Cardiac Evaluation and Management After Ischemic Cerebral Stroke

Major source

Minor source

Atrial fibrillation

Patent foramen ovale

Rheumatic valve disease (mitral stenosis)

Atrial septal defect

Prosthetic valve

Ventricular septal defect

Infective endocarditis

Calcified aortic stenosis

Marantic endocarditis

Mitral annular calcification

Atrial myxoma


Acute myocardial infarction

Lambl’s excrescence

Heart failure

Mitral valve prolapse

6.2 Cardiac Evaluation

6.2.1 Electrocardiogram (ECG)

Standard 12-lead ECG is mandatory in all patients with acute stroke. ECG abnormalities are observed in 60–90 % of the patients with acute stroke [7, 8]. Not only heart rhythm disorder like atrial fibrillation (AF) but also diverse ECG changes following acute stroke can be detected on ECG. Myocardial ischemia-like ECG changes, such as ST-segment deviation, T wave abnormalities, and QTc prolongations are most frequent secondary ECG changes after acute stroke, which can mimic acute myocardial ischemia.

AF detection rate in acute stroke patients varies from 7 to 25 % [911]. Absence of AF in standard ECG test cannot exclude AF as a cause of the stroke event. Dedicated effort to detect paroxysmal AF possibly affect the AF detection rate. One study demonstrated that serial ECG follow-up during 72 h from stroke event can increase the chance of AF detection by 2.6-fold [12]. Continuous cardiac monitoring for at least 24 h is reasonable to detect AF and other serious arrhythmias [13, 14].

Arrhythmias other than AF also can be associated with acute phase of stroke. Serious arrhythmias, such as ventricular tachycardia, supraventricular tachycardia, various degrees of atrioventricular block, as well as AF, can be seen in approximately 25 % of the patients with acute stroke in first 3 days [15]. Arrhythmic events are especially frequent in the first 24 h and decline with time.

6.2.2 Holter Monitor

There is no strong recommendation of patient selection, time, and duration of Holter monitoring in patients with acute stroke. Detection rate of paroxysmal AF on 24-h Holter monitoring after ischemic stroke is between 2 and 7 % [1618]. Some limited studies expressed a doubt about the efficacy of routine Holter monitoring to detect AF and other serious arrhythmias after acute stroke, because of the low detect rate and poor cost-effectiveness [16, 17, 19]. However, such findings might result from unselected patients, varying time and duration of monitoring. The Holter monitor can be especially effective in detecting cardiac rhythm disorder in patients with embolic infarction pattern, old age, and concomitant coronary artery disease [20]. Stroke patients with large deficits or right hemispheric stoke are at risk of various cardiac pathologic conditions, such as AF, myocardial ischemia, congestive heart failure, and other serious cardiac arrhythmias, and may need close cardiac monitoring and Holter monitoring [21]. One study suggested that routine Holter monitoring for over 24 h can identify new AF/atrial flutter in 1 out of 20 patients [18].

6.2.3 Event Recorder

The longer duration of ECG monitor definitely increases the detection rate of AF and other cardiac arrhythmia. Table 6.2 demonstrated monitoring type and detection of paroxysmal AF [22]. Seven days of ECG monitoring using external event recorder revealed 16–25 % patients with paroxysmal AF among the patients who did not show AF in 24-h Holter monitoring [23, 24]. More prolonged monitoring may be considered up to a year or more using implantable loop recorder in patients with cryptogenic stroke or highly suspected heart rhythm disorder like AF. One study including patients with cryptogenic stroke revealed that 16 % of the patients had an event of paroxysmal AF using an implantable loop recorder during over a year of follow-up [25].

Table 6.2
Type of monitoring and detection of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF)

Type of monitoring



Rate of AF detection (%)

Admission ECG




Inpatient continuous telemetry


3–5 days


Holter monitoring


24 h


48 h


7 days


Mobile continuous outpatient telemetry


21–30 days


Implantable loop recorders


6 months


36 months


Adapted from Yaghi et al. [22]

6.2.4 Transthoracic Echocardiography (TTE)

Echocardiography can provide information about functional and structural abnormalities inside and even outside of the heart. We should focus on the size and functions of left atrium (LA) and left atrial appendage (LAA), right ventricular and left ventricular (LV) function and regional wall motion abnormality, valvular disease, prosthetic valve, intracardiac shunt, and atheromatous embolic sources of aorta. All ischemic stroke patients with embolic character or without other clear etiology may need to undergo TTE. Although, some data suggested that transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) presented higher diagnostic yields in detecting embolic source compared to TTE [26, 27], TTE still has strong clinical advantages, which is noninvasive test, relatively lower price, and easier to perform and repeat. Furthermore, TTE is often better to evaluate native or prosthetic valve function and usually better for the detection of LV thrombus compared to TEE.

TTE is presenting very high sensitivity and specificity for detecting LV thrombus (Fig. 6.1) [28]. It is also an essential part to identify the presence of regional or global wall motion abnormality of left ventricle related to LV thrombus. However, in some patients who have poor echocardiographic window or spontaneous echocontrast around the suspected area, it is quite challenging to define thrombus. Contrast echocardiography technique can help to visualize thrombus in such cases. Computed tomography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging can be options otherwise.


Fig. 6.1
(a) Patients with acute myocardial infarction and mural thrombus at left ventricular apex, (b) left atrial thrombus attached to interatrial septum in patients with rheumatic mitral valve disease and severe left atrial dilatation

In patients with AF, most common site of the thrombus formation is LAA. TTE has limitations on visualizing LAA thrombus in patients with AF compared with TEE. LAA emptying velocity, which can be measured by LAA contraction using TEE by pulsed Doppler, is a parameter of the LAA dysfunction, and low velocity (≤20 cm/s) is related to risk of thrombus formation [29]. Some data showed that new technique of second harmonic imaging allows TTE to evaluate LAA function with better sensitivity [30, 31].

One of the most serious conditions causing embolic event is infective endocarditis (IE). Clinically, diagnosis of IE is made on basis of clinical, echocardiographic, and biological findings. Modified Duke criteria have been widely used in diagnosis of IE (Table 6.3) [32]. Vegetation, abscess, valvular regurgitations, and prosthetic valve dehiscence are frequently observed in IE (Fig. 6.2). Echocardiographic findings play a key role in diagnosis of IE. In patients with IE, embolic risk can be estimated by echocardiographic findings, such as size and mobility of the vegetation. Vegetation size in response to antibiotic therapy is also associated with risk of embolic event [3336]. Vegetation size >10 mm tends to be highly embolic [37].

Table 6.3
Modified Duke criteria of infective endocarditis (IE)

Major criteria

 Blood cultures positive for IE:

  Typical microorganisms consistent with IE from two separate blood cultures:

   Viridans streptococci, Streptococcus bovis, HACEK group, Staphylococcus aureus, or community-acquired enterococci, in the absence of primary focus


  Microorganisms consistent with IE from persistently positive blood cultures:

   At least two positive blood cultures if blood sample drawn > 12 h apart or all of three or a majority of ≥ 4 separate cultures of blood (with first and last sample drawn at least 1 h apart)


  Single positive blood culture for Coxiella burnetii or phase I IgG antibody titer > 1:800

Evidence of endocardial involvement

 Echocardiography positive for IE

  Vegetation – abscess – new partial dehiscence of prosthetic valve

 New valvular regurgitation

Minor criteria

 Predisposition: predisposing heart condition, infection drug use

 Fever: temperature > 38 °C

 Vascular phenomena: major arterial emboli, septic pulmonary infarcts, mycotic aneurysm, intracranial hemorrhages, conjunctival hemorrhage, Janeway lesions

 Immunologic phenomena: glomerulonephritis, Osler’s nodes, Roth’s spots, rheumatoid factor

 Microbiological evidence: positive blood culture but does not meet a major criterion or serological evidence of active infection with organism consistent with IE

Definite IE

Possible IE

2 major criteria

1 major and 1 minor criteria

1 major and 3 minor criteria

3 minor criteria

5 minor criteria

Adapted from Li et al. [32]

※HACEK: Haemophilus, Aggregatibacter (previously Actinobacillus), Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, Kingella


Fig. 6.2
Apical two-chamber view revealing mitral leaflet prolapse (a, white arrow) and severe mitral regurgitation (b) in patient with infective endocarditis

Paradoxical embolism is originated from venous side and cross to the systemic circulation through a shunt. Intracardiac shunt could be detected by echocardiography. TTE usually detect secundum- or primum-type atrial septal defect (ASD). Chamber size and pulmonary artery pressure also should be evaluated for further management. TEE is often needed in case of sinus venosus defect. Patent foramen ovale (PFO) also can cause paradoxical embolisms. Traditionally, TEE with Valsalva maneuver after agitated saline injection is the gold standard test for detecting PFO. However, with recent advance in techniques, TTE may be sufficient for the agitated saline test by using second harmonic imaging [38, 39].

Cardiac tumor frequently causes embolic event [40]. TTE provides not only anatomical information but also functional significance in those cardiac tumors. Cardiac myxoma is the most common primary tumor in the heart. Approximately 90% of cardiac myxoma occurred in LA [41], which can be highly associated with cardioembolic stroke (Fig. 6.3). Most common valve-associated tumor, fibroelastoma, is also related to embolic risk [42, 43]. Differential diagnosis between fibroelastoma and Lambl’s excrescences or infective endocarditis is often challenging.


Fig. 6.3
Apical two chamber (a) and two-chamber view (b) of cardiac myxoma (white arrows) in the left atrium, which caused ischemic stroke and systemic embolism in a 40-year-old male

6.2.5 Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE)

Although TEE is an invasive, more expensive procedure which needs experienced physician, complication rate is less than 0.02 % [44], and diagnostic sensitivity can be superior than that of TTE especially for detection of thromboembolic source [26]. TEE can provide better spatial resolution of intracardiac structure even in patients with poor transthoracic window. Because TTE and TEE have their own pros and cons, respectively, the physician should make proper decision based on clinical circumstances as well as the cost-effectiveness.

TEE can sensitively detect LAA thrombus directly and highly thrombogenic conditions like spontaneous echocontrast in patients with AF. Doppler measurement in LAA is also a useful tool for evaluating thrombogenic risk in atrial fibrillation. LAA is not an immobile structure but is believed to have contraction and dynamic flow changes inside of it. LAA contraction forced blood out, and LAA emptying velocity is considered as a parameter of LAA function. The velocity below 20 cm/s is associated with risk of thrombus formation in LAA [45]. LAA emptying velocity also can be a parameter for successful cardioversion in patients with AF.

Regarding paradoxical embolism, sinus venosus-type or coronary sinus-type ASDs are often difficult to be found in TTE. TEE provides higher resolution around the inferior and superior vena cava area and even in the coronary sinus area. TEE also is a gold standard for PFO diagnosis. In differential diagnosis between PFO and pulmonary arteriovenous malformation as a source of paradoxical emboli, TEE test can be more accurate.

Presence of prosthetic valve is a highly thrombogenic condition. Although TTE has an important role in evaluating prosthetic valve function, TEE is required in many cases. In circumstances when prosthetic valve malfunction is present, differential diagnosis between pannus formation and thrombus formation is a crucial part in therapeutic strategy. High-resolution TEE image can provide important additional information in differential diagnosis [46].

Approximately 60 % of the patients 60 years or older who had stroke have aortic arch atherosclerosis (Fig. 6.4) [47]. Complex atheroma with ulceration and high mobility is closely related to the embolic stroke. TTE can approach aortic arch in suprasternal window, but imaging quality and information are often limited. TEE provides high-resolution images of ascending, descending aorta, and aortic arch. Thickness of atheroma and ulceration and presence of highly mobile portions can be assessed to estimate the embolic risk [45].


Fig. 6.4
Diffuse atherosclerotic plaque of approximately 10 mm thickness (white arrows) in aortic arch of 60-year-old male who presented with acute ischemic stroke

6.3 Management and Prevention of Cardioembolic Stroke

6.3.1 Atrial Fibrillation (AF)

Dilatation and contractile dysfunction of the left atrium (LA) and left atrial appendage (LAA) in AF are significantly associated with blood stasis and thrombus formation. Ischemic stroke patient with AF can present worse short-term and long-term survival than those without, as well as higher recurrence rate of stroke [9]. There is a large body of evidence that anticoagulation is recommended in patients with AF according to their risk factors. Risk stratification using CHA2DS2-VASc score has been widely used to determine anticoagulation (Tables 6.4 and 6.5) [48]. Many studies showed that benefit of anticoagulation overweighs the risk in patients with AF and elevated risk of embolization. Thus, all patients with stroke/TIA who have AF got at least 2 points and should be anticoagulated unless there is contraindication for anticoagulation.

Table 6.4
CHA2DS2-VASc score

CHA2DS2-VASc acronym


Congestive heart failure




Age ≥ 75 years


Diabetes mellitus




Vascular disease (prior MI, pad, or aortic plaque)


Age 65–74 years


Sex category (female sex)


Maximum score


Adapted from Friberg et al. [48]

TIA transient ischemic attack, TE thromboembolic event, MI myocardial infarction, PAD peripheral artery disease

Table 6.5
Stroke risk with CHA2DS2-VASc score


Unadjusted ischemic stroke rate (%)





















Adapted from Friberg et al. [48]

Traditionally, anticoagulation using vitamin K antagonist, warfarin, had been widely used in stroke prevention of AF patients. Recently, new anticoagulation agent blocking a specific target of coagulation cascade became popular, as an alternative to warfarin. Dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban, and edoxaban are non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant, abbreviated as NOAC. NOACs demonstrated non-inferior efficacy in prevention of ischemic stroke compared to warfarin and secured their safety profiles in patient with non-valvular AF [4952]. Because NOACs have their own pharmacokinetics, different renal excretion, side effect, and drug interaction, selection of the agent should be based on patients’ condition, risk factors, economic status, tolerability, and preference.

For patients who are not indicated for or cannot tolerate anticoagulation, antiplatelet treatment may be considered. Options can be aspirin monotherapy or dual antiplatelet therapy in combination with clopidogrel. However, evidences are not supporting the efficacy of aspirin preventing stroke in patients with AF [53]. Dual antiplatelet therapy in combination of aspirin and clopidogrel may be superior to aspirin monotherapy in preventing stroke but at the cost of increased bleeding [49].

6.3.2 Left Ventricular Thrombus

Incidence of LV thrombus within 3 months after acute myocardial infarction (MI) vary from 3 to 16 % [5457]. Recently, more aggressive antiplatelet therapy in acute stage may reduce the incidence of thrombus formation after MI. More than 10 % of the patients with LV thrombus are at risk of embolic event unless they are treated with anticoagulation [58, 59]. Available data is supporting the use of warfarin to reduce embolic risk at the presence of LV thrombus after MI. One meta-analysis data demonstrated 86 % reduction of embolic risk with warfarin in patients with LV thrombus after anterior MI [59]. It is reasonable to start unfractionated heparin or a low molecular weight heparin as soon as possible before warfarin effect gets to the therapeutic rage of international normalized ratio (INR) 2–3. There is limited data on the duration of anticoagulation therapy. Decision may need physician’s discretion based on the degrees of LV dysfunction, LV reverse remodeling during follow-up, and recurrence of thrombi. There is also limited data available about NOAC reducing the embolic risk of patients with LV thrombus.

6.3.3 Mitral Stenosis (MS)

Patients with mitral stenosis (MS) who suffered from ischemic stroke are recommended to receive warfarin therapy regardless of accompanying AF. In mitral stenosis patients with sinus rhythm who had ischemic stroke, paroxysmal AF or complicated infective endocarditis should be considered as an aggravating factor for stroke. Limited data suggested that adding aspirin to warfarin can reduce major adverse event compared to warfarin alone [60]. Regarding NOAC in patients with mitral stenosis, most of the NOAC studies excluded patients with highly thrombogenic conditions such as mitral stenosis and presence of prosthetic valve. Thus, there is little evidence of using NOAC in patients with MS to date.

6.3.4 Prosthetic Heart Valve

Presence of mechanical prosthesis is also one of the highly thrombogenic conditions. Warfarin is routinely recommended for all patients with mechanical prosthesis to prevent thromboembolic event [61, 62]. Intensity of the treatment is different according to the site of the prosthesis. Therapeutic rage or INR 2.5–3.5 and 2.0–3.0 is recommended for mitral and aortic mechanical prosthesis, respectively [6366]. Low-dose aspirin (75–100 mg) may have additional benefit on top of warfarin monotherapy in patients with mechanical prosthesis [67, 68].

Bioprosthesis is usually less thrombogenic than mechanical prosthesis with exception of the first 3 months after surgery. Anticoagulation may be reasonable for the first 3 months after bioprosthetic valve replacement, but supporting data is lacking [61, 62]. After 3 months from bioprosthetic valve replacement, antiplatelet therapy with aspirin is generally recommended for stroke prevention unless there is other indication for anticoagulation. One study investigating the effect of dabigatran in patients with mechanical prosthesis demonstrated unfavorable results of increased thromboembolic event and higher bleeding risk compared to warfarin [69]. There is no evidence of NOAC in patients with prosthetic valve to prevent thromboembolic events.

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