Fig. 21.1
Nonoperative Chiari 1 case (a). Sagittal T2W MRI image shows a Chiari 1 malformation. CSF flow artifact is evident dorsally to the spinal cord. Note that the spinal cord appears normal without a syrinx. (b) Phase-contrast sagittal MRI image shows CSF flow both ventrally and dorsally to the spinal cord. Note the flow signal on the superior sagittal sinus, the internal cerebral veins, and the vein of Galen
An Operative Case
A 16-year-old girl with a noncontributory medical history presented with a 10-month history of unremitting headaches, which interfered with her ability to attend school. She describes them as constant throughout the day; sleep was the only time she had relief. They are located at the left temporal and occipital area; they are moderate to severe in intensity and tension type in character. She denies any numbness/tingling, snoring, and swallowing difficulties. Her neurological examination is normal. A pediatric neurologist recommended a brain MRI for the workup of the headaches. The MRI (Fig. 21.2) showed that the cerebellar tonsils extend below the foramen magnum by approximately 9 mm. There was narrowing of the subarachnoid space at the craniovertebral junction. On phase-contrast flow studies, there is minimal flow in the dorsal subarachnoid space at the craniovertebral junction.

Fig. 21.2
Sagittal T2W (upper row) and phase-contrast (lower row) MRI images of a Chiari 1 patient preoperatively (a) and post-suboccipital decompression without duraplasty. There is significant reconstitution of the subarachnoid space dorsally to the tonsils (yellow arrow) and reconstitution of the CSF flow in the same region (white arrow)
A dural sparing suboccipital decompression was performed with an uncomplicated postoperative course. At the 3-month follow-up visit, the headaches had almost completely resolved, and the patient was excited with the result. A post-op MRI (Fig. 21.2) was obtained at that time that showed resolution of the tonsillar compression with reconstitution of the subarachnoid space at this region. Phase-contrast studies showed an improved CSF flow at the dorsal subarachnoid space of the craniovertebral junction.
The definition of Chiari malformation encompasses a series of posterior fossa malformations that were first described by the Austrian Professor Hans Chiari. Recently, some new variants have been added, and the increased availability of the MRI has increased the rate of diagnosis of these malformations. The pathophysiology of the symptom production is complex and probably multifactorial. Headache and neck pain are not uncommon symptoms in a general medical pediatric practice. Therefore, as Chiari malformations are not rare, it is likely that symptomatic cases might be underdiagnosed, while at the same time many children may be receiving treatment for what may be presumed incorrectly to be a symptomatic radiographic finding. The prevalence of headache and Chiari and the unknown natural history of the asymptomatic malformation highlight the significance of the primary care physician’s role. The role of the primary care physician is important in identifying cases that might be symptomatic and refer for a neurosurgical evaluation prior to initiating medical treatment. The following chapter aims to present in a comprehensive yet concise manner the disorder and to acquaint the pediatrician with the diagnosis of Chiari and its surgical management.
Hans Chiari provided us with a comprehensive description of hindbrain malformations in 1891. Cruveilhier, Arnold, and Cleland should also be credited for the recognition of the hindbrain anomalies [1]. The original description by Hans Chiari [2] included the following four types of malformations:
Chiari 1 (Fig. 21.3): The cerebellar tonsils herniate below the level of the foramen magnum. An arbitrary limit of 5 mm has been set in order to differentiate between Chiari malformation and tonsillar ectopia (<5 mm). Emphasis has traditionally been placed on the degree of tonsillar herniation; however, in clinical practice, the actual caudal displacement of the tonsils often does not correlate with the presence of symptoms. Hydrocephalus is rare, but syringomyelia is often present. Syringomyelia is the presence of a fluid-filled cavity inside the spinal cord.

Fig. 21.3
Sagittal T2W MRI image showing a typical Chiari 1 malformation. Cerebellar tonsils herniate below the level of the foramen magnum by more than 5 mm. CSF appears hyperintense; some isointense to brain parenchyma areas inside the subarachnoid space is CSF flow artifact. The presence of the CSF-filled subarachnoid space both ventrally and dorsally to the neural structures at the foramen magnum as well as the presence of CSF flow artifact suggest that this particular Chiari case is less likely to be symptomatic
Chiari II (Fig. 21.4): This type is characterized by protrusion of the cerebellar vermis, medulla, and fourth ventricle through the foramen magnum into the cervical spinal canal and is associated with supratentorial anomalies [3] and almost always a myelomeningocele. It is usually diagnosed in the prenatal investigation of a fetus with a neural tube defect. In this type, it is not unusual for the cerebellar tonsils to reach the level of fifth cervical vertebra. Some rare cases of Chiari II without spinal dysraphism have been reported [4]. Although the Chiari II malformation is associated with other pathologies such as the spina bifida and hydrocephalus, the leading cause of mortality in young patients with this malformation constellation is the Chiari II malformation [5].

Fig. 21.4
Sagittal T2W MRI image of a neonate with Chiari 2 malformation. The tip of the tonsils (arrow) reaches the level of C5 vertebra. Of note the small volume of posterior cranial fossa and the low-lying torcular herophili
Chiari 3 : This is a very rare form that can be considered as an encephalocele with associated cervical spina bifida and prolapse of the cerebellum into the spinal canal.
Chiari 4 : This malformation is essentially a cerebellar hypoplasia/aplasia, and apart from being a hindbrain malformation, it doesn’t appear to share any other characteristics with the other types of Chiari malformation.
Chiari types 3 and 4 are very rare disorders, which are diagnosed usually in the prenatal period or in neonates and are treated in specialized centers. These disorders are outside the scope of this manuscript and will not be analyzed. More recently, some new types of Chiari malformations have been introduced in the literature.
Chiari 0 : This type of malformation involves minimal or null tonsillar herniation, but it is characterized by a crowding of the neural structures at the foramen magnum. This crowding obliterates the normal subarachnoid spaces in the region and effectively blocks CSF flow. This type is uncommon, accounting for 3.7 % of pediatric Chiari patients, and is often associated with intraoperative findings of arachnoid veils and adhesions at the foramen magnum [6]. Consequently, the symptomatology of blocked CSF pulsation might develop as well as syringomyelia.
Chiari 1 .5 (Fig. 21.5): This is a recently introduced type of Chiari and is essentially a Chiari 1 with an added caudal displacement of the obex, below the level of the foramen magnum. The obex is the caudalmost point of the fourth ventricle that can be recognized in the MRI. This caudal displacement of the obex denotes a caudal displacement of the brainstem. It is not clear whether this patient population has any differences compared with the typical Chiari 1 cases . There is ongoing research trying to delineate whether these patients present with a different constellation of symptoms or need an alternative management plan.

Fig. 21.5
Sagittal T2W MRI image of a Chiari 1 .5 malformation. The obex (red arrow) lies below the foramen magnum (blue line). The anteriormost point of the foramen magnum is called basion (left end of blue line), while the posteriormost point is called opisthion (right end of the blue line). Note that the pontomedullary sulcus (yellow arrow) that is the border between pons and medulla is also low lying. The tonsils are pointed and there is also syringomyelia
Chiari 5 : This is the most recently proposed type of hindbrain malformation with absence of the cerebellum and herniation of the occipital lobes through the foramen magnum [7].
The blockage of CSF flow is considered an important pathophysiological mechanism in the Chiari malformations. In our experience, the blockage of CSF flow can be caused by arachnoid septations in the subarachnoid space, perpendicular to the long axis of the neuraxis and the CSF flow direction. These septations can block the CSF flow and cause Chiari-like symptoms. These septations can also be seen along with typical for Chiari tonsillar herniations and might be the cause for symptom recurrence following certain decompressive surgeries in which only the bone is removed. We feel that special attention should be placed in this condition, given that it can be diagnosed by newer neuroimaging techniques. Treating this completely requires a more extensive surgery that includes intra-arachnoidal exploration.
It is important to note that the various Chiari types are essentially a classification scheme of hindbrain malformations with the most common (but not always present) feature being the hindbrain herniation. It is not a grading scheme of a common disorder with different degrees of severity, and as Tubbs et al. stated “no single theory could explain all forms of the Chiari malformation, and that this malformation might be a heterogeneous entity” [8].
The pathogenesis of Chiari 1 is probably multifactorial. The causative factor might be a small posterior fossa, a pressure gradient at the foramen magnum due to spinal hypotension or intracranial hypertension, the traction of spinal cord by tethering [9], cerebellar dysgenesis [10], secondary to space-occupying intracranial lesion, or occipitoatlantoaxial joint instability and cranial settling [11]. While the variety of pathology is extensive, for the purposes of this review chapter, we will focus on the most common types of presentations without delving into the minutiae of subtle variants.
Regardless of the causative mechanism of tonsillar herniation, the main theories of symptom production focus on the traction/compression of neural structures/blood vessels/pain-sensitive structures and on the obstruction of normal CSF pulsation through the foramen of Monro. The cranial cavity is nonelastic. During the systolic phase of heart cycle, the inflow of blood causes an increase of the intracranial blood volume because the venous outflow cannot match the rapid arterial inflow. The contents of the cranial cavity are the brain, the blood, and the CSF (Monro-Kellie doctrine). Since the brain cannot move out of the cranial cavity, it is the CSF that exits the cranial cavity through the foramen magnum to counteract the increase of blood volume. In the diastolic phase, the whole process is reversed. In the Chiari malformation, the flow of the CSF is blocked at the foramen magnum due to the blockage of the subarachnoid space by the herniating cerebellar tonsils . This blockage probably creates an instantaneous cranial hypertension during the systolic phase that is at least partially responsible for the symptoms. Exertion and other conditions that cause an increase in the heart rate may reproduce and worsen symptoms [12]. Valsalva maneuvers worsen symptoms because the spinal subarachnoid pressure is increased, causing further reduction of an already diminished CSF flow through the foramen magnum.
Chiari is probably caused by a hypoplastic occipital bone that leads to posterior fossa crowding of neural structures and subsequent herniation of the relatively mobile cerebellar tonsils through the opening of the foramen magnum [13]. The blockage of CSF flow might also be involved in the pathophysiology of syringomyelia formation, as it leads to a pressure gradient between the spinal cord and the subarachnoid space [14].
Controversy exists on the contribution of congenital and acquired factors for Chiari 1 development. The normalization of hindbrain anatomic anomalies of Chiari 1 malformation following decompressive surgery suggest that even if there is a congenital predisposition, symptoms may be reversible, but there is also likely an acquired pathophysiological component [15]. On the other hand, an underlying genetic basis is suggested by the familial cases [16–18]. Recently, susceptibility to Chiari 1 malformation was attributed to specific genes involved in somitogenesis and fetal vascular development [19].
The prevalence of asymptomatic Chiari I in the general pediatric population is unknown. A study in a general pediatric population who had MR imaging for symptoms related either to the Chiari I or to other diagnoses revealed a 1 % prevalence of Chiari malformation with tonsillar ectopia of 5 or more mm [20]. A borderline tonsillar ectopia was revealed in further 0.4 % of the patients, 74 % of whom were symptomatic. In a mixed pediatric and adult patient population, tonsillar herniation greater than 5 mm was identified in 0.77 % of patients [21]. Familial cases of pediatric Chiari 1 can account for 3 % of cases [22].
Chiari 0, 1, and 1.5
To the present knowledge, the presentation of Chiari 0, 1, and 1.5 is almost identical when they are symptomatic; however, this is an area of investigation that is being prospectively studied. We usually group the presenting signs and symptoms into the following categories:
General symptoms: headache and neck pain, dizziness. The pain is typically located in the occipital and cervical region; sometimes it radiates and it becomes holocephalic. Exertion, Valsalva maneuvers, coughing, and sneezing are usually identified as precipitating factors. However, it has been proposed that in the pediatric population the occipital location of the pain and association with cough or Valsalva maneuver might not be so common [20]. The character of the pain is usually tension type, and sometimes it can also become pulsating. The onset of pain is usually gradual and the duration protracted [23]. The frequency of the headaches is highly variable as is the intensity of the pain. Often times, nonspecific dizziness can also be elicited from the history.
Neurological findings. The neurological signs and symptoms can be summarized for descriptive purposes in the following three categories, although significant overlap exists:
Cerebellar signs: Dysmetria on the finger-to-nose and heel-to-shin tests can be revealed by the neurological examination. Dysdiadochokinesia on rapid alternating movements is also a cerebellar sign that can be found in Chiari patients. Nystagmus and diplopia are possible findings that are caused by cerebellar and/or brainstem dysfunction. Balance and gait abnormalities are findings that can be attributed to cerebellar and/or long tract dysfunction. Another finding which can be present in up to 28 % of Chiari I children is the “cerebellar fit” and is characterized by “drop attacks with or without deterioration of consciousness, opisthotonic posturing, and varying degrees of respiratory compromise” [24].
Brainstem dysfunction: Cranial nerve dysfunction can be seen, and symptoms may include nystagmus, dysphagia, or snoring. More rarely, uvula deviation, diminished gag reflex [25], tongue atrophy and/or deviation, drop attacks, or bulbar weakness can be identified [26]. Sixth cranial nerve dysfunction can present as esotropia, and Chiari should enter the differential diagnosis of any acquired esotropia. Other ocular findings include nystagmus (mainly downbeat [27] on vertical gaze and rotary in the horizontal plane [28]), ocular dysmetria, and oscillopsia [29]. Trigeminal neuralgia can also be a presenting symptom due to either traction of the trigeminal nerve or compression of the spinal trigeminal nucleus [30] and can be bilateral [31]. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia has also been reported [32].
Long tract dysfunction: Distal extremity (hands/feet) paresthesias are a very common symptom in Chiari. Upper motor neuron dysfunction presenting as hyperreflexia, pathological reflexes (Babinski, Hoffman, and clonus), spasticity, motor weakness (usually asymmetrical [26] or even focal [33]), and muscle wasting can also be present. In cases presenting with syringomyelia, the dissociated sensory loss in cap-like distribution might be present.
Other findings: Pain limited range of motion of cervical spine is a very common finding in Chiari patients. The cervical spine movement probably causes compression or traction of pain-sensitive structures in the foramen magnum area. Scoliosis might be developing in association with syringomyelia. The pathophysiology is not well understood; however, a theoretical explanation might be that an eccentric syrinx that causes an asymmetry in the muscle tone of the paraspinal muscles [34]. Scoliosis is present in up to 30 % of Chiari patients and in up to 60 % of patients with syringomyelia associated with Chiari malformation [35].
Chiari malformation can present with sleep abnormalities. Polysomnography is very helpful in situations where sleep abnormalities are suspected because it can differentiate between obstructive and central apneas, assess the severity of the disorder, and help identify the cause of the problem. Polysomnography usually includes EEG, EMG, electrooculography, oxygen saturation, airflow, respiratory excursions, and ECG. The obstructive apnea is defined as 90 % or more reduction in airflow with persistent effort to breathe over two or more breaths; the central apnea is defined as absent effort to breathe followed by arousal or desaturation during two or more breaths [36]. The main causes of obstructive apnea in pediatric population are adenotonsillar hypertrophy, obesity, and craniofacial abnormalities, while the main causes of central apneas are epilepsy, congenital central hypoventilation syndrome , and brainstem compression [37]. Chiari can present with both central and obstructive apneas due to dysfunction of brainstem respiratory centers or of the lower cranial nerves, respectively. In the symptomatic Chiari patient population, the sleep apnea is present in up to 68–73 % of the adult and 60 % of the pediatric patients with the presence of both central and obstructive sleep events [38, 39].
Specific Patient Populations
Chiari 1 may be associated with a multitude of pathologies that include craniosynostosis syndromes, endocrinopathies, hyperostosis, rickets, cutaneous and spinal disorders [43], and familial vitamin B12 deficit [44]. Neurofibromatosis type 1 is also present in small percentages of operated Chiari 1 patients [22]. Rhombencephalosynapsis is a rare congenital disorder characterized by fusion of the cerebellar hemispheres and can be associated with Chiari malformation [45].
Patients Younger Than 6 Years
Albert et al. studied the presentation of Chiari I in patients younger than age 6 [46]. Syringomyelia is present in 59 % and scoliosis in 28 %, almost always in the setting of syringomyelia and almost always dextroscoliosis; 46.1 % had headaches; and oropharyngeal symptoms were present in 51.3 %. Patients younger than 2 years old were most likely to present with oropharyngeal dysfunction in the form of gastroesophageal reflex, sleep apnea, and choking, while patients aged 3–5 more commonly presented with scoliosis, syringomyelia, and headaches. Of note is that less than half of the patients had headaches, which makes the headache a less sensitive symptom in this age group especially in children younger than age 3. Another study in children below age 6 showed that from all causes of chronic headaches, Chiari accounted for 1.9 %; thus, headache is far from being a specific symptom for Chiari malformation [47] in this age group.
Syndromic craniosynostosis is very often associated with Chiari 1 malformation; in Crouzon and Pfeiffer syndromes, the incidence of Chiari malformation reaches 70 and 50 %, respectively [48, 49]. In these cases, the premature fusion of cranial sutures leads to a small posterior fossa and to craniocerebral disproportion. The increased intracranial pressure by venous hypertension due to jugular foramen stenosis and to hydrocephalus further aggravates the tonsillar herniation. The patients with syndromic craniosynostosis and Chiari malformation may have a high incidence of central sleep apneas, which may go undiagnosed if a formal sleep study is deferred; hopefully, this disorder is curable by foramen magnum decompression [49]. Therefore, in syndromic craniosynostosis, a brain MRI is needed to assess for Chiari malformation, and if this is present, then a sleep study is imperative to early diagnose a sleep disorder that can be treated by surgery and prevent any long term of an undiagnosed sleep disorder such as respiratory failure and developmental delay [50]. An increased surgical risk for venous bleeding should be anticipated in this patient population.
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
A very challenging presentation is the Chiari malformation associated with radiological signs of idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH). In these situations, differentiating what is the cause and what is the effect may be difficult, since Chiari can lead to intracranial hypertension and vice versa. The radiologic signs of idiopathic intracranial hypertension are flattening of the posterior sclera, distension of the perioptic subarachnoid space, vertical tortuosity of the orbital optic nerve, and a partially empty sella [52]. If the above signs are present along with Chiari malformation, then sound clinical judgment is needed in order to prioritize between the treatment of idiopathic intracranial hypertension by ventriculoperitoneal shunt and of the Chiari by suboccipital decompression. The incidence of Chiari malformation in patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension can be as high as 28 % [53].
Postradiation Therapy Chiari
Radiation therapy (RT) to the skull base can affect the normal growth of the posterior fossa and especially the development of the clivus. This can lead to a small posterior fossa and tonsillar herniation. A study showed that the maximal tonsillar herniation is at around 20 months post-RT [54]. The same study showed that these patients were asymptomatic and that clival growth will eventually normalize and the Chiari will resolve. Therefore, conservative management should be emphasized in this patient population.
Acquired Chiari
Signs and symptoms of Chiari-like syndrome can develop secondary to lumboperitoneal shunting (either for communicating hydrocephalus or for relieving benign intracranial hypertension) [55], in cases with a chronic spinal leakage or as a late complication of ventriculoperitoneal shunt [56]. It is important to note that in the presence of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt, the Chiari malformation might be due to small cranial volume from skull thickening or arrested posterior cranial fossa growth and that the first surgical option should be the supratentorial skull enlargement rather than the suboccipital decompression, which can lead to further deterioration [56].
Tethered Cord Syndrome
Tethered cord syndrome is believed to be present in 14 % of Chiari patients. Clinical findings in this setting include: sphincter dysfunction, foot deformities, low back pain especially with trunk flexion, relief of symptoms by toe walking, and exacerbation by heel walking [57]. The clinical suspicion of tethered cord should lead to MRI imaging of the whole neuraxis.
Chiari Associated with Hydrocephalus
Hydrocephalus is present in 9.8 % of Chiari 1 patients [43]. The pathophysiology is variable and should be explained in each case as it would guide the treatment. The Chiari can be caused by the hydrocephalus, due to an increased intracranial pressure; both pathologies can be caused by stenosis of the jugular foramina. Posterior fossa crowding might cause obstruction of the CSF flow through the foramina of Magendie and Luschka and the subarachnoid space. Treating the hydrocephalus is the preferred option for the first two cases, while in the third case, if it is associated with craniosynostosis, then cranial vault expansion should be the first choice [58].
Chiari Associated with Growth Hormone Disorders
Growth hormone (GH) deficiency has been associated with Chiari malformation. Treatment with growth hormone replacement therapy in this setting had controversial results as both neurological deterioration and Chiari resolution have been reported [59]. Close observation is recommended for these patients [60]. Chiari malformation is also present in 4.7 % of acromegaly patients [61].
Chiari 2
Approximately one third of patients are symptomatic from Chiari II malformation. The common presenting signs and symptoms are due to lower cranial nerve dysfunction (apnea, dysphagia, aspiration, sleep disorders) and/or due to spinal cord compression (spasticity, paresis) and/or due to syringomyelia (upper and lower motor neuron paresis, sensory deficits) and/or scoliosis. Sleep apnea is mainly of the central type rather than obstructive in this patient population [62]. Patients younger than age 2 with respiratory issues must be evaluated emergently because Chiari II might produce acute symptoms. The traction of cranial nerve X or the compression of the brainstem might cause vocal cord paresis and stridor; in addition, the prolonged expiratory apnea with cyanosis is another potentially fatal respiratory sign in young patients with Chiari II [63].
The gold standard examination is the MRI, due to the ability to obtain sagittal and coronal views and higher resolution of neural structures. The hallmark of the Chiari malformation (types 1, 1.5, and 2) is the caudal displacement of the cerebellar tonsils in relation to the foramen magnum. A line is drawn from the anteriormost point of foramen magnum (basion) to the posteriormost point (opisthion), and the maximum herniation of the cerebellar tonsils is measured from this line. The basion-opisthion (or McRae) line and the line that measures the maximum tonsillar herniation should be perpendicular. MRI does not depict bony anatomy as clearly as CT, and the accurate identification of the cortical bone margins is sometimes challenging . Tonsillar herniation greater than 5 mm has historically been used as the cutoff point for Chiari malformation from a neuroradiologic perspective. It is important to note that tonsils ascend with age, so in the first decade of life, over 6 mm (rather than 5 mm) of displacement is usually considered pathologic [64]. Pediatric Chiari 1 can be associated with hydrocephalus, focal cerebral heterotopia with epilepsy, or partial agenesis of the corpus callosum [65]. Less obvious herniation may be exceedingly symptomatic whereas more profound herniation may present asymptomatically; thus, strict adherence to these measurements alone as surgical criteria is not advocated.
Chiari malformations are often associated with presyrinx or syringomyelia (Fig. 21.6)—with the distinction between the two entities being the presence of frank spinal cord cavitation in the latter [66] or hydromyelia (distention of the central canal). If a syrinx or typical Chiari symptoms are present in the absence of tonsillar herniation, then consideration should be given to obtaining CINE MRI or MRI in the upright position. The former might reveal arachnoid velum that blocks CSF flow, while the latter might reveal tonsillar herniation that occurs only in the upright position [67]. In the case of an asymmetric tonsillar herniation, an eccentric syrinx is likely to be deviated to the side of the greater tonsillar herniation and is common to have scoliosis with the convex side similar to the side of the syrinx and the greater tonsillar herniation [68].

Fig. 21.6
Sagittal (upper row) and axial (lower row) T2W images of severe (a) and dramatic (b) syringomyelia
Chiari malformation might be associated with hereditary or spontaneous connective tissue disorders most commonly seen in association with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Retro-odontoid pannus can suggest ligamentous laxity and craniocervical hypermobility [69]. Basilar invagination (BI) can be associated with Chiari (Fig. 21.7), and the combination of instability and BI leads to a diagnosis of complex Chiari syndrome requiring even more specialized evaluation and management, usually surgical.

Fig. 21.7
Basilar invagination in a Chiari 1 .5 patient. Ventral compression by the tip of the dens is usually quantified by the distance (yellow line) of the point of the greatest brainstem/spinal cord compression to a line drawn from the basion to posterior lower angle of the C2 vertebral body (white line). Ventral compression might be caused by the osseous tip of the dens and pannus tissue. Evaluation with dynamic flexion-extension films is highly recommended in these cases to assess for cervical spine instability or hypermobility
The most common neuroimaging study in the neonates is the sonogram through the acoustic window of the anterior fontanel, a technique that is not optimal for depicting anatomic relationships in the posterior fossa and craniocervical junction. Chiari II malformation can be revealed or compared with the prenatal neuroimaging studies either with brain MRI or a sonogram through the acoustic window of the foramen magnum [70].

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