(I) Physiologic central apneas
1. Sleep-onset central apneas
2. Post-arousal central apneas
3. Phasic REM sleep
(II) Sleep-related disorders associated with normal nocturnal carbon dioxide
(A) Central sleep apnea syndromes:
1. Primary central sleep apnea
2. Central sleep apnea with Cheyne–Stokes breathing
3. Central sleep apnea due to high-altitude periodic breathing
(III) Sleep-related disorders associated with high nocturnal carbon dioxide
(A) Ventilatory control abnormalities with normal pulmonary function test:
1. Congenital central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome
2. Idiopathic central alveolar hypoventilation
3. Central sleep apnea due to a medication or substance (narcotics)
(B) Neuromuscular disorders with abnormal pulmonary function test:
1. Cervical spinal cord injury
2. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
3. Guillain–Barre syndrome
4. Myotonic and Duchenne dystrophies
(C) Chest wall and lung disorders with abnormal pulmonary function test:
1. Kyphoscoliosis
2. Thoracoplasty
3. Chronic obstructive lung disease
4. Advanced restrictive lung disease
5. Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
Some of these diverse disorders could be primary (e.g., congenital central hypoventilation syndrome [CCHS]), or secondary to medications (e.g., opiates) or medical conditions. When the underlying condition is reversible, the associated sleep-related breathing disorder may improve or resolve. However, when the correction of the underlying medical illness is not possible, long-term supportive treatment options are available.
General Considerations in CSA and Alveolar Hypoventilation Pathophysiology
Neurophysiologically, a central apnea event is the result of absent pontomedullary pacemaker activity to generate a neural output with subsequent activation of the inspiratory thoracic muscles. Considering the mechanism(s) and the resulting tension of carbon dioxide in blood (PaCO2), central apneic events can be grouped into the following: (1) physiologic CSA, (2) non-hypercapnic CSA, and (3) hypercapnic sleep apnea. These mechanisms are explained below with subsequent emphasis later in each disorder (Table 33.2).
Table 33.2
Central sleep apnea syndromes and alveolar hypoventilation
Categories | Disorders | Pathophysiology |
Central sleep apnea syndromes associated with normal nocturnal carbon dioxide | Primary central sleep apnea | Idiopathic. Probably, the combination of increased ventilatory response to PaCO2 changes by chemoreceptors (high loop gain system) and a failure of expiratory to inspiratory switch in central respiratory controllers |
Central sleep apnea with Cheyne–Stokes breathing (CSB) | Commonly seen in systolic and diastolic heart failure. CSB is the result of an increased ventilatory response to PaCO2 changes (high loop gain system), a narrow difference between the apnea threshold and the sleeping eucapnia, as well as an impaired cerebrovascular reactivity to CO2 | |
Central sleep apnea due to high-altitude periodic breathing | Periodic breathing is the result of hypoxia-mediated increase in controller gain, with subsequent narrowing of the difference between eupneic PaCO2 and apneic threshold, as well as the oscillation in cerebral blood flow | |
Central sleep apnea due to a medication or substance (narcotics) | Cluster or ataxic breathing is the result of opioid effects on the pre-Bötzinger complex with subsequent suppression of respiration rate and respiratory drive | |
Sleep-related hypoventilation disorders associated with high nocturnal carbon dioxide | Ventilatory control abnormalities: ∙ Congenital central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome (CCAHS) ∙ Idiopathic central alveolar hypoventilation | For CCAHS, ventilatory control is blunted by mutations in the PHOX2B gene For idiopathic central alveolar hypoventilation, the etiology is unknown |
Neuromuscular disorders: ∙ Spinal muscular atrophy ∙ Myotonic dystrophy ∙ Cervical spinal cord injury | Ventilatory control blunted by inability to translate ventilatory center output into appropriate neuromuscular action | |
Chest wall abnormalities: ∙ Kyphoscoliosis ∙ Thoracoplasty ∙ Obesity hypoventilation syndrome | Increased work of breathing due to thoracic cage abnormalities with subsequent chronic respiratory failure | |
Lung disorders: ∙ Chronic obstructive lung disease ∙ Advanced restrictive lung disease | In obstructive and restrictive disorders, ventilatory drive remains high, but effectiveness is reduced by gas exchange abnormalities secondary to increased airway resistance and pulmonary parenchymal damage |
- 1.
Physiologic central apnea: sleep-onset and post-arousal central apneas.
When falling asleep, the usual influence of wakefulness on the drive to breathe is lost, facilitating the subsequent development of sleep-onset apneas. These are considered physiologic, and they are observed in healthy individuals during the transition from awakening to superficial stages of NREM sleep (e.g., N1 and N2). This transition shows highly sensitive dependence of the respiratory control system on PaCO2-driven chemoreceptor input during the shift of eucapnic levels from awake to sleep state and vice versa [2, 3]. When falling asleep, a new eucapnic level (2–6 mm Hg) above awakening PaCO2 level is set as a result of a physiologic decrease in tidal volume [4, 5]. During sleep, the previous awake eucapnic PaCO2 level will become the new apneic threshold (PaCO2 level below which a central apnea will occur). The apnea will endure until the PaCO2-level increases back to the sleep eucapnic level, with subsequent reinitiation of breathing. Therefore, breathing instability at sleep onset is commonly observed (Fig. 33.1). In contrast to NREM, REM sleep is less dependent on the PaCO2-driven chemoreceptor input, likely related to an increase in the central inspiratory neural drive as the main driver of respiratory function [6].

Fig. 33.1
At sleep onset, there is breathing instability, often in the form of central sleep apnea. The set point of the apnea threshold is different in wakefulness and sleep. When falling asleep, the awake eucapnic level falls below the set point sleep apneic threshold resulting in lack of respiratory drive (apnea) until the new sleep eucapnic level is reached and the respiratory drive is reinstituted
During cortical arousals, the chemoreceptor sensitivity is reset back to the awake eucapnic level, making the sleeping eucapnic PaCO2 relatively hypercapnic in comparison with the awake eucapnic level. This will trigger an increased ventilatory response, facilitated by the increase in flow from dilation of upper airway muscles. When the sleep resumes, the recently reached arousal PaCO2 level will cross the sleep apneic threshold with subsequent development of a central apnea, commonly called post-arousal apnea [7].
- 2.
Non-hypercapnic CSA:
This is typically characterized by awake PaCO2 less than 45 mm Hg. Apneic events are the result of over-response or under-response of the respiratory control system to minimal changes in nocturnal PaCO2 (high “loop gain”) [8]. The loop gain is an engineering term that describes the degree of response, in this case of the respiratory control system, after a ventilatory disturbance. The higher the loop gain, the higher the overventilation or underventilation response. Loop gain is comprised of three components: (1) the controller gain, the chemoreceptor-driven ventilatory response to changes of PaCO2 and PaO2 above and below the eucapnic level; (2) the plant gain, ventilatory response to changes in pulmonary capillary PaCO2 and PaO2; and (3) the mixing gain which is the circulatory time needed for changes in PaCO2 and PaO2 in pulmonary capillaries to be detected by the chemoreceptors (effective circulatory time) [9]. Disorders such as idiopathic CSA, Cheyne–Stokes breathing (CSB), and CSA due to high altitude are considered to be the result of this high “loop gain” of the respiratory control system. Because of the dependence on PaCO2 described above, these breathing disorders are generally exclusive to NREM sleep.
- 3.
Hypercapnic CSA:
This group of disorders is generally known as “alveolar hypoventilation” and is defined by an elevated nocturnal PaCO2 level (>45 mmHg), which may extend during the daytime. The main respiratory abnormality resides anywhere along the brainstem respiratory control center (e.g., congenital central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome), throughout the respiratory motor output unit, from the motor neuron to the innervated respiratory muscle.
Overlap exists between obstructive sleep apnea and CSA in the obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS). In obese patients (body mass index >30 kg/m2), an extension of nocturnal alveolar hypoventilation into daytime defines OHS. The pathophysiology is not completely understood, but it may include the interaction of the following: (1) high upper airway tone, (2) impaired respiratory mechanics (increased work load), and (3) decreased ventilatory drive (blunted respiratory response) [10–14].
Specific Considerations by Disease Entity
Central Sleep Apneas Syndromes
Primary Central Sleep Apnea
In the group of non-hypercapnic CSAs, primary CSA is an idiopathic disorder (ICSA) characterized by recurrent central apneas associated with polysomnographic criteria of 5 or more events of central apneas and/or central hypopneas per hour of sleep, representing more than 50 % of the total number of apneas and hypopneas. There are common complaints of sleep fragmentation (e.g., excessive daytime sleepiness, frequent nocturnal awakenings, or insomnia). By this definition, the presence of an alternative diagnosis, such as Cheyne–Stokes breathing or evidence of sleep-related hypoventilation would automatically exclude the diagnosis of ICSA [1].
ICSA is a rare disease, with an estimated prevalence reported to be 4–7 % of patients referred to a sleep center [15].
Clinical characteristics:
ICSA patients may present with complaints of snoring, witnessed apneas, restless sleep, insomnia, and/or excessive daytime sleepiness [15, 16]. It is more common in older males and in patients with cardiovascular disease [17, 18].
The underlying mechanism is not well understood. Like in Cheyne–Stokes breathing due to congestive heart failure (CSB-CHF), idiopathic CSA patients have an increased hypercapnic ventilatory response during arousals, likely the result of high controller and plant gain, facilitating the crossing of the apnea threshold [7, 8, 19]. This mechanism can be supported by the clinical response of ICSA to acetazolamide, with the subsequent increase in systemic PaCO2 [20]. However, the absence of the crescendo–decrescendo ventilatory pattern in ICSA and a shorter breathing cycle length, likely from the absence of effective circulatory time delay, may point to alternative pathways from those of CSB.
Idiopathic CSA is characterized by repetitive episodes of CSA frequently found during N1 and N2 sleep (NREM). Different from CSB, the periodic breathing cycle length in CSA is shorter (20–40 s), and the apnea event terminates with a large breath, concomitant with the presence of an arousal. No crescendo–decrescendo ventilatory pattern is present in this periodic breathing pattern [1, 21] (Fig. 33.2).

Fig. 33.2
This polysomnographic segment obtained from a patient with primary central sleep apnea shows 4 epochs of 30 s with cyclical central apneic events. Each heavy vertical line demarks 30 s. The thermal sensor channel (ON flow) shows a drop of ≥90 % of peak thermal sensor signal from baseline. The nasal pressure signal (Nasal P) denotes episodes of central apneas (green bars) separated by a normal ventilation with a cycle length of 20–40 s
- 1.
Pharmacological treatment:
Limited data support a trial of acetazolamide, zolpidem, and triazolam in ICSA treatment. In a non-randomized treatment study, DeBacker and colleagues have found that the administration of acetazolamide at low doses can decrease the apnea–hypopnea index (AHI) at one-month follow-up, with concomitant decrease in daytime sleepiness [15, 20]. Effective reductions of AHI and central apnea index (CAI) were also reported with administration of zolpidem, and triazolam, with the improvement in daytime sleepiness in the zolpidem intervention group [22, 23]. Due to limited available evidence and the potential of side effects, pharmacological intervention in ICSA should be individualized until further studies are available.
- 2.
Assistive devices:
There is also limited supporting evidence regarding the use of positive airway pressure (PAP) in the form of Continuous PAP (CPAP), Bilevel PAP with backup rate (BPAP-ST) or Adaptive servo-ventilation (ASV) in patients with ICSA [24]. Current CSA practice parameters recommend a trial of positive airway pressure therapy for the treatment of ICSA until further studies define the best treatment strategy [25].
Central Sleep Apnea Due to Cheyne–Stokes Breathing Pattern in Congestive Heart Failure (CSB-CHF)
Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a highly prevalent chronic disease, affecting around 2 % of the general population (5–6 million Americans) and up to 10 % of those above age 65 [26]. CHF is the most commonly recognized cause of CSA. Although the existing literature is limited by referral and participatory bias, it is estimated that in heart failure patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (<45 %), as much as 31 % have CSA [27–29]. In those patients with preserved ejection fraction (diastolic dysfunction), the prevalence of CSA may reach up to 23 % [30].
Clinical characteristics:
Classic signs and symptoms such as paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND) and orthopnea in those with heart failure might be explained in many instances by CSA-CSB. Even though patients with heart failure and sleep-disordered breathing do not commonly report sleep-related complaints such as excessive daytime sleepiness, presenting clinical characteristics of patients with CSA-CSB may be otherwise undistinguishable from those with OSA [31]. Patients in CHF with CSB are more likely to have atrial fibrillation and poorer functional status (NYHA class), supporting the notion that CSB is a consequence of progressive heart failure and possible indicator of higher morbidity and mortality [29]. Although found more frequently in CHF patients, CSB is not pathognomonic as it can also be observed in stroke and in chronic renal failure patients [32].
Pathophysiology of CSB due to heart failure with/without preserved systolic function:
Non-hypercapnic central apnea in heart failure patients with ventricular dysfunction are the result of the interaction of the following factors: (1) low awake steady state of PaCO2, (2) lack of increase of PaCO2 at sleep onset, with subsequent reduced difference between the apnea threshold and the sleeping eucapnic level (reduce PCO2 reserve), (3) increased response to PaCO2 changes (high loop gain system), and (4) impaired cerebrovascular reactivity to CO2.
In heart failure patients, a low awake steady state of PaCO2 has a direct correlation with severity of the heart failure and high wedge pulmonary pressure in comparison with eucapnic heart failure patients. By stretching J-receptors (afferent C fibers), minute ventilation is increased with subsequent low steady level of wake PaCO2 [33–35].
The awake PaCO2 does not increase at sleep onset as expected by the physiological development of sleep-related hypoventilation in eucapnic individuals. In these patients, the increase venous return while in supine position translates into an elevated capillary pulmonary pressure with subsequent increase in respiratory rate and ventilation. This will prevent the expected rise in PaCO2 during sleep stage, narrowing the difference between the sleep eucapnic level and the apnea threshold PaCO2 level, with propensity to develop central apneas [36, 37].
Increase response to PaCO2 changes (high loop gain system) is the result of increased gain in the three components of the respiratory control system: controllers, plant, and mixing gain. In heart failure, the controller gain is increased by acute lung vascular receptor stimulation of the atrial and pulmonary vasculature and by increased carotid chemoreceptor sensitivity. The plant gain is increased mainly by a low functional residual capacity. Finally, the mixing gain is increased by a prolong arterial circulation time as a result of pulmonary congestion, ventricular enlargement, and decreased stroke volume [37, 38] (Fig. 33.3).
Fig. 33.3
Schematic of respiratory control response in Cheyne–Stokes breathing (CSB). The loop gain is the respiratory control system’s degree of response to a ventilatory disturbance. It is comprised of (1) the controller gain, (2) the plant gain, and (3) the mixing gain (effective circulatory time)
Impaired cerebrovascular reactivity to CO2 has been noted in CSA patients with CHF, affecting the stability of the breathing pattern by causing ventilatory overshooting during hypercapnia and undershooting during hypocapnia [39].
The classification of sleep disorders as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or CSA is important when determining treatment options in CHF. In CSA with CSB, the polysomnography during diagnostic or positive airway pressure titration should show at least 5 or more central apneas and/or central hypopneas per hour of sleep, representing more than 50 % of the total number of apneas and hypopneas. The characteristic periodic breathing pattern of heart failure, known as Cheyne–Stokes breathing, is defined polysomnographically by cycles of ≥3 consecutive central apneas and/or central hypopneas separated by a crescendo–decrescendo shape tidal volume [40]. It is commonly found during transition from wakefulness to NREM sleep (N1 and N2), dissipating in N3 and REM. The cycle length, measured from the beginning of a central apnea to the end of the next crescendo–decrescendo respiratory phase, averages ≥40 s, and it likely reflects a prolong circulatory time (high mixing gain) [8]. Central apneas that occur within a run of CSB are reported to be associated with less marked oxygen desaturation than similar obstructive and mixed apneas [41]. Arousals, usually located during the ventilatory period, have not shown to have any critical role in termination of apneas or protective mechanism as in obstructive sleep apnea [42] (Fig. 33.4).

Fig. 33.4
This polysomnographic segment obtained from a patient with compensated systolic heart failure shows 10 epochs of 30 s. Each heavy vertical line demarks 30 s. The thermal sensor channel (ON flow) shows the presence of apneic events as a drop of ≥90 % of peak thermal sensor signal from baseline. The nasal pressure signal (Nasal P) denotes episodes of ≥3 consecutive central apneas separated by a crescendo and decrescendo change in breathing amplitude with a cycle length of ≥40 s
- 1.
Cardiovascular pharmacological therapy:
Optimization of cardiovascular pharmacotherapy should be the first intervention in the management of CSA due to CHF. The use of beta-blockers, ACE-inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB), aldosterone antagonists, and diuretics will have a salutary effect in the neurohormonal physiopathology of heart failure, with potential benefits in Cheyne–Stokes breathing. For example, β-blockers are known to influence hypoxemic chemosensitivity (controller gain) [43]. Also, ACE-inhibitors and diuretic therapy may influence the occurrence of CSB by lowering the intracardiac filling pressures [44]. Despite current efforts to optimize cardiovascular therapy in severe CHF, no significant change of Cheyne–Stokes prevalence could be appreciated in small observational studies [29, 45, 46].
Even though not commonly used, other pharmacological therapies are theophylline and acetazolamide. Acetazolamide, by respiratory stimulation and diuretic effect, may decrease the plant gain and widen the difference between the sleep eucapnic levels and the sleep apneic threshold [47]. Clinically, this translates into a reduction in AHI and improvement in patient’s perception of sleep quality [48, 49]. However, side effects associated with acetazolamide, such as paresthesias, tinnitus, metabolic acidosis, electrolyte imbalance, and dizziness, should be considered at time of prescription. Theophylline, by competing with adenosine at a central level, stimulates respiratory centers resulting in a 51 % reduction in the apnea–hypopnea index, mostly because of a reduction in the number of episodes of central apnea. It also shows a decrease in the duration of arterial oxyhemoglobin desaturation during sleep [49–51]. However, the benefits of theophylline should be weighed against the narrow therapeutical range and stimulant effect.
- 2.
Gas therapy:
CO 2 supplementation and dead space therapy:
Because the pathophysiology of Cheyne–Stokes breathing is thought to be related to increase chemosensitivity to PaCO2 at the central controllers (high controller gain), avoiding relative hypocapnia may stabilize the respiratory system. This can be reached by CO2 supplementation (gas modulator) or by increasing anatomic dead space (DS). Low CO2 supplementation can be bled from a positive airway pressure gas modulator into a positive airway pressure device. However, limitations relate to cost of the gas modulator, supply of CO2, and side effects of treatment have affected the practical application of this therapy in the clinical field [52]. Increasing physiologic dead space during positive pressure therapy has been reported to control CSAs in those with CHF [53, 54]. Low levels of CO2 inhalation mildly raise the sleep eucapnic level, increasing the difference with the PaCO2 apneic threshold. This is achieved by the sequential connection of a non-vented oronasal mask to 4–6 in. of tubing (rebreathing space), an exhalation valve, and a conventional positive pressure circuit. This expiratory rebreathing reservoir represents an increase of PaCO2 in the order of 2–3 mm Hg. Unfortunately, pressure leaks and sleep fragmentation are common [55]. When compared to ASV therapy (discussed later) in patients with CHF, DS and ASV caused a similar reduction in the apnea–hypopnea index (AHI), but total sleep time was significantly decreased by DS, attributed to a high arousal index and disruption of sleep architecture [56].
Oxygen therapy:
Uncontrolled studies of oxygen supplementation via nasal cannula report a decrease in the AHI, as well as an increase the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) at 3–12-month follow-up without clinically significant adverse effects [57, 58]. These effects may be achieved by different pathways: (1) by reducing the controller gain, (2) by increasing the difference between the eucapnic PaCO2 level and the PaCO2 at apneic threshold, and 3) by increasing cerebral CO2 levels [59, 60]. Even though oxygen supplementation cannot replace CPAP treatment benefits, oxygen supplementation could be considered in those patients with poor compliance with noninvasive ventilation [25].
- 3.
Assistive devices:
Several assistive devices modalities have been studied in patients with CHF. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), bilevel positive airway pressure without backup rate (BPAP-S) and with respiratory backup rate (BPAP–ST), and adaptive servo-ventilation (ASV) have been investigated.
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy:
There are a number of beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system when continuous positive airway pressure is applied to the patient with CHF. CPAP can affect the response of the respiratory control system by several pathways. It may decrease the circulatory time (mixing gain) and increase the difference between the eucapnic sleep levels and the apneic threshold. Positive airway pressure may also increase the functional residual capacity (decrease in plant gain) and overcome resistance to airflow in the congested upper airway.
Despite these effects, a large multicenter controlled trial named the Canadian Continuous Positive Airway Pressure for Patients with CSA and Heart Failure Trial (CANPAP), failed to show survival benefit with CPAP treatment in advanced HF and CSA at interim analysis, leading to early termination of the study. Worth noting in this study, CPAP implementation showed attenuation of CSA, improvement in nocturnal oxygenation, and an increase in the ejection fraction [61]. This negative result in survival benefit might be attributed to a lack of PAP titration to achieve a therapeutical reduction in AHI or limited compliance with the device. The authors suggested the lower than expected prevalence of CSA led to under-powering, possibly as a result of better medical management in the era of beta-blockers. However, in a subsequent subgroup analysis, CPAP showed positive effect on LVEF and transplant-free survival when CPAP therapy was able to normalize the apnea–hypopnea index to less than 15 events per hour [62, 63]. Subsequent studies have also shown CPAP to increase the LVEF by 6 % and decrease the AHI between 21/h [95 % CI 17–25] and 30/h [95 % CI 23–37] [25]. In conclusion, CPAP may be appropriate therapy for selected patients in whom respirator events are controlled [25].
Bilevel positive airway pressure (BPAP) therapy:
There is paucity of publications regarding the impact of bilevel positive pressure ventilation in patient with CHF. The data available up to now discourage the use of BPAP-S mode in this population, as it may aggravate central apneas/periodic breathing by hyperventilation. It has been shown that CPAP and BPAP-ST are equally effective in lowering the AHI and NYHA class [64]. BPAP-ST could be an effective alternative to those patients with high residual AHI while on CPAP, benefiting from an increase in LVEF of up to 12.7 ± 10 % [65].
Adaptive servo-ventilation (ASV) therapy:
The adaptive servo-ventilation is a feedback control system targeting minute ventilation or peak respiratory flow, adding a component of ventilation that is anticyclic to the patient’s own respiratory drive periodicity. Short-term studies have shown ASV to effectively suppress the Cheyne–Stokes breathing pattern seen in CHF patients with CSA, with improvements in some sleep-related outcomes, as outlined below. When compared to CPAP, compliance may be better with ASV [66]. However, as final results of ongoing large clinical trials are awaited, and in the context of an unexpected increase in mortality associated with ASV as detailed below, the role of the device in the management of CSA in patients with CHF remains to be defined.
Patients with systolic CHF-CSB on treatment with ASV show improvement in polysomnographic parameters (normalization of number of respiratory events), cardiac function (left ventricular ejection fraction, LVEF, and N terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide NT-proBNP), NYHA functional class, and cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance parameters (VO2-ATOxygen consumption at anaerobic threshold or peak exercise, VO2 peak, and 6-min walking distance) [67]. One observational study reported a decrease in the number of cardiac events (cardiac death and rehospitalization) at 6-month follow-up [68, 69]. Even in cases of coexistence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), CSA, and Cheyne–Stokes breathing (CSB) in patients with and without heart failure, ASV reduced the central apnea hypopnea index and BNP levels significantly more effectively as compared with CPAP over an eight-month and twelve-month follow-up period [70, 71]. A similar profile of improvements has also been shown in patients with diastolic CHF-CSB on ASV, as well as CHF patients with obstructive and CSA occurring concurrently within the same night, independent of the severity of the sleep-disordered breathing [72–74]. Limited published data are available to infer the impact of ASV on mortality [69, 74]. Recently, preliminary results of the SERVE-HF trial, which assessed the effects of treatment of CSA with ASV on mortality and morbidity in patients with symptomatic chronic heart failure (NYHA 2–4) with reduced ejection fraction (LVEF ≤ 45 %), showed an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality for those treated with ASV in comparison with those with best medical care alone. The increased risk appears to be greatest in those with pure CSA with more severe ventricular dysfunction. However, additional analysis of the phase IV SERVE-HF data and further longitudinal studies are needed to accurately identify the long-term impact of ASV in CSA-CHF patients with varies left ventricular ejection fractions, as well as those with preserved ejection fraction.
There are few published studies with direct comparison of ASV with CPAP, BPAP-ST, and oxygen supplementation. At one night study, ASV suppresses CSA and/or CSB (CSA-CSB) in heart failure and improves sleep quality better than CPAP or 2 L/min of oxygen supplementation. In comparison with BPAP-ST, ASV performs better in CSB-CHF but equivalent to CPAP [75, 76].
Other devices and interventions:
Some smaller case series show improvement in the AHI when atrial overdrive pacing (AOP) is used to improve cardiac function in patients with CSA-CHF in comparison with those without AOP [77]. This may be attributed to an increase in cardiac output with subsequent decrease in pulmonary wedge pressures and circulatory time. Similar to AOP, cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) reduces the AHI without altering sleep stages [78]. When both AOP and CRT are combined, a minor additional improvement in the AHI is obtained by decrease in the central AHI [79]. Of note, preliminary data from unilateral transvenous phrenic nerve stimulation in patients with CSB–CHF showed a trend toward stabilization of breathing and improvement in oxygen saturation [80].
In those patients with CSA secondary to impaired cardiac function from valvular disease, surgical treatment has been shown to improve sleep-disordered breathing. Even though improved, CSB may persist even after post-transplant normalization of cardiac function [81].
Central Sleep Apnea Due to a Medication or Substance, Opioids
A projected 201.9 million opioid prescriptions were dispensed in the USA in 2009 [82]. As the quantity of opioid prescription in the USA has grown rapidly in recent years, the number of patients on opioids presenting to the sleep clinic for evaluation of sleep-related breathing disorders has also increased. It is estimated that the prevalence of CSA among opioid users, on at least six months therapy, is about 24 %. In methadone maintenance therapy, CSA is identified in up to 30 % of patients [83]. A direct relationship between the total daily dose of opioid and the AHI is found only among methadone users and not among other opioid users including oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, hydromorphone, and tramadol [84]. Sleep-disordered breathing has been reported to be reversed with discontinuation of methadone [85].
Clinical characteristics:
Opioid-related breathing disorders in sleep can present in the form of obstructive sleep apnea, CSA, alveolar hypoventilation, or a combination of them. Although symptoms of excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep fragmentation, and insomnia are common complaints, it is difficult to disentangle independent effects of the sleep disorder from the influences of the underlying pain syndrome and non-sleep-related influences of narcotics.
Opioids are naturally occurring or synthetic agents which bind to a class of four G protein-coupled receptors in the central and peripheral nervous systems and respiratory tract, leading to decreased neuronal excitability [86]. These receptors fall into four classes: δ, μ, nociception/orphanin, and the κ receptor. Opioid medications, mimicking endogenous ligands (endorphins, enkephalins, dynorphins, etc.), act through these receptors at different levels of the peripheral and central nervous system. Ligands that stimulate μ and κ receptors particularly suppress central respiratory pattern generation, resulting in decreases in respiratory rate and tidal volume. Both naturally occurring and synthetic opioids may exhibit preferential receptor affinity and may act as agonists, mixed agonists/antagonists, or antagonists.
Animal research, supported by limited work in humans, describes opioids acting on medullary respiratory neurons with the suppression of respiration rate and respiratory drive (pre-Botzinger complex), central chemoreceptors’ response to hypercapnia, peripheral response to hypoxemia (glomus cell of carotid body), and depression of the arousal system. Generally, in humans, opioids tend to decrease hypoxic and hypercapnic ventilatory responsiveness. Opioid agonists, particularly fentanyl, tend to decrease upper airway muscle tone and the compensatory response to resistive loading. In addition, some agents have been associated with increased rigidity of accessory respiratory muscles, further limiting ventilation.
These influences suggest that opioids may increase susceptibility to sleep-related breathing disorders. The effect of opioids on human ventilatory control is influenced by dose and ligand specificity. At lower doses, respiratory depression occurs secondary to a decrease in tidal volume, and at higher doses, secondary to a decrease in respiratory rate [86]. A decreased ventilatory response to hypercapnia/hypoxia also occurs [83].
Polysomnographic effects on sleep during acute opioid administration include decreases in slow-wave and REM sleep with decreased sleep efficiency and increases in arousals and N1 and N2 sleep. Other studies have shown a decrease in slow-wave sleep with increased N2 sleep and no change in sleep efficiency or total sleep time in patients receiving either morphine or methadone during polysomnography [87]. During chronic opioid administration, the decreases in slow-wave and REM sleep may normalize with improvement in sleep efficiency [88].
As mentioned in the pathophysiology section, a decreased ventilatory response to hypercapnia/hypoxia will develop CSAs in two characteristic patterns of breathing: the cluster period breathing pattern and the ataxic/Biot’s breathing pattern. The cluster breathing is characterized by cycles of hyperventilation with tidal volumes of stable amplitude, separated by central apneas of variable duration. The ataxic/Biot’s breathing pattern is characterized by variable amplitude and rate of tidal volume as well as variable central apnea duration (Fig. 33.5)

Fig. 33.5
This polysomnographic segment obtained from a patient on chronic opioids shows 10 epochs of 30 s. Each heavy vertical line demarks 30 s. The thermal sensor channel (ON flow) and the nasal pressure signal (Nasal P) denotes ataxic or irregular breathing
The literature assessing treatment of CSAS due to drugs or substance is limited. As the effect of opioids on central apneas is probably dose-dependent, discontinuation or a decrease in opioid dose to the lowest tolerated by the patient is recommended [89]. Only limited data support use of PAP devices. CPAP may reduce the AHI, generally by controlling obstructive respiratory events, but not CSAs. In fact, the use of CPAP may aggravate CSA [90]. Regarding intervention with ASV, there are conflicting data from small studies about its role in this group of patients. Further study is needed before routine use of PAP devices can be recommended in the setting of chronic opioid use [90, 91].
Central Sleep Apnea Due to High-Altitude Periodic Breathing
After a high-altitude ascend to approximately 3500 m above sea level or greater, most healthy individuals will develop a periodic breathing pattern driven by acute alveolar hypoxia [92–94]. This typically develops during ascension itself, immediately after or during the acclimatization period. Development of CSA due to high altitude will depend not only on altitude itself, but also on speed of ascension as well as on individual variability to hypoxic responsiveness.
Clinical characteristics:
Arousal events increase with altitude. This increase in total arousals will translate into sleep fragmentation which may result in subsequent complaints of fatigue and excessive daytime sleepiness [95, 96]. Despite the fact that the number of arousals is higher in periodic breathers at different altitudes, periodic breathing pattern itself is not associated with a poorer subjective sleep quality when compared to non-periodic breathers [92, 97].
The major effects of high altitude on humans relate to the changes in barometric pressure (PB) and its consequential changes in the ambient pressure of oxygen (O2). Since the fraction of inspired oxygen remains constant at approximately 20.93 % during ascension, the most important determinant of inspired PO2 and subsequent arterial PO2 (PaO2) at any altitude is the barometric pressure. For example, at an altitude of 3000 m, the barometric pressure and inspired PO2 are only about 70 % of that at sea level. During ascension, as arterial PO2 falls due to a low atmospheric pressure (hypobaric hypoxia), ventilation will be stimulated, with resultant hypocapnia and respiratory alkalosis. Despite high individual variability in acclimatization to the increasing hypoxia at high altitude, sustained hypoxic stimulus during ascension will trigger a periodic breathing pattern in clusters during the night [97]. It is the hyperventilation triggered by hypoxia, with subsequent fall in PaCO2 below the apneic threshold, that results in central apneas [98]. With breathing cessation, PaCO2 increase will trigger a subsequent hyperventilation period based on high tidal volumes, in which the PaO2 rises and PaCO2 falls to near wakefulness level. In high altitude, periodic breathing is the result of the hypoxia-mediated increase in controller gain, with subsequent narrowing of the difference between eupneic PaCO2 and apneic threshold, as well as the oscillation in cerebral blood flow, which elevates the cerebrovascular responsiveness to hypercapnia and hypocapnia [99–101]. Even though acclimatization to high-altitude results in an overall increase in saturation of oxygen, periodic breathing may increase in duration and persist in time, consistent with progressive increase in loop gain of the respiratory control system [96, 102, 103].
In healthy individuals, sleep architecture changes at high altitude with concomitant development of periodic breathing. When altitude starts increasing from 3500 m above sea level, duration in N1 stage increases, at the same time slow-wave sleep decreases. However, the time spent in REM sleep is well preserved along ascension up to 5000 m above sea level. Total arousal events increase as altitude increases, as a result of an increase in spontaneous arousals, as well as an increase in arousal related to periodic breathing and/or obstructive sleep apnea [95, 97, 104]. A periodic breathing pattern can develop at any altitude above 3500 m. In comparison with those individuals without periodic breathing, periodic breathing subjects experience an increase in the total arousal index, without a disruption of sleep architecture or sleep oxyhemoglobin saturation [92, 97].
At high altitude, periodic breathing is characterized by recurrent central apneic events in cycles of 12–34 s. It is usually associated with mild oxygen desaturation. Worse in NREM sleep, it stabilizes during REM sleep. As noted in different studies, there is high individual variability in intensity of periodic breathing to hypoxia at any certain altitude [94]. Because it is considered an adaptation to high altitude, there are no established polysomnographic criteria regarding the frequency of apneic events above which it is considered abnormal.
Slow ascension and acclimatization are crucial interventions to ameliorate the development of sleep and breathing disorders. By physiologic adaptation of oxygen content and carrying capacity to high altitude, slow ascent can decrease respiratory drive triggered by hypoxia. Unfortunately, at elevations above 3500–4000 m, acclimatization does not restore normal sleep, even for healthy individuals born at high altitude [96, 105].
At this time, limited data support pharmacological interventions, such as theophylline, temazepam, and acetazolamide for the prevention and treatment of high-altitude periodic breathing. If pharmacological intervention is contemplated, side effects and limitations of the intervention should be cautiously considered. Theophylline and acetazolamide have being shown to normalize the sleep-disordered breathing at high altitude. Different from theophylline, acetazolamide significantly improves basal oxyhemoglobin saturation during sleep, with no major side effects. The effect of temazepam on periodic breathing, overnight SaO2, and next-day cognitive performance has also been studied. Even though temazepam has shown to reduce periodic breathing, it has also been associated with a small but significant decrease in overnight SaO2. If pharmacological intervention is considered, theophylline and acetazolamide are recommended to be started 3 days before ascension [106]. On the other hand, temazepam is recommended to be taken on two consecutive nights soon after arrival at 5000 m [107].
Since all of the deleterious effects of high altitude are caused by the low inspired PO2, supplementary oxygen can improve the inspired PO2, thereby decreasing respiratory drive and ensuing central apneas. Unfortunately, implementation of this intervention is challenging at high altitude, and data in oxygen supplementation are limited to intervention in acute high-altitude illness such as acute mountain sickness [108, 109].