Chapter 8 – Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Investigations of Bioenergy and Mitochondrial Function in Mood Disorders


Major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BD) are likely to be etiologically diverse, resulting from the contributions of multiple pathophysiologic processes present in affected individuals to varying degrees. In MDD, there is abundant evidence that alterations in serotonin and other monoamines (1) and glutamatergic signaling (2) are implicated in its pathogenesis, and most available treatments target these pathways.

Chapter 8 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Investigations of Bioenergy and Mitochondrial Function in Mood Disorders

Brent M. Kious and Perry F. Renshaw


AC: anticonvulsant/mood stabilizer
ACC: anterior cingulate cortex
adol: adolescents
ADP: adenosine diphosphate
AMG: amygdala
AP: antipsychotic
ATP: adenosine triphosphate
B: bilateral
BD: bipolar disorder
BD-D bipolar, depressed state
BD-E: bipolar, euthymic state
BDI: bipolar disorder type I
BDII: bipolar disorder type II
BD-HM: bipolar, hypomanic state
BD-M: bipolar, manic or mixed state
BG: basal ganglia
β-NTP: beta nucleotide triphosphate
BZD: benzodiazepine
CC: cingulate cortex
Cho: choline
CK: creatine kinase
CN: caudate nucleus
CorCa: corpus callosum
Cr: creatine
DACC: dorsal anterior cingulate cortex
DCC: dorsal cingulat cortex
DM/DA-PFC: Dorsomedial-dorsoanterolateral prefrontal cortex
DLPFC: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
ECT: electroconvulsive therapy
FL: frontal lobes
GABA: γ-amino butyric acid
Gln: glutamine
Glu: glutamate
Glx: glutamate + glutamine + GABA
GM: gray matter
HC: healthy controls
Hippo: hippocampus
IED: intermittent explosive disorder
Ins: insula
L: Lac:lactate;left
Li: lithium
M: medial
MCC: middle cingulate cortex
MDE: major depressive episode
MDD: major depressive disorder
MDD-D: major depressive disorder, depressed state
MDD-E major depressive disorder, euthymic state
mI: myoinositol
MN: medication-naïve
MPFC: medial prefrontal cortex
NAA: n-acetyl aspartate
non-resp: nonresponder
OCC: occipital cortex
OFC: orbitofrontal cortex
OL: occipital lobe
PBO: placebo
PCC: posterior cingulate cortex
PCr: phosphocreatine
PDE: phosphodiesters
PF: prefrontal
PGACC: pregenual anterior cingulate cortex
Pi: inorganic phosphate
PME: phosphomonoesters
POC: parieto-occipital cortex
PPD: postpartum depression
PS: photic stimulation
Put: putamen
R: right
resp: responder
rTMS: repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
SGACC: subgenual anterior cingulate cortex
SSRI: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
TCA: tricyclic antidepressant
tCr: total creatine (phosphocreatine + creatine)
Thal: thalamus:
TP: total phosphorus
TL: temporal lobes
T3: triiodothyronine
UM: unmedicated
VLPFC: ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
VOI: volume of interest
VPFC: ventral prefrontal cortex
WB: whole brain
WM: white matter
↑: significantly increased/higher
↓: significantly reduced/lower
−Δ: no change/not significantly different.

8.1 Introduction

Major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BD) are likely to be etiologically diverse, resulting from the contributions of multiple pathophysiologic processes present in affected individuals to varying degrees. In MDD, there is abundant evidence that alterations in serotonin and other monoamines (1) and glutamatergic signaling (2) are implicated in its pathogenesis, and most available treatments target these pathways. Likewise, MDD may result from the effects of inflammatory cytokines (3, 4) or oxidative stress (5) on neuronal activity. One set of processes that may bring together these different etiologies, however, is alterations in brain bioenergetics, which can be studied in vivo using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS).

8.2 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Brain Bioenergetics

Four major spectroscopic techniques have been used to study MDD and BD: proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS), phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-MRS), lithium spectroscopy (7Li-MRS), and fluorine magnetic resonance spectroscopy (19F-MRS). The former two methods allow the measurement of metabolites that are directly and indirectly involved in bioenergetic pathways and will be the focus of this chapter.

As noted elsewhere in this volume (CITE), 1H-MRS produces a spectrum that encompasses seven major peaks (though more can be identified with special approaches): choline (Cho), N-acetylaspartate (NAA), total creatine (tCr), myoinositol (mI), the amino acids (AA), lipids, and lactate (Lac) (6). Cho includes a variety of choline-containing compounds with similar resonances: choline, acetylcholine, phosphocholine, cytidine diphosphocholine, and glycerophosphocholine (7). Cho represents membrane biochemistry, as choline is a product of myelin breakdown it is increased by rapid cellular proliferation, as in brain tumors; Cho can also be raised by increases in myelin synthesis and may reflect cellular density (7). Cho indirectly represents brain bioenergetics because it indicates cell growth and proliferation (8, 9), but will not be considered further in this chapter.

The tCr resonance reflects both phosphocreatine (PCr) and creatine (Cr), which are in rapid near-equilibrium because of the creatine kinase (CK) reaction, through which ATP and Cr combine, producing adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and PCr; PCr functions as short-term storage for high-energy phosphate when ATP is generated in excess of energy demands (10). tCr is therefore directly related to brain energy metabolism, though early 1H-MRS studies of MD typically used tCr as a reference, expressing other metabolites as ratios to tCr, on the assumption that tCr levels vary minimally. In fact, tCr can fluctuate under some circumstances, problematizing its use as a reference (11).

The NAA resonance contains N-acetyl aspartate and a small quantity of N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate (NAAG) (12). NAA is a direct indicator of mitochondrial activity because it is synthesized in mitochondria (13) by N-acetyltransferase-8 (14) in a fashion correlated with ATP production, oxygen consumption, and glucose utilization (1517). NAA may serve as a sink for aspartate produced via the mini-citric-acid cycle, which is an alternative pathway for the production of alpha-ketoglutarate for entry into the Krebs cycle (18, 19). NAA is involved in maintaining osmotic homeostasis in cells (20), and is a substrate for the synthesis of NAAG (21). NAAG is a dipeptide composed of NAA and glutamate (22), and may serve as a neurotransmitter (22).

The mI resonance reflects levels of mI, mI–monophosphate, and glycine; mI is the primary constituent of the peak. mI is located primarily in glia such as astrocytes and to be absent from neurons (23), and may be less relevant to the assessment of bioenergetics than other compounds, so will not be further considered.

The AA peak encompasses glutamate (Glu), glutamine (Gln), and gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) and is designated as “Glx.” Increases in Glx indicate increased cellular destruction or neurotransmission, as Glu is an excitatory neurotransmitter active at the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor, kainite receptor, and metabotropic glutamate receptor (24, 25). Glu is the most abundant neurotransmitter in the brain (26). It is metabolized to Gln, which is stored in astrocytes; astrocytes pass Gln back to neurons where it is converted to Glu (26) (27). Because Glu is an excitatory neurotransmitter, increases in Glx could indicate increased excitatory neurotransmission and thus increased brain energy consumption; increased neurotransmission is linked to increased Krebs cycle activity and glucose consumption (28, 29). Changes in Glu and related metabolites are, however, explored elsewhere in this volume (CITE) and will not be considered here.

The lipid resonance represents brain levels of acetate and macromolecular proteins and is not directly relevant to the assessment of brain bioenergetics. Finally, the Lac resonance measures cellular energy utilization since Lac is a product of glycolysis, which is used by cells whenever the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation are not sufficient to support energy demands (30, 31).

31P-MRS offers a more direct method of assessing brain bioenergetics because it can measure high-energy phosphate compounds. There are seven chief resonances in the typical 31P-MRS spectrum: phosphomonoesters (PME), inorganic phosphate (Pi), phosphodiesters (PDE), phosphocreatine (PCr), γ-ATP, α-ATP, and β-ATP. Of these, PCr is the dominant and central peak and its relevance to assessing brain bioenergetics has already been mentioned. The ATP resonances α, β, and γ reflect the distinct resonances of the three phosphate groups in the compound. Up to 25% of each ATP signal represents other nucleotide triphosphates, such as guanosine triphosphate (GTP), uridine triphosphate (UTP), and cytidine triphosphate (CTP). PME and PDE are indirectly related to metabolism because they reflect rates of lipid synthesis and will not be considered further in this review. 31P-MRS also provides an indirect measure of brain pH, which can be estimated from the difference in chemical shift between Pi and PCr (32, 33).

The interpretation of MRS findings in MDD and BD is complicated by multiple factors. We might anticipate that persons with different mood disorders could exhibit different findings even in the same mood state (e.g., depression), that persons with the same disorder might exhibit different findings in different mood states (e.g., mania or depression), and that developmental and degenerative processes associated with age could affect the relative cellular composition and activity of a given brain region, so that adolescents with depression might differ from young adults, who might differ from elderly adults. Similarly, duration of illness and number of mood episodes – both of which affect the clinical manifestations of BD and MDD – could alter metabolite levels, so that persons early in an illness might exhibit different results than persons late in an illness. Women and men may also exhibit different findings because of the effects of sex hormones both concurrently and developmentally. Likewise, medications such as antidepressants (AD), lithium, anticonvulsant (AC) mood stabilizers, and antipsychotics (AP) – many of which have been shown to alter the metabolites studied with both of the major spectroscopic techniques (34) – could alter findings. Moreover, both BD and MDD are likely to result from malfunctions in particular neural circuits, so that abnormalities could exist in brain regions participating in these circuits but not elsewhere. Similarly, tissue type may affect MRS results, as the metabolic activities of gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) vary widely and are not necessarily coupled. On the other hand, bioenergetic abnormalities might pervade the brain, so that identification of a metabolic abnormality in a given volume of interest (VOI) in persons with a mood disorder does not necessarily show that this region contributes to the condition.

8.3 Major Depressive Disorder

MRS findings in MDD suggest the presence of multiple bioenergetic abnormalities. 1H-MRS studies (Table 8.1) have focused on multiple VOIs in both adults and adolescents. Some studies have not revealed alterations in NAA in MDD (3546), but many others indicate that NAA measurements are decreased, including in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) (47), posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) (48), medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) (49), and left Hippo (50, 51). NAA/tCr ratios have been found to be reduced in the basal ganglia (BG) (52), left prefrontal WM (53, 54), bilateral prefrontal WM (55, 56), bilateral Hippo and Thal (57), left DLPFC WM (58), and left ACC (59).

Table 8.1 1H-MRS studies in MDD

Publication Age group Comparison VOI Treatment status Findings
Charles et al. (68) Adults >63 7 MDD, 10 HC WM, Thal, and Put UM ~1 week then nefazodone × 2–3 months NAA/tCr −Δ in MDD vs. HC, −Δ in MDD pre- and posttreatment; ↓ NAA/Cho in MDD vs. HC and ↑ NAA/Cho with nefazodone
Auer et al. (35) Adults 19 MDD,18 HC B ACC, B PL WM 11 SSRI or TCA, 7 UM, 1 other ↓ Glx in MDD vs. HC in ACC; −Δ NAA, tCr
Ende et al. (36) Adults 17 MDD-D, 24 HC B Hippo Pre-/post-ECT −Δ NAA with ECT; −Δ Lac with ECT
Renshaw et al. (82) Adults MDD-D, HC L CN, L Put Fluoxetine −Δ purines in MDD vs. HC; ↓ purines in female fluoxetine resp
Mirza et al. (76) 7–17 18 MDD, 18 HC B Thal MN −Δ tCr in MDD vs. HC
Grachev et al. (65) Adults 10 MDD + chronic back pain, 10 HC B DLPFC, B OFC, CC, Thal Various ↓ NAA in R DLPFC in MDD vs. HC; depression correlated with NAA in R DLPFC.
Michael et al. (74) Adults 28 MDD-D, 28 HC L Amg Pre-/post-ECT. ECT + AD in ECT non-resp ↑ NAA concentrations with ECT or ECT + AD; ↑ Glx in ECT resp; −Δ tCr
Pfleiderer et al. (39) Adults 17 MDD-D, 17 HC ACC Pre-/post-ECT −Δ tCr, NAA.
Vythilingam et al. (52) Adults 18 MDD, 20 HC B CN, B Put 12 SSRI, 1 TCA, 1 nefazodone ↓ NAA/tCr in MDD vs. HC in CN
Gruber et al. (53) Adults 17 MDD, 17 HC L PF WM UM >4 weeks ↓ NAA/tCr n MDD vs. HC; ↑ tCr in MDD vs. HC
Gabbay et al. (41) 12–19 14 MDD, 10 HC B CN, B Put, B Thal 4 MN, 2 UM > 1 year, 8 various ↑ tCr in L CN in MDD vs. HC
Chen et al. (137) Adults 27 MDD, 19 HC L F WM, L periventricular WM, L BG 18 UM, 9 AD ↓ NAA/tCr in L F WM
Kaymak et al. (70) Adults 17 women with first MDE, 13 HC L DLPFC UM then AD × 8 weeks −Δ NAA/tCr, mI/tCr in MDD vs. HC; ↑ mI/tCr with AD
Nery et al. (77) Adults 37 MDD, 40 HC L DLPFC UM −Δ between MDD and HC; ↓ tCr in male MDD vs. HC; ↑ tCr in female MDD vs. HC; ↓ NAA in those with longer illness.
Rosa et al. (47) Adults 36 PPD, 25 HC B ACC, L DLPFC UM ↓ NAA in PPD vs. HC; −Δ other metabolites; −Δ in ACC
Huang et al. (69) Adults 30 poststroke MDD, 20 HC B Hippo, B Thal UM, then paroxetine × 6 months ↓ NAA/tCr in MDD vs. HC in Hippo + Thal; ↑ NAA/tCr in L Hippo and B Thal with paroxetine
Portella et al. (61) Adults 10 first MDE, 16 remitted-recurrent-MDD, 19 chronic-MDD, 15 HC B VMPFC AD ↓ NAA in chronic MDD vs. HC vs. first-episode MDD; -Δ tCr
Wang et al. (138) Adults 24 first MDE, 13 HC L DLPFC, ACC MN ↓ NAA/tCr in B DLPFC WM in MDD vs. HC; ↓ Cho/tCr in L DLPFC WM in MDD vs. HC; −Δ in ACC
Wang et al. (67) Adults 26 first MDE, 13 HC B Hippo MN, then duloxetine × 12 weeks −Δ in MDD vs. HC at baseline; ↑ NAA/tCr in R Hippo with duloxetine
De Diego-Adelino et al. (62) Adults 52 MDD (20 treatment-resistant, 18 remitted, 14 first-episode), 16 HC B Hippo Various ↓ NAA in chronic MDD vs. HC in R Hippo
Tae et al. (63) Adults 21 women MDD, 26 HC PGACC 21 UM × 3 months, 11 MN, 21 AD at follow-up −Δ MDD vs. HC at baseline; ↓ NAA/tCr in MDD vs. HC at follow-up; baseline NAA/tCr inversely correlated with illness duration.
Zhong et al. (98) Adults 26 MDD, 20 BD-D, 13 HC PF WM, ACC, Hippo MN ↓ NAA/tCr in B PF WM in MDD vs. HC; −Δ NAA/Cr in ACC + Hippo
Jia et al. (139) Adults 26 first MDE, 13 HC PF WM, ACC, Hippo MN ↓ NAA/tCr in MDD vs. HC in L PF WM and R PF WM; -Δ in ACC or Hippo
Zheng et al. (75) Adults 32 MDD, 28 HC B ACC Escitalopram × 2 weeks, then rTMS (18) or sham (14) ↓ NAA in L ACC; NAA normalized in L ACC in rTMS resp
Li et al. (59) Adults 16 MDD, 10 HC Ins, ACC, CN, Put, Thal UM, then 8 weeks cognitive therapy ↓ NAA/tCr in L ACC in MDD vs. HC; ↑ NAA/tCR in L ACC in CBT resp
Li et al. (48) Adults 20 MDD, 14 BD-D, 20 HC MPFC, ACC, PCC, PC UM > 2 weeks ↓ tCr + ↓ NAA in PCC in MDD vs. HC; ↓ Glx in MPFC in MDD vs. HC
Yoon et al. (49) Adults 34 women MDD, 39 HC MPFC Escitalopram at baseline, then Cr or PBO × 8 weeks ↓ NAA in MDD vs. HC; ↓ NAA correlated with ↑ depression; ↑ NAA + ↑ tCr with Cr; −Δ tCr in MDD vs. HC

Cano et al. (73)

Adults 12 MDD, 10 HC B Hippo 12 AD, 8 AP, 2 Li, 6 BZD, then ECT −Δ in MDD vs. HC; ↓ NAA/tCr with ECT
Henigsberg et al. (64) Adults 48 MDD L DLPFC AD < 10 years ↓ NAA/tCr in recovery in recurrent depression
Lefebvre et al.(50) 14–22 18 MDD, 15 HC B Hippo 15 AD, 1 BZD, 1 AC, 2 AP, 1 stimulant ↓ NAA in L Hippo in in MDD vs. HC; NAA inversely correlated with Hippo volume
Njau et al. (51) Adults 43 MDD, 33 HC B Hippo, SGACC, D ACC UM, then ECT ↓ NAA in L Hippo in MDD vs. HC; ↑ tCr + ↓ NAA in dACC, ↑ tCr in sgACC; ↓ NAA in R Hippo with ECT

Please refer to the Abbreviation list on page 83 for more information if needed.

[NAA] or NAA/tCr ratios in the left DLPFC (60), bilateral VMPFC (61), right Hippo (62) and pregenual ACC (63) have been shown to be negatively associated with duration of illness and with illness recurrence (64). Similarly, lower [NAA] in the right DLPFC (65) and MPFC (49) are inversely correlated with MDD severity. The effect of treatment on NAA measurements appears mixed. In one study (66), there were no differences between controls and MDD subjects who were medication-free for at least three months, though the NAA/tCr ratio in the pregenual ACC fell in MDD subjects after they had been taking AD; the authors hypothesized that this was an effect of illness duration, with which NAA/tCr was correlated. In contrast, another study (67) found that there were no differences in NAA/tCr ratios in the bilateral Hippo between treatment-naive depressed subjects and controls, though these ratios increased significantly in the right Hippo after twelve weeks of treatment with duloxetine. Another, early study (68) found that depressed subjects had lower NAA/Cho ratios at baseline compared to HC, and that these levels increased after two to three months of treatment with the AD nefazodone. Similarly, NAA/tCr ratios were lower in the bilateral Hippo and bilateral Thal of depressed subjects compared to controls at baseline, and increased after six months of treatment with the AD paroxetine (69). In contrast, left DLPFC NAA/tCr ratios did not differ between unmedicated MDD subjects and controls, and did not change appreciably after eight weeks of AD treatment (70). Most recently, subjects treated with adjunctive creatine plus escitalopram exhibited increased [NAA] in the MPFC after eight weeks compared to those received placebo plus escitalopram (49).

Neurostimulation techniques such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) are often effective treatments for depression (71, 72), and appear to affect brain NAA measurements. Two studies (36, 39) found that ECT had no effect on Hippo [NAA], though another showed that NAA/tCr in the bilateral Hippo fell after ECT, with this change correlation with Hippo volume increases (73). Similarly, dorsal ACC and right Hippo [NAA] fell among subjects treated with ECT (51). In contrast, however, [NAA] in the left Amg increased with response to ECT + AD (74). Similarly, left ACC [NAA] was reduced in MDD subjects taking escitalopram for at least two weeks, though these levels normalized in rTMS responders (75). Psychotherapeutic interventions may affect NAA, as eight weeks of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy was associated with increases in left ACC NAA/tCr ratios (59).

Measures of tCr are less extensively reported in 1H-MRS studies of MDD, and results are mixed. Multiple studies have reported no difference in [tCr] in several brain regions (35, 3739, 44, 47, 61, 76). Still, [tCr] in inferior prefrontal WM was increased in MDD subjects compared to controls (53), and a similar finding was demonstrated in the left caudate nucleus (CN), though no differences were found in the ipsilateral Put or Thal (41). Studies have also shown reduced [tCr] in MDD in the L DLPFC (77), PCC (48), and Hippo (51). The last of those studies indicated that treatment with ECT was associated with increases in dorsal ACC and subgenual ACC [tCr]. Likewise, oral creatine supplementation in subjects with MDD significantly increases [tCr] (49).

31P-MRS studies in MDD (Table 8.2) provide an additional stream of information about bioenergetically relevant metabolites in MDD. Although some studies have been negative (78, 79), in general there is evidence that MDD is associated with reduced β-NTP. Moore et al. (80) first demonstrated that BG [β-NTP] was reduced in MDD. Later, it was shown that FC (frontal cortex) [β-NTP] was reduced in MDD (81). Renshaw et al. (82) found that although BG [β-NTP] and total purine levels did not differ between MDD and controls, [β-NTP] was 21% lower in fluoxetine responders than nonresponders. In female adolescents with MDD, baseline depression severity is negatively correlated with [β-NTP] (83).

Table 8.2 31P-MRS studies in MDD

Publication Age group Comparison VOI Treatment status Findings
Kato et al. (79) Adults 12 MDD (MDD-D + MDD-E), 10 BD (BD-D + BD-E), 12 HC 30 mm frontal axial slice 8 TCA, 1 Li −Δ MDD-D vs. MDD-E; −Δ MDD-D/MDD-E vs. HC
Moore et al. (140) Adults 35 MDD-D, 18 HC B BG UM ↓ β-NTP in MDD vs. HC
Volz et al. (81) Adults 14 MDD, 8 HC B FC UM > 7 days ↓ total ATP + ↓ B-ATP in MDD vs. HC; −Δ PCr or pH
Renshaw et al. (82) Adults 38 MDD, 22 HC B BG MN, then fluoxetine −Δ purines in MDD vs. HC. ↓ purines in female fluoxetine resp vs. non-resp; ↓ β-NTP in fluoxetine resp vs. non-resp
Pettegrew et al. (85) Adults >65 2 MDD, 6 HC PFC Acetyl-l-carnitine × 12 weeks ↑ PCr in MDD with carnitine correlated with improvement in depression
Iosifescu et al. (84) Adults 19 MDD, 9 HC 20 mm-thick axial slice SSRI at baseline, then T3 −Δβ-NTP, tNTP, PCr, pH; ↑ PCr at baseline predicted resp to T3; ↑ tNTP + ↓ PCr in T3 resp correlated with improvement in depression
Forester et al. (86) Age >55 13 MDD, 10 HC WB GM, WB WM UM then sertraline × 12 weeks ↓ β-NTP and tNTP in MDD vs. HC; ↓ tNTP with sertraline; ↓ tNTP in WM pre-treatment; ↑ pH in GM pre-treatment, normalized with treatment
Kondo et al. (83) 13–18 5 girls with MDD, 10 female HC 25 mm central axial slice Fluoxetine + creatine Baseline depression correlated with pH and negatively correlated with β-NTP; ↑ PCr with creatine
Harper et al. (141) 56–82 10 MDD, 8 HC WB GM, WB WM UM >1 week ↑ β-NTP in WM correlated with ↑ Stroop; ↑ PCr in GM correlated with ↑ Stroop
Harper et al. (88) Adults 50 MDD, 30 HC WB GM, WB WM UM ↑ PCr + ↓ Pi in GM + ↓ PCr in WM in MDD vs. HC; depression negatively correlated with Pi in WM but positively correlated with PCr in GM

Please refer to the Abbreviation list on page 83 for more information if needed.

PCr levels have most often been reported to be unchanged in persons with depression, but there are consistent reports that such levels increase with AD treatment. In several studies, [PCr] did not differ in the FC of depressed subjects and controls (81, 84). Still, treatment with acetyl-L-carnitine for twelve weeks was associated with an AD response and [PCr] in the PFC increased in tandem with improvements in depression severity (85). Likewise, Kondo et al. (83) found that adolescent females treated with fluoxetine and adjunctive creatine exhibited increases in [PCr].

A significant barrier to interpreting MRS studies of bioenergetic markers (as well as other metabolites) is differences in GM and WM composition of VOIs. Forester et al. (86) examined thirteen patients with MDD and ten controls and looked at whole-brain metabolites segmented into GM and WM. They found that total tissue (GM+WM) [β-NTP] and the concentration of total NTP ([tNTP]) were lower in depressed subjects and that [tNTP] decreased after twelve weeks of treatment with sertraline. When the authors looked at the two different tissue types, they found that [tNTP] was reduced in WM but not in GM before treatment. In a study of ten older subjects with MDD, with the whole brain segmented into GM and WM, increased WM [β-NTP] was positively associated with the Stroop score, a measure of executive function, while increased GM [PCr] showed the same association (87). The same group later looked at GM versus WM metabolites in a larger study encompassing fifty subjects with MDD. They found that [PCr] was significantly elevated in GM but reduced in WM, and that depression ratings were correlated with GM [PCr], though not with WM [PCr] (88). One way of interpreting these seemingly inconsistent data, which suggest both that AD response is associated with increasing [PCr] and that higher [PCr] and [tCr] are associated with depression, is that increased GM [PCr] is associated with depression but is also a marker of AD response-readiness, such that persons with depression are less able to respond to ADs if they have lower [PCr]. Indeed, this was the interpretation offered by Iosifescu et al. (84), who found that subjects with MDD who responded to triiodothyronine (T3) supplementation exhibited increased [tNTP] but reduced [PCr], while elevated baseline [PCr] predicted response to T3.

There is little data regarding alterations in pH in MDD. In one study, pH was increased in whole-brain GM in unmedicated subjects with MDD, and normalized with treatment with sertraline (86); in another study, pH was increased in MDD in female adolescents in a fashion correlated with depression severity (83). Volz et al. (81) found, however, that pH did not differ significantly between subjects with depression and controls. Reports of alterations in Pi are also limited; in their study of GM versus WM segmentation, Harper et al. (88) found that Pi levels were reduced in the GM of depressed subjects but showed a trend toward being increased in the WM of depressed subjects, correlated with depression severity.

8.4 Bipolar Disorder

Spectroscopic investigations of BD are perhaps more extensive than those of MDD, to date, but interpretation of these studies is rendered more difficult than in MDD because of greater differences in medication exposure as well as the larger number of mood states investigated, including mania (BD-M), hypomania (BD-HM), euthymia (BD-E), depression (BD-D), and mixed (BD-Mx). In general, however, spectroscopic findings are similar across mood states, with exceptions noted later.

1H-MRS studies in BD (Table 8.3) evince significant perturbations in multiple bioenergetic markers. Most studies in BD have suggested that [NAA] and NAA/tCr are reduced in brain regions implicated in BD, including in the DLPFC (8992), MPFC (90, 93, 94), Hippo (95, 96), BG (97), PF WM (98), ACC (99), and PCC (48). Even so, some studies have found increased NAA in BD, including in the BG (100), ACC and VLPFC (17), and Thal (101). A few studies have also not demonstrated differences in [NAA] or NAA/tCr, including in the BG (102), frontal lobes (FL) (103), ACC (104106), and left DLPFC (107109). Given the number of factors that distinguish these studies, it is difficult to determine whether these differences might be explained by differences in mood state, medication exposure, or other variables, though it should be noted that reduced [NAA] or NAA/tCr has been seen in several brain regions in BD-D, BD-E, and BD-M, as well as in medicated and unmedicated subjects. Still, brain lithium levels have been positively correlated with brain [NAA], suggesting that lithium exposure may be an important confound (110).

Table 8.3 1HMRS studies in BD

Publication Age group Comparison VOI Treatment status Findings
Sharma et al. (100) Adults 4 BD-M, 1 MDD with psychosis, 9 HC B BG, OCC Li −Δ in OCC in BD vs. HC; ↑ NAA/tCr in BG in BD vs. HC
Ohara et al. (102) Adults 10 BD, 10 HC B BG 7 Li −Δ NAA/tCr + NAA/Cho in BD vs. HC
Hamakawa et al. (142) Adults 23 BD-E, 8 BD-D, 20 HC B FL 13 Li, 7 AD, 3 UM ↓ tCr in L FL in BD-D vs. BD-E; ↑ tCr in R FL in male BD vs. female BD
Moore et al. (143) Adults 9 BD, 14 HC B ACC 5 Li, 4 AC, 3 SSRI, 2 TCA, 4 UM ↑ tCr in R ACC in subjects with AD vs. without AD
Winsberg et al. (92) Adults 10 BDI, 10 BDII (euthymic), 20 HC B DLPFC UM >2 weeks ↓ NAA/tCr in BDI vs. HC in B DLPFC; ↓ NAA/tCr in BDII vs. HC in R DLPFC
Davanzo et al. (104) Average 11+3 9 BD-M, 2 BD-HM, 11 HC ACC 5 AP, 4 stimulant, 1 AC, 2 UM, then all Li -Δ NAA/tCr in BD vs. HC at baseline
Deicken et al. (101) Adults 15 BD-E, 15 HC B Thal Various ↑ NAA in BD vs. HC; ↑ NAA in L Thal vs. R Thal in BD; ↑ tCr in BD vs. HC
Cecil et al. (93) 16–35 17 BD-M, 21 HC MFC GM Various ↓ NAA in BD-M vs. HC
Bertolino et al. (95) Adults 7 BD-D, 6 BD-E, 3 BD-HM, 1 BD-M, 17 HC B Hippo, DLPFC, superior temporal gyrus, inferior frontal gyrus, OC, ACC, PCC, centrum semiovale, PF WM, Thal, Put 6 UM, 6 Li, 1 AP ↓ NAA/tCr in Hippo in BD vs. HC; −Δ NAA/Cho
Cecil et al. (112) 8–12 7 BD, 2 MDD, 10 HC FC, F WM, cerebellar vermis 8 UM, 1 AD + AP ↓ NAA + tCr in BD vs. HC in cerebellar vermis
Deicken et al. (96) Adults 15 BD-E, 20 HC B Hippo 7 AC, 4 Li, 3 AP, 4 AD, 1 UM ↓ tCr + NAA in BD-E
Dager et al. (114) Adults 32 BD, 26 HC M F WM, ACC, Put, CN, Ins, Thal, parietal WM, OCC UM −Δ tCr in GM or WM in BD vs. HC; tCr inversely correlated with depression severity
Brambilla et al. (107) Adults 10 BD, 32 HC L DLPFC 6 Li, 4 UM −Δ NAA + tCr; ↑ NAA/tCr with Li vs. UM BD vs. HC
DelBello et al. (108) Adol 20 BD-M, 10 HC B VPFC UM, then olanzapine −Δ NAA in BD overall; ↑ VPFC NAA in olanzapine remitters vs. non-remitters
Sassi et al. (89) Adol 14 BD, 18 HC L DLPFC 8 Li, 4 AC, 2 UM ↓ NAA in BD vs. HC
Frye et al. (115) Adults 23 BD-D, 12 HC ACC, MCC, MPFC 5 Li at baseline, 18 UM, then lamotrigine × 12 weeks ↑ tCr in BD vs. HC at baseline; tCr normalized w lamotrigine
Kim et al. (131) Adults 42 BD with rapid cycling M F GM UM × 3 days, then quetiapine × 12 weeks ↓ Lac during follow-up, esp. in quetiapine resp; change in Lac correlated with change in mania rating
Olvera et al. (91) Average 13 23 BDI, 12 BDII, 36 HC L DLPFC 10 MN, 20 AC, 4 other ↓ NAA in BD vs. HC. −Δ tCr in BD vs. HC; −Δ BDI vs. BDII; NAA inversely correlated with mania severity
Forester et al. (110) 56–85 9 BD ACC Li + various Li levels positively correlated with NAA
Patel et al. (144) Adol 28 BD-D, 10 HC ACC, B VLPFC UM ↑ NAA in BD-D in ACC + B VLPFC; ↑ tCr in B VLPFC
Port et al. (97) Adults 21 BD, 21 HC CN, lentiform nucleus, Thal, ACC, DLPFC WM, PC WM, OCC UM ↓ NAA in B CN + left lentiform nucleus; ↓ tCr in R CN in BD
Ongur et al. (113) Adults 15 BD-M, 22 HC, ACC, POC 9 Li, 10 AC, 15 AP, 7 BZD −Δ tCr BD-M vs. HC
Caetano et al. (90) Average 13.2+2.9 43 BD, 38 HC MPFC, DLPFC, ACC, PCC, OCC Various ↓ NAA in MPFC in BD vs. HC. ↓ tCr R MPFC in BD vs. HC. ↓ NAA + ↓ tCr L DLPFC WM in BD vs. HC
Brady et al. (145) Adults 15 BD-M, 6 HC ACC, POC Various ↓ Lac/tCr in BD-E vs. HC; −Δ Lac/tCr BD-M vs. HC; NAA/tCr −Δ
Ozdel et al. (94) Adults 15 BD-E, 15 HC B MPFC 6 AC + AP, 5 Li + AP, 2 Li, 1 AC + Li, 1 AC ↓ NAA + tCr in BD vs. HC; -Δ NAA/tCr
Xu et al. (133) Adults 12 BD-M/BD-HM, 12 BD-D, 20 HC ACC, PCC, Thal UM ↑ Lac/tCr in Thal in BD-D vs. HC
Zhong et al et al. (98) Adults 26 MDD, 20 BD-D, 13 HC PF WM, ACC, Hippo MN ↓ L PF WM NAA/Cr in BD vs. HC
Croarkin et al. (99) Adults 15 BD-D, 9 HC ACC UM, then lamotrigine × 12 weeks ↓ NAA BD vs. HC. NAA normalized with lamotrigine. ↓ NAA/Glx in BD vs. HC
Li et al. (48) Adults 20 MDD, 14 BD-D, 20 HC mPFC, ACC, PCC, PC UM >2 weeks ↓ tCr + NAA in PCC
Soeiro-de-Souza et al. (134) Adults 50 BD-E, 38 HC DACC 23 AC, 29 Li, 23 AP ↑ Lac BD vs. HC
Machado-Vieira et al. (135) Adults 20 BD-D, 16 HC DCC UM >6 weeks, then Li × 6 weeks ↑ Lac BD pre-Li, ↓ with Li, correlated with serum lithium levels

Please refer to the Abbreviation list on page 83 for more information if needed.

BD has also been associated with changes in tCr. Overall, studies appear to suggest that [tCr] is reduced in several brain regions in BD, including in the FL (111), cerebellar vermis (112), Hippo (96), CN (97), MPFC (90, 94), DLPFC WM (90), and PCC (48). Several studies have failed to find alterations in [tCr] in BD, including in the L DLPFC (91, 107, 109) and ACC (105, 113). Dager et al. (114) found that there were no significant differences in [tCr] between unmedicated BD subjects and controls in a variety of GM and WM regions including the MFC, ACC, Put, CN, Ins, Thal, parietal cortex, and OCC. They did, however, show that depression severity in BD was inversely correlated with [tCr]. A few studies have suggested that [tCr] is increased in BD, including in the Thal (114), ACC and MPFC (115), and VLPFC (17). These discrepant findings are not clearly explained by differences in treatment status, mood state, or other factors, suggesting that more research is needed.

PCr constitutes the majority of the tCr signal, so alterations in [tCr] in BD would be expected to coincide with alterations in [PCr]. To date, however, few 31P-MRS studies (Table 8.4) indicate that this is true. In BD-E subjects, Kato et al. (79) found that, in a central 30 mm axial slice, [PCr] trended toward being reduced. In a later study, the same group demonstrated lower [PCr] in subjects with BDII compared to controls, though no difference in [PCr] in subjects with BDI compared to controls (116). They also found that L VLPFC [PCr] was significantly reduced in BD-E subjects compared to controls (117). Dudley et al.(118) also showed that [PCr] was reduced in the whole brain as well as right hemisphere GM in BD irrespective of mood state. Multiple other studies, however, indicate that there are no significant differences between BD subjects’ [PCr] and those of healthy controls (119126). Interpretation of these studies tends, however, to be limited by the fact that they included subjects in different mood states. Several intriguing studies have demonstrated dynamic abnormalities in PCr synthesis in BD. Murashita et al. (123) found that in nineteen subjects with BD, all of whom were treated with lithium, [PCr] fell after photic stimulation (a method of increasing metabolic activity in the visual cortex) in subjects who did not respond to lithium, but remained stable in lithium-responsive subjects and controls. This suggested that subjects with BD have a deficit in PCr production after metabolic stress that is improved by lithium. In a similar study, however, Yuksel et al. (125) compared twenty-three subjects with BD taking various medications to matched controls; they found that [PCr] fell in response to photic stimulation in controls, but not in BD subjects, though PCr/ATP ratios were reduced in BD, and [ATP] fell in BD in response to photic stimulation. Both studies, therefore, suggest some inefficiency in the creatine kinase reaction in BD. Shi et al. (124) used magnetization transfer to estimate the rate constant for the creatine kinase reaction in BD, however, and found that it did not differ significantly between BD-E, BD-D, and controls. In contrast to this, however, Du et al. (121) studied twenty subjects with a first episode of BD-D or BD-M with psychotic features; they found that although PCr/ATP did not significantly differ between BD subjects and controls, there was a 13% reduction in the rate constant for the creatine kinase reaction. The difference between these two studies may be due to the absence of psychosis among the subjects studied by Shi et al., or to the difference in mood states, as many of the subjects studied by Du and colleagues were manic (as well as psychotic).

Table 8.4 31P-MRS studies in BD

Publication Age group Comparison VOI Treatment status Findings
Kato et al. (79) Adults 12 MDD (MDD-D + MDD-E), 10 BD (BD-D + BD-E), 12 HC 30 mm frontal axial slice 11 BD-D Li, 3 BD-D Li ↑ pH BD-E vs. BD-D
Kato et al. (127) Adults 17 BD (BD-M + BD-E) 30 mm frontal axial slice Li +/- AP pH ↑ BD-M vs. BD-E; ph ↓ BD-E vs. HC; −Δ pH BD-M vs. HC.
Kato et al. (128) Adults 31 BDI, 9 BDII, 60 HC 30 mm frontal axial slice Li ↓ pH BD vs. HC
Kato et al. (116) Adults 15 BDII, 14 BDI, 29 HC 30 mm frontal axial slice Various ↓ pH in BDI vs. HC; −Δ PCr in BDI vs. HC; ↓ PCr in BDII vs. HC; −Δ PCr in BDII depressed vs. euthymic
Deicken et al. (146) Adults 12 BD-E, 14 HC B TL UM PME ↓ BDE vs. HC; otherwise −Δ
Murashita et al. (123) Adults 19 BD, 25 HC OCC Li, then PS −Δ PCr with PS in Li resp; in Li non-resp; ↓ PCr with PS
Hamakawa et al. (129) Adults 13 BD-E, 10 HC B BG 8 Li, 6 AC, 2 AD, 10 AP pH ↓ BD-E vs. HC; otherwise −Δ
Jensen et al. (122) Adults 11 BD-D, 9 HC 30 mm axial slice Various, then triacetyluridine × 6 weeks −Δ BD vs. HC; ↑ pH triacetyluridine resp vs. non-resp
Brennan et al. (119) Adults 20 BD-D WB Various, then acetyl-L-carnitine or PBO −Δ pH or other metabolite related to time or treatment arm
Sikoglu et al. (126) 11–20 8 BD, 8 HC FL 6 Li pH −Δ BD vs. HC; ↑ pH with age in BD; ↓ Pi in BD vs. HC; −Δ PCr
Weber et al. (117) 11–21 19 BD-M, 14 BD-E, 20 HC B ACC, L VLPFC UM >2 weeks ↓ pH + ADP in ACC in BD-M vs. HC; ↓ ADP in L VLPFC in BD-E vs. H; ↓ PCr in L VLPFC in BD-E vs. HC.
Shi et al. (124) Adults 14 BD-E, 11 BD-D, 23 HC FL, CorCa, Thal, OL 5 UM, 4 Li, 11 AD, 2 AP, 8 AC Rate constant for CK reaction −Δ; β-NTP/TP correlated with rate constant for CK reaction.
Yuksel et al. (125) Adults 21 BD-E, 2 BD-D, 22 HC OCC Various, then PS −Δ PCr, ATP, or pH; ↓ ATP in BD with PS but not HC; ↓ PCr in HC but not BD with PS
Dudley et al. (118) 12–21 16 BD-M, 8 BD-E, 19 HC WB GM vs. WM UM ↓ PCr in WB and right hemisphere GM in BD; ↓ ATP in WB and right hemisphere WM in BD
Du et al. (121) Adults 20 BD + psychosis, 28 HC FL Various PCr/ATP −Δ BD vs. HC; rate constant for CK reaction ↓ 13% in BD vs. HC

Please refer to the Abbreviation list on page 83 for more information if needed.

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