CLINICAL CASE | Central Tegmental Tract Lesion and Unilateral Taste Loss
A 25-year-old woman suddenly complained of diplopia (double vision) and impaired sense of taste. On examination, taste was probed carefully by applying solutions of different qualities (salty, sweet, acidic, and bitter) to the tongue. The results indicated a loss of all tested qualities of taste on the right side of the tongue. A taste researcher in the Otolaryngology Department was contacted, and the patient was subsequently examined using an electronic device to examine taste thresholds. This confirmed loss of taste on the right half of the tongue and soft palate.
A T1-weighted MRI with gadolinium enhancement (Figure 9–1A) revealed a focal lesion in pontine tegmentum. Figure 9–1B is a closely corresponding myelin-stained section. An MRI from a healthy person (Figure 9–1C) shows the location of the pons in parts A and B, in relation to the brain in the skull. Note that the dorsal brain surface is down in all of these images. The lesion in A corresponds to the region of the central tegmental tract. The lesion also includes parts of the superior cerebellar peduncle, which transmits mostly the output of part of the cerebellum for movement control, and the medial longitudinal fasciculus, which contains axons that coordinate eye movements. Here we will only consider the loss of taste and the central tegmental tract lesion. The ocular control impairments will be considered in another case in Chapter 12. On the basis of the MRI and additional tests, the patient was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, a demyelinating disease.
Answer the following questions.
1. Why is unilateral taste loss more likely a result of a peripheral than central lesion?
2. Why is loss of taste ipsilateral to the lesion?
3. What key pontine gustatory structure is likely to be damaged in the patient?
Key neurological signs and corresponding damaged brain structures Peripheral versus centralFirst consider that the three nerves that supply taste buds each have a limited distribution on the tongue (see Figure 9–4). Damage to a single nerve likely would result in partial taste loss, such as only on the anterior two thirds of the tongue with damage to a branch of the facial nerve. Thus, a peripheral lesion is unlikely. Next consider that central sensory systems receive convergent input from their various peripheral components, so that a system on each side will represent completely the peripheral receptive sheet from which it receives information (eg, the homunculus, Figure 4–9; indicates a complete contralateral body representation for mechanosensations). The three nerves supplying taste buds converge upon the rostral solitary nucleus.
Ipsilateral taste lossThe gustatory pathway, unlike the other sensory pathways, is ipsilateral. Thus, the loss of taste likely involves lesion somewhere along this central path.
Critical structuresThe projection from the solitary nucleus ascends in the central tegmental tract, and terminates in the parvocellular division of the ipsilateral ventral posterior medial nucleus of the thalamus. The pontine lesion is also likely to damage the parabrachial nucleus, which could contribute to the impairment. However, we learned in Chapter 6 that the parabrachial nucleus is more important for visceral sensations. Further, other studies in the human reveal taste loss with small vascular lesions that are more selective to the central tegmental tract, demonstrating, at least, the importance of the tract.
ReferencesShikama Y, Kato T, Nagaoka U, et al. Localization of the gustatory pathway in the human midbrain. Neurosci Lett. 1996;218(3):198-200.
Uesaka Y, Nose H, Ida M. The pathway of gustatory fibers in the human ascends ipsilaterally. Neurology. 1998;50:827.
Lesion of the gustatory pathway. A. MRI of patient with multiple sclerosis showing a region of demyelination (or plaque) in the pontine tegmentum. The arrow points to the plaque. B. Myelin-stained section through the rostral pons, close to the levels of the MRIs in A and C. C. MRI from a healthy person showing the location of the regions in A and B. (A, Reproduced with permission from Uesaka Y, Nose H, Ida M. The pathway of gustatory fibers in the human ascends ipsilaterally. Neurology. 1998;50:827. B, Courtesy of Dr. Joy Hirsch, Columbia University.)

Two distinct neural systems are used to sense the molecular environment of the world around us: the gustatory system, which mediates taste, and the olfactory system, which serves smell. These systems are among the phylogenetically oldest neural systems of the brain. Compared with those of the other sensory systems, the neural systems for processing chemical stimuli are remarkably different. For example, both taste and smell have ipsilateral ascending projections, whereas those of the other sensory systems are either contralateral or bilateral. Moreover, the primary cortical areas for taste and smell are within limbic system regions, where emotions and their associated behaviors are formed. Information from the other sensory modalities reaches the limbic system only after additional processing stages. Smells and tastes have a particular knack for evocative recall of our dearest memories. Recall Marcel Proust’s vivid description of how a spoonful of tea-soaked madeleine brought back childhood memories.
The gustatory and olfactory systems work jointly in perceiving chemicals in the oral and nasal cavities, a more essential collaboration than that which occurs between the other sensory modalities. For example, even though the gustatory system is concerned with the primary taste sensations—such as sweet or sour—the perception of richer and more complex flavors such as those present in wine or chocolate is dependent on a properly functioning sense of smell. Chewing and swallowing cause chemicals to be released from food that waft into the nasal cavity from the orapharynx, where they stimulate the olfactory system. Damage to the olfactory system, as a result of head trauma—or even the common cold, which temporarily impairs conduction of airborne molecules in the nasal passages—can dull the perception of flavor even though basic taste sensations are preserved. Although taste and smell work together and share similarities in their neural substrates, the anatomical organization of these systems is sufficiently different to be considered separately.
There are classically four taste qualities—sweet, sour, bitter, and salty—and there are corresponding taste receptor cells for each of these modalities. A fifth quality has been proposed, termed savory, which is best associated with a meaty broth because a fifth class of taste receptor cell has been identified, umami (Japanese, flavor). Whereas we may think our gustatory system’s primary function is to identify foods, this is more a role of sights and smells. Rather, the system is exquisitely organized to identify nutrients or harmful agents in what we ingest, in relation to particular physiological processes: sweet and savory are key to maintaining proper energy stores, salty for electrolyte balance, bitter and sour for maintaining pH, and bitter also for avoiding toxins.
Taste is mediated by three cranial nerves, through their innervation of oral structures: facial (VII), glossopharyngeal (IX), and vagus (X). As discussed in Chapter 6, the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves also provide much of the afferent innervation of the gut, cardiovascular system, and lungs. This visceral afferent innervation provides the central nervous system with information about the internal state of the body.
Taste receptor cells are clustered in the taste buds, located on the tongue and at various intraoral sites. Chemicals from food, termed tastants, either bind to surface membrane receptors or pass directly through membrane channels, depending on the particular chemical, to activate taste cells. Taste cells are innervated by the distal branches of the primary afferent fibers in the facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves (Figure 9–2). These afferent fibers have a pseudounipolar morphology, similar to that of the dorsal root ganglion neurons. In contrast to the nerves of the skin and mucous membranes, where generally the terminal portion of the afferent fiber is sensitive to stimulus energy, taste receptor cells are separate from the primary afferent fibers. For taste, the role of the primary afferent fiber is to receive information from particular classes of taste receptor cells and to transmit this sensory information to the central nervous system, encoded as action potentials. For touch, the role of the primary afferent fiber is both to transduce stimulus energy into action potentials and to transmit this information to the central nervous system.
General organization of the gustatory system. A. Ascending gustatory pathway. B. Approximate location of the gustatory cortex in the insular cortex. The frontal operculum has been removed to show the insular cortex. C. MRI showing insular cortex and approximate region of the gustatory cortex in the insular cortex.

The central branches of the afferent fibers, after entering the brain stem, collect into the solitary tract (Figure 9–2) of the dorsal medulla and terminate in the rostral portion of the solitary nucleus (Figure 9–2, lower inset). Recall that the caudal solitary nucleus is a viscerosensory nucleus, critically involved in regulating body functions and transmitting information to the cortex for perception of visceral information as well as the emotional and behavioral aspects of visceral sensations.
The axons of second-order neurons in the rostral solitary nucleus ascend ipsilaterally in the brain stem, in the central tegmental tract, and terminate in the parvocellular division of the ventral posterior medial nucleus (Figure 9–2). From the thalamus, third-order neurons project to the insular cortex and the nearby operculum, where the primary gustatory cortical areas are located (Figure 9–2). This pathway is thought to mediate the discriminative aspects of taste, which enable us to distinguish one quality from another. The insular cortex projects to several brain structures for further processing of taste stimuli. Projections to the orbitofrontal cortex (see Figure 9–11), as well as the insular and cingulate cortical areas, are thought to be integrated with olfactory information, for the awareness of flavors. In addition, these cortical areas may be important for the behavioral and affective significance of tastes, such as the pleasure experienced with a fine meal or the dissatisfaction after one poorly prepared. A component of the processing of painful stimuli also involves the limbic system cortex, and pain in humans is not without emotional significance.
Although taste and visceral afferent information (see Chapter 6) are distinct modalities and have separate central pathways, the two modalities interact. In fact, linking information about the taste of a food and its effect on body functions upon ingestion is key to an individual’s survival. One of the most robust forms of learning, called conditioned taste aversion, associates the taste of spoiled food with the nausea that it causes when eaten. Another name for this learning is bait shyness, referring to a method used by ranchers to discourage predators from attacking their livestock. In this technique, ranchers contaminate livestock meat with an emetic, such as lithium chloride, which causes nausea and vomiting after ingestion. After eating the bait, the predator develops an aversion for the contaminated meat and will not attack the livestock. People can experience a phenomenon related to conditioned taste aversion, in which they develop an intense aversion to food they ate before becoming nauseated and vomiting, even if the food was not spoiled and the illness resulted from a viral infection. Experimental studies in rats have shown that such interactions between the gustatory and viscerosensory systems, leading to conditioned taste aversion, may occur in the insular cortex.
Branches of the Facial, Glossopharyngeal, and Vagus Nerves Innervate Different Parts of the Oral Cavity
Taste receptor cells are epithelial cells that transduce soluble chemical stimuli within the oral cavity into neural signals. They are present in complex microscopic sensory organs, called taste buds (Figure 9–3A). Taste receptor cells are short lived; they are regenerated approximately every 10 days. Taste receptor cells are responsive to a single taste quality. In addition to the taste receptor cells, taste buds contain two additional types of cells: basal cells, which are thought to be stem cells that differentiate to become receptor cells, and supporting cells, which provide structural and possibly trophic support (Figure 9–3A). Taste receptor cells have a synaptic contact with the distal processes of primary afferent fibers. A single afferent fiber terminal branches many times, both within a single taste bud and between different taste buds, so that it forms synapses with many taste cells. However, each sensory fiber will contact taste receptor cells that are responsive to a single taste modality.
Taste receptors (A) and tongue (B). Taste buds (A) consist of taste receptor cells, supporting cells, and basal cells. The colors show particular afferent nerve fibers innervating corresponding taste receptor cells. The three types of papillae—circumvallate, foliate, and fungiform—are shown in B. Taste buds in papillae are shown in light purple.

Taste buds are present on the tongue, soft palate, epiglottis, pharynx, and larynx. Taste buds on the tongue are clustered on papillae (Figure 9–3B), whereas those at the other sites are located in pseudostratified columnar epithelium or stratified squamous epithelium rather than distinct papillae. Taste receptor cells that are located on the anterior two thirds of the tongue are innervated by the chorda tympani nerve, a branch of the facial (VII) nerve. (The facial nerve consists of two separate roots [Figure 9–4], a motor root commonly known as the facial nerve and a combined sensory and autonomic root called the intermediate nerve.)
Oropharynx and brain stem. Gustatory innervation of the oral cavity by the facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves. In the periphery the chorda tympani nerve (a branch of cranial nerve VII) supplies taste buds on the anterior two thirds of the tongue, the lingual branches of the glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve supply taste buds on the posterior third, and the superior laryngeal (X) nerve supplies taste buds on the epiglottis. The greater petrosal nerve (another branch of cranial nerve VII) supplies taste buds on the palate. The olfactory epithelium in the nasal cavity is also shown. Volatile molecules from the oral cavity waft into the nasal cavity during chewing to activate olfactory receptors by retronasal olfaction (arrow).

Taste buds on the posterior third of the tongue, which are located primarily in the circumvallate and foliate papillae (Figure 9–3B), are innervated by the glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve (Figure 9–4). Taste buds on the palate are innervated by a branch of the intermediate nerve. Taste buds on the epiglottis and larynx are innervated by the vagus (X) nerve, whereas those on the pharynx are innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve. The familiar taste map of the tongue—showing that sweet and salty are sensed in the front of the tongue, sour laterally, and bitter at the back of the tongue—is wrong. Taste buds in all regions are sensitive to the five basic taste attributes.
The cell bodies of the afferent fibers innervating taste cells are located in peripheral sensory ganglia. The cell bodies of afferent fibers in the intermediate branch of the facial nerve are found in the geniculate ganglion. Those of the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves are located in their respective inferior ganglia. As discussed in Chapter 6, the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves also contain afferent fibers that innervate cranial skin and mucous membranes; the cell bodies of these afferent fibers are found in the superior ganglia. The afferent fibers of the intermediate branch of the facial nerve enter the brain stem at the pontomedullary junction, immediately lateral to the root that contains somatic motor axons (Figure 9–4). The taste fibers of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves enter the brain stem in the rostral medulla.
Gustatory fibers innervating the taste buds enter the brain stem and collect in the solitary tract, located in the dorsal medulla. The axons of the facial nerve enter the tract rostral to those of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. After entering, however, the fibers send branches that ascend and descend within the tract, similar to the terminals of afferent fibers in Lissauer’s tract of the spinal cord. The axon terminals leave the tract and synapse on neurons in the surrounding rostral solitary nucleus where second-order neurons (Figures 9–2, 9–5A, and 9–6B) project their axons into the ipsilateral central tegmental tract (Figures 9–5A and 9–6A) and ascend to the thalamus. The trigeminal and medial lemnisci, which carry the ascending somatic sensory projection from the main trigeminal and dorsal column nuclei, are ventral to the central tegmental tract (Figure 9–6A). Recall that the caudal solitary nucleus is important for visceral sensory function. It has a projection to the parabrachial nucleus, a pontine nucleus that is critical for relaying interoceptive information to the hypothalamus and amygdala for controlling various bodily functions, such as autonomic nervous system regulation. Brain stem centers that respond to tastants can be imaged using fMRI. The active region is the rostral pons, where the rostral solitary nucleus is located.
Brain stem and thalamic components of the gustatory system. A. Dorsal view of the brain stem, illustrating the rostral solitary nucleus receiving input from the taste buds (unilaterally) and the ascending projection of the rostral, or gustatory division, of the nucleus to the ipsilateral ventral posterior medial nucleus (parvocellular division). This path travels within the central tegmental tract. The caudal solitary nucleus is shown by the hatched lines. B. Coronal MRI, slicing the brain stem along its long axis, showing the approximate locations of the rostral solitary nuclei (blue).

Myelin-stained transverse sections through the rostral pons (A) and medulla (B), with corresponding MRIs shown to the right. Note, the dorsal surfaces of both the sections and the MRIs are up. The locations of the structures indicated can only be approximated to the circled areas on the MRIs. Note that dorsal is up and ventral is down in the sections and images in this figure. The inset shows the planes of section.

The Parvocellular Portion of the Ventral Posterior Medial Nucleus Relays Gustatory Information to the Insular Cortex and Operculum
Similar to somatic sensations, vision, and hearing, a thalamic relay nucleus receives taste information and projects this information to a circumscribed area of the cerebral cortex. The ascending projection from the rostral solitary nucleus terminates in the parvocellular division of the ventral posterior medial nucleus. This nucleus has a characteristic pale appearance on myelin-stained sections (Figure 9–7A). The axons of thalamocortical projection neurons in the thalamic gustatory nucleus project into the posterior limb of the internal capsule (Figure 9–7A, B) and ascend to the insular cortex and the nearby operculum (Figure 9–8B, C). These are the locations of the primary gustatory cortex. A PET scan of the human brain when sucrose is used as a tastant (Figure 9–8D) reveals activation in the insular and opercular regions. Different nuclei in the ventromedial thalamus receive different inputs and project to different cortical areas. Viscerosensory inputs are processed in adjacent but slightly separated thalamic regions and project to adjoining areas of the insular cortex. Touch and pain also engage different thalamic nuclei and nearby cortical areas in the postcentral gyrus and parietal operculum.
A. Myelin-stained coronal section through the thalamic taste nucleus, the parvocellular portion of the ventral posterior medial nucleus. The medial dorsal nucleus is also shown on this section; a portion of this nucleus may play a role in olfactory perception. B. MRI at a level close to that of the myelin-stained section in A. The inset shows the plane of section.

Cortical taste areas (A) and structural and functional MRIs (B, C). Cortical gustatory areax. A. Lateral view of human cerebral hemisphere; the blue-tinted field on the insular cortex corresponds approximately to insular gustatory area. In addition, there is a region of the frontal operculum, shown on the MRI in B, that represents taste. The primary somatic sensory cortex is also highlighted. B. MRI through the frontal operculum. C. H215 O positron emission tomography scan shows bilateral areas of cortical activation in response to tasting a 5% sucrose solution. The color scale indicates that intensity of activation, measured as cerebral blood flow, which correlates with neural activity. White indicates maximal blood flow (or high neural activity), whereas blue indicates low blood flow (or activity). Note that two distinct taste areas are distinguished in the subject’s right cortex (left side of image). The single zone on the other side is probably due to blurring of the PET signal. The planes of section are shown in A. (C, Courtesy of Dr. Stephen Trey, McGill University; Frey S, Petrides M. Re-examination of the human taste region: a positron emission tomography study. Eur J Neurosci. 1999;11:2985-2988.)

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