Headache is a common symptom arising from psychological, otological, ophthalmological, neurological or systemic disease. In clinical practice tension-type headache is encountered most frequently.

Definition: Pain or discomfort between the orbits and occiput, arising from pain-sensitive structures.

Intracranial pain-sensitive structures are:

venous sinuses, cortical veins, basal arteries, dura of anterior, middle and posterior fossae.

Extracranial pain-sensitive structures are:

Scalp vessels and muscles, orbital contents, mucous membranes of nasal and paranasal spaces, external and middle ear, teeth and gums.


History: most information is derived from determining:

The following table classifies causes in these categories:

(*) Indicates that attacks can be recurrent



Migraine is a common, often familial disorder characterised by unilateral throbbing headache.

Onset: Childhood or early adult life.

Incidence: Affects 5–10% of the population.

Female:male ratio: 2:1

Family history: Obtained in 70% of all sufferers.

Two recognisable forms exist:

Specific diagnostic criteria are required for migraine with and without aura.

The aura is absent. The headache has similar features, but it is often poorly localised and its description may merge with that of ‘tension’ headache.

The aura of migraine may take many forms. The visual forms comprise: flashing lights, zig-zags (fortifications), scintillating scotoma (central vision) and may precede visual field defects. Such auras are of visual (occipital) cortex origin.

The headache is recurrent, lasting from 2 to 48 hours and rarely occurring more frequently than twice weekly. In migraine equivalents the aura occurs without ensuing headache.


A ‘common migraine’ or ‘tension-like’ headache may arise after head injury and accompany other symptoms including light-headedness, irritability, difficulty in concentration and in coping with work. This will often respond to amitriptyline or migraine prophylaxis.

CLUSTER HEADACHES (Histamine cephalgia or migrainous neuralgia)

‘Cluster headaches occur less frequently than migraine, and more often in men, with onset in middle age. Charecterised by episodes of severe unilateral pain, lasting 10 minutes to 2 hours, around one eye, associated with conjunctival injection, lacrimation, rhinorrhea and occasionally a transient Horner’s syndrome. The episodes occur between once and many times per day, often wakening from sleep at night. ‘Clusters’ of attacks separated by weeks or even many months. Alcohol may precipitate the attacks.’

Other Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalagias

Cluster headache is the most common form of trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia, where there is a combination of facial pain and autonomic dysfunction. Other rarer combinations of facial pain and antonomic symptoms include:

Hemicrania continua: continuous unilateral moderately severe head pain with exacerbations and variable tearing and partial Horner’s syndrome. More common in women than men (3:1). Responds dramatically to indometacin.

Paroxysmal hemicrania: Same pain but lasts 2-45 minutes multiple times a day. Responds to indometacin.

Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform pain with Conjunctival injection and Tearing (SUNCT): brief pain lasting seconds to 3 minutes with associations described in its name. Women:men, 2:1. Does not respond to indometacin. Lamotrigine has some effect.


Giant cell arteritis, an autoimmune disease of unknown cause, presents with throbbing headache in patients over 60 often with general malaise. The involved vessel, usually the superficial temporal artery, may be tender, thickened, and but nonpulsatile.

Neurological symptoms: strokes, hearing loss, myelopathy and neuropathy.

Jaw claudication: pain when chewing or talking due to ischaemia of the masseter muscles is pathognomonic.

Visual symptoms are common with blindness (transient or permanent) or diplopia.

Associated systemic symptoms – weight loss, lassitude and generalised muscle aches – polymyalgia rheumatica in one-fifth of cases.

Duration: the headache is intractable, lasting until treated.


Large and medium-sized arteries undergo intense ‘giant cell’ infiltration, with fragmentation of the lamina and narrowing of the lumen, resulting in distal ischaemia as well as stimulating pain sensitive fibres. Occlusion of important end arteries, e.g. the ophthalmic artery, may result in blindness; occlusion of the basilar artery may cause brain stem or bilateral occipital infarction.

Diagnosis: ESR usually high. Blood film shows anaemia or thrombocytosis. C-reactive protein and hepatic alkaline phosphatase elevated. Biopsy of 1 cm length of temporal artery is often diagnostic.

Treatment: Urgent treatment, prednisolone 60 mg daily, prevents visual loss or brain-stem stroke, as well as relieving the headache. If complications have already occurred e.g. blindness, give parenteral high dose steroids. Monitoring the ESR allows gradual reduction in steroid dosage over several weeks to a maintenance level, e.g. 5 mg daily. Most patients eventually come off steroids; 25% require long-term treatment and if so, complications commonly occur.


The skull is basically a rigid structure. Since its contents – brain, blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) – are incompressible, an increase in one constituent or an expanding mass within the skull results in an increase in intracranial pressure (ICP) – the ‘Monro-Kellie doctrine’.

Compensatory mechanisms for an expanding intracranial mass lesion:



Any change in blood vessel diameter results in considerable variation in cerebral blood volume and this, in turn, directly affects intracranial pressure.

Energy requirements differ in different parts of the brain. To meet such needs in the white matter, flow is 20 ml/100 g/min, whereas in the grey matter flow is as high as 100ml/100g/min.

Autoregulation is a compensatory mechanism which permits fluctuation in the cerebral perfusion pressure within certain limits without significantly altering cerebral blood flow.

A drop in cerebral perfusion pressure produces vasodilation (probably due to a direct ‘myogenic’ effect on the vascular smooth muscle) thereby maintaining flow; a rise in the cerebral perfusion pressure causes vasoconstriction.

Neurogenic influences appear to have little direct effect on the cerebral vessels but they may alter the range of pressure changes over which autoregulation acts.

Autoregulation fails when the cerebral perfusion pressure falls below 60 mmHg or rises above 160 mmHg. At these extremes, cerebral blood flow is more directly related to the perfusion pressure.

In damaged brain (e.g. after head injury or subarachnoid haemorrhage), autoregulation is impaired; a drop in cerebral perfusion pressure is more likely to reduce cerebral blood flow and cause ischaemia. Conversely, a high cerebral perfusion may increase the cerebral blood flow, break down the blood–brain barrier and produce cerebral oedema as in hypertensive encephalopathy.


When a rising intracranial pressure is caused by an expanding mass, or is compounded by respiratory problems, treatment is clear-cut; the mass must be removed and blood gases restored to normal levels – by ventilation if necessary.

In some patients, despite the above measures, cerebral swelling may produce a marked increase in intracranial pressure. This may follow removal of a tumour or haematoma or may complicate a diffuse head injury. Artificial methods of lowering intracranial pressure may prevent brain damage and death from brain shift, but some methods lead to reduced cerebral blood flow, which in itself may cause brain damage (see page 84).

Intracranial pressure is monitored with a ventricular catheter or surface pressure recording device (see page 52). Treatment may be instituted when the mean ICP is > 25 mmHg. Ensure cause is not due to constriction of neck veins.

Methods of reducing intracranial pressure

Mannitol infusion: An i.v. bolus of 100 ml of 20% mannitol infused over 15 minutes reduces intracranial pressure by establishing an osmotic gradient between the plasma and brain tissue. This method ‘buys’ time prior to craniotomy in a patient deteriorating from a mass lesion. Mannitol is also used 6 hourly for a 24–48 hour period in an attempt to reduce raised ICP. Repeated infusions, however, lead to equilibration and a high intracellular osmotic pressure, thus counteracting further treatment. In addition, repeated doses may precipitate lethal rises in arterial blood pressure and acute tubular necrosis. Its use is therefore best reserved for emergency situations.

CSF withdrawal: Removal of a few ml of CSF from the ventricle immediately reduces the intracranial pressure. Within minutes, however, the pressure will rise and further CSF withdrawal will be required. In practice, this method is of limited value, since CSF outflow to the lumbar theca results in a diminished intracranial CSF volume and the lateral ventricles are often collapsed. Continuous CSF drainage may make most advantage of this method.

Sedatives: If intracranial pressure fails to respond to standard measures then sedation may help under carefully controlled conditions.

Propofol, a short acting anaesthetic agent, reduces intracranial pressure but causes systemic vasodilatation. If this occurs pressor agents may be required to prevent a fall in blood pressure and a reduction in cerebral perfusion. Avoid high doses of Propofol; rhabdomyolysis may result and carries a 70% mortality.

Barbiturates (thiopentone) reduce neuronal activity and depress cerebral metabolism; a fall in energy requirements theoretically protects ischaemic areas. Associated vasoconstriction can reduce cerebral blood volume and intracranial pressure but systemic hypotension and myocardial depression also occur. Clinical trials of barbiturate therapy have not demonstrated any improvement in outcome.

Controlled hyperventilation: Bringing the PCO2 down to 3.5kPa by hyperventilating the sedated or paralysed patient causes vasoconstriction. Although this reduces intracranial pressure, the resultant reduction in cerebral blood flow may aggravate ischaemic brain damage and do more harm than good (see page 232). Maintaining the blood pressure and the cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) (>60 mmHg) appears to be as important as lowering intracranial pressure.

Decompressive craniectomy: This technique is gaining renewed interest in treating raised ICP unresponsive to other methods. The principal concern is that although reducing mortality, unacceptable levels of morbidity may result. A randomised trial of decompressive craniectomy in head injury is currently underway.

Hypothermia: Cooling to 34°C lowers ICP. Although hypothermia after cardiac arrest with slow rewarming has been reported to improve outcome, trials in head injured patients have failed to demonstrate significant benefit.

Steroids: By stabilising cell membranes, steroids play an important role in treating patients with oedema surrounding intracranial tumours. Trials have found no evidence of benefit after traumatic or ischaemic damage.

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