Na (mEq/L)
Cl (mEg/L)
Osmolarity (mOsm/L)
Others (mEq/L)
Normal saline (0.9%)
Ringer’s lactate
Lactate (28), K (5.4)
Plasma-Lyte A
Acetate 27/gluconate 23/K(5)
4% albumin
Hydroxyethyl starch (6%): Voluven
Hydroxyethyl starch (6%): Volulyte
K (4), Mg (1.5), acetate (34)
14.1.2 Blood Pressure Control Pathophysiology of Elevated Blood Pressure in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Elevated blood pressure is common in acute phase, and approximately 60% of patients have systolic blood pressure greater than 140 mmHg on presentation. The percentage is even higher when the patients have a history of hypertension. The suggested mechanisms of blood pressure surges are partly explained by an increase in plasma catecholamine, anxiety, and noxious stimuli including severe pain or bladder distention. In addition, an increase in intracranial pressure often leads to additional blood pressure elevation in severe stroke (Cushing phenomenon). Regardless of its cause, acute blood pressure elevation is associated with poor neurologic outcome. Cerebral Autoregulation and Optimal Blood Pressure
Cerebral autoregulation means cerebral blood flow is maintained in a constant level despite the changes in blood pressure (more correctly cerebral perfusion pressure, which is defined as mean arterial pressure minus intracranial pressure) (Fig. 14.1). In cases with intact autoregulation, an increase in blood pressure leads to vasoconstriction which increases vascular resistance and maintains constant cerebral blood flow. By contrast, progressive drop in blood pressure induces vasodilation which decreases vascular resistance and helps with constant blood flow [2]. In patients with acute ischemic stroke, cerebral autoregulation is often disturbed. With disturbed autoregulation, cerebral blood flow is more directly dependent on blood pressure, and a decrease in blood pressure may lead to concomitant decrease in cerebral blood flow, which may aggravate perfusion deficit in the penumbra area. The status of autoregulation on each patient can be identified using correlation analysis between continuous blood pressure and intracranial pressure (pressure reactivity index, PRx) or cerebral blood flow (flow reactivity index, FRx). If patients’ autoregulation status is not known, abrupt drop in blood pressure should be avoided not to aggravate perfusion deficit just in case the patient have disturbed autoregulation. In a healthy person, within the ranges of mean arterial pressure between 60 mmHg and 150 mmHg, cerebral blood flow remained constant based on with autoregulation physiology.
Fig. 14.1
Relationship among the cerebral hemodynamic parameters. In patients with intact cerebral autoregulation, constant cerebral blood flow is maintained within autoregulating ranges of blood pressure. When blood pressure drops, cerebral blood vessels dilate to maintain constant blood flow, in which paradoxically increases intracranial pressure (a). In patients with disturbed cerebral autoregulation, the caliber of blood vessel is passively dependent on perfusion pressure. Therefore, cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure are directly affected by mean artery pressure (b). Reproduced by permission of Journal of Stroke [2] Management of Blood Pressure Elevation
Patients who are treated with intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) therapy, blood pressure should be controlled under 180/105 mmHg. In general, there is no sweet spot for pressure in treating patients with acute ischemic stroke. Based on American Stroke Association guidelines, it is reasonable to start using blood pressure-lowering drugs from 220 to 120 mmHg, which is 150 mm Hg in terms of mean arterial pressure. Blood pressure above this level can be in the autoregulatory breakthough zone, which requires lowering blood pressure.
Most commonly used blood pressure-lowering drugs are intravenous injections including labetalol (10–20 mg bolus) or nicardipine (infusion at a rate of 3–5 mg/h or bolus injection of 1–2 mg based on pressure level). In refractory cases, nitroprusside injection may be tried, but it has rarely been used in stroke patients because nitroprusside has an unpredictable effect on blood pressure and has rebound hypertension which may actually aggravate ICP surges. Unsolved Issues in Blood Pressure Control in Acute Ischemic Stroke
When patients are treated with t-PA, blood pressure is strictly controlled under 180/105 mmHg because high blood pressure is associated with hemorrhagic transformation [3]. However, it is unknown whether more intensive blood pressure control is beneficial to the patients treated with t-PA or not. In ENCHANTED trial (part B), effectiveness of intensive blood pressure lowering (SBP 130–140 mmHg) were compared with standard treatment (SBP < 180 mmHg), which will be published in the near future [4]. Moreover, in patients with intra-arterial thrombectomy with complete recanalization, appropriate blood pressure level is not known. Those patients may not require high blood pressure to optimize perfusion and may need strict blood pressure control to prevent hemorrhagic transformation. This should be addressed in the upcoming clinical trials.
14.1.3 Glucose Control
Extreme blood glucose, either high or low, can be detrimental in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Hypoglycemia may present with stroke-mimicking symptom and should be rapidly corrected above 60 mg/dL, if identified. Hyperglycemia is associated with ischemic progression, hemorrhagic transformation, and poor neurologic outcome. In the acute phase, transient elevation of glucose is common, and it gradually decreases over time. Strict glucose control with insulin infusion is frequently associated with hypoglycemic episodes and did not translate into better clinical outcome. The optimal range of serum glucose is not known in acute ischemic stroke. However, currently recommended ranges of serum glucose are between 140 and 180 mg/dL [3].
Ideally, direct measurement of brain tissue glucose may have more direct information in each patient. However, invasive monitoring on metabolism is required such as microdialysis, which needs more study in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Low brain glucose has been identified as a critical factor for metabolic crisis in patients with severe brain injury [2]. Brain tissue glucose is affected in part by serum glucose and in part by cerebral perfusion pressure or cerebral blood flow (Fig. 14.2). In normal condition, brain glucose concentration is measured higher than 2 mmol/L, and brain/serum glucose ratio is regarded as more than 0.4. A decrease in brain glucose leads to brain tissue starvation with energy failure in patients with severe brain injury. Moreover, a decrease in brain/serum glucose ratio below 0.12, compared to a normal ratio of 0.4, has been considered as an independent risk factor for metabolic crisis.
Fig. 14.2
Relationship between peripheral glucose and brain glucose in severe stroke patients. Brain tissue glucose, measured by microdialysis, fluctuates followed by systemic glucose level. When insulin infusion was given, a sudden drop of systemic glucose can lead to very low brain tissue glucose, which is associated with brain energy failure and metabolic crisis. LPR Lactate/pyruvate ratio, FSG fingerstick glucose, AU arbitrary unit, and IU international unit. Reproduced by permission of Journal of Stroke [2]
14.1.4 Fever
Elevated body temperature is common in acute stroke and most frequently observed within 2 days after presentation. The etiologies of fever, including infectious and noninfectious origins, are very diverse and need to be differentiated appropriately. When infectious fever is suspected, sensitive antibiotics covering suspected pathogen should be initiated based on the presumed source of infection. On the other hand, patients with severe stroke often have elevated temperature without definite infection source. In this case, fever is often associated with herniation or mass effect.
Although fever is linked with poor neurologic outcome, active control of fever using cooling devices is not proven to be beneficial in acute stroke. However, extreme elevation of body temperature may aggravate brain swelling and infarction extension, it is reasonable to control fever with antipyretics or cooling methods. Although rare, paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity can be a cause of fever in patients with severe ischemic stroke [5].
14.2 Cardiac Evaluation and Control in Acute Stage
14.2.1 Embolic Source Evaluation
Investigation of potential embolic source is the most important diagnostic step in evaluating patients with acute ischemic stroke [6]. Evaluating methods include transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), transesophageal echocardiography (TTE), and heart rhythm monitoring (electrocardiogram or Holter monitoring). Current evidence suggests that even longer monitoring, up to several weeks using implantable loop recorder, may detect more atrial fibrillation in high-risk patients.
TTE is generally performed as a screening test to find cardiac embolic sources. Well known embolic sources are described in Table 14.2. If indicated TEE can be performed (Fig. 14.3). TEE is superior to TTE in identifying small embolic sources located in the posterior part, such as valve vegetation, left atrial appendage thrombus, patent foramen ovale, or aortic atheroma. However, TEE also has limitations; high intra and interrater variability, not always available at any time, may require patients’ cooperation. Therefore, patients with severe stroke may not tolerate TEE due to poor cooperation. Cardiac multidetector CT (MDCT) has roles in identifying intra- or extracardiac embolic sources because MDCT has less interrater variability and has better visualization of aortic arch atheroma [7]. Therefore, those who cannot tolerate TEE, cardiac MDCT can be used as an alternative in evaluating intracardiac or extracardiac embolic sources.
Table 14.2
List of potential embolic sources
Sources with high embolic potential: intracardiac |
Arrhythmia |
Atrial fibrillation (valvular > non-valvular) |
Atrial flutter |
Sick sinus syndrome |
Ischemic heart disease |
Recent myocardial infarction (<1 month) |
Chronic myocardial infarction with LV aneurysm |
Akinetic/dyskinetic LV wall |
Valvular heart disease |
Mitral stenosis, aortic stenosis |
Prosthetic valve |
Intracardiac thrombus |
LV or LA thrombus |
Cardiomyopathy |
Dilated cardiomyopathy with low ejection fraction |
Cardiac tumors
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