9 Common Radiographic Measurements


9 Common Radiographic Measurements

Dustin H. Massel, Benjamin C. Mayo, William W. Long, Krishna D. Modi, and Kern Singh

9.1 Radiographic Measurements

9.1.1 Cervical Measurements

(Fig 9.1, Table 9.1)

Fig. 9.1. Normal cervical lordosis. Line A: drawn in an anteroposterior (AP) direction at the superior end plate of C2. Line B: drawn in an AP direction at the inferior endplate of C7. Line C: drawn in an inferior direction, perpendicular to line A. Line D: drawn in a superior direction, perpendicular to line B. Angle X, measured between lines C and D, represents cervical lordosis.

Table 9.1 Normal cervical spine curvature measurements ( Fig. 9.1 )

Spine region





< 20 degrees


20–40 degrees


> 40 degrees

Cervical Lordosis

  • Measured via a lateral radiograph.

  • May be referred to as a C2–C7 Cobb angle.

9.1.2 Thoracic Measurements

(Fig 9.2, Table 9.2)

Fig. 9.2 Thoracic kyphosis. (a) Normal thoracic kyphosis. (b) Thoracic hyperkyphosis. Line A: drawn in an anteroposterior (AP) direction at the superior endplate of T4. Line B: drawn in an AP direction at the inferior end plate of T12. Line C: drawn in an inferior direction, perpendicular to line A. Line D: drawn in a superior direction, perpendicular to line B. Angle X, measured between lines C and D, represents thoracic kyphosis.

Table 9.2 Normal thoracic spine curvature measurements ( Fig. 9.2 )

Spine region





< 20 degrees

Kyphosis ( Fig. 9.2a )

20–45 degrees (average 35 degrees)

Hyperkyphosis ( Fig. 9.2b )

> 45 degrees

Thoracic Kyphosis

  • Measured via a lateral radiograph.

9.1.3 Lumbar Measurements

(Fig 9.3, Table 9.3)

Fig. 9.3 Normal lumbar lordosis. Line A: drawn in an anteroposterior (AP) direction at the superior endplate of L1. Line B: drawn in an AP direction at the inferior end plate of L5. Line C: drawn in an inferior direction, perpendicular to line A. Line D: drawn in a superior direction, perpendicular to line B. Angle X, measured between lines C and D, represents lumbar lordosis.

Table 9.3 Normal lumbar spine curvature measurements ( Fig. 9.3 )

Spine region





< 40 degrees


40–60 degrees


> 60 degrees

Lumbar Lordosis

  • Measured via a lateral radiograph.

  • May be referred to as a L1–L5 Cobb angle.

9.1.4 Cobb Angle

(Fig 9.4)

  • Quantifies magnitude of spinal deformities (e.g., scoliosis).

    • Cobb angle ≥ 10 degrees = scoliosis.

Fig. 9.4 Cobb’s angle. Define upper and lower vertebral levels associated with curvature/deformity. Line A: drawn in an anteroposterior (AP) direction at the superior end plate of the upper vertebral level associated with curvature/deformity. Line B: drawn in an AP direction at the inferior end plate of the lower vertebral level associated with curvature/deformity. Line C: drawn in an inferior direction, perpendicular to line A. Line D: drawn in a superior direction, perpendicular to line B. Angle X, measured between lines C and D, represents Cobb’s angle.

For more information on scoliosis, see Chapter 12.

9.1.5 Coronal Balance

(Fig 9.5, Table 9.4)

  • Radiograph read as if patient standing with back to you (R on R, L on L).

  • C7 plumb line (C7PL) = used as a reference to measure displacement of the vertebral bodies from each other and from midline (based on distance from the central sacral vertical line [CSVL]).

  • Coronal compensation = C7 vertebral body directly above the S1 vertebral body (despite abnormal spinal curvature).

  • Coronal decompensation = C7 vertebral body laterally displaced from above the S1 vertebral body.

Fig. 9.5 Coronal balance. (a) Negative coronal balance. (b) Neutral coronal balance. (c) Positive coronal balance. C7 plumb line (C7PL): vertical line drawn from the center of the C7 vertebral body. Central sacral vertical line (CSVL): vertical line drawn from the center of the S1 vertebral body.

Table 9.4 Coronal balance ( Fig. 9.5 )



Coronal balance


Fig. 9.5a



C7PL – CSVL= – X cm (sacrum to the right of the C7PL)

Fig. 9.5b



C7PL – CSVL = 0 cm

Fig. 9.5c



C7PL – CSVL = +X cm (sacrum to the left of the C7PL)

Abbreviations: C7PL, C7 plumb line; CSVL, central sacral vertical line.

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