and motor nerve activation

Chapter 5 Sensory and motor nerve activation


Skeletal muscle is one of the most abundant and adaptable tissues in the human body. The heterogeneity and plasticity of mammalian muscle have become major topics of interest (Pette & Staoron 1997, Pette & Vrbová 1992). In the past two decades, the physiological mechanisms that influence the neural adaptations that accompany and contribute to these changes in skeletal muscles have been under increasing scrutiny (Gandevia 2001). They are gradually being recognized as playing a key role in evaluating the efficacy of therapeutic interventions (Enoka 1997, Pette & Vrbová 1999). This chapter outlines basic muscle and peripheral nerve physiology. Particular attention is paid to the propagation of nerve and muscle action potentials, to differing characteristics of motor units and to the concept of nerve-muscle interaction.



Smooth, coordinated movement is the output of a complex neuromuscular system. Skeletal muscle is capable of generating varying tensions and, at its very simplest, smooth, coordinated movement depends on the practical issue of contracting the required muscles in the right sequence at the right time. The control of coordinated movement is complex as different muscles combine in a variety of patterns. Appropriate combinations of excitation or inhibition of different motor neurons in dynamic series provide the required overall functional effect. Even now, there is much to understand about the way in which the neural system devises these patterns of excitation and inhibition, about the interrelationship of the afferent and efferent neural systems, and not least about how motor units are selected to achieve a particular movement and about how firing patterns are updated as the movement evolves.

The brain uses stereotypical electrical signals – nerve action potentials – to convey information received in the central nervous system (CNS) and to encode information at various levels. The signals consist of potential changes produced by electrical currents flowing across cell membranes, currents carried by ions such as those of sodium (Na+), potassium (K+) and chlorine (Cl) (see ‘Electrophysiological properties of nerves and muscles’, below). The coding of information depends principally on the frequency of impulses being transmitted along a nerve fibre, the number of fibres involved and on the synaptic connections made within the spinal cord and at higher levels of the CNS. Variability of response occurs at the level of neuronal synapses and the ability to modify processes of excitation and inhibition is thought to be critical to changes which occur in central control mechanisms.


All nerve fibres have essentially the same structure and resemble a shielded electric cable. As described by Keynes & Aidley (2001), inside there is a central long conducting cylinder of cytoplasm or axoplasm surrounded by insulation: outside is another conducting layer, the electrically excitable nerve membrane. Similarly, skeletal muscle fibres are embedded in a basal lamina – a glycoprotein and collagen layer – and have an electrically excitable cell membrane (sarcolemma) that contains the intracellular fluid (sarcoplasm) and intracellular structures. Conduction of action potentials along membranes of nerves and muscles occurs because there is a potential difference between the intracellular fluid and the extracellular fluid (Fig. 5.1). The resting potential is of the order of −90mV for skeletal muscle, and −70mV for lower motor neurons. The minus sign indicates that the inside of the cell has a negative potential relative to the exterior; this potential difference can be altered by passage of ions.

In the cell membranes of both nerves and muscles, protein molecules are embedded in a double layer of lipid molecules arranged with their hydrophilic heads facing outward and hydrophobic tails extending into the middle of the layer. Some protein molecules make contact with both the extracellular and the intracellular fluids; these exert control functions, with one region being a selectivity filter and another providing a gate that can be open or closed. The intracellular and extracellular fluids are in osmotic equilibrium, that is, the concentration of ions in the intracellular and extracellular fluids is similar. There is, however, a difference in the proportions of different ions in the two solutions: there is a higher concentration of K+ ions in the intracellular fluid, and higher concentrations of both Na+ and Cl ions in the extracellular fluid.


The unequal distribution of ions across the cell membrane of both nerve and muscle cells forms the basis for generation and propagation of action potentials. Nerve and muscle cells are excitable, that is, they are able to produce an action potential after the application of a suitable stimulus (see ‘Threshold’, below). An action potential is a transient reversal of the membrane potential – a depolarization. This lasts for about 1 ms in nerve cells and up to 2 ms in some muscle fibres.


An initial opening of a few of the voltage-activated sodium channels occurs, followed by a rapid transient increase in Na+ permeability. This allows Na+ ions to diffuse rapidly into the cell, causing a sudden accumulation of positive charge on the inside surface of the neural or muscle fibre membrane. The increased permeability to Na+ ions is followed by repolarization via the opening of voltage-activated K+ channels; there is some hyperpolarization beyond the resting potential.

The nature of the regenerating mechanism was demonstrated both in terms of the time course of the action potential and of ionic conductance by Hodgkin & Huxley (1952). Stimulus below the threshold required to produce an action potential reduces, but does not reverse, the membrane potential. As the stimulus is increased, the potential difference across the cell membrane is reduced until it reaches the critical threshold level. At this level, the stimulus will lead to the automatic generation of an action potential. The level of the threshold varies according to a number of factors, including how many action potentials the nerve fibre has recently conducted.

After an action potential, two changes occur that make it impossible for the nerve fibre to transmit a second action potential immediately. First, inactivation (the absolute refractory period) occurs during the falling phase of the action potential. During this period, no amount of externally applied depolarization can initiate a second regenerative response. After the absolute refractory period, there is a relative refractory period during which the residual inactivation of the Na+ conductance and the relatively high K+ conductance combine to produce an increase in the threshold for action potential initiation.

To stimulate a nerve, the stimulus has to be both of sufficient intensity and of sufficient duration to depolarize the nerve membrane. Action potentials can be initiated in peripheral nerves by the application of suitable electrical stimuli (pulses). The rate of change and frequency of stimuli are important.


Although permeability properties of cell membranes result in regenerative electrical signals, there are other factors to be considered. Many peripheral motor and sensory nerves are myelinated. Myelin is an insulating material formed by Schwann cells and forms as many as 320 membranes in series between the plasma membrane of a nerve fibre and the extracellular fluid. This sheath of membranes is interrupted at regular intervals by the nodes of Ranvier, which are arranged such that the greater the diameter of the nerve fibre, the greater are the internodal distances. Because myelin is an insulator and ions cannot flow easily into and out of the sheathed internodal region, excitation skips from node to node (saltatory conduction), thereby greatly increasing the conduction velocity and, because ionic exchange is limited to the nodal regions, using less energy. While the excitation is progressing from one node to the next on the leading edge of the action potential, many nodes behind are still active. Myelinated nerve fibres can fire at higher frequencies and for more prolonged periods than other nerve fibres.

As a general rule, larger-diameter nerves (group Aα motor nerves) conduct impulses more rapidly and have a lower threshold of excitability than the much smaller Aδ pain fibres (Fig. 5.3). This means that threshold and motor nerve conduction velocities can be tested without exciting the pain fibres. On stimulation, larger nerve fibres also produce larger signals, their excitatory response lasts for a shorter time and they have shorter refractory periods.

Within muscle, the axon of a motor neuron loses pits myelin sheet. It divides into a number of fine intramuscular branches to innervate muscle fibres that are scattered throughout the muscle and together make up the motor unit. The region of contact between the motor nerve and the muscle fibre is called the neuromuscular junction. Each muscle fibre has one neuromuscular junction, lying usually about midway along the fibre.


Synapses are points of contact between nerve cells, or between nerves and effector cells such as muscle fibres. At electrical synapses, the current generated by an impulse in the presynaptic nerve terminal spreads into the next cell through low-resistance channels. More commonly, however, synapses are chemical in action: the gap between the presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes is filled with extracellular fluid, and the nerve terminal secretes a chemical, a neurotransmitter, which activates the postsynaptic membrane. The motor end plate is the specialized region on the muscle where the axon terminal comes into close contact with the muscle fibre that it innervates.

Acetylcholine release

When an action potential arrives at a neuromuscular junction, it causes voltage-dependent calcium ions channels in the axon terminal to open, and allows calcium ions (Ca2+) to diffuse into the intracellular fluid. Increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration causes a cascade mechanism that results in synaptic vesicles binding to the membrane in close contact with the muscle fibres. Acetylcholine released from the synaptic vesicles in the nerve terminal diffuses across the synaptic cleft in multimolar packages (or quanta) to combine with the receptor sites on the motor end plate. This alters the end-plate membrane permeability to Na+ and K+ ions and immediately depolarizes the membrane. The end-plate potential (EPP) causes a local change in potential of the muscle membrane in close contact with it. This propagates a regenerative motor unit action potential (MUAP) in all directions along the adjacent muscle membrane using the mechanism already described for the propagation of action potentials along the axon membrane. The magnitude of a single MUAP is normally sufficient to cause contraction of a muscle fibre and all fibres within the motor unit will be activated simultaneously – following the all-or-none principle.

The action of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction is terminated by an enzyme, acetylcholinesterase. This enzyme, embedded in the basal lamina of the synaptic cleft of the motor end plate, hydrolyses acetylcholine and thereby prevents prolonged action of the transmitter. Along the length of the muscle fibre, the muscle cell membrane (the sarcolemma) has numerous infoldings forming a system of membranes called the transverse tubular system or T tubules. As the action potential progresses along the sarcolemma, it passes close to the myofibrils down the T tubules (Figs 5.4 and 5.5).

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