Chapter 17 – Effects of Lithium on Brain Structure in Bipolar Disorder


Bipolar disorder is an episodic, highly impairing mood disorder that is estimated to have a prevalence of 2–3% in the general population and is one of the leading causes of years lived with a disability.(1) Lithium is the gold standard for the treatment of bipolar disorder, and although it is a simple element, its effects on the brain are very complex.(2) Lithium’s potential neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects raise the intriguing possibility that it can potentially ameliorate abnormalities in brain structure and thus alter the disease trajectory.

Chapter 17 Effects of Lithium on Brain Structure in Bipolar Disorder

Jasmine Kaur , Vivian Kafantaris , and Philip R. Szeszko

17.1 Introduction

Bipolar disorder is an episodic, highly impairing mood disorder that is estimated to have a prevalence of 2–3% in the general population and is one of the leading causes of years lived with a disability.(1) Lithium is the gold standard for the treatment of bipolar disorder, and although it is a simple element, its effects on the brain are very complex.(2) Lithium’s potential neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects raise the intriguing possibility that it can potentially ameliorate abnormalities in brain structure and thus alter the disease trajectory.

Clinically, over 60% of patients experience long-term reduction of mood episodes and improved quality of life with lithium maintenance treatment; 20–30% are excellent responders to lithium monotherapy with full remission for at least five years.(3) The use of lithium in bipolar disorder has been surpassed, however, by the heavily marketed second-generation antipsychotic medications, especially for its acute treatment, although in adults their efficacy is similar.(4) Because treatments that are effective for acute episodes tend to be continued for maintenance therapy, fewer individuals are likely to be prescribed lithium for maintenance treatment. Lithium may exert its strongest beneficial effects including antisuicide properties during maintenance treatment.(5) Therefore, any evidence that lithium has beneficial effects on the brain and on clinical outcome could reassert lithium’s importance in the treatment armamentarium for bipolar disorder.

This chapter will critically review the results of studies that have used magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to examine the effects of lithium on brain structure in individuals with bipolar disorder. The focus will be on studies that were designed specifically to assess these effects using either cross-sectional or longitudinal designs. Thus, this selective review does not include studies that considered medication effects in ancillary or secondary analyses, given several literature reviews on this topic have already been conducted.(6) We also discuss the possibility that changes in brain volume assessed using MR imaging may be confounded by the properties of signal changes associated with properties of water osmosis.(7) We then discuss studies that have evaluated the effects of lithium on the brain in postmortem work to gain additional insight into lithium’s purported mechanism(s) of action.

Studies that correlate clinical response to lithium with neuroimaging findings such as volume changes suggest a potential mechanism of therapeutic action for lithium. We therefore discuss the role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in brain development and specifically its role in hippocampal growth. A potential neurotrophic component of lithium’s therapeutic action would be supported if significant associations exist between changes in serum BDNF levels, hippocampus volume, and clinical response. Thus, evidence for a relationship among hippocampal structural changes associated with lithium treatment coupled with BDNF activity are discussed. Finally, we provide evidence that the effects of lithium may be most robust within the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus and discuss implications for the neurobiology of bipolar disorder. We conclude with directions for future research.

17.2 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies

Lithium treatment is most consistently associated with increases in hippocampus volume in multiple human cross-sectional MR imaging studies, and in the few longitudinal studies that have been published (see Table 17.1). Evidence for regionally specific findings has been inconsistent, however. Bearden and colleagues (8) reported that (mainly right) hippocampal volume in lithium-treated patients with bipolar disorder was 10.3% greater compared to non-medicated healthy controls and 13.9% greater compared to bipolar patients not treated with lithium. In that study, there were no significant associations between hippocampal volume and lithium dosage, blood level, or treatment duration. Similarly, Foland and colleagues (9) reported that patients with bipolar disorder treated with lithium demonstrated greater volume compared to bipolar patients not taking lithium including the (% in parentheses) left amygdala (3.72%), right amygdala (1.72%), left hippocampus (3.45%), and right hippocampus (2.73%). There were no significant associations between brain volume and illness duration, and prior number of manic or depressive episodes. Along these lines, Hajek et al. (10) reported that patients with bipolar disorder treated with lithium had significantly larger hippocampal volume compared to patients with bipolar disorder not treated with lithium and healthy controls. In addition, volumes were comparable among patients treated with lithium regardless of the number of prior mood episodes. In one of the few pediatric studies conducted to date, Baykara et al. (11) reported that right hippocampal volume was enlarged in patients with bipolar disorder treated with lithium, relative to untreated controls.

Table 17.1 Studies examining the effects of lithium on brain structure in bipolar disorder

Study and type Participants MRI methods/design Findings

  • Berk et al. (21)

  • Single-blind randomized controlled clinical trial

  • Healthy controls vs. patients with first-episode acute mania (YMRS ≥20) stabilized with quetiapine and lithium, and then randomized to monotherapy with lithium (to level of 0.6 mEq/L) or quetiapine (flexibly dosed up to 800 mg/day)

    1. (a) 30 healthy controls (mean age = 21.4; SD = 2.46)

    2. (b) 19 patients given quetiapine (mean age = 21.47, SD = 2.14)

    3. (c) 20 lithium (+) (mean age = 21.45, SD = 2.31)

  • 3 T Siemens Trio Tim scanner (32-channel head coil). Baseline and longitudinal comparisons carried out using statistical parametric mapping

  • Comparison of volume differences done using the diffeomorphic anatomical registration through exponentiated lie algebra (DARTEL)

  • Gray and white matter volumes at baseline and changes over time in response to medication were measured

  • Patients were assessed at baseline, 3, and 12-month follow-up. Healthy controls assessed at baseline and 12-month follow-up

  • Patients with mania, after stabilization on combination lithium and quetiapine treatment but before initiation of monotherapy, had reduced gray (orbitofrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, inferior frontal gyrus, and cerebellum) and white (bilateral internal capsule) matter volume compared to controls

  • Lithium was more effective than quetiapine in slowing progression of white matter volume (in left internal capsule) in patients between baseline and 12 months (but not after just 3 months)

  • No changes in gray matter were observed in either of the treated groups

  • Bearden et al. (8)

  • Cross-sectional analysis

Healthy controls vs. Bipolar I or II patients in any mood state. Patients treated with lithium for ≥ 2 weeks or unmedicated (no psychotropic medications for ≥ 2 weeks and at least 1 month off lithium)

  1. (a) 62 healthy controls (mean age = 32.7, SD = 10.1)

  2. (b) 21 lithium (+) patients (mean age = 32.9, SD = 11) with a mean serum level = 0.79

  3. (c) 12 untreated bipolar patients, mean age = 36.5 (SD = 10.4)

  • MRI scans acquired with a 1.5 T GE MRI

  • All images were processed with a series of manual and automated procedures developed at the UCLA Laboratory of NeuroImaging

  • Hippocampal volumes measured cross-sectionally for all groups

Hippocampal volume (mostly on right side) in lithium-treated bipolar patients was as follows:

  • 10.3% greater compared to controls

  • 13.9% greater compared to untreated bipolar patients

No significant relationships seen between hippocampal volume and lithium dosage, lithium blood level, or duration of lithium treatment.

  • Bearden et al. (17)

  • Cross-sectional analysis

  • Healthy controls vs. Bipolar I or II patients in any mood state treated with lithium for ≥ 2 weeks or unmedicated (free of all psychotropic medications for ≥ 2 weeks and at least 1 month off lithium if taken previously)

    1. (a) 28 healthy controls (mean age = 35.9, SD = 8.5)

    2. (b) 20 lithium (+) patients (mean age = 35.1, SD = 10.8)

    3. (c) 8 lithium (−) patients (mean age = 38.6, SD 10.0) with 1 taking citalopram (20 mg)

  • MRI scans acquired with a 1.5 T GE system. All images were processed with a series of manual and automated

  • procedures developed at the UCLA Laboratory of NeuroImaging

  • Cortical white and gray matter density was measured cross-sectionally for all groups using MRI

Lithium (+) patients had

  • greater overall gray matter volumes than normal controls (9.06% on left, 8.68% on right)

  • volumes higher by 9.8% in frontal lobe, 6.6% in temporal lobe, 10.3% in parietal lobe (value of 8.1% in occipital lobe was nonsignificant by p = 0.14)

  • smaller cerebrospinal fluid volumes than controls and lithium (−) patients, so overall cerebral volumes were similar across the three groups

Lithium (−) patients had similar gray matter volumes as controls

White matter volumes did not significantly differ between lithium (+), lithium (−), and control subjects

  • Foland et al. (9)

  • Cross-sectional analysis

  • No healthy controls included

    Bipolar I disorder patients:

    1. (a) 12 lithium (+) patients (mean age = 37.5, SD = 10.7)

    2. (b) 37 lithium-free patients (mean age = 42.0, SD = 9.1 years) – one patient was taking benzodiazepines and four were taking anticonvulsants

  • MRI scans performed on a 3 T scanner. Automated extraction of brain tissue was performed using the Brainsuite software package; manual corrections were made by an image analyst blind to patient characteristics

  • Tensor-based morphometry was used to measure amygdala and hippocampal volumes

Global scaling factors were not significantly different among groups

Lithium (+) patients showed greater total amygdala and hippocampal volumes compared to lithium (−) patients, especially on the left side:

  • left amygdala: 3.72% greater

  • right amygdala: 1.72% greater

  • left hippocampus: 3.45% greater

  • right hippocampus: 2.73% greater

No significant correlations were found between volumes and illness duration, prior number of manic episodes or prior number of depressive episodes

  • Giakoumatos et al. (15)

  • Cross-sectional analysis

  • Healthy controls vs. psychotic bipolar disorder (PBD) patients

    1. (a) 342 healthy controls (mean age = 37.1, SD 12.4)

    2. (b) 51 lithium (+) PBD patients (mean age = 35.1, SD = 13.8)

    3. (c) 135 lithium (−) PBD patients (mean age = 36.2, SD = 13.1)

  • Subjects were scanned at six sites, using high-resolution isotropic T1-weighted MPRAGE scans

  • Images were run through a first-level auto-reconstruction in FreeSurfer and edited manually by trained raters

  • Automated hippocampal subfield (HSF) segmentation was conducted through a separate FreeSurfer processing pipeline

  • Regional gray matter thickness and hippocampal subfield (HSF) volume was extracted from MR images

Lithium (+) treated patients had

  • thicker cortices compared to lithium (−) patients

  • significantly greater hippocampal subfield (HSF) volumes than lithium (−) patients

  • similar HSF volumes compared to controls

  • Germana et al. (18)

  • Cross-sectional analysis

No healthy controls. Patients with bipolar I, meeting criteria for remission for 6 months

  1. (a) 74 BD I patients (mean age = 43.4, SD = 11.9) with a mean duration of illness = 18.6 years (SD = 11.1 years)

  2. (b) Lithium (+): 28 patients (37.8%), mean dose = 856.7 mg (SD = 239) and mean duration of treatment = 43 months

  3. (c) On valproate: 8 patients (10.8%) with a mean dose = 1050 mg (SD = 396.4 mg) and mean duration of treatment = 65 months

  4. (d) On carbamazepine: 10 patients (13.5%), mean duration of treatment = 65 months

  5. (e) On other/combined anticonvulsants: 10 patients (13.5%)

  6. (f) On antipsychotics: 18 patients (24.3%) – 11 on olanzapine, 4 on risperidone, 3 on quetiapine

MRI scans were conducted using a 1.5 T GE system. Each MR image was normalized and segmented into gray matter, white matter, and CSF using unified segmentation in SPM5 using voxel-based morphometry

Lithium (+) treated patients had

  • increased gray matter volumes in the right subgenual anterior cingulate extending into the hypothalamus, the left postcentral gyrus, the hippocampus/amygdala complex and left insula

Gray matter and total intracranial volumes were comparable between lithium (+) patients and those in other treatment groups

White matter volumes were lowest in valproate patients, highest in carbamazepine patients

CSF volumes lowest in antipsychotic patients, highest in valproate patients

Valproate (+) patients had less white matter and higher CSF fractional volumes compared to all other groups

  • Hajek et al. (10)

  • Cross-sectional analysis

Healthy controls vs. Bipolar I or II patients. Lithium (+) group must have had adequate Li treatment for ≥2 years with Li levels 0.5 to 1.2 mmol/L on every blood test taken at least twice a year

Lithium (−) group must have <3 months of lithium exposure, with no lithium at least 24 months prior to scan

  1. (a) 50 healthy controls (mean age = 44.66, SD = 9.04)

  2. (b) 37 lithium (+) patients (mean age = 48.08, SD = 11.17)

  3. (c) 19 lithium (−) patients (mean age = 43.16, SD = 11.68)

  • MRI scans performed with available scanners at various participating sites

  • A single rater blind to diagnostic status and lithium treatment history measured hippocampal volumes with manual mensuration

Lithium (+) patients had

  • significantly larger hippocampal volumes compared to lithium (−) patients

  • comparable hippocampal volumes as controls

Among lithium (+) patients, volumes were similar regardless of the number of mood episodes while on lithium treatment

Left hippocampus was larger than right in all groups

  • Hartberg et al. (16)

  • Cross-sectional analysis

Healthy controls vs. bipolar spectrum patients

  1. (a) 300 healthy controls (mean age = 35.0, SD = 9.6)

  2. (b) 34 lithium (+) bipolar patients (mean age = 34.7, SD = 10.8)

  3. (c) 147 lithium (−) bipolar patients (mean age = 35.3, SD = 11.8)

  • MRI scans acquired on a 1.5 T Siemens scanner

  • FreeSurfer (v5.2) was used to compute volumes of the hippocampal subfields, total hippocampal volume, amygdala volume, and intracranial volume (ICV)

Lithium (+) patients had

  • significant association between lithium treatment duration and increased left amygdala volume

  • trend for an association with the right amygdala, but not for hippocampal volumes

  • global brain volumes comparable to lithium (−) patients and healthy controls

Lithium (−) patients had

  • smaller volumes compared to healthy controls in the right CA1 and subiculum subfields, bilateral CA2/3, CA4/DG subfields, total hippocampal volumes. and left amygdala volumes

  • patients with >6 affective episodes had significantly smaller left CA1 and CA2/3 volumes compared to both the Li (+) patients and healthy controls

  • Lopez-Jaramillo et al. (19)

  • Cross-sectional analysis

Healthy controls vs. euthymic bipolar I patients

  1. (a) 20 healthy controls (mean age = 39.55, SD 10.25)

  2. (b) 16 lithium (+) patients (mean age = 40.87, SD = 7.10) with a median lithium level = 0.76 mEq/L

  3. (c) 16 untreated patients (mean age = 41.81, SD = 9.70)

MRI scans acquired on a 1.5 T Phillips scanner and segmented to generate volumetric measures of cortical and subcortical brain areas, ventricles, and global brain, using Freesurfer

Lithium (+) patients compared to untreated patients had

  • significantly larger volumes in bilateral amygdala and bilateral thalamus

  • significantly smaller volumes in central and anterior half of the corpus callosum

  • no differences in global brain volume, volume of hippocampus, or other brain structures under study

Compared to controls, lithium (+) patients had

  • significantly larger volumes for bilateral amygdala, bilateral thalami, and left hippocampus

  • more white matter hypointensities

  • no differences in volume of corpus callosum or global brain volume

  • no differences in global brain volume, basal ganglia, or other brain structures

  • Lyoo et al. (24)

  • Longitudinal study

Healthy controls vs. bipolar patients randomly assigned to either lithium or valproate (VPA) treatment for 16 weeks

  1. (a) 14 healthy controls (mean age = 33.5, SD = 9.5)

  2. (b) 13 lithium (+) bipolar patients (mean age = 31.3, SD = 9.3) with a mean serum level = 0.65 mEq/L, SD = 0.19

  3. (c) 9 VPA-treated bipolar patients (mean age = 28.5, SD = 8.5) with a mean serum level = 56.3 ng/mL, SD = 24.5

  • Participants underwent MRI scanning on a 1.5 T SIGNA whole-body scanner

  • All image analyses were performed under blinded conditions

  • Segmentations of baseline and aligned follow-up scans into images of GM, WM, and CSF were performed based on voxel intensity and spatial

  • information using SPM

Lithium (+) patients had

  • increased gray matter volumes compared to both VPA-treated patients and healthy controls; this peaked at 11.5 weeks and was corresponding to an increase of 2.56% and equivalent to 17.6 cm3

  • no significant changes in white matter volumes over time

VPA-treated patients had

  • no significant changes in gray or white matter volumes compared to healthy controls

  • Monkul et al. (27)

  • Longitudinal study

13 Healthy volunteers with no DSM-IV diagnosis were given lithium over 4 weeks, titrated to lithium level of at least 0.6 mEq/L. No controls. MRI scans performed at baseline and at the end of 4 weeks

Lithium doses 600–1,500 mg/day, mean dose 1,281 mg/day

Mean age = 25.9, SD = 10

Mean lithium levels:

  1. (a) 1st week: 0.34 mEq/L

  2. (b) 2nd week: 0.53 mEq/L

  3. (c) 3rd week: 0.67 mEq/L

  4. (d) 4th week: 0.83 mEq/L

  • MRIs were performed on a 1.5 T GE scanner

  • Voxel-based morphometry was performed using SPM2

  • This study defined the cingulate, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), amygdala, and hippocampus bilaterally as regions of interest (ROIs)

At the end of 4 weeks of lithium administration:

  • total white matter volumes were increased by 2%

  • total brain volume and total gray matter volume remained unchanged

  • left DLPFC (Brodmann’s area 46) gray matter volume was significantly increased

  • left anterior cingulate gray matter volume was significantly increased

  • no ROIs showed significant change in white matter

  • no other ROIs (other than listed above) showed significant change in gray matter

  • mean lithium blood levels were not significantly correlated with changes

  • Moore et al. (25)

  • Longitudinal study

  • No healthy controls. Bipolar I patients included (all in depressed state)

  • Patients on psychotropic medications first had a minimum 2-week washout period (depending on half-life of the medication taken)

  • 10 Lithium (+) bipolar patients (mean age = 33.0, SD = 15.1) with lithium level about 0.8 mEq/L

  • MRI scans conducted on 1.5 T system. Image formatting and volumetric measurements were made using image-processing software Medx and National Institutes of Health (NIH) Image software

  • MRI scans were done at baseline (medication-free, after a >2-week medication washout) and after 4 weeks of lithium treatment

Compared to lithium (−) treated patients, lithium (+) patients had

  • significantly increased total gray matter volume (8 of 10 patients)

  • mean change was 3%, about a 24 cm3 increase in total gray matter volume

  • no significant changes in white matter volume or cerebral water content

  • Moore et al. (26)

  • Longitudinal study

  • No healthy controls

  • Bipolar I or II patients, all in depressed or euthymic state

  • Minimum 2-week med washout period (depending on half-life of the medication taken)

  • (a) 28 Lithium (+) bipolar patients; 10 patients participated in Moore et al (25) study (mean age = 33, SD = 11) with lithium level about 0.8 mEq/L after first week of treatment

  • MRI scans conducted on 1.5 T Signa scanner. Image formatting and volumetric measurements were made using image-processing software Medx and National Institutes of Health (NIH) Image software

  • MRI scans were done at baseline (medication-free, after a >2-week medication washout) and after 4 weeks of lithium treatment

Lithium (+) treated patients had

  • no changes in total brain volume or white matter volume

  • an increase in total gray matter volume in 20 patients (including both treatment responders and nonresponders)

  • trend for a correlation between clinical improvement and change in gray matter volume

Among lithium treatment responders:

  • 8% increase in the left subgenual prefrontal cortex GM volume

  • Sassi et al. (20)

  • Cross-sectional analysis

Healthy controls vs. lithium (+) bipolar patients vs. untreated bipolar patients off all psychotropic meds for at least 2 weeks (usually due to noncompliance)

  1. (a) 46 Healthy controls (mean age = 35.5, SD = 10.3)

  2. (b) 17 Lithium (+) bipolar patients (mean age = 31.1, SD = 8.8) of whom 14 were euthymic and 3 were depressed. Mean dosage = 1,111.8 mg/day, SD = 356) and mean length of treatment was 131 weeks, SD = 250

  3. (c) 12 Untreated bipolar patients (mean age = 37.7, SD = 10.6) of whom 4 were euthymic, 7 depressed, and 1 hypomanic

  • 3D MRI images were obtained with a 1.5 T-GE scanner

  • Gray matter, white matter, and intracranial volumes (ICV) were measured by a trained rater, blind to patient’s identity or

  • group assignment, using a semiautomated method and following standardized procedures, after having achieved intra-class correlation coefficients for each of these measures of 0.90

Lithium (+) patients had

  • larger intracranial and total gray matter volumes than both untreated patients and healthy controls

  • no correlation between lithium dose and volumes

  • Selek et al. (23)

  • Longitudinal study

Healthy controls vs. bipolar I patients in various states (euthymic, depressed, manic, hypomanic)

Participants were required to be drug-free for at least 2 weeks prior to study

  1. (a) 11 healthy controls (mean age = 35.57, SD = 14.74)

  2. (b) 24 lithium (+) bipolar patients (mean age = 31.75, SD = 8.12) with a mean serum level = 0.67 mEq/L

  • MRI scans performed on 1.5 T GE scanner

  • Cortical reconstruction and volumetric segmentation were performed with the Freesurfer image analysis suite. Prefrontal cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala volumes were obtained

  • MRI scans were completed at baseline and 4 weeks after lithium treatment

Lithium (+) who were clinical responders had

  • increased volumes of the left prefrontal cortex, especially left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex after treatment. Lithium (+) who were clinical nonresponders had

  • decreased left hippocampal and right anterior cingulate cortex volumes after treatment compared to baseline

A few cross-sectional studies investigated the effects of lithium on hippocampal volume in patients with bipolar disorder who had either very short- or long-term treatment. Hajek et al. (12) studied 17 patients with bipolar disorder who had at least 2 years of regularly monitored lithium treatment, 12 bipolar patients with less than 3 months of total lifetime lithium treatment and no lithium treatment prior to 2 years before an MR imaging scan and 11 healthy controls. Voxel-based morphometry indicated that the non-lithium treatment group had smaller left hippocampal volume compared to controls with a trend for lower volumes than the lithium-treated group who did not differ from controls, consistent with meta-analysis (13). At the other end of the spectrum, Yucel et al. (14) compared hippocampal volume among three groups of patients with bipolar disorder including those treated with lithium between one and eight weeks, patients who were unmedicated at the time of scan, and patients treated with either valproic acid or lamotrigine. Results indicated a bilateral increase in hippocampal volume that was evident in the head of the hippocampus among patients treated with lithium, even after a brief period of treatment. These findings suggest that the effects of lithium on the brain may be evident even within weeks of treatment initiation.

Several studies examined the relationship between lithium treatment and hippocampal subfield volumes using MR imaging. In one of the largest cross-sectional studies to date Giakoumatos et al. (15) reported that 51 patients with psychotic bipolar disorder treated with lithium had thicker cortical volume and greater hippocampal subfield volumes compared to 135 patients with psychotic bipolar disorder not being treated with lithium and 342 healthy controls. Patients being treated with lithium had comparable hippocampal subregion volumes as healthy controls. In a study by Hartberg et al. (16), investigation of hippocampal subfield volumes revealed smaller total hippocampal volume, including the right CA1 and subiculum subfields, and bilateral CA2/3, CA4/DG subfields among the patients not being treated with lithium compared to healthy controls. Interestingly, in that study there was a significant positive association between lithium treatment duration and larger amygdala volume.

Other cross-sectional studies provide evidence that the effects of lithium may be more widespread in the brain. For example, Bearden et al. (17) reported that patients with bipolar disorder treated with lithium (n = 20) had greater volume in the frontal (9.8%), temporal (6.6%), and parietal (10.3%) lobes compared to eight patients with bipolar disorder of whom only one was taking psychotropic medication (i.e., citalopram). In addition, patients with bipolar disorder not treated with lithium had gray matter volumes comparable to healthy controls (n = 28). Also, in that study no differences in white matter volume were observed between patients treated with lithium and patients not receiving lithium. Germana et al. (18) reported that patients with bipolar disorder treated with lithium had more gray matter in the right subgenual anterior cingulate, left postcentral gyrus, hippocampus/amygdala complex, and left insula. In a study by Lopez-Jaramillo et al. (19), patients treated with lithium had significantly larger bilateral amygdala and thalamic volume (but no differences in hippocampal volume) compared to patients with bipolar disorder not treated with lithium. Moreover, compared to controls, patients treated with lithium had significantly larger bilateral amygdala, bilateral thalamus, and left hippocampus volume. Lastly, Sassi et al. (20) reported that patients with bipolar disorder treated with lithium had greater total brain gray matter volume compared to patients not currently receiving psychotropic treatment and healthy controls.

Results from longitudinal neuroimaging studies in patients with bipolar disorder treated with lithium provide stronger support compared to cross-sectional studies for the hypothesis that enhancement of neuroplasticity is a component of lithium’s therapeutic mechanism. Such studies have demonstrated brain changes in both the gray and white matter. In a single-blind randomized controlled clinical trial, Berk and colleagues (21) reported that lithium was more effective than quetiapine in slowing progression of white matter volume loss within the left internal capsule between baseline and twelve months without associated gray matter changes. In a study by Yucel et al. (22), patients were rescanned twice after baseline: approximately two years and then again four years following initiation of lithium maintenance therapy. They found increases of 4–5% in hippocampal volume after two years and these increases were maintained at the four-year scan and associated with improvements in cognitive functioning.

Several controlled trials investigated the effects of lithium on brain imaging measures prior to and then following controlled treatment. In a longitudinal study of twenty-four patients with bipolar disorder, Selek et al. (23) conducted MR imaging scans at baseline and then again following four weeks of lithium treatment. Participants were required to be drug-free for at least two weeks prior to study entry. Patients with bipolar disorder categorized as clinical responders to lithium had increased left prefrontal volume (and in particular the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) following treatment. In contrast, patients with bipolar disorder categorized as clinical nonresponders to lithium had decreased left hippocampal and right anterior cingulate cortex volume following treatment. Lyoo et al. (24) conducted longitudinal MR imaging and evaluated clinical response to treatment in twenty-two patients with bipolar disorder who were psychotropic drug naive to mood stabilizers and antipsychotics. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either valproic acid or lithium and followed for sixteen weeks. Patients treated with lithium had greater gray matter volume (corresponding to an increase of 2.56%), which peaked at approximately ten to twelve weeks of treatment compared to both patients treated with valproic acid and healthy controls.

Two studies by Moore et al. (25) (26) examined the effects of lithium treatment on MR imaging measures in the context of a controlled clinical trial. In both studies, patients had a two-week medication washout period and were scanned prior to and then again following four weeks of blinded lithium treatment. In the first study (25), eight of the ten patients treated with lithium demonstrated an increase of approximately 3% in total gray matter volume without associated changes in white matter volume or cerebral water content. In the second study (26), these investigators reported an increase in total gray matter volume in twenty patients, which included both treatment responders and nonresponders. There was a trend for a correlation between clinical improvement and change in gray matter volume and increases were most prominent in the prefrontal cortex. Notably, there was an 8% increase in the left subgenual prefrontal cortex gray matter volume without any observed changes in total brain or white matter volume among patients treated with lithium.

One longitudinal study should be noted given that it investigated the effects of lithium on the brain in thirteen right-handed healthy volunteers (27). These individuals received MR imaging exams prior to and then following four weeks of lithium treatment at therapeutically relevant dosages. Using optimized voxel-based morphometry results indicated that both right and left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and left anterior cingulate gray matter volume increased following lithium treatment. In addition, total white matter volume increased in contrast to total brain volume and total gray matter volume, which demonstrated no changes after lithium treatment. These data thus highlight brain changes associated with lithium treatment in the absence of a psychiatric illness confound.

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