breathing, neurogenic pulmonary edema, respiratory failure, alveolar hypoventilation, central hyperventilation, neuromuscular disorders, Guillain–Barré syndrome, phrenic neuropathy, critical illness polyneuropathy, muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, critical illness myopathy, hypoxia, hypercapnia, hypocapnia, sleep disorders
Respiration involves pulmonary ventilation, gaseous exchange between lung alveoli and blood, and transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood, tissues, and interstitial fluid.
The nervous system plays a pivotal role in controlling pulmonary ventilation as it exerts both automatic and voluntary control over breathing. The anatomic pathways involve the cerebral hemispheres, pons, medulla, spinal cord, anterior horn cells, nerves, and neuromuscular junctions, as well as peripheral chemoreceptors and lung mechanoreceptors and the respiratory muscles themselves. Several central and peripheral neurologic disorders can affect respiration adversely, and hypoxia and hypercapnia resulting from respiratory dysfunction may affect the nervous system and produce neurologic complications.
Control of Breathing
Breathing is normally an involuntary, rhythmic phenomenon that can be overridden by voluntary control. There are separate anatomic pathways for automatic and voluntary breathing, but these pathways are highly integrated ( Fig. 1-1 ).

Respiratory Muscles
A number of muscles are important for respiration. The main inspiratory muscles include the diaphragm, external intercostal and scalene muscles, with accessory muscles being the sternocleidomastoid, pectoralis major and minor, serratus anterior, latissimus dorsi, and serratus posterior superior. The expiratory muscles are the internal intercostals, external oblique, internal oblique, rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and serratus posterior inferior. The muscles of the upper airway do not have a direct action on the chest cage but are required to keep the airway open during inspiration, regulate airway resistance, and partition airflow through nasal and oral pathways. These are the muscles of the soft palate, pharynx, larynx, trachea, nose, and mouth innervated by cranial nerves V, VII, IX, X, and XII.
Chemical Control of Breathing
Breathing is influenced by both peripheral and central chemoreceptors, and may be impaired by damage to these receptors or their neural connections. Peripheral chemoreceptors are located in the carotid and aortic bodies and are innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve, which projects to the tractus solitarius. These receptors are primarily activated by hypoxia, and also by reduced arterial pH, increased arterial pCO 2 , and hypoperfusion. Central chemoreceptors are located in the locus ceruleus and nuclei of the tractus solitarius, midline (raphe) of the ventral medulla, and ventrolateral quadrant of medulla. They respond primarily to high pCO 2 mediated through the detection of a fall in the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and are crucial for adequate breathing in sleep. The sensation of breathlessness is probably mediated through these medullary chemoreceptors or respiratory neurons. In congenital hypoventilation syndrome, periods of cyanosis occur during sleep due to deficiency of central chemoreception, with reduced or absent CO 2 sensitivity; mutations of the PHOX2B gene are sometimes responsible. These patients, in contrast to patients with locked-in syndrome, do not experience air hunger or breathlessness with hypercapnia.
Brainstem Respiratory Centers
There are three important brainstem respiratory centers: the pneumotaxic center or pontine respiratory group (PRG) in the dorsal lateral pons, and the dorsal (DRG) and ventral respiratory groups (VRG) in the medulla ( Fig. 1-2 ). The PRG contains inspiratory, expiratory, and phase-spanning neurons, receives vagal afferents relating to lung volume, and modulates respiratory frequency. Its primary connections are with medullary respiratory neurons, but it also has connections with the hypothalamus, cerebral cortex, and the nucleus of tractus solitarius. PRG neurons are not essential for respiratory rhythm generation, and transection at this level produces regular breathing; vagotomy then results in slowing of the respiratory rate but not in alteration of rhythm. The center is involved in modification and fine control of respiratory rhythm. Apneusis is defined as prominent end-inspiratory pauses that can be produced by pontine transections in vagotomized animals.

The medullary respiratory neurons generate the respiratory rhythm, and transection of the brainstem at the pontomedullary level allows rhythmic ventilator excursions to persist, whereas these movements are abolished by transection at the medullary-cervical region. The output from the medullary respiratory centers descends in the reticulospinal tract in the anterolateral funiculus of the spinal cord. DRG neurons are mainly inspiratory and are located in the ventrolateral portion of the nucleus of the tractus solitarius, primarily discharging during inspiration, and receiving pulmonary afferents via the vagus nerves. These neurons primarily project to the contralateral spinal motor neurons, and probably serve as the primary rhythmic drive to phrenic motor neurons. DRG neurons are modulated by GABA B receptors.
The VRG neurons are both inspiratory and expiratory neurons, situated in a bilaterally symmetric column that extends from the caudal level of the facial nucleus to the rostral cervical spinal cord. The cell bodies are located within the nucleus ambiguus and nucleus retroambigualis and are responsible for the generation of respiratory rhythm. NMDA receptors are the major mediators of VRG ventilatory drive, with modulation by non-NMDA glutamate systems.
The cerebellum also influences breathing. In animals, stimulation of the fastigial nucleus produces early termination of bursting of both the inspiratory and expiratory neurons. Functional imaging studies in humans have also documented activation of cerebellum along with other brainstem and basal forebrain structures during volitional breathing.
Voluntary Control of Breathing
Voluntary control of breathing is mediated by the descending corticospinal tract and its influence on the motor neurons innervating the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. The rate and rhythm of breathing are influenced by the forebrain, as observed during voluntary hyperventilation or breath-holding as well as during the semivoluntary or involuntary rhythmic alterations in ventilatory pattern that are required during speech, singing, laughing, and crying.
Electrophysiologic and imaging studies support the belief that specific areas of cortex are involved in different phases of voluntary breathing. The diaphragm can be activated by stimulation of the contralateral motor cortex using transcranial magnetic stimulation. The diaphragm lacks significant bilateral cortical representation, consistent with the finding of attenuation of diaphragmatic excursion only on the hemiplegic side in patients with hemispheric stroke. The intercostal muscles are similarly affected by hemispheric lesions. Positron emission tomographic (PET) studies have shown an increase in cerebral blood flow in the primary motor cortex bilaterally, the right supplementary motor cortex, and the ventrolateral thalamus during inspiration; the same structures, along with the cerebellum, are involved in expiration.
The involvement of the forebrain in the regulation of breathing is further substantiated by the induction of apnea that follows stimulation of the anterior portion of the hippocampal gyrus, the ventral and medial surfaces of the temporal lobe, and the anterior portion of the insula. Ictal apnea has been reported during partial seizures in a patient with encephalitis who was found to have an abnormality of the left posterior lateral temporal region on single-photon emission computed tomography.
Integrated Neural Control of Breathing
The two types of control over breathing are highly integrated, as observed during speaking and singing, when automatic breathing is suppressed. Though the exact pathways of this coordination are not known, connections probably exist between the medullary respiratory centers, cerebral cortex, and extrapyramidal systems. In addition, integration occurs in the spinal cord between cortical, segmental, and breathing inputs to respiratory motor neurons.
Evaluation of Pulmonary Function
A detailed discussion of the evaluation of pulmonary function is beyond the scope of this chapter, and the following is a summary of an approach to evaluating patients with impaired breathing in the setting of neurologic illness.
Clinical Assessment
A detailed clinical history should be obtained including an account of any breathing or cardiac problems that presented prior to the onset of—or with a temporal relationship to—neurologic symptoms and of any antecedent illness (such as infection) that preceded onset of muscle weakness (e.g., in Guillain–Barré syndrome). The onset, distribution, character, and accompaniments of weakness may suggest the underlying cause. The history obtained from a bed-partner or caregiver is important in determining the presence of sleep-disordered breathing.
The respiratory and cardiac systems are examined to determine the respiratory rate and volume, pattern of breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and presence of cyanosis. Bedside assessments should also include a single-breath counting exercise, observation of chest expansion, and testing of cough strength. Diaphragmatic weakness may give rise to paradoxic inward movement of the abdomen during inspiration. The presence of hypophonia, nasal intonation, dysarthria, dysphagia, and pooling of secretions suggest bulbar dysfunction. Auscultation of the chest may reveal features of bronchoconstriction, pulmonary congestion, or consolidation.
Tests of Respiratory Functions
Arterial Blood Gas Studies
Arterial blood gas analysis (pH, pCO 2 , pO 2 ) is required for patients with impending respiratory failure to determine the need for ventilatory support. Overnight pulse oximetry is useful in patients with sleep-related breathing problems.
Apart from routine chest radiography, computed tomography (CT) scan of the thorax may sometimes be useful to detect small pleural effusions as well as mediastinal masses and lymphadenopathy. Evidence of unilateral phrenic nerve palsy includes the elevation of a hemidiaphragm on chest radiography, or the lack of descent of the affected diaphragm during a sniff test performed during fluoroscopy or ultrasound.
Pulmonary Function Tests
Bedside spirometry is useful to assess pulmonary function, especially in neuromuscular disorders. Forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), and maximal inspiratory force (MIF) should be measured. In neuromuscular disorders, a “restrictive” pattern of respiratory dysfunction is seen, evidenced by a normal or sometimes higher ratio of FEV1 to FVC. Maximal inspiratory force is an indicator of the strength of the respiratory muscles.
Polysomnography is useful to study the abnormalities of breathing during different stages of sleep (see Chapter 51 ). The movements of the chest and abdomen are recorded to identify periods of apnea or hypopnea.
Patterns of Respiratory Dysfunction
Disorders of the peripheral and central nervous system may result in respiratory insufficiency through different mechanisms. The pattern of respiratory dysfunction primarily depends on the site of the lesion rather than the underlying etiology, while prognosis depends on both of these factors. Weakness of respiratory muscles may result in a restrictive pattern of ventilatory insufficiency. Oropharyngeal and laryngeal weakness can result in an obstructive pattern, especially during sleep. Patients with neuromuscular diseases and bulbar involvement are at risk of recurrent aspiration pneumonia and acute upper airway obstruction.
Disorders of Involuntary Breathing
Disturbances of automatic breathing with intact volitional breathing lead to sleep apnea or Ondine curse; the patient can maintain respiration while awake (voluntarily), but experiences apnea or hypopnea during sleep. The underlying pathology involves the automatic ventilatory centers (VRG and DRG) and their descending connections. Typical clinical situations responsible include bilateral or unilateral medullary infarction, bulbar poliomyelitis, neurodegenerative disorders such as multiple system atrophy, syringobulbia, paraneoplastic brainstem syndromes, and idiopathic sleep apnea. Iatrogenic injury has been reported following bilateral cervical tractotomy performed for intractable pain, presumably as a result of damage to the descending reticulospinal tracts which activate phrenic motor neurons and the ascending spinoreticular fibers that carry afferent information to brainstem centers.
Disorders of Voluntary Breathing
The relatively pure form of voluntary breathing dysfunction is observed in the “locked-in” syndrome. Patients are unable to voluntarily control breathing and cannot speak, but they have a regular ventilatory pattern, preserved response to CO 2 stimulation, and experience air hunger. Midpontine lesions are usually responsible due to infarctions (most often), hemorrhage, myelinosis, or tumor, resulting in disruption of the corticospinal and corticobulbar fibers that control voluntary respiration, while sparing the medullary respiratory centers that control automatic ventilation. Disordered voluntary breathing is also observed in extrapyramidal and cerebellar disorders, as discussed later.
Central Neurogenic Hyperventilation
Although central neurogenic hyperventilation was thought to be a classic and specific manifestation of midbrain dysfunction during transtentorial herniation, it is now apparent that this pattern of respiration is more common with unilateral or bilateral hemispheric lesions and carries a poor prognosis. This type of breathing can also occur with pontine or medullary lesions. The underlying mechanism of this tachypnea is unknown, and it may be the result of either stimulation of receptors in the pulmonary interstitial space secondary to congestion of neurogenic cause (neurogenic pulmonary edema), or central stimulation of medullary chemoreceptors secondary to local lactate production from tumor or stroke.
Other causes of centrally mediated hyperventilation are anxiety, infections, and drugs. The latter either stimulate the central or peripheral chemoreceptors or directly affect the brainstem respiratory neurons.
Apraxia of Breathing
Inability to take or hold a deep breath in spite of normal motor and sensory function of bulbar muscles is known as respiratory or breathing apraxia. This abnormality is most often found in elderly patients with cerebrovascular disease, dementia, or lesions of the nondominant hemisphere, and may be associated with frontal lobe release signs, paratonia, or other apraxias.
Posthyperventilation Apnea
In normal awake persons, there is a brief period of apnea after voluntary hyperventilation that is usually less than 12 seconds in duration when it follows five deep breaths sufficient to reduce pCO 2 by 8 to 14 mmHg. It has been described in normal individuals engaged in an intellectual task. Apnea lasting more than 12 seconds was found in more than three-fourths of patients with bilateral CNS disease (structural or metabolic), compared to only 1 to 2 percent of normal subjects. It is equally common in patients with unilateral or bilateral brain injury, but is significantly more common in drowsy than alert patients (95 versus 48%). It is therefore likely that the degree of posthyperventilation apnea is an indicator of depressed CNS function.
Apneustic Breathing
Apneustic breathing is characterized by prominent, prolonged end-inspiratory pauses and is rare in humans. It has been reported following pontine section or vagotomy in animals and brainstem damage in humans.
Cheyne–Stokes Breathing
Cheyne–Stokes breathing is characterized by an escalating hyperventilation followed by decremental hyperventilation and finally apnea, which recurs in cycles. In humans, cycle lengths from 40 to 100 seconds may occur. During Cheyne–Stokes breathing, analysis of arterial blood gases shows an increasing pH and a declining pCO 2 as a result of an increased respiratory drive and response to CO 2 due to bilateral disease of the cerebral hemispheres. Cheyne–Stokes breathing was originally described in a patient who died of heart failure and is also a feature of cardiac dysfunction alone or in combination with CNS injury. It occurs with equal frequency in patients with supratentorial and infratentorial stroke, and it is also seen in premature infants during sleep and in subjects at high altitudes.
Ataxic Breathing
Ataxic or irregular breathing is usually due to medullary dysfunction and may be a terminal event in severe dysfunction of the lower brainstem. It is also seen in patients with autonomic failure from multiple system atrophy or familial dysautonomia.
Cluster Breathing
Cluster breathing is characterized by irregular groups of breaths interspersed with pauses of varying lengths. It can be seen in patients with lower medullary dysfunction or during sleep in patients with multiple system atrophy.
Other Conditions
In hiccup , there is strong contraction of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles followed by laryngeal closure, usually during inspiration. Hiccup rarely may be persistent and disabling. Persistent hiccup is associated with lateral medullary lesions, raised intracranial pressure, metabolic encephalopathy from diverse causes such as uremia, and any irritation of the diaphragm or phrenic nerves, but in many instances no cause can be found.
Sneezing and yawning are normal phenomena mediated through respiratory muscles. The center for sneezing is near the nucleus ambiguus, and yawning is coordinated from brainstem sites near the paraventricular nucleus via extrapyramidal pathways. A sneezing reflex triggered by sudden exposure to bright light may be inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. Yawning may initiate temporal lobe seizures, may be associated with arm stretching of the paretic limb in capsular infarction, or occur spontaneously in “locked-in” syndrome.
In diaphragmatic myoclonus or flutter (Leeuwenhoek disease), there is involuntary contraction of diaphragm during sleep or wakefulness at the rate of approximately 3 Hz. Diaphragmatic contractions cause epigastric pulsations and may be associated with dyspnea, hyperventilation, hiccups, belching, and difficulty in weaning from the ventilator. In the syndrome of isolated diaphragmatic tremor, there is usually no respiratory or functional disability and there is some voluntary control of the phenomenon ( Fig. 1-3 ).

Respiratory Dysfunction from Neurologic Disorders
Central Nervous System
Strategic lesions in the brain or spinal cord can affect breathing and such neurologic disorders can be acute or chronic.
Acute Respiratory Dysfunction
Neurogenic Pulmonary Edema
Fluid movement from the pulmonary capillary bed into the alveolar air space is governed by the Starling equation, which expresses transcapillary fluid flux as a balance between intravascular pressure and plasma osmotic force. Dysfunction of the nervous system can result in increased pulmonary interstitial and alveolar fluid, leading to impaired alveolar gas exchange. This phenomenon, known as neurogenic pulmonary edema , may be life-threatening.
Neurogenic pulmonary edema has been reported in many conditions associated with severe brain injury such as head trauma, subarachnoid or intraparenchymal hemorrhage, ischemic stroke, multiple sclerosis, brain tumor, meningitis and encephalitis, status epilepticus, acute hydrocephalus, and spinal cord and meningeal hemorrhage. In a large series of 477 cases with subarachnoid hemorrhage, 8 percent had neurogenic pulmonary edema. Clinically, these patients had more severe bleeding than those without pulmonary edema, and 67 percent had increased intracranial pressure.
The exact mechanism involved is not known. Injury to the brain results in sympathetic discharges from the hypothalamus, brainstem, and spinal cord. Specific anatomic regions represent so-called trigger zones for neurogenic pulmonary edema, the most important of which are the A1 and A5 groups of neurons, nucleus of the solitary tract, the area postrema, the medial reticulated nucleus, and the dorsal motor nucleus of vagus. Flash pulmonary edema has been reported in a young woman with multiple sclerosis who had an acute demyelinating lesion at the rostromedial medulla ( Fig. 1-4 ). Stimulation of these specific regions (directly or indirectly) following brain injury can lead to sympathetic discharges, which cause severe systemic vasoconstriction and displace blood from the systemic to pulmonary circulation. Concomitantly, there is also reduced left ventricular diastolic and systolic compliance and increased left ventricular volume and left atrial filling pressure. These cardiac changes along with intensive pulmonary vasoconstriction lead to increased pulmonary capillary pressure with endothelial injury and leakage of fluid into the interstitial space and alveoli.

Increased capillary permeability may also contribute to the development of neurogenic pulmonary edema. This increased permeability is due to sympathetic microvascular stimulation causing micropores to increase in number and size, thereby allowing increased passage of fluid into alveoli as well as the release of several neurohumoral factors and inflammatory mediators such as neuropeptide Y, cytokines, fibrin and fibrin degradation products, plasma thromboplastin, and stress hormones such as corticotrophin releasing hormone, adrenocorticotrophic hormone, corticosteroids, and arginine vasopressin during CNS injury. Thromboplastin stimulates the process of extrinsic coagulation and may contribute to fibrin embolization of pulmonary vessels, resulting in increased capillary permeability.
Trauma to Brain and Spinal Cord
Head injury may cause respiratory compromise by direct trauma to the face, pharynx, larynx, and chest and through other effects such as diffuse axonal injury resulting in reduced central voluntary drive and neurogenic pulmonary edema. The practice of hyperventilation to reduce intracranial pressure possibly results in further ischemic insults to the brain.
Spinal cord injury can affect breathing in several ways ( Table 1-1 ), and the degree of respiratory dysfunction depends on the severity of injury, ranging from air hunger and loss of automated breathing in complete transverse cord injuries to regular rhythmic breathing with inability to take deep breaths, hold the breath, or cough on command in partial cord injuries. In patients with lesions above C3, apnea is usually permanent. With lesions below C3, especially in the mid- or lower cervical segments, some patients may still be weaned off the ventilator successfully. Delayed apnea in patients with cervical cord injury may arise secondary to manipulation of the spine in order to stabilize the fracture. In chronic injury, spasticity of the respiratory muscles may compromise vital capacity and inspiratory pressure. Dyspnea and wheezing in patients with spinal cord injury can also result from vagal overactivity due to sympathetic denervation.
Injury to upper cervical cord leading to interruption of the descending respiratory control of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles |
Direct injury to the anterior horn cells of the cervical and thoracic segments |
Airway hyperactivity from loss of sympathetic airway innervation due to damage to sympathetic pathways in the spinal cord activating T1 to T6 ganglia |
In advanced stages, spasticity of the respiratory muscles causing reduction in vital capacity and inspiratory pressure |
Acute Nontraumatic High Myelopathies
Nontraumatic acute myelopathies include ischemic infarction of the spinal cord, hematomyelia, and postinfectious or immune-mediated myelopathies. The site and extent of the lesion affects respiration in a fashion similar to that described for traumatic injuries.
Multiple Sclerosis
Respiratory failure in advanced multiple sclerosis is often the cause of death. Single or multiple lesions in the cervical cord and lower brainstem cause respiratory dysfunction. Lesions of both corticospinal tracts or of the brainstem or upper cervical spinal cord cause paralysis of voluntary respiration, whereas those involving the dorsomedial medulla, nucleus ambiguus, and medial lemnisci result in loss of automatic respiration. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) may follow lesions in the medulla, and neurogenic pulmonary edema may occur with lesions in the region of nucleus tractus solitarius and the floor of the fourth ventricle.
Respiratory compromise in stroke may be due to infarction or hemorrhage involving anatomic structures regulating breathing or as a consequence of secondary brain edema. Hemorrhagic strokes are more likely to produce early respiratory failure than ischemic strokes. Apnea, hypopnea, ataxic (irregular), tachypneic (central hyperventilation) and periodic (Cheyne–Stokes) breathing patterns have all been reported depending on the site of lesion. Although central neurogenic hyperventilation occurs with midbrain dysfunction from transtentorial herniation, it is also common with unilateral or bilateral hemispheric lesions. Ataxic breathing is more characteristic of medullary lesions and often seen terminally in patients with large stroke. Breathing abnormalities are common in pontine lesions as well as in secondary brainstem compression from expanding cerebellar hematomas. Infarction of the bilateral ventral pons results in the “locked-in” syndrome, where voluntary breathing is paralyzed (and the patient is unable to speak) due to interruption of the corticospinal and corticobulbar pathways; a normally functioning pontine tegmentum, cerebral hemispheres, and medulla results in preserved consciousness and regular automatic ventilation. In contrast, in sleep apnea (Ondine curse), automatic breathing is disturbed with preserved voluntary breathing in patients with bilateral or unilateral medullary infarctions. In focal hemispheric stroke, there may be contralateral dysfunction of chest wall movements.
Apart from anatomic lesions causing respiratory dysfunction, secondary factors following stroke increase the incidence of respiratory failure, such as oropharyngeal hypotonia due to reduced consciousness, impaired swallowing, and aspiration pneumonia.
The need for mechanical ventilation in patients with either brainstem or cerebral hemispheric stroke usually indicates a severe lesion. However, for patients requiring prolonged ventilation and tracheostomy, the likelihood of functional recovery is better in those with brainstem or cerebellar stroke than in those with hemispheric stroke.
Brain Tumors
Brainstem tumors such as gliomas, ependymomas, medulloblastomas, and cerebellar astrocytomas are more likely to cause respiratory disturbances than tumors in the cerebral hemispheres, often presenting acutely. Postoperative ventilatory support is often required. Supratentorial gliomas and other masses may also affect respiration due to tentorial herniation.
Chronic Respiratory Dysfunction
Parkinson Disease
Patients with Parkinson disease have been reported to have restrictive, obstructive, and mixed types of pulmonary dysfunction which is more severe in advanced disease and correlates with the degree of rigidity and bradykinesia.
Two types of abnormalities on pulmonary function tests have been described in these patients. In Type A, also known as respiratory flutter, there is regular consecutive flow deceleration and acceleration with a “saw-tooth pattern” on the flow–volume curve resulting from flow oscillation at a frequency of 4 to 8 Hz, which may improve with levodopa. The frequency is similar to that of the limb tremor, and probably results from involuntary movement of intrinsic laryngeal muscles. The type B pattern, indicative of intermittent airway closure, consists of irregular, abrupt changes in flow, sometimes with total cessation of flow.
Respiratory failure in parkinsonian patients can be a consequence of poor coordination of inspiratory and expiratory muscles related to a more generalized motor impairment. Autonomic dysfunction and sleep disturbances may also contribute to nighttime pulmonary dysfunction, which in turn can lead to further sleep disturbances.
The role of levodopa in reversing pulmonary dysfunction is controversial, and published studies yield conflicting results. Improvement in dyspnea is more likely to occur, probably due to an improvement in the “mismatch” between central respiratory motor activity and afferent input from receptors in the airway, lungs, respiratory muscles, and chest wall. Respiratory dysfunction can also result from levodopa-induced dyskinesias. In advanced Parkinson disease, impaired swallowing can also result in choking and aspiration, leading to further pulmonary dysfunction.
Multiple System Atrophy
Respiratory abnormalities are a major cause of death in multiple system atrophy, a disorder which often presents with a combination of parkinsonism, autonomic dysfunction, and cerebellar signs. Sleep apneas, both OSA and central sleep apnea (CSA), occur in 15 to 30 percent of patients with multiple system atrophy. Nocturnal stridor is common, occurring in 34 of 100 patients with clinically probable multiple system atrophy and 13 percent of 203 pathologically proven cases. Stridor may occur at any stage of the disease and is an important cause of sudden death. Its exact pathogenesis is not known. Vocal cord dysfunction may result from lower motor neuron weakness of the abducting posterior cricoarytenoid muscles due to degeneration of the nucleus ambiguus or from abnormal overactivity (dystonia) of the adductor muscles due to a defect in central control mechanisms. Other respiratory abnormalities in multiple system atrophy include central neurogenic hypoventilation resulting in hypercapnic respiratory failure and respiratory dysrhythmias that consist of marked irregularities in tidal and minute volumes, variation of respiratory rate, cluster breathing, apneustic breathing, and periodic breathing.
Other Neurologic Disorders
Disordered ventilation is also seen in other bradykinetic syndromes as well as in patients with chorea, tremor, and dyskinesia. In postencephalitic parkinsonism, there may be tachypnea, breath-holding spells, noisy respiration, inversion of the inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio, Cheyne–Stokes breathing, respiratory tics, spasmodic coughing, sniffing, and inability to voluntarily change the respiratory rhythm. In spinocerebellar degeneration, brainstem dysfunction, mitochondrial dysfunction, and thoracic skeletal deformities may contribute to respiratory compromise. In Joubert syndrome, a congenital disorder associated with a hypoplastic posterior cerebellar vermis, episodic hyperventilation and apnea have been reported, probably due to disruption of the cerebellar control pathways for breathing.
Peripheral Nervous System
Disorders of the peripheral nervous system ( Table 1-2 ) produce alveolar hypoventilation (pCO 2 >50 mmHg), hypoxia, and finally apnea in advanced stages. Initially, patients with chronic neuromuscular disorders may not experience dyspnea, as there is decreased exercise demand due to the disease process. Mild respiratory dysfunction may present with signs of anxiety, sweating, tachycardia, and tachypnea, accompanied by a reduced single-breath count, decreased chest expansion, paradoxical inward movement of the abdomen during inspiration (suggesting diaphragmatic weakness), interrupted speech, and poor cough.