Sample n/sex/age
Study design/drug/duration
Grünberger alphabetical cancellation test: no. letters processed, % errors, variability
Numerical memory test: no. of items
Fine motor activity: Left hand (L), right hand (R), sum of left and right hand (L + R)
Reaction time (RT) test: RT, RT variability, no. of errors of commission and of omission
Saletu et al. [14]
12 RLS 4M 8F 58 ± 12 y
SB PC CO (fixed order: baseline/placebo/drug)
0.5 mg ropinirole, 1 night
Ropinirole versus placebo
Improved: fine motor activity: R, L + R
RT test: errors of commission
Baseline versus placebo
Improved: fine motor activity: L
RT test: errors of commission
Saletu et al. [15]
21 RLS 8M 13F 63 ± 14 y
DB PC CO 100 mg rr- + 100 mg sr-l-dopa/benserazide 1 night
l-dopa versus placebo
No statistically significant changes
Saletu et al. [16]
11 RLS 8M 3F 54 ± 14 y
SB PC CO (fixed order: baseline/placebo/drug)
0.27 mg pramipexole, 1 night
Pramipexole versus placebo
No statistically significant changes
Baseline versus placebo
fine motor activity: L
RT test: errors of omission
Saletu et al. [17]
10 RLS 5M 5F 53 ± 9 y
SB PC CO (fixed order: baseline/placebo/drug)
1 mg clonazepam, 1 night
Clonazepam versus placebo
No statistically significant changes
Saletu et al. [18]
40 RLS 12M 28F 56 ± 18 y
SB PC CO (fixed order: baseline/placebo/drug)
300 mg gabapentin, 1 night
Gabapentin versus placebo
Worsened: cancellation task: % errors
Improved: numerical memory
Fine motor activity: R, L + R (no RT test performed)
40 RLS 21M 19F 58 ± 13 y
SB PC CO fixed order (adaption—placebo—drug)
0.5 mg ropinirole, 1 night
Ropinirole versus placebo
Improved: Fine motor activity: L, R, L + R (no RT test performed)
Gabapentin versus ropinirole
No statistically significant changes
Table 4.2
Long-term treatment and cognitive function in WED/RLS
Study | Sample n/sex/age | Study design/Drug/Duration | Comparison | Findings |
Abler et al. [23] | 12 RLS/4M 8F/58 ± 12 y | OL CO dopamine agonists | On stable DA treatment versus after short term withdrawal of treatment | Faster reaction times in tests of phasic, tonic, and divided attention tasks |
Lee et al. [24] | 23 untreated RLS/2M 21F/70 ± 12 y 31 treated RLS/11M 20F/64 ± 10 y | Cross-sectional case-control | Treated patients versus untreated patients | Better performance in clock copying task No difference in tasks assessing attention, memory, executive functions, and motor performance |
Kim et al. [20] | 16 RLS/1M 15F/50 ± 11 y | OL/12 w/pramipexole | After versus before treatment | Improved performance in short term memory, verbal fluency, attention No difference in other tasks assessing memory, attention, executive functions, and visuospatial performance |
Galbiati et al. [13] | 18 drug naïve RLS/40% Ma/47 ± 10 ya | OL/12 w/pramipexole | After versus before treatment | Improved performance in all domains (16 of 17 tasks) assessing short term memory, long term memory, working memory, attention and executive function |
Winkelman et al. [22] | 131 RLS/35 M 76F/52 ± 13 y | DB PC CO/4 w/1200 mg gababapentin enarcabil | Drug versus placebo | Decreased improvement from baseline in executive attention (TMT-B) No difference in semantic fluency |
GSK [21] | 33 versus 28 versus 33 RLS ~42% M ~50 y | DB PC PG/2w/gabapentin enarcabil 1200 mg 1800 mg | Change from baseline Placebo versus 1200 mg | Evening: Driving simulator: Increased lane position variability (LPV) No difference in brake reaction time (BRT), average lane position (LP), average speed (SP), speed variability (SPV) Cognitive function test: No difference in Brief Assessment of Cognition composite score (BAC), and subscores in verbal memory, attention, verbal fluency, executive function, and motor performance Morning: Driving simulator: Increased SPV No difference in LPV, BRT, LP, SP Cognitive function test: No difference in BAC and subscores |
Placebo versus 1800 mg | Evening: Driving simulator: Less improvement in SP No difference in LPV, SPV, BRT, LP Cognitive function test: No difference in BAC and subscores Morning: Driving simulator: No difference in LPF, SPV, BRT, LP, SP Cognitive function test: Less improvement in BAC and attention performance (symbol coding), decrease in motor function No difference in other subscores |
Effects of Acute Treatment on Cognitive Function in Subjects with RLS
Effects of an acute, single-night, pharmacological treatment on cognitive functions in RLS patients have been assessed a series of studies conducted by the research group of Saletu and co-workers [14–18] (Table 4.1). All studies used similar designs and the same cognitive tasks. The cognitive test set included the following four tasks:
Grünberger Alphabetical Cancellation Test [19]: Paper and pencil task. One page with 20 rows, each containing 40 Letters. The task consists of crossing out the letters A, N, E, and Y within the time limit of 10 s per row. Scoring includes the number of letters processed (total score), the percentage of errors, and line-to-line difference in number of letters processed (variability).
Grünberger verbal memory test (GVG)—subtest numerical memory [19]: Ten two-digit numbers are read aloud by the experimenter. After each number the subject is asked to repeat the number and at the end to reproduce the ten numbers. The number of correctly reproduced two-digit numbers is scored.
Grünberger fine motor test [19]: Paper and pencil test consisting of one sheet with 100 squares (5 × 10 mm). The subject has to draw single points in as many squares as possible within 15 s. Scoring is based on the number of points and the exact placement. The task is performed first with the right and then with the left hand.
Reaction time task: Not further specified; outcomes include the mean reaction time, reaction time variability, and the number of errors of commission and omission.
The series of five studies investigated cognitive function after one night treatment with levodopa [15], ropinirole [14, 18], pramipexole [16], gabapentin [18], and clonazepam [17]. In all, except one study [15], cognitive functioning was assessed after a baseline night, one night with placebo and one night with treatment. Studies were conducted single-blind and the order of treatment was not randomized so that the drug treatment night was always the third night. Therefore, the treatment effect is possibly confounded with a learning effect across the three nights. This is supported by the observation that (i) the improvement after drug treatment were most often seen for those tasks that also showed improvement from the baseline night to the placebo night and (ii) the only randomized double-blind study with levodopa [15] did not find any differences between drug and placebo (Table 4.1).
Three of the studies did not find any difference in cognitive function between placebo and levodopa [15], pramipexole [16], and clonazepam [17]. In the two studies employing ropinirole [14, 18], an improvement in fine motor performance was reported, which was also found after acute treatment with gabapentin (see Table 4.1 for details). Across all studies, decreased performance was only observed for acute treatment with gabapentin where an increase in errors in the letter cancellation task was reported [18].
In summary, and based on the low number of studies, limitations in study design, and the inconsistency of observed effects, it must be concluded that there is no consistent evidence of acute treatment effects on cognitive functioning in RLS.
Prolonged Treatment and Cognitive Function in RLS
The effect of prolonged and continuous pharmacological treatment on cognitive function in RLS has been investigated in two open label studies with a 12 week treatment of pramipexole [13, 20] and two double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over studies of 2 [21] or 4 week [22] treatment with gabapentin enacarbil (Table 4.2).
Besides these clinical trials, there are two further studies that used different designs and included measures of cognitive function [23, 24] (Table 4.2). First, [23], Abler and colleagues studied RLS patients while being on stable long-term treatment with dopamine agonists and after withdrawal of medication [23]. The study included 12 females RLS patients between 43 and 66 years of age that had been treated for at least 1 months with dopamine agonists (pramipexole, cabergoline, ropinirole, and/or l-dopa). Each patient was tested on two occasions, the order of which was balanced and randomized: while taking their regular medication and after a washout phase without medication. Cognitive function testing assessed attentional performance with three reaction time tasks (Test battery for Attentional Performance, TAP). The first two tasks assessed simple reaction times to a visual stimulus which appeared after a warning tone or without any warning, thought to measure phasic and tonic alertness, respectively. The third task was a divided attention task where complex visual and auditory sequences/patterns had to be processed in parallel and reaction times to the two tasks were measured. Concerning attentional performance, the study reported that reaction times were faster, i.e., performance was better, for tonic alertness and divided attention while patients were taking their regular medication. While this result could indicate that attention had improved with pharmacological treatment, such an interpretation would have to rest on the assumption that performance in the unmedicated state represented a baseline level of performance. Given the short duration of the medication withdrawal it is, however, also plausible that it represents an acute withdrawal effect with WED/RLS severity and associated sleep disturbances potentially increased compared to a stable baseline condition without medication.
The second study, which was not a clinical trial, was conducted by Lee and colleagues [24]. They included a group of 23 untreated RLS subjects, 31 long-term treated RLS subjects, and 37 healthy, prevalently elderly (mean age around 67 years) participants. Untreated RLS subjects and healthy participants had been identified within an epidemiological study, while treated RLS patients were recruited from a sleep lab population. No information was given concerning duration and type of treatment other than individuals “were prescribed medication for relief for their RLS symptoms” (p. 88, [24]). Cognitive tests assessed verbal intelligence, verbal and visual memory, visuospatial and motor performance, as well as verbal fluency. Analyses of between-group differences controlled for age and the significant differences in education level, which was higher in treated RLS patients. Cognitive functioning across the majority of tasks did not differ between the group of untreated RLS subjects and the treated patients. The only exception was found for visuospatial abilities where treated patients performed significantly better on the clock drawing and clock copying tasks (Table 4.2). A possible interpretation of these results in terms of a relative lack of treatment effects on cognitive functioning in subjects with RLS is, however, complicated by the a priori between-group differences in education levels and estimated RLS severity [24].
There are two studies exploring the effect of pramipexole on cognitive functioning in patients with RLS [13, 20]. In both studies, treatment was open label and for 12 weeks. The study of Kim and co-workers [20] included 16 RLS patients with a mean age of 50 years and a mean IRLS score of 29 who were treated with a median dose 0.19 mg of pramipexole. Cognitive function tests were conducted at baseline and after 12 weeks and assessed attention, language, visuospatial abilities, memory and executive functions including verbal fluency. The test set included 11 tasks and 21 outcome measures derived from these tasks. After treatment, improvement was seen in 3 outcome measures, namely in the immediate recall of the Rey–Osterrieth complex figure, in the letter verbal fluency task and in the digit symbol coding task, assessing attention (Table 4.2). Concurrent with these changes, also improvement in RLS symptom severity, sleep quality and depressive symptoms were observed.

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