A Man With One Large Calf

A 47-year-old man was referred because of weakness, tightness, and pain in the right calf for 5 years, becoming worse in the past 8 months.

Past medical history was unremarkable. He smoked one pack of cigarettes a day.

His neurologic examination was unremarkable except for a large right calf with a circumference 5 cm larger than the left side ( Fig. 35-1 ) and an absent right ankle jerk. All other reflexes were normal, and there were no Babinski signs. Sensory examination, coordination, and the rest of the examination were normal.

Fig. 35-1

Patient showing larger right calf.

What is the Differential Diagnosis?

Although muscle enlargement is not uncommon in neuromuscular diseases, this is usually symmetric. A focal enlargement suggests several possibilities, such as a tumor, inflammation, a muscle infarct, parasitic infections, a muscle hernia, a ruptured tendon, or, rarely, a radiculopathy with partial denervation.

An EMG Test was Performed

Motor Nerve Studies

Nerve and Site Latency (ms) Amplitude (mV) Conduction Velocity (m/s)
Peroneal Nerve R. Normal ≤ 5.7 Normal ≥ 3 Normal ≥ 40
Ankle 4.5 8
Knee 11.4 8 49

Tibial Nerve R. Normal ≤ 5.3 Normal ≥ 4 Normal ≥ 40
Ankle 4.6 5
Pop. fossa 14.4 5 41

Nerve and Site Latency (ms) Amplitude (mV) Conduction Velocity (m/s)
Tibial Nerve L. Normal ≤ 5.3 Normal ≥ 4 Normal ≥ 40
Ankle 4.8 8
Pop. fossa 11.6 8 54

F-Wave and Tibial H-Reflex Studies

Nerve Latency (ms) Normal Latency ≤ (ms)
Peroneal nerve R. 51 54
Tibial nerve R. 53 54
Tibial nerve L. 50 54
H-reflex R. NR 34
H-reflex L. 33.6 34

Sensory Nerve Studies

Nerve Onset Latency (ms) Normal Onset Latency ≤ (ms) Peak Latency (ms) Normal Peak Latency ≤ (ms) Amp (μV) Normal Amp ≥ (μV) Conduction Velocity (m/s) Normal Conduction Velocity ≥ (m/s)
Sural nerve R. 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.0 15 13 42 40
Superficial peroneal R. 3.2 3.5 3.7 4.0 13 10 43 40

EMG Data

CRD, Complex repetitive charges.

Muscle Insrt Activity Fibs Pos Waves Fasc Amp Dur Poly Pattern
Lumbar paraspinal R. Norm None None None Norm Norm None Full
Tensor fasciae latae R. CRD 2+ 2+ Many Lg Norm None Red
Vastus lateralis R. Myok 2+ 2+ Many Lg Norm None Red
Deltoid R. Norm None None None Norm Norm None Full
Biceps brachii R. Norm None None None Norm Norm None Full
First dorsal int. R. Norm None None None Norm Norm None Full
Tibialis anterior R. Inc 2+ 2+ None Lg Norm None Red
Peroneus longus R. Norm None None None Norm Norm None Full
Gastrocnemius R. Myok 2+ 2+ Few Lg Norm None Full
Lumbar paraspinal L. Norm None None None Norm Norm None Full
Tensor fasciae latae L. Inc 2+ 2+ None Norm Norm None Red
Vastus lateralis L. Norm None None Few Norm Norm None Full
Tibialis anterior L. CRD None None None Lg Norm None Full
Gastrocnemius L. Myok None None None Lg Norm None Full

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Mar 25, 2024 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on A Man With One Large Calf

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