6.5 Thoracolumbar spine trauma classification systems
1 Introduction
Classification systems are a potentially powerful tool in patient care, the benefits of which are well documented in the Neuro-surgical and orthopaedic literature. The need for a comprehensive classification system for thoracolumbar spinal injuries is especially critical as greater emphasis on outcome assessment is demanded as resources become less available. Thoracolum-bar spine injuries are among the most commonly encountered skeletal injuries and often stimulate great debate over optimal treatment regimens. Although several classification systems for thoracolumbar injuries have been described [1–10] and promoted since Böhler’s sentinel attempt at classifying these injuries in 1929 [11], none has gained universal acceptance. This lack of acceptance appears to be due to a number of factors. Some classifications are difficult to apply in clinical practice while others lack the reproducibility and validity needed to rationalize their use. Furthermore, the majority of these schemes ignore the severity of the injury and are largely ineffectual at predicting the outcome or natural history of a given fracture pattern respective of its management. In essence, they strive to serve only as descriptors and not predictors.
The deficiencies of many current thoracolumbar injury classifications are well known and documented [12]. Many of these concerns have been present for more than two decades. Surprisingly, despite huge advances in imaging and surgical techniques for treating fractures, these limitations have not been resolved. Currently available classifications are limited by a number of fundamental problems. First, the majority of systems are so complex as to limit their utility in routine clinical practice. Second, many classification systems fail to include certain anatomic or physiologic factors important to clinical decision making such as the status of the posterior ligamentous structures or the neurological status of the patient. And third, most Classification schemes do not help to suggest treatment, taking into account the modern diagnostic and therapeutic techniques available. Instead, the interpretation of the majority of thoracolumbar fracture Classification systems relies on anecdotal surgeon experience, retrospective reconstruction of the mechanism of injury, and non validated predictors of spinal deformity and neurological compromise.
2 Summary
None of the Classification systems published to date have integrated treatment algorithms for the care of patients with tho-racolumbar injuries.
A clinically relevant thoracolumbar spinal Classification system should be both descriptive and prognostic. The system must be easy to remember and to use in clinical practice, based upon a simple algorithm with consistent radiographic and clinical characteristics. Additionally, the system should provide information on the severity and natural history of an injury pattern. Lastly, the system should suggest the prognosis of a given injury and thereby guide clinical decision making. An ideal system incorporating these principles can be a useful tool in clinical studies and can aid us in the advancement of patient care. A new approach in classifying thoracolumbar injuries, such as the thoracolumbar inury Classification and severity score (TLICS) [13] will integrate descriptive elements, neurologic injury status and integrity of the posterior ligamentous complex (PLC) into a meaningful composite score, which will aid communication, research and aid in the decision making process. In addition to these components, a partnering scoring system provides a checklist geared towards systematic patient evaluation and in that capacity serves as a teaching and quality of care i mprovement measu re. A s shou ld be the case for a ny new Classification and scoring system it has been subjected to vigorous inter- and intra-observer reliability testing and is being tested in clinical application scenarios.
3 References
1. Chance GQ (1948) Note on a type of flexion fracture of the spine. Br J Radiol; 21:452-453. 2. Denis F (1983) The three column spine and its significance in the classification of acute thoracolumbar spinal injuries. Spine; 8:817-831. 3. Ferguson RL, Allen BL Jr (1984) A mechanistic classification of thoracolumbar spine fractures. Clin Orthop Relat Res; 189:77-88. 4. Holdsworth FW (1963) Fractures, dislocations, and fracture-dislocations of the spine. J Bone Joint Surg Br; 45:6-20. 5. Kelly RP, Whitesides TEJ (1968) Treatment of lumbodorsal fracture-dislocations. Ann Surg; 167:705-717. 6. Magerl F, Aebi M, Gertzbein SD, et al (1994) A comprehensive classification of thoracic and lumbar injuries. Eur Spine J; 3:184-201. 7. McAfee PC, Yuan HA, Fredrickson BE, et al (1983) The value of computed tomography in thoracolumbar fractures. An analysis of one hundred consecutive cases and a new classification. J Bone Joint Surg Am; 65:461-473. 8. McCormack T, Karaikovic E, Gaines RW (1994) The load sharing classification of spine fractures. Spine; 19:1741-1744. 9. Nicoll EA (1949) Fractures of the dorso-lumbar spine. J Bone Joint Surg Br; 31:376-394. 10. Watson-Jones R (1938) The results of postural reduction of fractures of the spine. J Bone Joint Surg Am; 20:567-586. 11. Bohler L (1930) Die Technik der Knochenbruchbehandlung im Frieden und im Kriege. Maudrich: Verlag von Wilhelm. German. 12. Mirza SK, Mirza AJ, Chapman JR, et al (2002) Classifications of thoracic and lumbar fractures: rationale and supporting data. J Am Acad Orthop Surg; 10:364-377. 13. Vaccaro AR, Lehman RA, Jr., Hurlbert RJ, et al (2005) A new classification of thoracolumbar injuries: the importance of injury morphology, the integrity of the posterior ligamentous complex, and neurologic status. Spine; 30:2325-2333.1 Böhler Thoracolumbar Spine Fracture Classification
Böhler L (1930) Die Technik der Knochenbruchbehandlung im Frieden und im Kriege. Verlag von Wilhelm. German
Böhler L (1956) The Treatment of Fractures Vol. 1. Mechanisms of fracture and dislocation of the spine. New York: Grune and Straton.
Classified based on the mechanism of injury:
Compression fractures
Flexion-distraction injuries
Extension fractures
Shear fractures
Rotational injuries
Lateral flexion injuries
Descriptive of anatomical appearance and mechanism of injury. One type not necessarily more severe than another.

No predictive validity or reliability studies were identified.
Predictive validity
Population tested in | Interobserver reliability | Intraobserver reliability |
Not tested |
2 Chance Fracture
Chance GQ (1948) Note on a type of flexion fracture of the spine. Br J Radiol; 21:452–453.
Classified as a thoracolumbar injury based on a horizontal fracture through L1 or L2.
Descriptive of fracture location.
No predictive validity or reliability studies were identified.
Predictive validity
Population tested in | Interobserver reliability | Intraobserver reliability |
Not tested |
3 Denis Classification of Thoracolumbar Fractures
Denis F (1983) The three column spine and its significance in the Classification of acute thoracolumbar spinal injuries. Spine; 8:817–831.
Classified based on three spinal columns and the following three modes of failure:
Rotation shear
Injuries divided into the following category types:
Minor injuries
– Articular process fracture
– Transverse process fracture
– Spinous process fracture
– Pars interarticularis fracture
Major injuries
– Compression fractures
– Burst fractures
– Fracture-dislocations
– Seat-belt type spinal injuries
Each column is assigned a presumed mode of failure. Each category is subdivided by radiographic pattern and injury severity.
Major injuries are more severe than minor injuries.

No predictive validity studies were identified.
Predictive validity
13 * References:
1. Oner FC, Ramos LM, Simmermacher RK, et al (2002) Classification of thoracic and lumbar spine fractures: problems of reproducibility. A study of 53 patients using CT and MRI. Eur Spine J; 11: 235–245. 2. Wood KB, Khanna G, Vaccaro AR, et al (2005) Assessment of two thoracolumbar fracture Classification systems as used by multiple surgeons. J Bone Joint Surg Am; 87:1423–1429.4 Ferguson and Allen Classification of Thoracolumbar Fractures
Ferguson RL, Allen BL Jr (1984) A mechanistic Classification of thoracolumbar spine fractures. Clin Orthop Relat Res; 189:77-88.
Classified based on the mechanical mode of failure of the vertebral bodies:
Compressive flexion
Distractive flexion
Lateral flexion
Torsional flexion
Vertical compression
Distractive extension
Minor isolated injuries
Descriptive of fracture location. One type not necessarily more severe than the next.
No predictive validity or reliability studies were identified.
Predictive validity
Population tested in | Interobserver reliability | Intraobserver reliability |
Not tested |
5 Gertzbein Classification of Thoracolumbar Flexion-Distraction Fractures
Gertzbein SD, Court-Brown CM (1988) Flexion-distraction injuries of the lumbar spine. Mechanisms of injury and Classification. Clin Orthop Relat Res; 227:52–60.
Expanded the classification of Gumley to include anterior fractures:
Type A–Fracture exits through disc
Type B–Fracture passes through the vertebral body
Type C–Fracture emerges either through the superior endplate (C1) or the inferior endplate (C2)
Type D–Presence of an anterior column compression fracture
Type E–Presence of a burst component
Type F–No sign of axial loading with the vertebral body remaining intact
Descriptive of fracture location. One type not necessarily more severe than the next.

No predictive validity or reliability studies were identified.
Predictive validity
Population tested in | Interobserver reliability | Intraobserver reliability |
Not tested |
6 Gumley Classification of Thoracolumbar Distraction Fractures
Gumley G, Taylor TK, Ryan MD (1982) Distraction fractures of the lumbar spine. J Bone Joint Surg Br; 64:520–525.
Classified based on patterns of fracture in the posterior column:
Type I–Fracture line traverses the spinous processes, laminae, apophyseal joints, pedicles and transverse processes with a variable direction through the vertebral body
Type II–Fracture line enters the laminae at the base of the spinous process but is otherwise the same as Type I
Type III–Result of distraction with a rotary element, with the fracture line passing through the posterior elements and the vertebral body comparable to Types I and II a
Descriptive of fracture location. One type not necessarily more severe than the next.

No predictive validity or reliability studies were identified.
Predictive validity
Population tested in | Interobserver reliability | Intraobserver reliability |
Not tested |
7 Harborview Flexion-Distraction Injury (FDI) Classification
Chapman JR, Agel J, Jurkovich GJ, et al (2008) Thoracolumbar flexion-distraction injuries: associated morbidity and neurological outcomes. Spine; 33:648–657.
Classified based on region, injury pattern, ASIA grade, and motor score:
Stage 1–Chance injuries, defined as having posterior column distraction without anterior column compression
Stage 2–FDI with anterior vertebral body compression injury without burst component, and with facet joint subluxation without complete disengagement
Stage 3–FDI with bursting injury of the vertebral body and posterior element distraction without full joint disengagement
Stage 4–FDI with disengagement of facet joints with or without vertebral body compression fracture or bursting component but without translation or axial rotation of the spinal column
Injury levels were also categorized according to anatomic regions:
Upper thoracic injuries–T1 to T5
Midthoracic injuries–T5 to T6 intervertebral disc to T10
Thoracolumbar junction injuries–T10–T11 disc to L1
Lumb ar injuries–L1–L2 disc to S1
The higher the stage, the greater the severity.
Predictive validity
No reliability studies were identified.
Population tested in | Interobserver reliability | Intraobserver reliability |
Not tested |
14 * References:
Chapman JR, Agel J, Jurkovich GJ, et al (2008) Thoracolumbar flexion-distraction injuries: associated morbidity and neurological outcomes. Spine; 33:648–657.
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