Antibody Mediating Autoimmune Reaction in Autism Spectrum Disorder

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
Maria de los Angeles Robinson-Agramonte (ed.)Translational Approaches to Autism Spectrum Disorder10.1007/978-3-319-16321-5_10

10. Antibody Mediating Autoimmune Reaction in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Elena Noris-García , Mercedes Adalys Rodríguez-Ravelo , Yamila Adams Villalón , Gustavo Sierra  and Maria de los Angeles Robinson-Agramonte 

Psychoneuroimmunology Department, Nephrology Institute, Medical Havana University, Ave 26, Esq. Rancho Boyeros, Havana, 11600, Cuba

Endocrinology Laboratory Ameijeiras Brothers Hospital, Medical Havana University, San Lázaro 706 esquina Belascoin, Havana, Cuba

Institute of Hematology and Immunology, Calzada de Aldabó y Calle E, Altahabana, 10300 La Habana, CP, Cuba

Neuroimmunology Department, International Center for Neurological Restoration, Havana, Cuba

BioCubaFarma: Group of Biotechnological and Pharmaceutical Industries of Cuba, Ave Independencia No. 8126 Esq. Calle 100 Boyeros, Havana, Cuba



Elena Noris-García (Corresponding author)


Mercedes Adalys Rodríguez-Ravelo


Yamila Adams Villalón


Gustavo Sierra


Maria de los Angeles Robinson-Agramonte


Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a group of severe pervasive neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by a highly variable impairment in social interaction and verbal and nonverbal communication, a stereotyped repetitive behavior, learning problems, and aloofness. ASD is frequently accompanied by a core neurobehavioral symptoms and immunological derangements, including aberrant sensitivity to sensory stimulation, anxiety and cellular immune deregulation. Currently, the involvement of the neuroimmune pathology in autism remains unclear and we consider that a better understanding would be useful for earlier clinical and therapeutic intervention. The main aim of this chapter is to review the most current aspects regarding the antibody response in autism occurring either in the periphery or into the brain and how they can influence the abnormal development of the offspring and modulate the nontypical behaviors frequently observed in autism.

NeurimmunologyASDNeurodevelopmental disordersHumoral immunityAutoantibodyAutoimmunity

10.1 Introduction

Certain autoimmune disorders have a robust impact behavior. This has been evidenced among people with systemic diseases showing neuropsychiatric symptoms (Diamond et al. 2006) With a four times higher incidence in boys than in girls, autism is accompanied by core symptoms of neurobehavioral and immunological derangements, including humoral immunity response antibody mediated. This chapter is aimed to describe current aspects of humoral immunity in autism interacting within and outside the brain.

10.2 Autism’s Etiological Hypothesis

Several studies have provided evidence suggesting that autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder with epigenetic factors, where a pathophysiological process arises from the interaction of an early environmental insult with the genetic predisposition inherited. (Hallmayer et al. 2011) . Prenatal and early postnatal factors involve elements from humoral arm of the immune response in autism (Singer et al. 2009; Niehus and Lord 2006; Hallmayer et al. 2011) (Vojdani et al. 2003; Ashwood and Wakefield 2006; Niehus and Lord 2006; Rosen et al. 2007) . Some evidences associated with increased risk for ASD are referred as consequences of autoimmune phenomena around pregnancy (Ashwood et al. 2006; Cohly and Panja 2005) , or by interaction between maternal or fetal environmental, at prenatal or perinatal periods (Fombonne 2005a, 2005b; Hertz-Picciotto et al. 2006) generating a global immune dysregulation during gestation.

In line with this idea, an aberrant immune function in individuals affected by ASD has been reported for nearly 40 years with a long-standing focus on autoimmune elements (Cooper 2003; Hertz-Picciotto et al. 2006) at least, in a subgroup of patients with autism, and following either the autoimmune reaction generated by the global immune deregulation during gestation or by the abnormal interaction between maternal or fetal environmental and genetic factors, occurring at prenatal or perinatal periods (Fombonne 2005a, 2005b; Hertz-Picciotto et al. 2006) .

10.3 Immunoglobulins Imbalance in ASD

Immunoglobulin (Ig) G is the most prevalent antibody isotype in human circulation with four subclasses, each one with different biological properties and function: IgG1 and IgG3, predominately responsible for protection against reinfection based mainly on their ability to complement activation and the IgG2 and IgG4 a few less protagonist, nevertheless, none clear clinical implications of IgG subclasses has been established.

In case of children with autism an increased serum IgG2 and IgG4 concentrations were demonstrated, associated with certain behavioral outcomes (Croonenberghs et al. 2002b, 2002a) . A case-control study demonstrated increased IgG4 level in children with autism, compared to developmentally delayed children unaffected by autism (Enstrom et al. 2010) . On the contrary, one study found an negative relationship between IgG/IgM levels and behavioral symptoms: those patients with the highest scores in the behavioral battery had the most reduced levels of IgG and IgM, and the diminished IgM levels were more pronounced within the autistic group showing the most regressive phenotype (Heuer et al. 2008) .

While these reports appear to be contradictory, different methodological and epidemiological factors could underlie these results: the use of small sample sizes (ranging between 18 and 40 autistic subjects); the type of controls used in the comparisons (siblings vs. matched general population vs. patients with other neuropsyquiatric diseases); the age of the patients (Ig levels do not reach adult levels until 1 year of age for IgM, age 6–8 years for IgG, and age 10 years for IgA, so comparisons within a broad age range, especially during the age spanning immune development, may introduce artifacts); geographic location of the subjects and controls (at tropical regions, for example, people in general are more susceptible to variations of Ig levels); or, the season during which the sample was obtained (this determines, for example, the exposure to immunogens and allergens).

10.4 Antibodies Contributing to Brain Damage in ASD

Regardless of the actual differences in the total amounts of different Igs, the specificity of these antibodies can be more relevant to understand the etiology and/or pathophysiology of autism. Reports of self-reactive antibodies, especially to brain and central nervous system (CNS) proteins, have been considered as one of the most robust and consistently immunological findings in autism (Cabanlit et al. 2007; Singer et al. 2006; Singer and Williams 2006; Wills et al. 2007, 2011; Rossi et al. 2011; Al-Ayadhi and Mostafa 2011; Mostafa and Al-Ayadhi 2011b, 2011c, 2011a; Todd et al. 1988; Singh et al. 1993; Connolly et al. 1999, 2006; Vojdani et al. 2002; Singh and Rivas 2004b) . It has been estimated that around 25–70 % of children with autism have antibodies reactive to neuronal proteins, indicating a potential deregulation in this network of autism (Connolly et al. 1999; Singh et al. 2009, 1997b) .

The presence of autoantibodies reactive to neuronal tissue in plasma of children with autism suggests a prenatal or early postnatal etiology potentially involving an aberrant cross talk between the maternal and fetal immune systems during fetal neurodevelopment (Braunschweig et al. 2013, 2012; Nordahl et al. 2013; Fox et al. 2012; Braunschweig and Van de Water 2012; Goines et al. 2011; Croen et al. 2008a) . In humans, maternal IgG isotype antibodies readily cross the placenta to equip the immunologically naïve fetus with a subset of the maternal adaptive humoral immune system proteins (Croen et al. 2008b) ; whereas maternal IgG antibodies which persist for up to 6 months postnatal (Braunschweig and Van de Water 2012) . However, when along these protective IgGs, other antibodies reactive to fetal self-proteins cross the placenta, they can have pathological effects (Bauman et al. 2013; Nordahl et al. 2013; Braunschweig et al. 2012; Fox et al. 2012) .

Autoimmune disorders associated with antibodies, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and thyroid disease, are increased among mothers and other family members of autistic children. Maternal antibodies, therefore, may influence fetal brain development during pregnancy by interfering with cell signaling in the developing brain and disturbing its organization. These antibodies also might result from environmental exposures in susceptible mothers during pregnancy.

10.4.1 Autoimmunity Mediating Prenatal Brain Damage in ASD

Studies suggesting a role for maternal antibodies in the etiology of autism reported that mothers of children with autism present serum patterns of immunoreactivity to prenatal rat brain, which are not observed in control mothers. These antibodies can be detected after delivery (Zimmerman et al. 2007) or at midpregnancy (Croen et al. 2008a) . Actually, mothers of an ASD child are four times more likely to have antibodies against brain proteins than control women (Brimberg et al. 2013) .

The potential role of a heightened or activated maternal immune response in the risk for ASD is further strengthened by epidemiological data from large population-based studies that show increased rates of autoimmune disorders in the families of individuals with ASD. Independently or coincidentally, the presence of specific anti-fetal brain antibodies in approximately 12 % of mothers of children with ASD, which are absent in mothers of children who are typically developing or mothers of children with developmental delays, suggests a potential inflammatory process occurring in mothers of children with ASD that leads to the production of antibodies directed to the developing brain (Onore et al. 2012; Croen et al. 2008a; Careaga and Ashwood 2012) .These antibodies can be detected after delivery (Zimmerman et al. 2007) or at midpregnancy (Zimmerman et al. 2007; Croen et al. 2008a). Actually, mothers of an ASD child are four times more likely to have antibodies against brain proteins than control women (Zimmerman et al. 2007; Brimberg et al. 2013) .

Others evidences suggest that the presence of maternal antibodies against fetal brain proteins of 37 and 73 kDa of molecular weight increases the risk of autism (Zimmerman et al. 2007; Braunschweig et al. 2008, 2012, 2013; Braunschweig and Van de Water 2012) or, at least, impairs verbal and nonverbal language acquisition (Piras et al. 2014) . A recent study showed that sera from mothers of autistic children react specifically to proteins highly expressed during brain development (Braunschweig et al. 2013; Bauman et al. 2013) . Moreover, sera from autism mothers recognize fetal brain rat proteins, but not adult ones (Zimmerman et al. 2007) , suggesting a specific vulnerability during embryonic development. However, other studies characterizing the presence of autoantibodies in autistic patients suggest that they play a postnatal role (see below).

Correlational studies linking the occurrence of maternal antibodies and specific symptoms of ASD are still largely lacking. Recently, it has been shown that the presence of IgG reactive to fetal brain tissue in the maternal serum is associated with an enlarged frontal lobe in autistic children, when compared with autistic children born from mothers without these antibodies (Nordahl et al. 2013) .

Although, it is not clear how these antibodies can result in the behavioral symptoms of ASD, some evidences from experimental animals show that they can affect neuronal function and alter behavior of the offspring. For example, the injection of the serum of a mother of an autistic child into pregnant mice resulted in cerebellar and behavioral alterations in the offspring. This serum contained antibodies binding to cerebellar Purkinje cells (Courchesne 1997; Fatemi et al. 2012) . Similarly, the injection of purified IgGs from 63 autism mothers into pregnant mice resulted in offspring with reduced sociability (Singer et al. 2009) . Finally, a single low dose gestational exposure to IgG from autism mothers results in mice showing impaired sensory and motor development and altered behavior (Braunschweig et al. 2012) .

In addition, the injection of purified IgGs from 21 mothers of at least one child with autism into pregnant rhesus monkeys resulted in offspring showing atypical social behavior and increased stereotypies (Martin et al. 2008) . Moreover, monkeys prenatally exposed to IgGs from autism mothers showed enlarged brain volume, especially due to increased white matter volume (Bauman et al. 2013) .

10.4.2 Autoimmunity Mediating Postnatal Brain Damage in ASD

Autoantibodies directed against different CNS proteins have not only been detected in mothers, but also in autistic patients. The first report on autoantibodies against brain proteins was almost 30 years ago (Todd and Ciaranello 1985) , and they were shown to bind to proteins expressed in various rat brain regions (Singh and Rivas 2004b, 2004a) (Singh and Rivas 2004b) and human brain proteins (Cabanlit et al. 2007; Singer et al. 2006, 2009) . Numerous antigens have been identified, including glial and neuron-axon filament proteins (Singh et al. 1997b) , myelin basic protein (MBP)(Singh and Rivas 2004b, 2004a; Libbey et al. 2008) , serotonin receptors (Todd and Ciaranello 1985) , nerve growth factor (Connolly et al. 2006) , brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Connolly et al. 2006), and brain endothelial (Vojdani et al. 2002, 2004; Wills et al. 2007, 2011, 2009; Rout et al. 2012; Libbey et al. 2008; Kirkman et al. 2008) . It is also important to note that it is not clear whether autistic children are positive for more than one antibody.

Ganglioside M1 is the most abundant ganglioside in neural membranes and specific antibodies have been detected in some autoimmune diseases with neurological involvement. Autistic patients show increased serum levels of anti-ganglioside M1 antibodies and their titer correlated with the severity of the disease (Mostafa and Al-Ayadhi 2011b; Vojdani et al. 2002, 2004; Wills et al. 2011) . Nevertheless, some authors had found lack of association between these autoantibodies and autism (Moeller et al. 2013) .

A study, characterizing the prevalence and specificity of autoantibodies against cerebellar tissue (Wills et al. 2009; Vojdani et al. 2002), 21 % of the ASD children presented autoantibodies reactive to a protein expressed at cerebellum, specifically by Golgi cells, while another study identified antibodies against different cerebellar proteins in autistic children (Wills et al. 2009; Vojdani et al. 2002; Goines et al. 2011) , and showed that antibodies against a 45 kDa cerebellar protein are associated in an specific manner with autism,whereas, antibodies reacting to a 62 kDa cerebellar protein was associated with other disorders under the umbrella of ASD. Therefore, the specificity of the autoantibodies in ASD could underlay the different symptoms observed in autism, nevertheless, the pathological relevance of these must be clarified (Hegvik et al. 2014) . Some authors reporting antibodies reactive to fetal brain proteins in autism, suggest that it may predict better behavioral and emotional problems than diagnosis (Rossi et al. 2011) , while others reports claim that these antibodies do not predict autism (Morris et al. 2009) and that autoantibodies in children with autism appear to react more with the fully developed brain than with specific structure in the fetal brain unlike their mothers (Cabanlit et al. 2007; Singer 2009) ,as well as the previous reported immunoreactivities have been challenged (Mostafa and Al-Ayadhi 2012; Moeller et al. 2013) .

Worth noticing, another study has revealed in the sera of ASD children the presence of antibodies against GABAergic neurons throughout the central nervous system, and not specifically in the cerebellum (Wills et al. 2011; Rout et al. 2012) .

Moreover, the presence of neuronal protein-specific autoantibodies are associated with increased behavioral impairments and more severity in children with ASD (Mostafa and Al-Ayadhi 2011b, 2012) , suggesting a link between the autoimmune processes and behavioral dysfunction. So, autoantibodies directed against a 45 kDa protein present in the cerebellum were not only found more frequently in children with ASD but were also associated with lower adaptive and cognitive function, as well as increased aberrant behaviors (Wills et al. 2011; Goines et al. 2011) . However, replication studies of antibody-specific antigen targets, such as MBP and Glial Fibrillar Acid Protein (GFAP), have been inconsistent, suggesting that further studies are needed to identify the target or targets and/or associated autoimmune phenomena (Libbey et al. 2008; Kirkman et al. 2008) . It would be interesting to clarify whether the presence of autoantibodies in children can be or not useful to predict ASD, and which are the pathological mechanisms resulting in the core symptoms of the disease.

10.5 Antinuclear Antibodies in ASD

Studies evaluating the occurrence of autoantibodies against nuclear proteins in autism, reported that antinuclear antibodies were present in children with autism in a high frequency (Singh and Rivas 2004a) , as it is observed in other typical autoimmune diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus, but not in normal children (Colasanti et al. 2009) , suggesting a link of autoimmunity and the aberrant behavioral observed in autism since neuropsychiatric symptoms are often observed in autoimmune diseases as well as serum antinuclear autoantibodies, in patients with autoimmune diseases showing neuropsychiatric symptoms, cross react with N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor related to glutamate neurotransmitter (Diamond and Volpe 2006; Huerta et al. 2006; Kowal et al. 2006) .

Serum levels of antinucleosome-specific antibodies have been reported increased in some autistic children, especially with a family history of autoimmunity . However, their role in the induction of autoimmunity in a subgroup of autistic children is not clear (AL-Ayadhi and Mostafa 2014)

10.6 Antiphospholipid Antibodies in Autism

Antiphospholipid antibodies recognize a number of diverse targets including cardiolipin, phosphoserine, and β2-glycoprotein 1. Elevated levels of antiphospholipid antibodies have been found in the blood and cerebral spinal fluid of psychiatric patients having hallucinatory and/or delusionary episodes (Sokol et al. 2007) . In individuals with neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus, elevated titers of anticardiolipin antibodies are reported most often in patients with cognitive impairment, psychosis, depression, seizures, chorea, and migraines (Blank et al. 2007; Zandman-Goddard et al. 2007) . Moreover, some experiences in animal models of rodents, by administration of antiphospholipid antibodies, demonstrated the possibility to induce a number of psychological side effects, including increased anxiety and decreased cognition learning and memory (Shoenfeld et al. 1998; Lerner et al. 1998) in this pathology.

Recent studies have also found levels of anticardiolipin, β2-glycoprotein 1, and anti-phosphoserine antibodies elevated in children with ASD compared with age-matched typically developing (TD) and developmental delays (DD) controls (Careaga et al. 2013; Abisror et al. 2013) . Furthermore, the increase in antibody levels was associated with more impaired behaviors reported by parents (Abisror et al. 2013; Careaga et al. 2013; Careaga and Ashwood 2012)

Autoantibodies directed toward serotonin receptors have also been demonstrated in autistic patients compared with controls (Singh and Rivas 2004b; Burgess et al. 2006; Singh et al. 1997a; Yuwiler et al. 1992; Todd and Ciaranello 1985) , supporting the role of serotonin in the abnormal immune response and behavioral in autism.

These evidences argue for an increased utilization of dietary tryptophan by the gut and less tryptophan available for passage through the blood-brain barrier, which would result in reduced 5-HT levels in the brain, an additional argue to the mood and cognitive dysfunctions reported in ASD (McDougle et al. 1996; Cappiello et al. 1996) . Nevertheless, from this analysis more research would be conducted to establish a potential therapeutic target in ASD to the future, either by providing dietary tryptophan or by pharmaceutical treatments based in selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

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