CHAPTER 7 Occupational therapists offer a range of interventions and management strategies to support people living with long-term neurological conditions to maximise their existing skills and resources and to support successful engagement in meaningful occupations. This can include a range of practical, occupation-focussed interventions and behavioural approaches aimed at changing maladaptive responses into positive approaches which support the person living with a long-term neurological condition to maximise opportunities for engagement and wider participation. This chapter explores a range of rehabilitative interventions to support the occupational therapist to work collaboratively with the person living with a long-term neurological condition to achieve their occupational goals. Rehabilitation is defined as ‘a set of measures that assist individuals, who experience or are likely to experience disability, to achieve and maintain optimum functioning in interaction with their environments’ (World Health Organisation, 2011). Rehabilitation aims ‘through peer support, to enable persons with disabilities to attain and maintain their maximum independence, full physical, mental, social and vocational ability, and full inclusion and participation in all aspects of life’ (von Groote et al., 2011). Rehabilitation measures are aimed at achieving the following broad outcomes (World Health Organisation, 2012): The term ‘activities of daily living’ is used to describe fundamental aspects of self-care which are performed as part of our everyday routines. Symptoms such as pain, fatigue, weakness and balance can impact on the successful completion of activities including eating, dressing, bathing, toileting and grooming. The occupational therapist should consider a range of strategies which are relevant and appropriate to each individual person. Some general principles which can be applied to support activities of daily living include the following: Fatigue management incorporates a self-management approach to supporting the person living with a long-term neurological condition to increase their understanding of the factors contributing to or exacerbating fatigue and through education and adaptation learning to optimise their function (Harrison, 2007). Fatigue management can be applied at an individual level or can be carried out as a group activity, for example the FACETS (Fatigue: Applying Cognitive behavioural and Energy effectiveness Techniques to lifeStyle) programme (Thomas et al., 2010). The key principles of fatigue management include the following: The following practical strategies for energy conservation have been adapted from Harrison (2007). Take frequent rests Prioritise activities Plan ahead Organise tools, materials and work area Adopt a good posture Lead a healthy lifestyle Cognitive rehabilitation can be described as any intervention strategy or technique which enables people living with a long-term neurological condition and their families or carers to live with, manage, by-pass, reduce or come to terms with cognitive deficits (Wilson, 1987). Cognitive rehabilitation utilises therapeutic activities in a systematic way to promote functional changes within the person’s everyday life and also have a key role to play in occupational therapy practice (Worthington, 2007, p. 266). Occupational therapy interventions aimed at cognitive rehabilitation tend to fall within the following two main categories of approach: Due to the progressive nature of their diseases, people living with a long-term neurological condition are often considered to be poor candidates for cognitive rehabilitation, but this should be considered within the selection of interventions to best meet the their needs (Brooks and Matson, 1982). Encoding (the registration of information) Storing Retrieval Environmental interventions Compensatory devices and strategies Specialised instruction techniques Generalisation or transfer of training refers to the application of a skill learned in one particular situation to a different but similar situation. Strategies which are used within one context may not apply within another, for example PQRST might help with reading short articles in the newspaper but not when reading longer chapters of a book. Similarly the person living with a long-term neurological condition may find that some strategies work well for a particular problem but not for others, for example mental retracing to remember a shopping list might not help with remembering names. Failure to generalise, however, does not mean that the intervention is not effective but that further discussion may be required between the occupational therapist and the person living with a long-term neurological condition to find the most appropriate solution. Anxiety is a feeling that is common to us all at some stage within our daily lives and is generally perceived as a natural reaction to certain situations and circumstances (SANE, 2015). For most people, this tends to pass relatively quickly without any interventions. However for some people living with a long-term neurological condition this can be become quite disabling and can interfere with daily life. Diagnosis with a long-term neurological condition can lead to a fear or apprehension of what lies ahead or what the future might hold. Anxiety often goes hand-in hand with depression and can become a major barrier for some people living with a long-term neurological condition impacting on their ability to engage in their chosen occupations, their relationships and their interactions with their environment. Feelings of inadequacy and an inability to cope with the demands placed upon them can lead to challenges for the person living with a long-term neurological condition, their family and friends. Psychological effects of anxiety may include the following (SANE, 2015): Physical effects may include the following: People understand anxiety in different ways, and this can impact on how they then choose to manage it. For some people living with a long-term neurological condition, anxiety serves as a protective function as they believe that by anticipating certain dangers they can recognise and avoid them or that they will be better prepared to cope with them. This can however lead to unnecessary worrying and the person living with a long-term neurological condition may begin to worry about the amount of time they spend worrying, becoming increasingly focussed on the symptoms of anxiety, which in turns adds to their worry. This focus on potential danger may also lead to the person living with a long-term neurological condition avoiding situations or disengagement in certain occupations. Time use may also contribute to levels of anxiety as lack of time for relaxation can contribute to higher levels of anxiety. Conversely having too much time to dwell on potential dangers may mean that the person living with a long-term neurological condition has more opportunities to engage in worry and feel anxious (adapted from Moodjuice, 2015). It is common when living with a long-term neurological condition to spend a lot of time thinking about the future and predicting what could go wrong, for example ‘I’ll be using a wheelchair within 2 years’. For others they may make assumptions about other people’s beliefs without any real evidence to support them, for example ‘they think I’m drunk at 5 o’clock in the morning’. One of the main factors contributing to heightened anxiety for people living with a long-term neurological condition however is catastrophising or blowing things out of proportion, that is they assume that something that has happened is far worse than it really is, for example ‘I won’t get another occupational therapy appointment because I forgot about the last one’, or they may think that something terrible is going to happen in the future, when in reality, there is very little evidence to support it, for example ‘My children will be taken from me if I’m not able to look after them properly’. People living with a long-term neurological condition may focus on the negatives or imagine how things ought to be, applying extra pressure on them to achieve perfection. Loss of confidence also contributes to anxiety and previous experiences or isolated incidents can lead to the person living with a long-term neurological condition worrying that the same thing will happen again, for example ‘I went shopping with my friends and couldn’t find a toilet. I spent all the time worrying in case I had an accident, so now I don’t go shopping’. Attachment of negative labels by the person living with a long-term neurological condition can influence how they see themselves and can further heighten anxiety levels, for example ‘I’m stupid’, ‘I’m useless’ or ‘I’m a burden to my family’ (adapted from Moodjuice, 2015). The occupational therapist can help the person living with a long-term neurological condition to recognise and challenge unhelpful thoughts. This is done by asking the following series of questions (adapted from Moodjuice, 2015): People living with a long-term neurological condition might find it more difficult to cope if they feel they have lots of problems that they can’t seem to get on top of. This ultimately leads to worrying or ruminating over the problems without finding a way to resolve them, making the person living with a long-term neurological condition feel more upset or even interfere with their sleep. Use of a problem-solving approach can support the person living with a long-term neurological problem to clearly articulate and frame the problem, identify priorities and generate potential solutions to overcome the problem (adapted from Moodjuice, 2015). An example of applying a problem-solving approach might include (adapted from Moodjuice, 2015):
Occupational therapy intervention
7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 Rehabilitation interventions
7.2 Activities of daily living
7.2.1 Dressing
7.2.2 Eating and drinking
7.2.3 Toileting
7.2.4 Bed mobility
7.2.5 Grooming
7.3 Fatigue management
7.3.1 Practical strategies for energy conservation
7.4 Cognitive rehabilitation
7.4.1 General principles of cognitive rehabilitation
7.4.2 General principles in the management of memory disorders
7.4.3 Commonly used intervention strategies
7.4.4 Generalisation
7.5 Anxiety management
7.5.1 Symptoms of anxiety
7.5.2 Strategies for managing anxiety
Understanding anxiety
Challenging patterns of unhelpful thinking
Problem solving
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