatic, postsurgical


  • Usually iatrogenic

  • Mechanisms: extensive CSF drainage from ventriculostomy in the presence of posterior fossa mass

Stages of central herniation (Table 5.5b)


Level of consciousness



Cardiopulmonary system

  1. Diencephalic stage

Confused and drowsy

Constricted pupils

Gaze palsies

  • 3. Mesencephalic stage


Decorticate posturing

Dilated pupils


  • 4. Pontine stage


Decerebrate posturing

Dilated pupils

Irregular breathing

  • 5. Medullary stage



  • Loss of homeostatic control

  • Cheyne–Stokes breathing

  • Apnea and arrest

5.1.6 Brain Death (Table 5.6)

Definition of death

(Uniform Determination of Death Act 1981 and Affirmation 2010)

  • Irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions


  • Irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain and brainstem (brain death)

Brain death examination criteria

  • Core temperature > 36°C (96.8°F)

  • Systolic BP (SBP) ≥ 100 mm Hg

  • No drugs that could influence examination, blood alcohol < 0.08%


  • Fixed pupils, no pupillary reaction to light

  • No corneal reflex (touching cornea with gauze or Q-tip)

  • Absent vestibulo-ocular reflex: no eye movement with ice water into external ear canal and head of bed (HOB) elevated to 30 degrees

  • Absent oculocephalic reflex (Doll’s eyes): head turning does not cause contralateral eye deviation

  • No gag reflex (test by pulling on endotracheal tube [ET] tube)

  • No cough reflex (test with bronchial suctioning)

  • No response to deep central pain

  • Failed apnea challenge: no respirations with pCO2 > 60 mm Hg

Ancillary tests (may vary between countries and states)

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

No electrical activity for 30 min

Cerebral angiography

Absence of CBF at carotid bifurcation or circle of Willis

Cerebral radionuclide angiogram

No radionuclide uptake in the brain parenchyma

5.1.7 Cerebral Blood Flow (Table 5.7a)

Values of CBF (ml/100 g of tissue/min)

Normal values

  • Average global CBF: 50

  • Average CBF in gray matter: 67–80

  • Average CBF in white matter: 18–25


  • 30: minimum CBF for normal neuronal function

  • 20–30: neuronal dysfunction, EEG slowing

  • 10–20: reversible neuronal dysfunction if CBF is restored, suppressed EEG

  • <10: irreversible neuronal dysfunction—cell death

Formulas/relationship with other parameters


  • CPP: cerebral perfusion pressure

  • MAP: mean arterial pressure

  • ICP: intracranial pressure


CVR: cerebrovascular resistance (CVR is mainly dependent on the diameter of the arterioles, meaning when the smooth muscle of their wall contracts→ ↓ diameter → ↑CVR → ↓ CBF and vice versa)

Factors regulating CBF (Table 5.7b)

Flow–metabolism coupling

  • Definition:

    • ↑ Metabolism (seizure, hyperthermia) leads to ↑ CBF

    • ↓ Metabolism (anesthesia, sedation, hypothermia) leads to a ↓ to CBF

  • Mediators: via regional metabolic and neurogenic factors

  • Response rate: very fast (≈1 s)

Cerebral autoregulation

  • Definition:

    • Between CPP values 50 and 150 mm Hg, autoregulation works and cerebral arterioles can maintain stable CBF regardless of CPP fluctuations via changes in CVR (↑CPP → ↑CVR,↓ CPP → ↓CVR)

    • When CPP < 50, ↓CPP → ↓CBF (linearly) → ischemia

    • When CPP > 150, ↑CPP → ↑CBF (linearly) → ↑CBV (cerebral blood volume) → ↑ICP → edema/disruption of blood–brain barrier

  • Mediator: myogenic reflexes of smooth muscle in wall of arterioles and neurogenic factors

  • Response rate: slower than flow–metabolism coupling

PaCO2, PaO2 (arterial carbon dioxide and oxygen tension)


  • For PaCO2 20–80 mm Hg, CO2 has a linear relationship with CBF:

    • ↑PaCO2 (hypercapnia) → ↓CVR → ↑CBF

    • ↓PaCO2 (hypocapnia) → ↑CVR → ↓CBF

  • CO2 is a very potent vasodilator

  • Hyperventilation (↓PaCO2) can be used as a short-term measure for ↓CBF and thus ↓ICP


  • For PaO2 > 60 mm Hg, oxygen has almost no effect on CBF

  • For PaO2 < 60 mm Hg, ↓PaO2 →↓CVR → ↑CBF

  • The oxygen effect on CBF is not as significant as that of CO2

5.1.8 Intracranial Pressure (Table 5.8a)


  • Definition: the pressure within intracranial space relative to atmospheric pressure

  • Normal values: 8–15 mm Hg

Intracranial volume

The intracranial volume (Vtotal) within intact skull is fixed.

Vtotal = Vbrain + Vblood + VCSF = constant

  • Vbrain ≈ 1,400 mL (80%)

  • Vblood ≈ 150 mL (10%)

  • VCSF ≈ 150 mL (10%)

Monro–Kellie doctrine

An increase in the volume of one of the intracranial contents requires an equal reduction in the volume of the other intracranial contents, so that ICP within the fixed skull remains constant

Pressure–volume curve

  • Zone A (high compliance vs. low elastance): compensatory mechanisms (blood, CSF) are intact → large changes in volume cause little or no change in ICP

  • Zone B (↓compliance, ↑elastance): compensatory mechanisms progressively decrease → for the same change in volume, the ICP starts to increase more

  • Zone C (decompensation point, almost no compliance vs. high elastance): after a threshold, small increase in volume causes exponential increase in ICP → effects, if not treated: ischemia, herniation

  • Compliance = ΔV/ΔP

  • Elastance = ΔP/ΔV (differential change in pressure per unit volume)

  • Buffering mechanisms: CSF displacement into lumbar subarachnoid spaces, ↑venous outflow, ↓CBF and CBV

Management algorithm of increased ICP (Table 5.8b)
Level of evidence: Level I: good-quality randomized controlled trial (RCT) = high{H}, Level II—moderate-/poor-quality RCT OR good-quality cohort = medium [M], Level III: moderate-/poor-quality RCT or cohort OR moderate-/poor-quality case-control OR case series, databases, registries = low [L].

5.1.9 Admission and Discharge Management Algorithm for TBI

9 (Table. 5.9)




Low risk

  1. Asymptomatic

  2. Nonprogressive headache

  3. Dizziness

  4. Scalp hematoma or wound

  5. No LOC

Observation at home with written head injury instructions

Moderate risk

Any of the following:

  1. Age < 2 y

  2. Mechanism of injury:

    • Multiple trauma

    • Suspected child abuse

    • Unreliable or inadequate history

    • Alcohol/drug intoxication

  3. Types of head injury:

    • Serious facial injury

    • Significant subgaleal swelling

    • Possible penetrating skull injury OR depressed fracture

    • Signs of skull base fracture

  4. Symptoms:

    • Alteration/LOC on or after injury

    • Posttraumatic amnesia

    • Progressive headache

    • Vomiting

    • Posttraumatic seizure

Get noncontrast head CT:

  1. If CT reveals findings of TBI →in-hospital observation

  2. If CT is normal →discharge only if:

    • Patient is asymptomatic (except amnesia)

    • GCS ≥ 14

    • No domestic abuse

    • Patient has access to hospital

    • Responsible competent adult can stay with patient at home

High risk

  1. Penetrating injury/depressed skull fracture

  2. Decreased OR decreasing level of consciousness not due to other causes (drugs, alcohol, postictal, metabolic, etc.)

  3. Focal neurological deficit

  1. STAT noncontrast head CT

  2. Admission to ICU

5.1.10 Monitors Used in Traumatic Brain Injury

ICP monitors (Table 5.10a )

Type of ICP monitor

Risk of hemorrhage

Bacterial colonization or infection



Intraventricular catheter (EVD)




  • Preferred method!!

  • Most accurate

  • Most reliable

  • Least expensive

  • Allows CSF drainage

  • May be difficult to place

Intraparenchymal monitor




Drift over time

Subarachnoid bolt




Lumen can occlude at high ICP and show false readings

Subdural sensor




Indications for ICP monitor placement

Salvageable patient with GCS 3–8 and either:

  1. Abnormal CT

  • Hematoma

  • Contusions

  • Swelling

  • Herniation

  • Compressed basal cisterns

  • b. Normal CT + 2 of the following:

  • Age > 40 y

  • Uni- or bilateral motor posturing

  • SBP < 90 mm Hg

ICP values

Normal ICP values

  • Preterm infants: 0–3 mm Hg

  • Term infants: 1.5–6 mm Hg

  • Children: 3–7 mm Hg

  • Adults: 10–15 mm Hg

Treatment threshold

  • Children: 20 mm Hg

  • Adults: 22 mm Hg

CBF monitor (Table 5.10b)


Laser Doppler flow

  • Continuous

  • Non-invasive

  • Only regional

Thermal diffusion flowmetry probe

Invasive bedside monitor using thermal diffusion flowmetry probe inserted into white matter

CBF values

Normal values

  • Gray matter: 67–80 mL/100 g/min

  • White matter: 18–25 mL/100 g/min

Abnormal values

  • < 15 mL: may indicated vasospasm or ischemia

  • < 10 mL: may indicate infarction

Microdialysis probe (Table 5.10c)


  • Invasive bedside monitor

  • Probe inserted into white matter, connected to micro-pump

  • Obtains extracellular fluid micro-samples

Measured substances

  • Glucose → ↓ extracellular glucose associated with ↑ mortality

  • Lactate → may ↑ in SJVO2 (jugular venous oxygen saturation) desaturation

  • Pyruvate

  • Lactate/pyruvate ratio

5.1.11 ICP Waveforms (Table 5.11)





A wave


A-wave with 3 peaks:

  • P1: percussion wave = arterial pulsation

  • P2: tidal wave = intracranial compliance

  • P3: dicrotic wave = aortic valve closure

Physiologic condition: P1 > P2 > P3

Pathological condition: P2 > P1 indicates noncompliant brain = ↑ICP

Lundberg’s A waves

Pathologic: indicative of neurological deterioration and possible herniation

Plateau waves: ICP ≥ 50 mm Hg for 5–20 min

Lundberg’s B waves

Pathologic: probably related to change in vascular tone (vasospasm) and failing intracranial compensation

Oscillations at frequency 1–2/min

ICP 20–30 mm Hg

Lundberg’s C waves

Has been documented in healthy adults

Significance unknown

Oscillations 4–8/min

ICP >20 mm Hg

5.2 Traumatic Hemorrhagic Brain Injuries

5.2.1 Traumatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage (TICH)

TICH (AKA hemorrhagic contusions) (Table 5.12a)


  • Common (13–35% of severe TBI) 10

  • More common in temporal lobe, frontal lobes (however, they occur anywhere)


Sudden deceleration with resultant impact of brain on skull in coup/contracoup fashion 11


Variable (from no level of consciousness alteration to coma)

CT appearance

  • Areas of increased density

  • Areas of heterogeneous density due to hemorrhage, infarction /necrosis, edema

Management (level III) 10

(!! no firm surgical criteria have been established)


Recommendations (indications):

  • No evidence of neurological compromise

  • Controlled ICP

  • No significant mass effect on serial CT scans

Close observation with: ICP monitoring (see Table 5.10a) + serial CTs


Recommendations (indications)

  • Clinical: progressive neurological deterioration referable to lesion

  • ICP monitoring: medically refractory intracranial hypertension with large TICH lesion(S)

  • CT findings:

    • mass effect

    • volume > 50 mL

  • GCS 6–8 + all of the following CT findings:

    • Volume > 20 mL

    • Frontal OR temporal location

    • Midline shift > 5 mm and/or cisternal compression


  • For diffuse medically refractory posttraumatic cerebral edema → bifrontal craniectomy within 48 h from injury

  • For diffuse medically refractory parenchymal injury → decompression:

    • Decompressive craniectomy

    • Subtemporal resection

    • Temporal lobectomy

Outcome 10

Evidence suggests, but does not prove, that outcome is poor in patients with progressive neurological deterioration, medically refractory intracranial hypertension, and mass effect on CT, who are not treated surgically

Delayed Traumatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage (DTICH) (Table 5.12b)

Definition 12

Appearance of TICH (usually within 72 h of head trauma) in areas of the brain that were normal in appearance or nearly so on the initial CT scan


3.3–7.4% in patients with moderate to severe TBI


Primary TICH progresses (microhematomas coalesce)

Factors 10 , 12

Coagulation abnormalities

Decompressive surgery for other intracranial hemorrhages

Secondary systemic insults



Patients are doing well initially after the injury and suddenly deteriorate (GCS < 8; most occur within 72 h)

CT appearance

Identical with TICH


Treatment identical to primary TICH but higher mortality (50–75%)

5.2.2 Epidural Hematomas

Acute epidural hematoma (AEDH) (Table 5.13a)


Bleeding occurs between: inner table of skull—dura

Epidemiology 11 , 13 , 14

  • 20% of severe TBIs

  • 10.6% of admissions for TBI

  • Usually male

  • Usually young (mean age: 20–30 y; rare < 2 y old or > 60 y old)

  • Usually laterally over hemispheres (70%; however, they occur anywhere)

Source of bleeding

  • Arterial: 85% (usually middle meningeal artery after temporoparietal skull fracture) → symptoms present soon after injury

  • Venous: 15% (middle meningeal vein, diploic veins, sinus) → symptoms present hours/days after injury, more benign


  • Lucid interval 11 , 15 (<10–27%; definition: brief LOC just after head injury → transient complete recovery → followed by sudden neurological deterioration, hemiparesis, anisocoria, coma, death)

  • No posttraumatic LOC 60%

CT appearance 11

  • Classic appearance: uniformly high-density biconvex lesion adjacent to skull (84%)

  • However, in 10% it is crescent shaped (differential diagnosis [DDx] from subdural hematoma [SDH])

  • Does not cross sutures → confined (vs. SDH)

  • May cross the falx (vs. SDH)

  • Usually associated with fracture of overlying skull

  • Associated underlying acute subdural hematoma (ASDH) in 20% → rule out (R/O) intraoperatively

Management (level III) 13


GCS > 8 without focal deficit + all of the following CT findings

  • Volume < 30 mL

  • Thickness < 15 mm

  • Midline shift < 5 mm

Close observation + serial CTs


Recommendations (indications)

  • Volume >30 mL regardless GCS score

  • Hematoma evacuation as soon as possible for AEDH in coma (GCS < 9) + anisocoria


  • Craniotomy: hematoma evacuation

  • R/O underlying ASDH

  • Place multiple tack-up sutures + central tenting suture

Mortality 14

  • With optimal treatment: 10% (better outcome than with all other traumatic hemorrhagic brain injuries; factors affecting mortality rate: pre-op motor response, pupillary asymmetry, presence of other intracranial pathology)

  • Overall: 20–55% (increased mortality usually due to delay of diagnosis [Dx] + surgery)

Delayed Epidural Hematoma (DEDH)

11 (Table 5.13b)


An EDH not present on the initial CT


10% of EDH

Risk factors

  • Skull fracture (most common)

  • Coagulopathies

  • Rapid lowering of ICP (with medicines or surgery)

  • Rapid shock correction

CT appearance

Identical with AEDH


Treatment identical to AEDH

5.2.3 Subdural Hematomas

ASDH (traumatic) (Table 5.14a)


Hematoma is located between: dura and arachnoid layer (< 48 h from injury)

Epidemiology 16

  • 12–29% of severe TBI patients (more common than EDH)

  • Mechanism of injury: in younger patients, mainly due to motor vehicle accident (MVA) vs. in older patients mainly due to falls

  • Location: usually lateral hemispheric, but also interhemispheric, along tentorium, posterior cranial fossa

  • Delayed SDH (0.5% of operated ASDH) = SDH not present on initial CT (same treatment [Tx] as ASDH) 11

Source of bleeding 11

  • Subdural accumulation of blood around/from brain laceration (burst lobe) → more severe primary brain injury (usually) without lucid interval (usually)

  • Rupture of bridging or cortical veins due to brain acceleration–deceleration →less severe primary brain injury (usually) with lucid interval (usually)

Presentation 17

  • GCS < 8 (37–80%)

  • Lucid interval(may be present)

  • Worse vs. EDH

CT appearance 11

  • High-density crescentic lesion adjacent to skull

  • Associated brain edema and underlying brain injury (more often vs. EDH)

  • DDx from EDH: ASDH is less uniform, more diffuse, crescentic in shape

Management (level III) 17


  • All patients not fulfilling the surgical criteria should be closely observed with: intensive monitoring + serial CTs

  • Place ICP monitor in all SDH patients in coma (GCS < 9)

Small interhemispheric SDH: observe; surgery only for patients with neurological deterioration (high risk due to superior sagittal sinus, risk of venous infarct)


Recommendations (indications)

Surgery ASAP for:

a. CT criteria regardless of GCS (any one of the following criteria):

  • Thickness > 10 mm

  • Midline shift > 5 mm

b. CT criteria (thickness < 10 mm + midline shift < 5 mm) + comatose patient (GCS < 9) → operate ASAP if any of the following criteria is fulfilled:

  • ↓GCS by 2 point between injury and admission and/or

  • Pupils: asymmetric OR fixed dilated and/or

  • ICP > 20 mm Hg

Caution: due to the association of ASDH with TICH, take into consideration the recommendations for management of both lesions


  1. Large craniotomy

  2. Hematoma evacuation

    • If severe brain swelling, consider:

      • Duraplasty

      • Leave bone flap off

Mortality 11

  • Overall mortality:

    • 50–90% (high mortality mainly due to underlying brain parenchymal injury; much worse than EDH)

    • Lower when surgery occurs < 4 h after injury 18

  • Factors for poor outcome: ↓GCS of admission, ↑age, postop ↑ICP, associated TICH 14

Spontaneous SDH

11 , 19 (Table 5.14b)

Source of bleeding

Depending on cause:

  • Bleeding site is usually arterial (cortical MCA branch in area of Sylvian fissure) a

  • Venous (from bridging vein rupture)

Risk factors/causes

  • Hypertension

  • Intracranial hypotension (spinal tap)

  • Coagulopathies (including iatrogenic)

  • Substance abuse

  • Vascular malformations (arteriovenous malformation [AVM], aneurysm)

  • Ginkgo biloba extract

  • Infection

  • Tumor

aMinor trauma: rarely a seemingly harmless head trauma or even a whiplash neck injury without direct head injury can be the cause particularly in the presence of pre-existing sylvian arachnoid cyst


Usual presentation: sudden severe headache (without history of trauma) → level of consciousness alterations + variable focal neurological deficits

CT appearance

  • SDH of different density (hyper-, iso-, hypodense) depending on elapsed time from initial bleeding

  • Consider CTA to R/O AVM or aneurysm


Same as traumatic ASDH + treat/address underlying cause:

  • AVM, aneurysm: take into consideration/treat first—can complicate SDH removal

  • Intracranial hypotension: identify site of CSF leak in spine → blood patch

  • Coagulopathies → treat OR reverse if iatrogenic

  • Treat infection

  • Treat tumor

  • Stop substances

Chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) (Table 5.14c)

Definition 11

SDH of with low density in CT (around 2–3 wk since initial bleeding) → contains dark “motor oil,” which does not clot

Epidemiology 11

  • Typical age: usually in older patients (average age: 63) → with age brain volume ↓ → vs. subdural space↑

  • 20% bilateral

Mechanism 20 , 21

Initially small ASDH → causes inflammation → fibroblasts form neomembranes (about 4 d after injury) on both hematoma surfaces (cortical, dural) → angiogenesis in membranes bleeding → enzymatic fibrinolysis of blood clot → liquefaction of blood clot + fibrin degradation products inhibit hemostasis after rebleeding

Loss of balance between plasma effusion and/or rebleeding from neomembranes vs. fluid absorption

Risk factors

  • Trauma <50% (usually trauma is so minor, it cannot be recalled)

  • Alcohol abuse

  • Seizures

  • Coagulopathies

  • CSF shunts

  • Patients at risk of falls

Presentation 11

  • Very slow worsening of neurological status

  • Variable:

    • (20–30%) → incidental finding 14

    • Minor symptoms (headache, confusion, speech difficulties, walking difficulties) or transient ischemic attack (TIA) like symptoms

    • Major symptoms: alterations of level of consciousness (even coma), hemiparesis, seizures

CT appearance

  • Low-density collection of crescentic shape over lateral surface of hemisphere (variable extent) ± diaphragms (see Table 5.14e)

  • Subacute SDH (4 d to 2–3 wk since initial bleeding) isodense → may be missed → look for midline shift, ask for enhanced CT

Management 11

Nonsurgical measures

  • Seizure prophylaxis

  • Treat coagulopathies (reversal if iatrogenic anticoagulation)

  • Steroids (controversial)



  • Symptomatic CSDH

  • CT findings: thickness > 1 cm

Surgical options

  • Twist drill hole

  • Single burr hole

  • Two burr holes (recommended)

  • Craniotomy + excision of superficial CSDH membrane only (indications: multiloculated CSDH, persistent CSDH recurrences after above options have been used)

Placement of subdural drain for 24–48 h + patient flat in bed reduces rate of recurrence by 50% 22

Outcome of surgical management

  • Clinical improvement (>80% of patients) can be achieved by removal of >20% of CSDH 23

  • 90% resolution with one or two procedures (with twist drill hole + subdural drain)

  • CSDH recurrence in 10% (even with subdural drain left for 24–48 h)

  • 78% show residual fluid on post-op CT, which may take 6 mo to resolve

  • Overall surgical mortality: 0–8% 11 , 14

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