A Man in the “Barrel”

A 37-year-old man presented with a 3-week history of difficulty with his right handgrip. He denied numbness, paresthesias, or leg weakness. He had some mild chronic neck pain, but his MRI of the spine was normal. Family history and past medical and social histories were noncontributory.

Mentation and cranial nerve examination were normal. There was atrophy of the right first dorsal interosseous muscle with weakness of the hand intrinsic muscles, but other muscles were normal. There were no fasciculations. Sensory examination and reflexes and the rest of the examination were normal.

What is the Differential Diagnosis?

The atrophy and weakness in the hand muscles suggest a C8 radiculopathy or a lower trunk or medial cord plexus lesion. The lack of significant pain or sensory abnormalities is against these diagnoses. The lack of pain and normal MRI also ruled out other spinal diseases.

Other possibilities include a motor neuron disease and multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN), but in this disease, there is usually weakness with little atrophy. A mononeuritis multiplex could be considered, but it is hard to make this diagnosis when only one level is affected and, particularly, with the lack of sensory findings. Adult-onset myopathies with hand wasting such as debrancher enzyme deficiency and Welander muscular dystrophy are less likely possibilities, as they are usually symmetrical at onset.

An EMG Test Was Performed

Motor Nerve Studies

Nerve and Site Latency (ms) Amplitude (mV) Conduction Velocity (m/s)
Median Nerve R. Normal ≤ 4.2 Normal ≥ 6 Normal ≥ 50
Wrist 5.5 2
Elbow 10.3 2 51

Ulnar Nerve R. Normal ≤ 3.6 Normal ≥ 8 Normal ≥ 50
Wrist 3.0 15
Below elbow 6.8 13 55
Above elbow 8.6 11 66
Axilla 10.8 11 55

Median Nerve L. Normal ≤ 4.2 Normal ≥ 6 Normal ≥ 50
Wrist 3.7 15
Elbow 7.5 13 61

Nerve and Site Latency (ms) Amplitude (mV) Conduction Velocity (m/s)
Peroneal Nerve R. Normal ≤ 5.7 Normal ≥ 3 Normal ≥ 40
Ankle 4.2 4
Fibular head 10.3 3 47
Knee 12.1 3 56

F-Wave and Tibial H-Reflex Studies

Nerve Latency (ms) Normal Latency ≤ (ms)
Median nerve R. 31.0 30
Ulnar nerve R. 28.6 30
Median nerve L. 27.7 30
Peroneal nerve R. 47.8 54
H-reflex R. 30.3 34

Sensory Nerve Studies

Nerve Onset Latency (ms) Normal Onset Latency ≤ (ms) Peak Latency (ms) Normal Peak Latency ≤ (ms) Amp (μV) Normal Amp ≥ (μV) Conduction Velocity (m/s) Normal Conduction Velocity ≥ (m/s)
Median nerve R. 2.8 2.6 3.3 3.1 31 20 46 50
Ulnar nerve R. 2.3 2.6 2.8 3.1 16 13 52 50
Median nerve L. 2.9 2.6 3.4 3.1 31 20 45 50
Sural nerve R. 3.1 3.5 3.6 4.0 37 11 45 40

EMG Data

Muscle Insrt Activity Fibs Pos Waves Fasc Amp Dur Poly Pattern
Tongue Norm None None None Norm Norm None Full
Thoracic paraspinals R. Norm None None None Norm None None Full
Supraspinatus R. Norm None None None Norm Norm None Full
Deltoid R. CRD None 1+ None Norm Norm None Full
Biceps brachii R. Inc None None Few Lg Inc None Full
Flexor carpi radialis R. Inc 2+ 2+ None Lg Inc None Full
Flexor carpi ulnaris R. Inc 2+ 2+ Few Lg Inc None Red
Triceps R. Inc None None Few Lg Inc None Red
Extensor digitorum comm. R. Inc 2+ 2+ None Norm Norm None Full
Sternocleidomastoid R. Norm None None None Norm Norm None Full
Abductor poll. brevis R. Inc None 2+ None Lg Inc None Red
First dorsal interosseous R. Inc 2+ 2+ None Lg Inc None Red
Vastus lateralis R. Norm None None None Lg Inc None Red
Tibialis anterior R. Inc None 1+ None Lg Inc None Full
Peroneus longus R. Inc None 1+ None Norm Norm None Full
Gastrocnemius R. Inc None 1+ None Norm Norm None Full
Deltoid L. Norm None None None Norm Norm None Full
Biceps brachii L. Norm None None None Lg Inc None Full
Flexor carpi ulnaris L. Norm None None None Norm Norm None Full
Extensor digitorum comm. L. Norm None None None Norm Norm None Full
Abductor poll. brevis L. Inc None 1+ None Lg Inc None Red
First dorsal interosseous L. Inc None 1+ None Lg Inc None Red

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Mar 25, 2024 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on A Man in the “Barrel”

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