Basic Principles of rTMS in Motor Recovery After Stroke

Fig. 3.1
Model of interhemispheric competition: In the healthy brain, interhemispheric inhibition (red arrows) is balanced between both M1 at rest, while unilateral movement is associated with a shift toward stronger inhibition of M1 ipsilateral to the moving hand. After stroke, interhemispheric inhibition targeting the contralesional hemisphere decreases while inhibition exerted over ipsilesional M1 is enhanced. This imbalance is also evident in the amplitudes of MEPs evoked from both hemispheres, with increased output observed from contralesional M1 (white MEP) and diminished MEPs elicited from ipsilesional M1 (purple MEP). According to this theoretical framework, applying excitatory rTMS over the ipsilesional M1 (left side) will increase cortical excitability and inhibition of the contralesional M1 (green arrow), thereby counterbalancing excessive inhibition exerted by contralesional M1 (dashed red arrow). Alternatively, interhemispheric imbalance can be adjusted by applying inhibitory rTMS applied to contralesional M1 (right side), which diminishes excessive inhibition of ipsilesional M1 (green arrow)

This hypothesis is strongly supported by neuroimaging data. As described above, numerous neuroimaging studies have reported altered movement-associated neural activity after stroke. However, knowing where activity is altered after stroke does not allow to draw conclusions about how a particular region interacts with other parts of the brain. In the last two decades, several approaches have been developed to assess from time series of imaging data how different brain regions interact (Eickhoff and Grefkes 2011). In this context, two different types of connectivity concepts can be distinguished: (i) “functional connectivity” refers to correlations (or coherence) between the time-courses of different regions. Here, higher correlation parameters are interpreted as stronger functional connectivity between the regions of interest. However, functional connectivity cannot distinguish how interactions are mediated and whether one region drives activity of the respective other region. To this end, model-based approaches such as dynamic causal modeling (DCM) allow to estimate “effective connectivity,” i.e., the causal influences that one region exerts over another (Friston et al. 2003; Stephan et al. 2010). Grefkes and colleagues used DCM to evaluate cortical connectivity during simple unilateral hand movements in stroke patients with persisting motor deficits (Grefkes et al. 2008). In accordance to the TMS results of Murase and colleagues (2004), an inhibitory influence was exerted by contralesional M1 onto ipsilesional M1 during movements of the paretic hand, which was absent for movements of the unaffected hand or in healthy subjects. Moreover, the strength of this inhibition correlated with the degree of impairment across the cohort, with most severely impaired patients featuring strongest inhibitory influences targeting ipsilesional M1 (Grefkes et al. 2008). These findings corroborate a maladaptive role of the contralesional M1. As a consequence, suppressing the contralesional hemisphere might alleviate maladaptive influences exerted over the ipsilesional hemisphere, ultimately resulting in functional benefits for the paretic hand. Indeed, several studies have indicated that inhibitory rTMS applied to the contralesional M1 improves hand function in some patients (for further information see Chap. 4). A single application of inhibitory rTMS has been shown to also reduce neural over-activation of the contralesional hemisphere during movements of the paretic hand (Nowak et al. 2008). Hence, from a mechanistic perspective, reducing cortical excitability in the contralesional M1 transiently normalizes movement-related cortical activation. According to the interhemispheric competition model, reducing over-activation within the contralesional hemisphere will also reduce interhemispheric inhibition targeting the ipsilesional M1. Indeed, Grefkes and colleagues (2010) could show that inhibitory 1-Hz rTMS applied to contralesional M1 beneficially impacts on motor function of the affected hand and also reduces maladaptive interhemispheric inhibition targeting ipsilesional M1. Of note, the effects on motor behavior and connectivity significantly correlated, with stronger reduction in maladaptive inhibition observed in patients featuring strongest transient motor improvements after stimulation (Grefkes et al. 2010). Thus, rTMS-induced inhibition seems to promote motor function of the paretic hand through attenuating excessive interhemispheric inhibition onto ipsilesional M1.

The model of interhemispheric competition also supports the alternative rTMS-approach: enhancing motor activity within the ipsilesional hemisphere might strengthen IHI onto the contralesional hemisphere, which in turn could ultimately reduce pathological inhibition onto ipsilesional M1 (Grefkes and Fink 2012). One might argue that this hypothesis derived from the combination of electrophysiological data obtained via TMS and estimates of effective connectivity obtained via DCM from fMRI data seems far-fetched and that a beneficial impact of excitatory rTMS applied to the ipsilesional motor cortex rather stems from local effects within ipsilesional M1, such as induction of cortical plasticity or reduction of intracortical inhibition. However, we recently observed a strong relationship between reduced cortical excitability of the ipsilesional hemisphere (assessed via TMS) and reduced inhibition from ipsilesional M1 onto contralesional M1 assessed via DCM, which were both most reduced in chronic stroke patients suffering from severest motor deficits (Volz et al. 2015). Given these observations, enhancing cortical excitability within the ipsilesional hemisphere via rTMS could improve the interhemispheric balance of inhibition, ultimately alleviating maladaptive inhibition targeting the ipsilesional hemisphere. Support for this hypothesis stems from a study published by Ameli and colleagues, who observed that a single application of excitatory 10-Hz rTMS to ipsilesional M1 transiently increases motor function of the paretic hand and also reduces over-activation of the contralesional M1 (Ameli et al. 2009). Since the contralesional hemisphere was not directly stimulated, stimulation-induced changes in the ipsilesional hemisphere must have caused the observed reduction in contralesional activity, possibly via transcallosal connections on a cortical level. Of note, normalization of neural activation and motor function could only be achieved in patients suffering from subcortical stroke, whereas patients with cortical damage showed no reduction of contralesional activity (Ameli et al. 2009). This dependence on intact cortical tissue further corroborates that a beneficial effect of ipsilesional rTMS might, at least in part, derive from the modulation of cortical interactions within and across hemispheres.

In summary, the model of interhemispheric competition constitutes two hypotheses regarding systems-level mechanisms underlying beneficial effects of both excitatory rTMS applied to ipsilesional M1 and inhibitory rTMS applied to contralesional M1. Both approaches have been shown to transiently promote motor function, at least in certain patient populations. However, it must be kept in mind that the model of interhemispheric competition certainly oversimplifies the complex interactions between motor regions underlying the preparation and execution of voluntary movements and fails to include other important factors influencing motor recovery, e.g., lesion size and location. Furthermore, it contradicts observations that for some patients contralesional areas hold a compensatory role for motor recovery, especially early after stroke. Therefore, Di Pino and colleagues recently suggested combining both models (the vicariation model and interhemispheric competition model) by adding information on the individual extent of the structural damage caused by ischemia: size and location of a stroke lesion might determine whether motor areas of the non-lesional hemisphere rather hold a compensatory function or represent maladaptive plasticity (for further details see Di Pino et al. 2014).

3.4 When to Stimulate?

Most studies assessed rTMS effects on motor recovery in chronic stroke patients (Bates and Rodger 2014). However, strongest improvements in motor function occur in the first days to weeks after stroke, and motor deficits reach a stable plateau after 3–6 months post-stroke (Langhorne et al. 2011). Animal studies showed that cellular processes associated with neural plasticity are most pronounced in the first weeks after stroke, suggesting a critical time window for functional reorganization (for a review see Hermann and Chopp 2012). As discussed above, early increases in neural activity in contralesional areas correlate with better recovery during this period, implying a supportive role for hand motor function. Hence, applying inhibitory rTMS to the contralesional hemisphere seems to be more suited at later stages, i.e., when pathological interhemispheric inhibition has evolved. Given that the early post-stroke period is characterized by a loss of motor activity in the lesioned hemisphere, it seems reasonable to support recovery of function by stimulating the ipsilesional hemisphere. Animal studies suggest that rTMS applied to ipsilesional M1 early after stroke may also affect penumbral tissue by attenuating apoptosis (i.e., programmed cell death) along the infarct rim (Yoon et al. 2011).

3.5 The Concept of Diaschisis

Another possible mechanisms potentially adding to early motor impairment lies in the concept of diaschisis. In this concept postulated by von Monakow (1914), an acute lesion to one part of the brain consecutively leads to a reduction of input into regions remote of but connected to the lesion. Accordingly, recovery of function is partly thought to reflect a reactivation of initially functionally de-afferented brain regions, as indicated by restored connectivity between motor regions. Recently, several studies described a time-dependent change in interhemispheric functional motor connectivity after stroke in both humans and animal models: an early decrease is followed by re-increasing connectivity alongside early motor recovery (Carter et al. 2010; van Meer et al. 2010; Park et al. 2011). These time-dependent changes have repeatedly been discussed to possibly reflect diaschisis, with the re-increase in interhemispheric functional connectivity representing alleviation of diaschisis (for reviews see Carrera and Tononi 2014; Silasi and Murphy 2014). Nettekoven and colleagues could show that excitability-enhancing rTMS applied to M1 in healthy subjects increases functional motor network connectivity (Nettekoven et al. 2014). These findings give rise to the hypothesis that rTMS might also help to increase motor network connectivity in stroke patients and thereby alleviate diaschisis. Support for this hypothesis stems from a recent animal study, which reported repetitive stimulation of the ipsilesional M1 to induce the expression of neurotrophic factors in contralesional M1, strongly suggesting the stimulation to cause aftereffects not only locally but also in remote motor area (Cheng et al. 2014). Of note, the alleviation of diaschisis represents a mechanism involved in recovery of motor function within the first weeks (Buma et al. 2013). Hence, rTMS may potentially support functional recovery via alleviation of diaschisis when applied within this period of time.

3.6 On the Way to Therapeutic Applications

Despite the remarkable body of literature suggesting a beneficial role of rTMS to promote motor functional recovery following stroke, rTMS has still not become a standard clinical procedure in stroke rehabilitation. The question arises what has thus far limited the TMS community to conduct randomized clinical trials in order to prove that rTMS can be used as a therapeutic tool (for further details see Bates and Rodger 2014). Several factors complicate the attempt to design an rTMS treatment protocol. First, which particular protocol should be used for either excitatory or inhibitory rTMS? Although this question is beyond the scope of this chapter, it should be noted that besides the modulatory potential of a given intervention, also stimulation duration, number of repetitions, and necessary stimulation intensities have to be considered. To this end, stimulation protocols that can be applied at low intensities and are of short duration, such as theta-burst stimulation (TBS) (Huang et al. 2005), represent promising candidates regarding clinical applications. In addition, recent findings imply that refining existing protocols like TBS might further enhance their neuromodulatory potential (Nettekoven et al. 2014), possibly resulting in larger effect sizes at the therapeutic level. Alternatively, different neuromodulatory protocols may be combined to increase stimulation effects. First, encouraging results are derived from a study by Sung and colleagues who found that sequential application of inhibitory rTMS to contralesional M1 followed by excitatory rTMS applied to ipsilesional M1 may induce stronger effects on motor function compared to either intervention applied alone (Sung et al. 2013). A further important factor lies in the combination with rehabilitative treatments and different forms of motor training. While several studies observed beneficial effects after combined rTMS and distinct forms of motor training such as physiotherapy (Khedr et al. 2005; Chang et al. 2010; Ackerley et al. 2010), Malcolm and colleagues (2007) observed no beneficial effect of combining excitability-enhancing rTMS and constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT). Hence, these results suggest that certain combinations of rTMS and motor training may show stronger and more effective interactions affecting motor recovery than others, highlighting the need to identify suitable combinations of neuromodulatory interventions and training.

Recently, several studies in large cohorts of healthy subjects have shown that individual responses to rTMS approaches considerably differ across individuals (Hamada et al. 2013; Hinder et al. 2014). Several factors such as age, genetic factors, and electrophysiological and connectional properties of the motor network have been discussed to critically influence how TMS interacts with the brain (Cardenas-Morales et al. 2014; for a review see Ridding and Ziemann 2010). Of note, all these factors are associated with the interindividual variability in response to rTMS in healthy subjects. Considering the heterogeneity of stroke lesions and their compensation, the amount of variance in individual susceptibility to rTMS in stroke patients possibly even exceeds the variability observed in healthy subjects. In fact, individual susceptibility might also partly account for inconsistent findings observed across different studies assessing rTMS effects in stroke patients (Grefkes and Fink 2012). Hence, the identification of surrogate markers that reliably predict the individual response to neuromodulatory approaches represents a highly important challenge, enabling the selection of suitable patients in a clinical context (Grefkes and Fink 2012). The utilization of machine learning techniques that allow inference on the level of single patients from multidimensional data (e.g., a combination of behavioral, electrophysiological, and neuroimaging information; for example, see Rehme et al. 2014) may help to identify whether a specific patient might be a suitable candidate for a given intervention.

Finally, continuously furthering our insights into neural mechanisms underlying both cortical reorganization occurring after stroke and its interaction with rTMS-induced activity by combining multimodal evidence from human research and animal models seems inevitable to appraise and extend the beneficial impact of rTMS on recovery of motor function following stroke.


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