Fig. 19.1
An acute ischemic infarct with left Pons
Her initial stroke presentation was dense right hemiparesis, including face, arm, and leg, as well as dysarthria. The etiology of stroke is likely small vessel disease due to long exposure to hypertension. She was hospitalized for 4 days before she was discharged to acute rehabilitation facility. At the time of hospital charge, she had only trace movement with arm but has horizontal movement with leg, her facial palsy improved and her speech was much better but still dysarthric, her muscle tone increased, and reflex started to be brisk.
After 34 days of acute rehabilitation, she was able to walk with an ankle foot orthosis (AFO) and tripod, and she has partial movement with her arm with most movement in the proximal muscles, her face paralysis was almost gone, and her speech was nearly normal. Spasticity was noticed with increased muscle tone, her reflex was exaggerated, and nonsustained clonus can be induced. She was transitioned to outpatient physical therapy and occupational therapy; however, the recovery process was slow due to increasing spasticity and pain with her arm and leg. She was prescribed with Baclofen but could not take it due to side effect of somnolence and inability of participating in therapy; later on switched to tizanidine, but she became hypotensive, somnolent, and had to discontinue it.
She was seen in the post-stroke spasticity clinic around 80 days after the indexed event; her neurological exam revealed that she had an internally rotated shoulder, flexed elbow, pronated forearm, flexed wrist, and clenched fist. Her gait demonstrated a classic hemiparetic gait with adducted thigh, flexed knee, and crawled toes. Her spasticity was much worse and she had a sustained clonus lasting 24 s. She complained moderate pain and discomfort with both arm and leg not relieved by pain medication; especially she was unable to fit her foot into the AFO well due to crawled toes. There was skin breakdown with her toes. Subsequently, she received Botulinum Toxin type A (Botox®) in the arm first time, then arm and leg in the following visit. She experienced no side effect with injection except a minor transient ache after procedure. Her spasticity was significantly reduced and pain was completely relieved. Her arm function was not significantly improved but she felt much confident with self-esteem; she said that “she feels better when she goes to restaurant or church.” Her crawled toes improved and fit better with AFO, and her gait was better with simultaneous physical therapy. She has been received Botox® injection every 3–4 months for 2 years now.
Stroke mortality has declined to the fourth leading cause of death with improved risk factors control and better coordinated acute stroke care in the United States [1]. On the other hand, stroke remains a leading cause of disability. An increasing number of individuals are surviving with a variety of residual physical and cognitive deficits [2, 3]. Of these deficits, post-stroke limb spasticity (PSLS) generally occurs with motor impairment, as a frequent sequela after stroke. Current prevalence estimates of PSLS, from several studies with different sample sizes at varying post-stroke phases, range from 4 to 43 % [4]. PSLS is considered a major post-stroke complication with a substantial impact on post-stroke motor recovery and overall quality of life. Spasticity frequently develops weeks or months after strokes and is a major barrier to survivors achieving good motor recovery or independence in the performance of activities of daily living (ADLs). In recent years, several treatments have become available for spasticity treatment, including botulinum toxin.
This chapter will narratively review the pathology, anatomy, presentation of PSLS, and evaluation of botulinum toxin as a therapy.
Pathophysiology and Anatomy
The term spasticity was defined by Lance in the 1980s [5] as “a motor disorder characterized by a velocity-dependent increase in tonic stretch reflex (muscle tone) with exaggerated tendon jerks, resulting hyper-excitability of the stretch reflex as one component of the upper motor neuron syndrome (UMNS).” Muscles affected by UMNS frequently exhibit weakness, loss of reciprocal inhibition, decreased movement control, and spasticity.
The stroke lesion generally affects the cortex and/or subcortical regions. It is considered to be an “upper motor neuron syndrome” if it affects the areas controlling motor strength and muscle tone. For example, the corticospinal tract (CST) is the dominant descending motor pathway connecting the motor cortex to the limbs through the spinal cord to control limb strength and voluntary movement. There are other nondominant subcortical tracts as well. For example, the vestibulospinal tract receives excitatory input from vestibular organs and deep cerebellar nuclei, subsequently synapses on ipsilateral interneurons that excite alpha motor neurons to the limb and trunk muscles, and excites the extensors to regulate posture and balance. The reticulospinal tract is another subcortical tract receiving input from both cortices and ascending sensory input from spinoreticular tract neurons. It innervates interneurons that excite motor neurons to limbs muscles, and mainly excites flexors, thereby facilitating the regulation of voluntary movements. Although we do not know the exact anatomic correlation of PSLS, the injury from stroke affecting the corticospinal tract or other subcortical tracts likely contributes to hemiparesis as well as spasticity [6, 7] (Fig. 19.2 shows this highlighted patient suffered a left pontine infarct and injured the left corticospinal tract; the patient exhibits moderate-to-severe spasticity with both upper and lower extremities after stroke).

Fig. 19.2
A patient with left pontine infarct exhibits moderate-to-severe post-stroke spasticity affecting both right upper and lower extremities
Presentation and Evaluation
Limb spasticity is a common complication after stroke and is frequently associated with pain, contractures, fatigue, functional limitations, diminished self-image, poor gait, increased falls, pressure sores, skin breakdown, etc. Spasticity should be comprehensively assessed at the level of impairment and its corresponding impact on function. The spasticity and impairment level can be assessed using the Ashworth Spasticity Scale (or the modified Ashworth) and Tardieu Scale. The Ashworth spasticity scale [8] measures the resistance to stretching when a limb is passively moved. It is a 6-point scale that provides information on the severity of spasticity and can be used to indicate responses to treatment. The Tardieu scale [9] measures spasticity that takes into account resistance to passive movement at both slow and fast speeds. Impact on function can be assessed using the modified Rankin Scale, Barthel index, and Functional Independence Measurement and Disability Assessment Scale (DAS). The DAS [10] is a scale specially designed to assess disability linked to upper extremity spasticity, while the other three scales assess overall disability from spasticity. Pain usually accompanies spasticity. Therefore, pain scale, such as the numeric pain rating scale (NPRS), which is an 11-point scale (0 is no pain and 10 is worst pain imaginable), is also used for assessment.
Spasticity can occur in either a single muscle or a group of muscles in both arms and legs. Typical manifestations of spasticity in stroke patients are shown below (Table 19.1).
Table 19.1
Common presentation associated with PSLS
Clinical presentation | Muscles (affected) | |
Upper extremity | Adducted and internally rotated shoulder | Latissimus Dorsi; Pectoris Major; Subscapularis; Teres Major |
Flexed elbow | Biceps Brachii; Brachialis; Brachioradialis | |
Pronated forearm | Pronator Teres; Pronator Quadratus | |
Flexed wrist | Flexor Carpi Radialis; Flexor Carpi Ulnaris; Palmaris Longus | |
Clenched fist | Flexor Digitorum Profundus; Flexor Digitorum Superficialis; Flexor Pollicis Brevis; Flexor Pollicis Longus | |
Intrinsic plus hand | Lumbricals | |
Thumb in palm | Adductor pollicis; Flexor Pollicis Brevis; Flexor Pollicis Longus | |
Lower extremity | Adducted thigh | Adductor Longus; Adductor Brevis; Adductor Magnus; Adductor Gracilis |
Flexed hip | Iliacus; Psoas; Rectus Femoris | |
Stiff extended knee | Rectus Femoris; Vastus Lateralis; Vastus Medialis; Vastus Intermedius | |
Flexed knee | Gastrocnemius; Hamstrings; Tensor Fascia Lata | |
Flexed toe | Flexor Digitorum Longus; Flexor Digitorum Brevis; Flexor Hallucis Longus | |
Hyperextended toe | Extensor Hallucis Longus |
Treatment and Botulinum Toxin
Management of spasticity requires a multidisciplinary effort, including the patient and/or caregiver, stroke neurologist or physiatrist, occupational therapists, physical therapist, and psychologist. The focus of treatment is usually tailored to the specific needs or goals of the patient and/or caregiver. Spasticity management should be aimed at reducing the effects of disability on daily activities, including limb position, hygiene, dressing, walking, and a healthy self-image. The treatment is also crucial for the caregiver because stroke survivors require various degrees of assistance from the caregiver for dressing, hygiene, walking, and other ADLs. Generally speaking, spasticity reduction, functional improvement, pain relief, self-image enhancement, and reduction of caregiver burden are common goals for both patients and caregivers.
The key element of treatment is spasticity reduction. There are several treatment options for PSLS, including pharmacological agents [11], such as baclofen (oral or intrathecal), tizanidine, or benzodiazepine; rehabilitation therapy (muscle stretching or muscle strength training), electric stimulation [12], and chemodenervation approaches [13], including botulinum toxin regional muscle injection, phenol injection, and alcohol injection. Most of the pharmacological agents carry significant central nervous system related side effects, which can be intolerable to some stroke patients. For example, tizanidine is an effective antispasmodic agent, but it easily causes somnolence, sleepiness, hypotension, and bradycardia. As a result, Botulinum toxin has emerged as the first-line treatment for focal PSLS due to the fact that it has no cognitive side effect.

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