and Mikolaj Przydacz1
Department of Urology, Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
Autonomic dysreflexiaSpinal cord injuryHypertensionBradycardiaBladder overdistensionEmergencyIntroduction
Autonomic dysreflexia (AD) is a potentially life-threatening condition that is considered to be a clinical emergency and is characterized by a constellation of signs and/or symptoms in response to a noxious or non-noxious stimuli originating below the level of the neurological lesion in individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) at or above T6 [1–4]. AD may present rapidly and dramatically, and can have catastrophic consequences. This syndrome is also known as autonomic hyper-reflexia, spinal poikilopiesis, paroxysmal neurogenic hypertension, autonomic reflex, sympathetic hyper-reflexia, mass reflex, and neurovegetative syndrome [5]. Studies to date have shown that AD is relatively often unrecognized by individuals with SCI, their caregivers, or even health care professionals [6].
In healthy individuals, an afferent stimulus enters the spinal cord and then ascends to the brain. Some interneurons are reflexively connected with preganglionic sympathetic neurons and excite them, thus resulting in vasoconstriction below the neurologic lesion and causing a rise in blood pressure. In non-neurologically impaired persons, higher centers inhibit these sympathetic effects by a compensatory vasodilatation of the splanchnic circulatory bed and result in normalization of the blood pressure.
In patients after SCI , these higher inhibitory pathways are not intact and cannot reach the splanchnic bed, resulting in high blood pressure (hypertension with persistent sympathetic activity below the lesion). As a parasympathetic reflex from baroreceptors of the carotid sinus and aortic arch is activated, the heart beat is simultaneously reduced via the vagus nerve, which is intact (bradycardia with withdrawal of sympathetic activity above the lesion) [7–9].
It has been estimated that up to 85% of individuals with a cervical or high-thoracic SCI may develop AD [9–15]. AD in paraplegic patients with lesions below T6 is a rare finding. The severity of AD episodes appears to increase with the level, extent, and completeness of injury. Therefore, studies have shown that the syndrome occurs in approximately 60% of SCI patients with cervical lesions and 20% of those with thoracic injury [16, 17]. AD has been reported in both complete and incomplete SCI, but the symptoms are milder and less frequent in patients with incomplete injury [18, 19]. The symptoms and signs of AD develop over time after SCI and typically start after the phase of spinal shock (which usually lasts 6–12 weeks). Approximately 90% of quadriplegic individuals will experience an episode of AD within 6 months of their injury [11]. AD may also worsen with time after SCI [20]. However, AD can also be seen during the acute and subacute phase after injury (in up to 5% of patients within the first days and weeks) and should be considered in the differential diagnosis [11, 21, 22]. Clinicians should also bear in mind that while AD is most commonly associated with SCI, it may also result from non-traumatic causes such as spinal cord tumors or after neurosurgery above the level of T6 [23, 24]. AD in patients with multiple sclerosis and transverse myelitis has also been reported [25–27].
AD may be triggered by activation of pain receptors or from distension of hollow organs (distension of viscera) below the level of the SCI [5]. Possible triggers include [8, 9, 28, 29]:
Genitourinary causes (responsible for 81–87% of cases overall)
bladder distention (the most common precipitant, accounting for 75–85% of all episodes; bladder distention may result from insufficient frequency of bladder catheterization, blocked indwelling catheter, malposition of the catheter tip, defective catheter tubing/drainage bags, overfilling of the drainage bag, or from de novo urine retention)
detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia
decreased bladder compliance
urinary tract infection (including epididymitis, orchitis)
urethral catheterization, movements of an indwelling catheter
sexual intercourse, erection, ejaculation, vaginal manipulation
upper and lower tract calculi
testicular torsion
Gastrointestinal causes
bowel and rectal distention (impaction, constipation, enema administration)
anal strictures
gastric ulcer or gastritis
cholelithiasis or cholecystitis
gastroesophageal reflux
Dermatological causes
pressure ulcers
tight dressings to skin infections
constrictive clothing
burns or sunburns
ingrown or infected toenails
insect bite
contact with hard or sharp objects
Musculoskeletal causes
position changes
long-bone fracture, trauma, or dislocation
tight clothing
heterotopic ossification
Surgical and invasive diagnostic procedures
cystoscopy (lower risk with flexible cystoscopy)
electroejaculation, vibroejaculation
shock wave lithotripsy
percutaneous nephrolithotomy
general surgery
postoperative pain/discomfort
medications (pseudoephedrine, sympathomimetics)
cold temperatures
alcohol abuse
excessive caffeine and other diuretic intake
pregnancy, labor and delivery
deep vein thrombosis
pulmonary embolus or infarction
intramuscular injection
Symptoms and Signs
AD classically presents as sudden, severe, uncontrolled hypertension and accompanying bradycardia . The amount of the rise in blood pressure that is required to diagnose AD remains a matter of dispute [8]. It has been proposed that a minimum increase of systolic blood pressure of 20mmHg from baseline is diagnostic for AD [3, 4]. Another proposal suggests a rise in blood pressure by 20% with at least one accompanying symptom [8, 22]. Of note, clinicians should be aware that the basal systolic and diastolic blood pressure in SCI individuals is approximately 15 mmHg lower than in neurologically intact persons, as a result of reduced sympathetic activity [30]. Although reflex bradycardia typically forms the episode of AD, it is seen in only 10% of cases [16, 18, 31]. The majority of patients with AD present with tachycardia, arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation, premature ventricular contraction, atrioventricular conduction abnormalities), or even with no significant change in heart rate.
In daily clinical practice, patients also present with various and non-specific symptoms and signs. To make matters worse, patients may experience one or more of them in diverse combinations and with varied intensity from uncomfortable symptoms to life-threatening crises. The other clinical features of AD are [5, 8, 9]:
Symptoms :
Severe pounding headache (usually occipital, bitemporal, and bifrontal in >50% of patients; sometimes misdiagnosed as cluster headaches and migraines)
Excessive sweating and flushing of the face, neck, and shoulders (with cold limbs)
Blurred vision with or without the appearance of spots in the visual field
Congestion of the nasal passages
Tightness in chest, dyspnea
Bladder and bowel spasms and cramps
Piloerection/paresthesia with gooseflesh and shivering (above or below the lesion)
Feeling of anxiety, agitation, apprehension, and altered mental status
Above the lesion (secondary to parasympathetic/vagal effects and vasodilatation)
Flushing and sweating of head and neck
Splotches of the face and neck
Mucous membrane congestion
Conjunctivitis, lid retraction, mydriasis, Horner’s syndrome, oculosympathetic spasm
Respiratory distress or bronchospasms
Transient aphasia
Change in the level of consciousness,
Below the lesion (secondary to sympathetic effects and vasoconstriction)
Pallor with cold extremities
Increased spasticity
Intense contraction of bladder and bowel
Penile erection and seminal fluid emission
Some SCI patients may be entirely asymptomatic (silent AD). It has been estimated that 35–50% of those after injury at T6 or above may have significantly elevated blood pressure without any other symptoms or signs of AD [10, 17, 31, 32]. In these cases, the diagnosis of AD may be established by inducing the condition in a controlled setting, such as by the bladder filling during urodynamic study with appropriate blood pressure and pulse monitoring [10, 20, 32]. One-minute intervals of monitoring have been proposed [20]. Furthermore, this approach might be particularly useful for educating the patient regarding the recognition of early warning symptoms and signs that will enable immediate preventive measures to be taken [9, 33]. This also emphasizes the need for appropriate blood pressure and pulse monitoring of these patients during any instrumentation (e.g., cystoscopy) at regular intervals, as a significant number of them may be asymptomatic [8]. Episodic recurrence of AD may in itself be an important clinical sign of underlying disease or developed complications of neurogenic bladder (e.g., urinary tract infection, uriolithiasis) and should raise special attention. The differential diagnosis of recurrent AD should also include pheochromocytoma, migraine and cluster headaches, posterior fossa neoplasms, toxemia of pregnancy, and uncontrolled hypertension [9, 14].
AD may have dramatic and extremely serious consequences if not appropriately treated in timely manner or left uncontrolled. Reported consequences include subarachnoid hemorrhage (as systolic blood pressure may rise up to 300 mmHg and diastolic up to 220 mmHg) [11, 12, 18, 34], intracerebral bleeds [35], hypertensive encephalopathy [36], retinal hemorrhage [9], cardiac arrhythmias/myocardial failure [37, 38], seizures/convulsions [39], neurogenic pulmonary edema [40], renal failure (prolonged vasoconstriction in the renal vascular bed) [41], coma [42], and death [34]. Death occurs most commonly when associated with complications of the central nervous system [43]. Nevertheless, proper management significantly decreases the likelihood of these complications.
Acute Management
Early recognition of AD is important. Immediate management aims to identify and treat the triggering factor/factors as well as manage the hypertension and/or other potential complications. The patient should be seated with head raised and the blood pressure should be continuously measured (every 2–5 min), as significant and rapid fluctuations in these parameters may appear [34, 44]. The triggering factor /factors should be immediately identified and adequately stopped/removed. Removal of the precipitating stimulus may reverse the onset of acute episode of AD without the need for additional treatment (including pharmacological agents). Any constrictive devices and tight clothing, including belts, dressings, plaster casts, and catheter leg bags, should be loosened. As the commonest cause of AD is bladder overdistension , bladder catheterization should be employed. If the patient has already been catheterized, free drainage of urine down the catheter tubing into the drainage bag is of utmost importance. Therefore, any catheter, tubing, and bag should be checked for obstruction and, if required, irrigated (with 10–15 mL of warm saline) or replaced (if previous attempt to relieve the obstructed catheter has failed to decompress the bladder). Both large volumes and cold irrigation solutions should be avoided because they can also exacerbate AD. If there is no catheter, the patient should be catheterized as soon as possible. As catheterization itself can exacerbate AD, intraurethral lidocaine jelly 2% should be generously applied at least 2 min before insertion or change of a urethral catheter in order to decrease sensory input and relax the urinary sphincter [44]. A coudé tip catheter may be considered if catheterization is difficult or associated with bladder neck obstruction. Neither the Valsalva nor the Crede maneuver should be attempted to empty the patient’s bladder because these could increase the severity of the syndrome [45]. When the clinical scenario indicates urinary tract infection as a potential cause of AD, a urine sample should be examined by dipstick analysis and sent for microscopy and culture for infection. Moreover, high-dose intravenous antibiotics should be considered. Rectal examination for fecal impaction with gentle manual evacuation should be considered if there is no urological cause found for the presenting condition and blood pressure remains elevated after bladder catheterization [44]. As additional stimulation may further exacerbate AD, it is recommended to perform gentle disimpaction after introducing intrarectal lidocaine jelly 2% for at least 2 min before the maneuver. However, a prospective randomized study has failed to show any significant difference between the use of 2% topical lidocaine jelly and controls prior to anorectal procedures [46]. If AD worsens during rectal manipulation, the manual evacuation should be stopped and rechecked after 20 min. Skin examination should be performed to identify superficial infection and bed sores. The external genitalia should be examined to look for epididymitis/orchitis or testicular torsion, and the perianal areas should be checked for other conditions such as thrombosed hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, and perianal abscesses [9]. If the triggering factor has not been identified, acute abdominal conditions (e.g., appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, pyelonephritis) must be urgently excluded [5]. It is noteworthy that this more in-depth investigation of the triggering cause should not preclude the course of emergency treatment. Thus, if the blood pressure remains high (≥150 mmHg) despite bladder catheterization or rectal evacuation, or the triggering factor remains unclear or not found within the first few minutes, antihypertensive drugs should be introduced [1, 44, 47]. These include:
Nitroglycerin 0.4 mg/spray (1 spray every 5 min up to 3 times as needed) [47], or
2% nitroglycerine ointment/paste (1 inch of nitropaste on hairless skin of upper chest, additional inch may be administered as needed) [49, 50], or
Nifedipine (10 mg) bite-and-swallow [5, 47] (sublingual administration and subsequent absorption of nifedipine has been shown less effective [51]), or
Chlorpromazine (1 mg) intravenously (the intensive care unit setting) [52], or
Phentolamine (5 mg) intravenously (the intensive care unit setting) [52]
Of note, when nitrates are considered , it should be made certain that the patient has not taken phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors (e.g., sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil) in the past 24–48 h (risk of precipitous hypotension) [47]. This check is especially important, as a large proportion of male patients after SCI have coexisting erectile dysfunction, for which they are likely to take these drugs. When nifedipine is considered, clinicians should keep in mind the possible serious adverse events, including cerebrovascular accident, myocardial infarction, or even death, reported in hypertensive emergencies of non-SCI individuals [53]. Caution with nifedipine use might therefore be necessary and cardiovascular monitoring may be helpful even though a review of the literature has not shown any reported adverse effects of nifedipine when used to treat AD [44]. Furthermore, oral nifedipine has been shown clearly effective in treating severe hypertension in the acute setting and has a role in preventing the significant morbidity and potential mortality associated with AD [9].
Patients should be monitored for at least 2 h (up to 48 h) following resolution of AD, depending on the acuity of the episode (patient should be monitored for both recurrent AD and hypotension) [47]. They should be educated in how to monitor their symptoms to identify a possible recurrence. Patients might also experience hypotension after resolution of the trigger, especially if the patient has been given antihypertensive medication . If hypotension occurs, the patient should be placed supine with legs elevated. Administration of intravenous fluids and adrenergic agonist may be considered if the hypotension is symptomatic or refractory [42].
All episodes of AD should be carefully documented in medical records and should include information regarding signs and symptoms at presentation, the trigger responsible for the acute episode, the treatment instituted, and treatment outcomes. If blood pressure and heart rate came back to normal, the noxious stimulus has been removed and symptoms resolved, the patient can be routinely followed up. In cases of persistent AD or when the noxious stimulus has not been identified, the patient should be admitted or sent to the emergency department [47]. Spinal anesthesia has been recommended in an acute episode of AD refractory to medical management, as it successfully blocks the sympathetic response [54].

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