Biomechanics of Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis

Biomechanics of Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis

Malcolm H. Pope

Francis Smith

Spondylolysis is a fracture of the pars interarticularis. If the pars defect is bilateral, it may allow slippage of the vertebra, resulting in spondylolisthesis. Mechanical stresses cause spondylolisthesis, which is most common in the lower lumbar spine at levels L4 and L5. These levels carry more load than higher levels of the spine and have greater shear forces due to the lumbar lordosis. Stresses on the pars interarticularis are accentuated during repetitive hyperextension, which results in increased contact of the caudal edge of the L4 inferior articular facet with the L5 pars. This may result in a stress fracture of the pars.

Many more athletes than nonathletes develop a pars defect. Sports that involve repetitive hyperextension and axial loading of the lumbar spine result in repetitive microtrauma to the pars interarticularis. Such sports include gymnastics, wrestling, hurdling, weight lifting, cricket, rowing, pole vaulting, diving, swimming, American football, baseball, tennis, sailing, and volleyball. Gymnasts are four times as likely as controls to develop spondylolysis, and 50% of American football linebackers have a pars defect. In American football blocking, the average compression force at L5 is 7 times body weight, and the peak shear force is 2.6 times body weight.

The lumbar spine has the functions of support, mobility, housing of neurological structures, and control. The orientation of the facets varies for different spinal levels, and this orientation determines how much flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation the body can achieve at a particular vertebral level. The facets and other posterior elements have a load-bearing function to help support the weight of the upper body and anything that it carries, and they are also acted upon by spinal muscle forces. The posterior elements carry approximately 16% of the total load when a person is standing upright but 30% of the total load in hyperextension. During hyperextension, the vertebrae rotate such that the superior articular processes of one vertebra push against the inferior articular processes of the vertebra directly above it. This contact force causes the inferior articular processes to bend upward and tensile stresses to develop on the underside of the pars. During flexion, the inferior and superior articulating facets of adjacent vertebrae attempt to pull away from each other but are held together by the ligaments that encapsulate the joint, which tends to bend the pars forward.

Fatigue failure occurs due to repetitive loads that are less than the load to cause failure after a single load. The fatigue life is dependent on the amplitude of the cyclic stresses and the method by which they are imposed. Fatigue tests of the lumbar neural arch simulated a man walking quickly in a flexed posture with a 50-kg pack on his back. Over 70% of specimens failed at the pars, and specimens simulating persons aged 14 to 30 years failed much sooner (<50,000 cycles) than those simulating middle-aged people (>500,000 cycles with no fracture).

While there is a complex interplay of muscle forces and ligament tension at intervertebral joints, the facet load is the main force acting on the neural arch. Loading of the inferior articular process and bending in the pars cause high stresses because the pars is the narrowest part of the neural arch and thus has the smallest cross-sectional area with which to resist load. With cyclic flexion and hyperextension, or with repeated high-impact forces on the upper body, the pars is repetitively bent in one direction and then the other, and fatigue life may be reached and a crack will initiate at the point of highest principal stress. The crack will propagate across the pars if loading continues.

In addition to occurring in certain athletic groups who subject their upper bodies to high repetitive forces, spondylolysis seems to develop most often in children, adolescents, and young adults. This could be partly due to the fact that the ossification of their neural arches may not be complete and the bone is therefore less stiff and has a lower fatigue life. Or it could be partly due to the fact that the intervertebral discs of young people are more elastic and therefore allow more shear force to reach the facets, increasing the magnitudes of the forces and stresses on the pars. Another cause could be that most young people engage in more frequent strenuous activity than adults, causing the fatigue life of the pars to be reached sooner.


Spondylolysis is a fracture of the pars interarticularis (pars). If the fracture gap widens, then the fracture is termed spondylolisthesis. Widening of the gap leads to shear forces. If the pars defect is bilateral, it may allow slippage of the vertebra, typically L5 on S1, resulting in spondylolisthesis. Spondylolisthesis can occur at any level of the spine, although it is most common in the lower lumbar spine. Most cases result from minor overuse trauma, particularly repetitive hyperextension of the lumbar spine. Spondylolysis is found in approximately 6% of the overall population (1) but is more common in certain subsets of the population. For example, there is a 2.8% incidence of spondylolysis in black men but up to a 50% incidence in Alaskan natives (2). Those aged 5 to 20 years are much more likely to develop this condition than older persons, and there is a congenital disposition (1). As noted above, a much higher proportion of athletes than nonathletes develop a pars defect. Gymnasts are four times as likely as the general population to develop spondylolysis (3), and up to 50% of American football linebackers have a pars defect (4).

The types of spondylolisthesis are as follows:

Type 1. Dysplastic (congenital) with a defect in the upper sacrum or arch of L5.

Type 2. Isthmic with a pars problem that permits forward slippage of the superior vertebra, usually L5. This type usually occurs in children older than 5 years, usually in those aged 7 to 8 years, and it rarely occurs before walking begins. Slip progression is minimal after skeletal maturity. There are three subcategories:

Type 2A, or lytic spondylolisthesis, involves a defect in the pars area resulting from recurrent microfractures due to the impact of the articular processes against the pars in extension. This defect usually occurs by age 6 and is sometimes associated with congenital defects such as lumbarization, sacralization, and spina bifida occulta.

Type 2B is an intact but elongated pars, probably resulting from repetitive microfractures that heal in an elongated position.

Type 2C, which is rare, results from an acute fracture of the pars from major trauma.

Type 3. Degenerative spondylolisthesis is an acquired condition resulting from chronic disc and facet degeneration, leading to segmental instability and gradual slippage of the vertebra, usually at L4 or L5.

Type 4. Traumatic (at any age) results from fracture of any part of the neural arch or pars that leads to listhesis.

Type 5. Pathologic results from a generalized bone disease, such as Paget disease or osteogenesis imperfecta.

Spondylolisthesis is graded based on the amount of vertebral subluxation in the sagittal plane:

Grade 1. Less than 25% of vertebral diameter.

Grade 2. 25%-50%.

Grade 3. 50%-75%.

Grade 4. 75%-100%.

Spondyloptosis. Greater than 100%.


The trunk muscles provide stability, control movements, and generate the force necessary to perform many essential activities. The back, glutei, and the hamstring muscles are all active during lifting. The activity is related to the external load moment and is also a function of posture, speed, and asymmetry of the lift. With low back pain (LBP), the muscles lose coordination and speed of response besides losing strength and endurance.

Mechanical stresses play an important role in the process of spondylolisthesis. The erect posture produces a constant downward and forward thrust on the lumbar vertebrae. Stresses on the pars interarticularis are accentuated during repetitive hyperextension, which results in increased contact of the caudal edge of the L4 inferior articular facet with the L5 pars interarticularis. This collective trauma may eventually result in a stress fracture of the pars interarticularis. Spondylolisthesis may occur when bilateral pars defects are present, which allows forward slippage of the vertebra (typically L5 on S1).

Figure 2.1 shows the resolution of forces in the lower lumbar spine that result in a shear force Rs.


Sports that involve repetitive hyperextension and axial loading of the lumbar spine may lead to repetitive microtrauma to the pars interarticularis, resulting in spondylolysis and sometimes spondylolisthesis. These include gymnastics, wrestling, weight lifting (particularly standing overhead presses), cricket, rowing, pole vaulting, diving, hurdling, swimming (especially the butterfly stroke), American-style football (especially blocking or hitting the blocking sled), baseball (especially pitching), tennis (especially serving), sailing (particularly the hiking maneuver), and volleyball (Figs. 2.2 and 2.3).

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Sep 22, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on Biomechanics of Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis

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