6.3 Upper cervical spine trauma classification systems
1 Introduction
The upper cervical spine is an anatomically diverse and functionally complex structure, which is defined as the functional unit extending from the skull base to the axis. The bony elements are linked by a unique and elaborate ligamentous complex, which must allow for a great deal of motion while also serving a critical stabilizing role in this vulnerable region. Some of the key ligaments of the upper cervical spine include the tectorial membrane, the alar ligaments, and the transverse atlantal ligaments as part of the cruciate ligament complex. Due to its complexity and unique anatomy, this region of the spine has defied repeated attempts at comprehensive classification.
Injuries to the upper cervical spine are relatively common and comprise over 50% of cervical spine fractures. Given the close relationship of the various anatomical components of the upper cervical complex, multiple injuries are fairly common. However, despite this propensity for combined injuries, the unique, heterogeneous configuration of the various components of the upper cervical complex has limited the ability to effectively classify upper cervical injuries that have implications on more than one anatomic entity. To date, the most popular classification systems used in this region have been dedicated to specific anatomic structures and have not been successfully extrapolated to injuries of the upper cervical complex as a whole.
2 Current classification systems for upper cervical spine trauma
Occipital condyle fractures
For occipital condyle fractures, the Anderson-Montesano [1] three part system described in 1988, a condensation of the Saternus [2] six part system, appears to have been most widely accepted. It is based on the primary mechanisms that cause occipital condyle fractures and presents a useful and relatively simple method for understanding injuries affecting this area. Its main weaknesses revolve around the difficulty in consistently identifying skull base fractures (type II injuries) that extend into the occipital condyle, and the methodological flaw of having been derived from a sample size of only six patients, from which a single type III avulsion fracture was used as the basis for a whole injury category. The main fracture subtypes try to differentiate between impaction fractures of the occipital condyle versus shear injuries that cause basilar skull fracture extending into the condyle versus alar ligament avulsion fractures. This classification system lacks clinical or prognostic relevance, especially with regard to type I and II injuries. The fact that type II I occipital condyle fractures are far less relevant than the severe occipito-cervical instability with which they are frequently associated serves to highlight the short-comings of focusing a classification system on individual bony elements rather than the upper cervical complex as a whole.
Occipito-cervical dissociation
Occipito-cervical dissociation remains a poorly understood and relatively inadequately studied clinical entity, partly because of the relatively small, yet increasing number of trauma victims who survive this type of injury. These dissociative injuries may involve the atlanto-occipital or atlanto-axial joints or a combination of the two, since the primary ligamentous stabilizers extend from the occiput to C2. However, the specific levels involved have not been used in a systematic fashion for classification purposes. For pure atlanto-occipital dissociation, Traynelis [3] recommended a classification system based on the direction of displacement, with the premise that prognosis was influenced by this injury variable and that distractive injuries in particular had a worse neurological outcome. However, this approach is likely to be of limited value as the direction of displacement at the occipito-cervical junction is likely to be more representative of forces being applied at the time of imaging rather than at the time of injury. The various directional subtypes, therefore, provide little information about the severity or prognosis of the injury, nor do they dictate to best course of treatment . The Harborview classification system [4] for occipito-cervical dissociation seeks to stratify injuries based on the severity of ligamentous instability in a manner that is analogous to ligamentous injury categories used for extremities in a three-tiered system. The challenge lies in repro-ducibly defining stage II injuries, which are occipito-cervical dissociations with borderline radiographic screening values. It does, however, point out the potential for incomplete and ra-diographically subtle disruptions, which remain a challenge to timely recognition of these injuries, as shown in multiple case reports over the years. Recent studies have suggested at least a 40% delay in diagnosis of these potentially life-threatening injuries, the majority of which are type II injuries that require a high index of suspicion and a critical radiographic evaluation to be diagnosed in a timely manner.
Atlas fractures
There have been few concerted efforts at categorizing atlas fractures. The basic questions pertain to predicting atlanto-axial stability and the fate of displaced intra-articular fractures. The classification suggested by Levine [5] allows for differentiation of problem fractures as opposed to injuries that normally follow an uncomplicated course. However, one of the key factors in determining outcomes of atlas fractures remains the integrity of the transverse atlantal ligament (TAL), which is unfortunately not specifically addressed in this classification system. Differentiating purely ligamentous TAL injuries from osseous injuries may impact treatment decisions as shown by Dickman [6] and others. The differentiation of unstable versus stable intra-articular fractures remains unclear as well. Intra-articular fractures of the atlas are poorly understood injuries that are not particularly well-described in the literature and may result in poor outcomes despite seeming to be intrinsically stable from a ligamentous standpoint. Because of the role of the atlas as a ‘washer’ that facilitates motion between the occiput and the axis, asymmetric injuries may lead to unacceptable alignment with loss of function of the upper cervical complex and a poor clinical outcome. Unfortunately, most currently used atlas fracture classification systems fail to address intraarticular fractures.
Odontoid fractures
Odontoid fractures probably feature the most well-known spine injury classification system, described by Anderson and D’Alonzo [7] in 1974. While simple and intuitively clear, it has several shortcomings. It features the rare type I injury that, much like the type III occipital condyle fracture, is likely to be less important from an osseous injury standpoint than from an associated occipito-cervical ligamentous instability standpoint. In addition, this classification system does not differentiate between the many variations of type II injuries in a manner that would help guide appropriate treatment for a given type II fracture pattern. Although Grauer [8], Hadley [9], and Aebi [10] have described sub classifications of type II fractures with the goal of preventing pitfalls in the management of these injuries, these features have generally not been integrated into a meaningful and more comprehensive odontoid fracture classification system. Because type II fractures consist of a wide range of injuries in terms of severity and treatment approach, other features of these fractures such as fracture orientation or degree of comminution are equally as important as fracture location in categorizing these injuries, determining the most appropriate treatment options and the anticipated prognosis.
Axis fractures
Fractures of the axis have been divided into the broader categories of vertebral body fractures and the well-recognized “Hangman fractures”. The four tiers of Hangman fractures described by Effendi [11] and modified by Levine [12] are probably second to the odontoid fracture classification in their familiarity to physicians around the world. Levine separated the broader class of type II fractures into type II and type IIa subtypes based on the integrity of the C2-C3 disco-ligamentous complex. Type II fractures were considered more intrinsically stable and could therefore be managed in traction and converted to external immobilization, in contradistinction to the type IIa fractures in which a distractive injury of the C2-C3 disc and posterior osseo-ligamentous complex precludes the use of traction and dictates a more aggressive operative approach. An additional subtype was later added by Starr and Eismont [13] and is commonly referred to as the “atypical hangman variant ” w it h a much higher neurological injury rate. The fracture severity described by Francis [14] utilizes a relatively simple severity scale, but has found little resonance in publications. This classification system differentiates hangman fractures into categories I to V based on displacement and angulation. Unlike with Hangman fractures, there is no commonly used classification system for C2 body fractures. In 1996, Fujimu-ra [15] separated axis body fractures into four distinct entities with recommendations for operative management in fractures with severe mal-alignment of the atlanto-axial joint. However, these laudable efforts at further characterizing C2 body fractures have remained largely obscure.
3 Summary
Overall, classification of upper cervical spine injuries remains highly fragmented and has largely eluded attempts at systematic disease stratification. There remains a great deal of opportunity to improve our understanding of injury pathology and biomechanics in relation to associated clinical findings. Through the use of a severity-oriented approach which reaches beyond simple fracture morphology and addresses the upper cervical complex as a whole, we have the opportunity to develop more comprehensive classification systems that allow us to recommend specific treatment types and to anticipate their short and long term outcomes.
4 References
1. Anderson PA, Montesano PX (1988) Morphology and treatment of occipital condyle fractures. Spine; 13:731–736. 2. Saternus KS (1987) [Forms of fractures of the occipital condyles]. Z Rechtsmed; 99:95–108. German 3. Traynelis VC, Marano GD, Dunker RO, et al (1986) Traumatic atlanto-occipital dislocation. Case report. J Neurosurg; 65:863–870. 4. Chapman JR, Bellabarba C, Newell DW, et al (2001) Craniocervical injuries: atlanto-occipital dissociation and occipital condyle fractures. Seminars in Spine Surgery; 13:90–105. 5. Levine AM, Edwards CC (1991) Fractures of the atlas. J Bone Joint Surg Am; 73:680–691. 6. Dickman CA, Greene KA, Sonntag VK (1996) Injuries involving the transverse atlantal ligament: classification and treatment guidelines based upon experience with 39 injuries. Neurosurgery.; 38:44–50. 7. Anderson LD, D’Alonzo RT (1974) Fractures of the odontoid process of the axis. J Bone Joint Surg Am; 56:1663–1674. 8. Grauer JN, Shafi B, Hilibrand AS, et al (2005) Proposal of a modified, treatment-oriented classification of odontoid fractures. Spine J; 5:123–129. 9. Hadley MN, Browner CM, Liu SS, et al (1988) New subtype of acute odontoid fractures (type IIA). Neurosurgery.; 22:67–71. 10. Aebi M, Nazarian S (1987) [Classification of injuries of the cervical spine]. Orthopade; 16:27–36. German. 11. Effendi B, Roy D, Cornish B, et al (1981) Fractures of the ring of the axis. A classification based on the analysis of 131 cases. J Bone Joint Surg Br; 63-B:319–327. 12. Levine AM, Edwards CC (1985) The management of traumatic spondylolisthesis of the axis. J Bone Joint Surg Am; 67:217–226. 13. Starr JK, Eismont FJ (1993) Atypical hangman’s fractures. Spine; 18:1954–1957. 14. Francis WR, Fielding JW, Hawkins RJ, et al (1981) Traumatic spondylolisthesis of the axis. J Bone Joint Surg Br; 63-B:313–318. 15. Fujimura Y, Nishi Y, Kobayashi K (1996) Classification and treatment of axis body fractures. J Orthop Trauma.; 10:536–540.1 Anderson and D’Alonzo Classification of Odontoid Fractures
Francis WR, Fielding JW, Hawkins RJ, et al (1981) Traumatic spondylolisthesis of the axis. J Bone Joint Surg Br; 63B:313–318.
Fractures classified based on the anatomical location of the fracture line:
Type I—Apical (tip) fracture of the dens
Type II—Body fracture of the odontoid
Type III—Basilar fracture into the body of the axis
Descriptive of fracture location. One type not necessarily more severe than the next.

No predictive validity or reliability studies were identified.
Predictive validity
Population tested in | Outcome | Predictive validity |
Not tested |
****** References:
Barker L, Anderson J, Chesnut R, et al (2006) Reliability and reproducibility of dens fracture classification with use of plain radiography and reformatted computer-aided tomography. J Bone Joint Surg Am; 88:106–112.2 Anderson and Montesano Classification of Occipital Condyle Fractures
Anderson PA, Montesano PX (1988) Morphology and treatment of occipital condyle fractures. Spine; 13:731–736.
Fractures classified based on morphology, anatomy, and mechanism of injury:
Type I—Impacted-type fracture
Type II—Basilar skull-type fracture
Type III—Avulsion-type fracture of the inferomedial aspect of the condyle
Type I—Associated with an axial load injury, stable
Type II—Associated with direct trauma to the skull, stable
Type III—Associated with forced rotation and lateral bending, unstable
The higher the type, the greater the severity.

No predictive validity or reliability studies were identified.
Predictive validity
3 Benzel Classification of Axis Vertebral Fractures
Benzel EC, Hart BL, Ball PA, et al (1994) Fractures of the C2 vertebral body. J Neurosurg; 81:206–212.
Fractures classified based on anatomical orientation and mechanism of injury:
Type 1—Coronally oriented vertical body fracture
Type 2—Sagitally oriented vertical body fracture
Type 3—Rostrally located horizontal body fracture
Descriptive of fracture location. One type not necessarily more severe than the next.

No predictive validity or reliability studies were identified.
Predictive validity
Population tested in | Outcome | Predictive validity |
Not tested |
Population tested in | Interobserver reliability | Intraobserver reliability |
Not tested |
4 Dickman Classification of Transverse Atlantal Ligament Injuries
Dickman CA, Greene KA, Sonntag VK (1996) Injuries involving the transverse atlantal ligament: classification and treatment guidelines based upon experience with 39 injuries. Neurosurgery; 38:44–50.
Classified based on morphological patterns of injuries to the bones and ligaments:
Type IA—Disrupt the ligament substance in its midportion
Type IB—Disrupt the ligament substance at its periosteal insertion
Type IIA—Disconnect the tubercle for insertion of the transverse ligament from the C1 lateral mass involving a comminuted C1 lateral mass
Type IIB—Avulsing the tubercle from an intact lateral mass
Descriptive of fracture location. One type not necessarily more severe than the next.

No predictive validity or reliability studies were identified.
Predictive validity
Population tested in | Outcome | Predictive validity |
Not tested |
Population tested in | Interobserver reliability | Intraobserver reliability |
Not tested |
5 Effendi Classification of Axis Fractures
Effendi B, Roy D, Cornish B, et al (1981) Fractures of the ring of the axis. A classification based on the analysis of 131 cases. J Bone Joint Surg Br; 63–B:319–327.
Classified based on the degree and type of displacement of the body of the axis and of the inferior facets of the axis as expressed by the state of the disc space and of the articular facets at C2/3:
Type I—Isolated hairline fractures of the ring of the axis with minimal displacement of the body of the axis with normal and stable disc space
Type II—Displacement of the anterior fragment with an abnormal disc below the axis.
Type III—Displacement of the anterior fragment with the body of the axis in the flexed position with the facet joints of C2/3 are also dislocated and locked
The higher the type, the greater the severity.

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