9 STA–MCA Bypass for Direct Revascularization in Moyamoya Disease
Superficial temporal artery (STA) to middle cerebral artery (MCA) bypass is one of the most widespread techniques to provide blood supply from external carotid to intracranial circulation. The procedure contemplates the microsurgical dissection of an STA branch in the scalp (donor vessel) and of a cortical MCA branch (recipient vessel) near to the end of Sylvian fissure, and their subsequent anastomosis. It represents a universal indication for moyamoya disease, since it lowers the risk of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, due to the immediate revascularization provided. For technical feasibility, the size of vessels to anastomose should not be inferior to 1 mm; thus, in pediatric patients, the procedure can be sometimes difficult or impossible.
The performance of this bypass requires specialized training and experience with the use of microvascular techniques. It is mandatory for a careful preoperative assessment (i.e., digital subtraction angiography, coagulation, and platelet function tests), as well as meticulous intraoperative attention to technical details because the risk of postoperative neurological deficits, hemorrhages, and ischemic stroke is non-negligible.
The major contraindication to STA–MCA bypass is represented by the presence of acute stroke; in such case it is recommended to postpone the procedure for a few weeks.
In this chapter we provide a detailed description of the surgical technique and patient care, basing on evidence and high-volume experience.
9.1 History and Initial Description
Superficial temporal artery (STA) to middle cerebral artery (MCA) nowadays represents an established technique for flow augmentation in chronic cerebral ischemic diseases. Yasargil was the first who described this procedure after technical development of microvascular anastomosis in dogs. He performed the first STA–MCA bypass in a human in 1967 to treat a patient with complete MCA occlusion, 1 carrying out an end-to-side anastomosis between a distal branch of STA and a cortical branch of MCA near the sylvian fissure. Variations of this procedure have been described, such as end-to-end anastomosis and double-limb STA–MCA grafts, but the original technique is still the most widespread.
One of the first applications in moyamoya disease was reported in 1980, by Holbach and coworkers, on a 41-year-old Libyan woman. 2 The authors evaluated the usefulness of direct revascularization through postoperative EEG (electroencephalography), which showed an “increase in the electrical brain activity.” 2 The effectiveness of this procedure has been afterward evaluated through flow measurement tools 3 and imaging, such as magnetic resonance (MR) angiography, 4 even if angiography provided the clearest evidence in terms of improvement of intracranial circulation following bypass.
The value of STA–MCA bypass in moyamoya disease has been unclear for a long time, due to the scarcity of large series with long-term follow-up and the presence of patients largely treated with indirect revascularization techniques. In 2009, Steinberg and coworkers 5 reported a large cohort of patients with moyamoya treated at Stanford University, describing the benefit of direct bypass in terms of prevention of ischemic events and improvement of life quality.
Several studies have subsequently confirmed these findings and at present, STA–MCA bypass is well recognized as a useful treatment approach for moyamoya patients.
9.2 Indications
STA–MCA bypass, compared to indirect revascularization techniques, provides a great advantage of immediately increasing the blood flow in chronic hypoperfused brain. Its protective effect has been demonstrated both for ischemic and hemorrhagic moyamoya disease 6 because it implies a double result: improvement of cerebral perfusion and reduction of hemodynamic stress on collateral fragile moyamoya vessels, usually very prone to rupture. Medium term follow-up studies showed that the incidence of both ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes decreases, making STA–MCA bypass a universal indication for moyamoya disease, when technically feasible. The size of the vessels represents, in fact, the most important feature in decision making because a diameter of less than 1 mm makes the anastomosis technically difficult or even impossible. It is therefore deductible that in pediatric patients, indirect revascularization is sometimes the sole practicable surgical option.
Preoperative digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is the gold standard in assessing the caliber of STA; nevertheless, the surgeon must keep in mind that, sometimes, the existent size of parietal and frontal branches observable during surgery is superior to the one expected according to imaging.
9.3 Key Principles
The classic and most widespread technique for STA–MCA bypass consists in performing a direct end-to-side anastomosis of one STA distal branch (parietal or frontal) with a cortical M3 branch, exposed through a small craniotomy ideally targeted on the distal portion of the sylvian fissure. The selection of the most prominent STA branch as well as an appropriate antiplatelet management are milestones for success.
9.4 SWOT Analysis
9.4.1 Strengths
Immediate revascularization with subsequent immediate protection against stroke.
Working horse of bypass surgery.
Universally applicable.
Proven efficacy against both ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.
9.4.2 Weaknesses
Technical complexity (good microsurgical skills required).
Risk of intraoperative and postoperative graft occlusion.
Risk of postoperative hyperperfision.
9.4.3 Opportunities
Further reduction of invasiveness (navigation, augmented reality).
9.4.4 Threats
Poor quality of vessels.
Risk of hyperperfusion.
Involvement of posterior cerebral artery in the disease.
9.5 Contraindications
Contraindications are few but significant. First, the presence of acute stroke with large restricted signal in diffusion weighted imaging represents a major contraindication; performing the procedure at least 6 weeks after the stroke can be considered safe. Second, it is possible that none of STA branches is suitable as a donor vessel or the artery is absent for different reasons (i.e., previous surgery); in this situation, alternative techniques must be considered. Lastly, the presence of substantial contribution to collateralization from STA needs to be evaluated in each patient prior surgery, weighting risks and benefits of the procedure.
9.6 Special Considerations
9.6.1 Preoperative Imaging
Preoperative imaging studies are fundamental for planning the correct strategy and include computed tomography (CT) scan, MR imaging, as well as six-vessel cerebral angiography. Lateral external carotid angiogram allows the evaluation of diameter, course, and tortuosity of STA, so that the prominent branch can be used as a donor vessel; it also provides information helpful in avoiding unexpected anatomical variations that can be encountered (i.e., atresia of parietal branch).
9.6.2 Anticoagulation
Optimal anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy is still a matter of debate. Preoperative single dose of aspirin (100 mg) or clopidogrel (75 mg) or intraoperative administration of a bolus of aspirin seems to have no effect in increasing hemorrhagic risk; nevertheless, their efficacy in improving outcome is still unknown. Similar evidence regards administration of low molecular weight heparin. On the other hand, postoperative use of a single antiplatelet agent (aspirin 100 mg or clopidogrel 75 mg) is correlated with improved outcome, without increasing hemorrhagic risk. Double antiplatelet therapy does not offer additional benefits. Tests for platelet function and individual resistance to antiplatelet drugs can provide useful information for the best management.
9.6.3 Other Considerations
The concomitant exposure of both intracranial and extracranial vasculature gives the chance to perform further studies (i.e., evaluation of moyamoya-like change in external carotid circulation) by means of vessel biopsy (STA or MCA).
9.7 Pitfalls, Risk Assessment, and Complications
STA–MCA bypass carries non-negligible risk of complications. Steinberg and coworkers, in their large cohort, experienced postprocedural hemorrhagic strokes in 1.8% of treated patients, as well as 3.5% of neurological deficits. Schubert et al 7 reported an incidence of 8.5% of perioperative ischemic strokes, and a revision rate of 3.1%. General risks (i.e., infections, cerebrospinal fluid leak) are comparable to other neurosurgical procedures.

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