8 Microelectrode Recordings in Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery for Movement Disorders


8 Microelectrode Recordings in Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery for Movement Disorders

Adolfo Ramirez-Zamora, Leonardo Almeida and Michael S. Okun


Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a well-established treatment for medication-refractory Parkinson’s disease, dystonia and essential tremor. Optimal placement of DBS leads within the targeted nuclei is a crucial factor for successful outcomes. Intraoperative neurophysiology facilitates localization of targeted regions known to produce positive responses. In this chapter, we will we will review the anatomy relevant to DBS surgery and discuss the basics of microelectrode recording (MER) techniques used to target varied basal ganglia nuclei and cerebral sites.

8.1 Introduction

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a well-established therapy for a variety of medication refractory movement disorders. Successful DBS outcomes depend on appropriate patient selection, post-operative programming, management of non-DBS related issues, and recognition of potential complications of the therapy. Accurate electrode placement is a pivotal step to produce positive outcomes.

Accurate electrode placement depends on appropriate targeting combined with MER. The exclusive use of image-guided indirect stereotactic targeting may affect outcome because of poor image acquisition technique, brain shift and pneumocephalus. Judicious use of MER can precisely map the motor territory and identify target boundaries that in turn can be verified by macrostimulation through the DBS lead. The final position of the DBS lead can be selected by identification of intraoperative thresholds that optimize clinical benefit and limit unwanted side effects.

MER identifies neuronal action potentials and facilitates testing of kinesthetic cells, cells with movement-evoked neuronal responses. It can characterize the topography and territory within a specific nucleus or cerebral region and determine its boundaries. It is dependent on clinical expertise. There are three major elements to the recording technique:

  • Target verification– pass a single microelectrode to verify that physiology matches the expected region based on imaging. This technique is the one most prone to error.

  • Ben Gun approach– named after Professor Alim-Louis Benabid, this approach depends on passing multiple microelectrodes simultaneously and has the advantage of fixing brain tissue in place to avoid shift during a procedure. The technique depends on using the best of the five simultaneous penetrations. Several groups have modified this technique and use two or three MER passes instead of five.

  • MER mappingThe most accurate and detailed of the approaches uses single MER passes and determines the next pass based on the previous pass. This allows the physician to map a structure in three dimensions and to choose the best site for the electrode. Although more accurate, this technique can be more time consuming and more vulnerable to brain shift. The benefits of additional MER passes, however should be weighed against the risk of injury, usually hemorrhage.

This chapter will review basic intraoperative MER and macrostimulation techniques for the treatment of movement disorders. It will focus on the most common conditions and targets, discuss anatomy, boundaries and tips for ideal target placement. ▶ Table 8.1 summarizes important principles for MER mapping and anatomic localization.

Table 8.1 Suspected lead location based on recordings and effects of stimulation





  • STN identified higher than expected and may have a larger gap between STN and SNr.

  • Absent thalamic activity.

  • CS or CB side effects (Tonic muscle contractions) due to stimulation of the IC at similar voltage with most ventral and dorsal contacts.

  • Caution should be exercised as a long run of STN can be encountered on passes adjacent to the internal capsule.

  • MER reveals absence of the GPi or kinesthestic cells.

  • Could also have a long run of GPi cells anteriorly.

  • Large portion of striatum might be encountered with long MER tracks.

  • Anteriorly located DBS leads may provide no observable acute effects at higher voltages.

  • Absence of passive kinesthetic thalamic cells.

  • No adverse effects with high levels of stimulation.

  • Limited or no tremor control.

  • Possible mood changes or nonspecific dizziness.


  • Prominent thalamic activity during MER depending on lead trajectory.

  • Potentially short STN run of physiology activity and encountered lower (more ventral) than expected.

  • Paresthesias due to stimulation of nearby medial lemniscus.

  • Posterior tracks are recognized by the presence of CS or CB side effects due to stimulation of the IC. Thresholds for AE with most ventral contact is lower compared with dorsal contacts (Based on anterior DBS trajectory angle).

  • The location of the optic tract in relation to the lower border of the GPi might increase with more posterior and medial tracks.

  • Depending on mediolateral location there may be a ventrally located gap between GPi and OT.

  • Tactile sensory cells on the border between Vc and VIM.

  • Prominent cutaneous receptive neurons activated by light touch on MER.

  • Persistent paresthesias at low thresholds following strict somatotopic organization.


  • Absent neuronal activity or short STN runs on MER (1–2 mm) depending on trajectory

  • Absence of SNr below STN.

  • CS or CB side effects (Tonic muscle contractions) due to stimulation of IC

  • Congruous and simultaneous eye deviation due to activation of the frontal eye field fibers traversing in the inner most location of the IC.

  • MER typically reveals large segment of GPe and a small segment of GPi usually with a large lamina between them.

  • Possible border cells.

  • Absence of optic tract or IC during MER.

  • Absence of CS or CB side effects due to IC activation.

  • Short VIM tracks noted on MER

  • CS or CB side effects (Tonic muscle contractions) due to stimulation of IC.


  • MER findings suggestive of Rn.

  • Dizziness, nausea, or a “warm feeling due to stimulation of Rn.

  • Ipsilateral medial eye deviation and diplopia due to stimulation of oculomotor nerve fibers.

  • MER typically reveals large segment of GPi and a small segment of GPe.

  • The location of the optic tract in relation to the lower border of the GPi increases with more medial tracks.

  • A comparable low threshold for side effects (muscle contractions) in all contacts is usually seen based on approach angles.

  • Prominent jaw and perioral cutaneous receptive neurons activated by light touch on MER.

  • Marked orofacial paresthesias and dysarthria with stimulation


  • Absence of adverse effects or improvement of symptoms.

  • Dorsally located DBS leads may provide no observable acute effects at higher voltages.

  • Limited or absent benefit on tremor control without sensory adverse effects


  • MER recordings consistent with Snr.

  • Potential sudden changes in effect.

  • Possible CS or CB side effects due to stimulation of IC.

  • Optic tract stimulation may result in visual phosphenes.

  • CS or CB side effects due to stimulation of the IC. Thresholds for AE with most ventral contact is lower compared with dorsal contacts (Based on anterior DBS trajectory angle).

  • Paresthesias affecting face arm and leg symmetrically due to stimulation Lm.

Table 8.1 Suggested anatomical localization of electrode based on microelectrode findings and stimulation. Abbreviations: AE=Adverse effects, CS=corticospinal, CB=corticobulbar, IC=internal capsule, Lm=medial lemniscus, STN=subthalamic nucleus, Gpi=Globus Pallidus Internus, Gpe=Globu Pallidus Externa, SNr=Substancia nigra, VIM= ventral Intermediate nucleus, Rn=Red nucleus. Note that many of the above effects may be inconsistent due to trajectory.

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May 11, 2020 | Posted by in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on 8 Microelectrode Recordings in Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery for Movement Disorders

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