Deep Brain Stimulation for Dystonia

12 Deep Brain Stimulation for Dystonia

Brian Harris Kopell, Craig I. Horenstein and Ali R. Rezai

What is the basic feature of the disease I have detailed? We find no indication of paralysis and the patient can move about freely. However, there is a certain clumsiness, especially of the upper extremities, and the movements are neither graceful nor elastic but rather stiff and disjointed … there is no athetosis … if the patient is fully at rest, the extremities are also quiet…. If involuntary movements are present, they show rhythmic, clonic features…. Upon detailed inspection, it becomes obvious that isolated muscles have a tendency to a moderate tonic tension … we are surprised to encounter rather a hypotonia upon passive movement of the lower extremities…. The salient feature of this disease is an alteration of muscle tone.1

In 1911, Hermann Oppenheim, a German neurologist, introduced the term dystonia to designate the coexistence of muscular hypotonia and hypertonia.1 Dystonia is a heterogeneous group of disorders that encompasses a wide range of manifestations and etiologies. The hallmark of dystonia is involuntary twisting movements and postures, which may be exacerbated by voluntary movements. Most dystonias are treatable with medication and botulinum toxin. However, refractory dystonia may also cause severe functional handicap, debilitating pain, and progress to life-threatening stages. It is for these cases of intractable dystonia that deep brain stimulation (DBS) should be considered.

Classification of Dystonia

Traditionally, dystonia was classified according to the distribution of symptoms, etiology, and age of onset. In focal dystonia a single body region is affected, which includes writer’s cramp (arm), blepharospasm (eyes), cervical dystonia/torticollis (neck), and spasmodic dysphonia or laryngeal dystonia (larynx). In segmental dystonia, two or more adjacent areas are affected. Examples include cranial–cervical dystonia, crural dystonia (one leg plus trunk or both legs), and brachial dystonia (one arm with trunk or both arms). Multifocal dystonia refers to cases where two or more noncontiguous body regions are affected. Generalized dystonia refers to crural dystonia with at least one other body part involved. When dystonia is confined to one side of the body, it is termed hemidystonia.

Historically, age of onset was perhaps the most important classification feature because it was the most significant prognostic indicator of whether focal symptoms would spread to other body parts. Early-onset dystonias typically present around age 9. They begin focally, usually in an arm or leg, and often spread to the trunk, resulting in a generalized dystonia producing severe disability. Adultonset dystonia commonly presents in the fourth and fifth decades and manifests with focal symptoms of the cranial or cervical areas.2 Symptoms usually remain localized though they can still cause significant disability. Generalization nevertheless does occur in 15 to 30% of patients with adultonset primary facial, cervical, or upper extremity dystonia.3 Dystonic tremor is sometimes difficult to distinguish from other forms of tremor, especially essential tremor (ET). It is characterized as irregular and slow (4 to 7 Hz) tremorlike movements that are frequently associated with focal dystonia such as torticollis or writer’s cramp.

As our understanding of the molecular genetics and pathophysiology of dystonia has increased, more clinically useful classification schemes have been developed. Fahn et al4 proposed classifying dystonias into one of four categories: primary dystonias, dystonia-plus syndromes, heredo-degenerative dystonias, and secondary dystonias.

Primary dystonia refers to syndromes where there is no history of a brain injury (e.g., trauma or anoxia), brain imaging and laboratory studies do not suggest an etiology, and the symptoms are unresponsive to low dose L-dopa. The most common form of inherited primary generalized dystonia is DYT-1 dystonia. Dystonia musculorum deformans (Oppenheim’s dystonia) was the original name of what is now known as DYT-1 dystonia. With an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern and variable penetrance, it accounts for 90% and 60% of early-onset primary dystonia in Jewish and non-Jewish children, respectively. The gene in question encodes the protein torsion A and has been mapped to a GAG deletion on chromosome 9q34.1.

Dystonia-plus category encompasses dystonic syndromes associated with clinical and laboratory findings suggestive of a neurochemical disorder without evidence of neurode-generation, such as the L-dopa responsive dystonias.

Heredodegenerative dystonias include neurodegenerative disorders that often produce dystonia as a prominent clinical feature, but other neurological features are usually present. The class of heredodegenerative dystonias includes Parkinson disease (PD), Wilson disease, Huntington disease, and GM1 and GM2 gangliosidosis.

The fourth category, secondary dystonia, refers to syndromes where dystonia occurs as a result of an environmental insult to the brain. Focal dystonia can occur after direct injury to an extremity and is not unique to brain insult. Common causes include perinatal cerebral injury/ anoxia, encephalitis, trauma, hypoxia, and L-dopa–induced dystonia.

History of Treatment for Dystonia

Pallidotomy and Thalamotomy

In the 1930s, Russell Meyers first performed selective basal ganglia lesions via craniotomy for the treatment of extrapyramidal movement disorders, including dystonia. Although he found that pallidal lesions abolished abnormal movements without causing weakness, his high rate of side effects resulted in pallidal targets being abandoned by the surgical community.5,6

In the 1950s, surgeons began revisiting Meyers’s pallidotomy using stereotactic techniques.710 Early stereotactic pallidotomies targeted the anterodorsal portion of the globus pallidus, and though the surgeries could be performed with less morbidity and mortality, the clinical outcomes were poor.11 For the next several decades, thalamic targets, including the ventral lateral thalamus [ventral intermediate (Vim), ventro-oralis anterior (Voa), ventro-oralis posterior (Vop), ventral caudal (Vc)], centromedian nucleus (CM), pulvinar, and subthalamic region were the preferred sites for surgical intervention in dystonia.1215

Cooper performed thalamotomies on 226 patients with primary or secondary generalized dystonia between 1953 and 1976.12 He initially targeted the ventral lateral thalamus (Voa/Vop) and CM, but he refrained from simultaneous bilateral interventions due to the high risk of speech disturbances. If a further operation was required, Cooper lesioned the pallidal and cerebellar efferent fibers to the thalamus. If a patient was still disabled following this surgery, he performed a pulvinotomy. Cooper reports that improvement of dystonia was progressive and occurred up to 6 months postoperatively. Furthermore, a larger lesion was needed to treat dystonia than was necessary to suppress parkinsonian tremor. After an average follow-up of 8 years, 25% of Cooper’s patients had “good” and 45% had “moderate” improvement. There was no change in 18% of patients, and symptoms worsened in 12%. Cooper’s best results were in Jewish patients with early-onset hereditary dystonia.

In 1952, Leksell noticed improved outcomes following pallidotomy for movement disorders when he modified the anterodorsal pallidotomy to a more posteroventral target, where the ansa lenticularis emerges.16 This work was largely overlooked until Laitinen’s efforts in the late 1980s.11 Leksell’s posteroventral pallidotomy (PVP) was particularly successful in treating tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia, as well as on-period dyskinesias and off-period dystonias. The beneficial effects on dystonic symptoms in PD encouraged neurosurgeons to attempt the PVP for the treatment of dystonia, and in recent years, the PVP has been performed for the treatment of dystonia with good results.17,18,19,20,21 Although still controversial, bilateral PVP has been associated with increased risks of dysphagia, speech difficulty, and cognitive disturbance compared with unilateral interventions.22 This increased risk makes DBS for dystonia more attractive than PVP due to the often needed bilateral aspect of intervention.

Peripheral Denervation Procedures

Peripheral denervation procedures for focal cervical dystonia have been largely replaced by botulinum toxin injections but may still be considered in medically refractory patients. Various selective peripheral denervation procedures have been used for treating cervical dystonia, including rhizotomy with intradural sectioning of anterior cervical roots C1–C3, posterior ramisectomy with extradural sectioning of the dorsal rami, microvascular decompression of the spinal accessory nerve, and myotomy. Krauss et al23 used a combination of denervation procedures tailored to each patient’s specific symptoms and reported mild to excellent improvement in 41 of 46 patients.


In 1960, Hassler et al24 reported that low-frequency (4 to 8 Hz) stimulation of the pallidum in a patient with primary cervical dystonia and athetosis elicited abnormal movements, whereas higher-frequency stimulation eventually suppressed them. However, no other reports of electrical stimulation for the treatment of dystonia appear in the literature until 1977, when Mundinger25 reported encouraging short-term results for seven patients with cervical dystonia who underwent unilateral, low-frequency (2 to 12 Hz), intermittent (30-minute, several times per day) electrical stimulation of the thalamus (Voa, Voi, and sub-thalamic areas). However, no long-term results were ever published, and the technique was abandoned due to difficulty with the hardware.

In the 1980s, several groups reexamined thalamic stimulation for dystonia. Andy, stimulating in the motor thalamus, demonstrated that intermittent 50 Hz thalamic stimulation improved symptoms in two patients with cervical dystonia.26 Targeting the sensory (Vc) thalamus, Siegfried27 reported a reduction of dystonic symptoms in four patients treated with 33 Hz stimulation, and Sel-lal et al28 showed a dramatic improvement in a patient with secondary hemidystonia with intermittent 60 Hz stimulation.

The modern era of continuous high-frequency deep brain stimulation (DBS) began when Benabid et al29 stimulated ventral Vim in PD or ET patients. The procedure was later performed in the globus pallidus internus (GPi) and in the subthalamic nucleus (STN).30,31 The ensuing success of high-frequency DBS in treating ET, PD, and related L-dopa– induced on-dyskinesias and off-dystonias encouraged surgeons to expand the indications for DBS. Pollak et al32 first applied high-frequency DBS for generalized dystonia when they stimulated Vim in 12 patients with generalized dystonia. The following year, three groups reported short-term results of pallidal DBS in the treatment of dystonia.3335 The positive outcomes encouraged other groups to attempt DBS in dystonic patients of varying etiologies, and GPi soon became the preferred target for DBS for dystonia.

Deep Brain Stimulation for Dystonia

Indications and Patient Selection

The indications for DBS for the treatment of dystonia are starting to emerge, though large, prospective, randomized trials are lacking.36,37 Patients who are considered for surgery must have severe motor symptoms and/or pain refractory to medical therapy and resulting in significant functional disability. A variety of medications are utilized before a patient is considered refractory. Patients with primary dystonia initially undergo a therapeutic trial with L-dopa. If this is unsuccessful, anticholinergic therapy with trihexyphenidyl is instituted, and benefit is typically seen in 40 to 50% of patients.3840 Baclofen and benzodiazepines are generally considered useful as adjunctive therapies. Bac-lofen has been reported to be more effective in children and adolescents, and intrathecal baclofen is used in patients with dystonia associated with spasticity and pain.41,42 Clozapine, an atypical neuroleptic that primarily blocks D4 receptors, has shown a 30% improvement in subjective ratings and dystonia scales.43 Other commonly used medications for treating dystonia include mexiletine (an anti-arrhythmic related to lidocaine), anticonvulsants, muscle relaxants, and riluzole (a glutamine antagonist).41

Botulinum toxin injections have become one of the main medical therapies, with response rates of 70 to 100%, depending on the type of dystonia.44 Single injections range from $100 for focal dystonia to $2500 for generalized dystonia.45 There are many different subtypes of botulinum toxins, but only type A (BOTOX, Allergan, Inc., Irvine, CA) and type B (Myobloc/Neurobloc, Solstice Neurosciences, Inc., South San Francisco, CA) have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in dystonia.41 Approximately 4 to 10% of patients, however, do not respond to botulinum toxin injection, either primarily or secondarily, due to development of neutralizing antibodies.46

Clinical evaluation of dystonia is essential for patient selection prior to surgery and for documenting outcomes postoperatively. Currently accepted rating scales include the Global Dystonia Rating Scale (GDRS), the Burke-Fahn-Marsden (BFMDRS), and the United Dystonia Rating Scale (UDRS) for generalized dystonia, and the Toronto Western Spasmodic Torticollis Rating Scale (TWSTRS) for cervical dystonia.37,47,48 A large, multicenter study conducted by the Dystonia Study Group critically assessed the BFMDRS, GDRS, and UDRS, confirming their internal consistency, validity, interrater reliability, and ease of use, concluding that the BFM-DRS and GDRS were appropriate for use in clinical trials and the UDRS was appropriate for use in an office setting.47

Traditionally, only patients with generalized, segmental, or hemidystonia were considered for stereotactic neu-rosurgical procedures. Focal dystonia usually responds to botulinum toxin injections and, in most cases, does not produce significant enough disability to warrant the risks of surgery. Furthermore, published outcomes have shown that patients with primary generalized dystonia have the best surgical outcomes, and patients with appendicular symptoms are believed to respond better than patients with axial disease. The literature also suggests that the subset of patients with DYT-1 dystonia has the best results following stereotactic lesioning or DBS.4951 However, the reported safety of bilateral GPi stimulation has encouraged various groups to attempt to expand the indications for DBS in dystonia. The results from the literature suggest that many patients with severe focal dystonia and secondary dystonia may also benefit from chronic DBS therapy.


Stereotactic neurosurgery has traditionally been considered the last option in treating severe dystonia. However, recent reviews have shown bilateral DBS to be safe and highly effective in treating adults and children with various types of dystonia and PD. Because of its safety and reversibility, DBS is replacing brain lesioning as the preferred stereotactic procedure.52,53 Currently, thalamic and pallidal targets have been the focus for DBS intervention for dystonia, with pallidal stimulation dominating the investigative literature both by frequency performed and by efficacy.

The pallidal target is the sensorimotor portion of the GPi as initially described by Leksell and popularized by Laitinen.11,16 Though the exact lead placement varies from institution to institution, it is generally agreed to be 18 to 21 mm lateral to midline, 2 to 3 mm anterior to the midcommissural point (MCP) and 3 to 6 mm ventral to the intercommis-sural plane. The DBS tip is ideally 4 to 5 mm anterior to the internal capsule border and 2 mm dorsal to the optic tract. Many authors favor placing the leads laterally within this territory to avoid complications secondary to DBS effects on the internal capsule. An additional variable has been the higher voltages used to achieve therapeutic benefits. This has necessitated a more anterior placement of the DBS lead to reduce the current spread to the internal capsule.

Thalamic interventions have been mainly described in the Voa/Vop and Vim thalamus. Such coordinates have been as follows: Voa—2 mm anterior to the MCP, 10 mm lateral to the MCP, and 5 mm dorsal to the intercommis-sural plane54; Vim—6.0 to 6.5 mm anterior to the posterior commissure, 13.8 to 14.0 mm lateral to the MCP, and 1 mm dorsal to the intercommissural plane.55

Because most published reports for DBS for dystonia have focused on the internal pallidum, the following sections discuss physiology and localization methods from the perspective of the pallidal target. Key aspects of thalamic intervention are also given.

Target Acquisition, Headframe Placement, and Anesthesia Management

Although DBS for dystonia shares many common features with DBS for other movement disorders, there are several unique considerations. The first issue concerns target acquisition. Preoperative target localization is performed utilizing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI sequences such as inversion recovery can directly visualize the borders of the GPi and allow modification of the initial target based on the anatomical variations of individual patients.56 These images are often merged with a concurrent computed to-mographic (CT) scan because CT presently produces less spatial distortion of localizing fiducials than does MRI.

Vayssiere et al57 reported that accurate DBS lead placement with good clinical outcome can be achieved based solely on MRI localization. Postoperative MRIs, obtained immediately after surgery with the patient still under general anesthesia, should confirm precise lead placement. The actual lead placement was not statistically (mean 2 to 3 mm) different from the theoretical target chosen preoperatively. These authors also report a mean improvement of 83.8% in the BMFDRS score at a mean follow-up of 1 year. Another method utilizes “semimicroelectrode” guidance and tissue impedance monitoring to guide final targeting of the DBS electrode.58

Most institutions, however, utilize intraoperative micro-electrode recording (MER) to confirm accurate lead placement. MER is still highly recommended for several reasons.56 First, the borders of target nuclei are not always perfectly visualized on MRI. Despite the use of CT fusion, there may still be image distortion effects, and shifting of brain tissue may occur intraoperatively due to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage and air entering the cranial cavity. Second, there is not always a perfect correlation between structure and function, especially in patients with pathophysiological changes.56,59 Reports of DBS placement have shown that the first trajectory chosen does not usually result in optimal lead placement, and that based on the results of MERs, the optimal lead placement varies by 1.27 mm or greater from the initial target in 25% of cases.60 Finally, microstimulation enables the surgeon to confirm that the lead placement will allow stimulator settings to be increased to higher voltages without causing pyramidal side effects via activation of fibers in the internal capsule, intolerable paresthesias via activation of the Vc nucleus/medial lemniscus, or visual scotomas from optic tract activation.

Anesthesia management is particularly important during DBS interventions for dystonia. Often patients with dystonia, especially severe generalized and cervical dystonias and the pediatric population, will present with challenges regarding airway management, headframe placement, and comfort during the procedure itself. Unlike PD patients, who in their off state are often rigid and immobile, the dystonic patient can have violent, uncontrolled movements. Initially this can make accurate headframe placement extremely difficult. In these patients, careful coordination with anesthesia colleagues to obtain propofol intravenous (IV) sedation or light general anesthesia with laryngeal mask airway (LMA) can be helpful during this phase.

During the surgical implantation of DBS electrodes, IV sedation, especially propofol, can confound MER data by lowering the firing rate of the globus pallidus externus and internus (GPe, GPi).61 Although many adults can tolerate awake-surgery in this state, the pediatric population may not. Starr et al62 reported the use of ketamine and opiate sedation in pediatric dystonia patients that seemed to interfere least with MER data. Such combinations and others such as the 2 agonist, dexmedetomidine may prove useful in providing sedation and pain control for dystonia patients while allowing electrophysiological mapping to occur.

Some of these challenges may be overcome with the use of frameless stereotactic equipment. A frameless stereotactic system may potentially obviate the need for the dystonia patients, with their attendant abnormal and sometimes violent movements, to be constrained by a headframe. This freedom of movement would necessarily afford the patient greater comfort and the anesthesiology personnel a greater degree of control over airway function. The issue of accuracy of these systems compared with the standard frame-based placement is still being evaluated by several centers.

Editor’s Comments

Several drugs are used to treat dystonia. Unfortunately, they are often ineffective and can cause serious side effects, including confusion, memory and attention disorders, blurred vision, constipation, and urinary retention. In an open-label trial, it was reported that only 38% of adults and 50% of children gain moderate to marked benefit from medical therapy.39 In a double-blind crossover study of 31 patients with generalized dystonia, only 42% obtained good benefit, and many patients were unable to continue therapy due to side effects from the medication.38 As a result, considerable effort has been spent to develop alternative treatment strategies. Historically, a variety of surgical approaches have been tried for the treatment of dystonia. The results were highly variable and associated with a very high rate of complications. These have included surgical approaches such as peripheral surgical denervation, electrical dorsal column stimulation, pallidotomy, and thalamotomy. Cervical rhizotomy has played a small role in the treatment of dystonia. It is not useful for hemi- or generalized dystonia due to the multiple muscle groups involved in these dystonias; therefore, it has been used predominantly for focal or segmental dystonia, in particular for spasmodic torticollis. Although effective in some cases, results are unpredictable and may often be associated with severe weakness, dysphagia, and sensory disorders. Ablation of various portions of the cerebellum has met with mixed success and is not currently used to treat dystonia.

Thalamotomy has been the most widely used procedure for the treatment of dystonia. There are four major studies of thalamotomy for dystonia (see references 12, 15, 50, 63). All reported that thalamotomy was effective in alleviating both primary and secondary dystonia; however, the benefits to individual patients varied from none to marked, with approximately one third showing marked benefit, one third mild to moderate, and one third no or little benefit.50 No one could replicate Cooper’s results. This could be related to the high number of genetic dystonia patients (possibly DYT-1) or overly enthusiastic evaluations. Many patients who initially experienced improvement in symptoms following surgery gradually lost benefit over the ensuing months. These patients were often reoperated and the lesion was gradually expanded with the hope of regaining lost benefit. An average of two surgeries per patient was reported by Cooper in his seminal work of surgery for dystonia published in 1976, with some patients undergoing as many as seven operations.12 The lack of a common target and the selection of patients with different pathophysiological mechanisms for their dystonia may account for some of the variability in outcomes reported across studies. There was no consensus as to the thalamic target, and surgeons often targeted various combinations of thalamic subnuclei, including the Vim, Vop, Voa, CM, Vc, or pulvinar. The variable outcome, gradual loss of benefit in some patients, and high incidence of side effects associated with bilateral thalamotomy gradually blunted the enthusiasm for this approach to the treatment of dystonia.

Historically the pallidum was also targeted for the treatment of dystonia. Compared with thalamotomy, however, pallidotomy for dystonia was performed infrequently due to the inconsistent benefits associated with this procedure. Although the signs of dystonia frequently responded acutely to surgery, similar to that reported following thalamotomy, many patients suffered a regression or worsening of signs over the ensuing weeks to months. The underlying basis for these variable results remains speculative because there is little his-tological or radiographic evidence as to the lesion site, nor were there rigorous and comprehensive pre- and postoperative evaluations of motor, cognitive, and emotional changes. It is highly likely that the reasons for this variability relate to patient selection, problems with target localization, and lesioning techniques. With the more recent reintroduction of pallidotomy for PD it has become apparent that the outcome depends on the site of the lesion.6467 In our experience, lesions involving the caudal portions of the GPi are more effective in alleviating parkinsonian motor signs than more rostrally placed lesions, and lesions only a few millimeters apart may have vastly different long-term results. Recent observations of marked improvement in patients with primary dystonia with lesions in the posterolateral “sensorimotor” portion of the GPi, confirmed using high-resolution MRI, would suggest that lesions in this region of the pallidum can be highly effective in the alleviation of dystonia and that the inconsistency of earlier studies of pallidotomy for dystonia may have been due, at least in part, to differences in lesion location.68 In addition to lesion location, other factors such as lesion size, disease progression and/or plasticity of neuronal pathways mediating the development of dystonia could also play a role in the return of dystonic symptoms over time.

The concerns over the development of permanent side effects related to surgical lesioning have led many to consider DBS as the preferred surgical option, over ablative procedures for the treatment of primary generalized dystonia. Earlier ablative studies often required reoperation to expand the lesion, whereas with DBS adjustment of stimulation parameters may allow one to accomplish the same goal without reoperation. Chronic DBS in the GPi has emerged as the surgical therapy of choice due to the encouraging results of initial studies, reversibility of side effects, and ability to perform bilateral procedures without the associated high incidence of side effects associated with bilateral ablative procedures. As of April 15, 2003, the Medtronic Activa (Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, MN) was approved for humanitarian device exception ( for uni- or bilateral GPi or STN DBS placement for chronic, intractable primary dystonia, including generalized or segmental dystonia for patients 7 years or older. It requires an institutional review board (IRB)-approved protocol.

Rush Inclusion Criteria

  1. Clinical diagnosis of primary dystonia from a movement disorder specialist.
  2. Age range up to 70 years, but more important is the physiological condition of the patient to undergo surgery.
  3. Unsatisfactory clinical response to maximal medical management, including high-dose anticholinergics, baclofen, benzodiazepines, and where appropriate, botulinum toxin. All individuals with dystonia will have undergone a trial of L-dopa to a total dose of 600 mg per day to exclude patients with dopa-responsive dystonia.
  4. The presence of dystonia for greater than 36 months.
  5. No other neurological deficit to suggest other diseases (see below) and no fixed contractures.
  6. Normal perinatal and developmental history.
  7. Clinical diagnosis of secondary acquired dystonias (e.g., perinatal brain injury, stroke, drug-induced or focal cerebral pathology) is evaluated on an individual basis.
  8. Clinical diagnosis of dystonia-plus syndromes (e.g., dopa-responsive dystonia, myoclonus dystonia, rapid-onset dystonia-parkin-sonism), inherited degenerative disorders [e.g., Wilson disease, Parkin-associated parkinsonism, spinocerebellar ataxias, gan-gliosidoses, glutaric aciduria, neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation/pantothenate-kinase-associated neurodegeneration (PKAN), amino and organic acidurias] or with degenerative disorders of unclear etiology (PD, progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasalganglionic degeneration, etc.) as a cause of dystonia unless part of a study should be avoided.

Rush Exclusion Criteria

  1. Abnormal MRI based on evidence of intracranial pathology, including extensive white matter changes, cortical atrophy, evidence of large lacunes, or lesions in the basal ganglia.
  2. Ongoing botulinum toxin therapy or a botulinum toxin injection within 3 months of study entry. This interval was chosen to allow sufficient time to recover from botulinum toxin treatment to allow adequate examination and evaluation.
  3. Psychogenic dystonia.
  4. Clinically significant medical disease that would increase the risk of developing pre- or postoperative complications (e.g., unstable cardiac or pulmonary disease, uncontrolled hypertension).
  5. Dementia (based on DSM-IV criteria) or severe cognitive impairment (e.g., IQ < 70) that in a neuropsychologist’s clinical judgment would preclude the patient’s ability to comply with the demands of surgery or would adversely affect the reliability of subsequent follow-up evaluations.
  6. Patients with clinically significant depression or anxiety that causes or contributes to increasing symptoms of dystonia are not to be included unless the psychiatric condition is assessed, treated, and deemed stable by a psychiatrist prior to study entry. These patients would include those diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, minor depression, and dysthymia.

Most patients with generalized dystonia will undergo bilateral simultaneous implantation in the internal segment of the GPi. If for technical reasons bilateral implantation cannot be performed or at the time of operation it is decided by the surgeon or patient not to proceed with the second side, a second surgery can be planned within 3 to 6 months from the first procedure. The preferred anesthetic protocol for focal dystonic or mildly symptomatic general dystonic patients is to have patients awake (local anesthesia with intermittent IV sedation) for the part of the procedure involving physiological mapping. Most patients under 14 years of age will not tolerate awake surgery; therefore, patients under 14 are offered a general anesthetic for the entire procedure. Nevertheless, we have done patients as young as 9 under local and have had to do some adults under general. Preoperative evaluation is critical. How well patients can tolerate a diagnostic MRI is a clue to whether general anesthesia, IV sedation, or awake surgery should be planned. Following placement of a stereotactic headframe, an MRI scan is obtained to define both the target and the trajectory through the brain. The anterior commissural–posterior commissural (AC–PC) line is defined. Using the AC–PC line for reference, our initial target for the pallidum is the posterior region of the GPi at 21.5 mm lateral to the midline, 3 mm anterior, and 5 mm below the MCP, per the Schaltenbrand and Bailey Human Brain Atlas. We will adjust these coordinates to account for individual anatomical variations evident on direct targeting from the MRI using StealthStation (Medtronic Navigation, Louisville, CO) image guidance.

Once the stereotactic frame is placed and the initial target is identified by MRI, MER is used to map the pallidal region.69 A motorized microdrive is used to advance the microelectrode. MER is performed in the parasagittal plane; the angle of entry may vary slightly from parasagittal based on preoperative planning and the need to vary the angle of entry to avoid blood vessels along the trajectory. The microelectrode is advanced in the anterodorsal to posteroventral direction at an angle of ~30 degrees from vertical. The microelectrode is lowered within a protective guide tube. As the microelectrode is advanced, patterns of neural activity are noted throughout the track, and the depths from the starting position are recorded. The major structures that are identified using this plane of approach are the white matter, striatum (caudate and putamen), GPe and GPi, internal and external medullary laminae, optic tract, and internal capsule as has been discussed in Chapter 7. The nucleus basalis may be encountered with anteriorly placed penetrations. In PD patients, each cellular region has a characteristic pattern of neural activity.64 In patients with dystonia, neural activity in the GPi is typified by grouped irregular discharges of varying frequency and may sound similar to that in GPe. Although it is argued that the use of anesthetic agents may have lowered these rates in humans undergoing stereotactic surgery,61 our data in patients with and without propofol and studies in multiple other centers in patients without the use of anesthetic agents21,65,7072 all support the original hypothesis that rates are lower in patients with dystonia. Because in dystonia the rates and patterns are very similar, differentiating GPe and GPi under general anesthesia is difficult. Therefore, special attention to the location of laminae (quiet regions) is particularly important for these patients and provides a landmark for identification of the border between nuclei. Within the laminae of the pallidum (i.e., between the GPe and GPi and within the GPi), neurons with slower rates of tonic neural activity (“border” cells) may be encountered. Their pattern of spontaneous activity is distinct and helpful in identifying the laminae and borders of the pallidal segments. The pattern of discharge of those neurons is the same as those found in the nucleus basalis (these are probably the same neuronal types). The lack of cellular activity and the frequent presence of “border” cells can identify the lamina between the GPe and GPi and the accessory lamina within the GPi. To determine the location of the sensorimotor territory of the GPi, neurons are examined in awake patients for their response to passive manipulations and active movement of the extremities and orofacial structures. The posterior portion of the GPi (sensorimotor) contains neurons whose discharge is related to passive or active movement of either or both the limbs and the orofacial structures. The responses of neurons to passive and active manipulations in dystonia are robust and help to locate the sensorimotor portion of the GPi. There is a general somatotopic organization within the GPi, with the preponderance of cells representing the leg found medial and dorsal to those representing the arm and face, which are predominantly ventral and lateral.64 The jaw representation is found more ventral. Sensorimotor responses are found predominantly in the posterolateral portions of the GPi. Neurons in regions more anterior and medial do not generally respond to active or passive manipulations. These anteromedial regions are likely related to nonmotor “associative” functions and should be avoided.68 General anesthesia will also render these discharge pattern determinations impossible. This may necessitate more microelectrode tracts and greater dependency on finding the optic tract and corticospinal tract.

After passing through the pallidum, the electrode may enter either the optic tract or the internal capsule. The optic tract can be identified in the vast majority of patients by flashing a strobe light in the patient’s eyes and listening for high-frequency modulation of the background audio signal coincident with the light stimulus. In awake patients, the optic tract can also be identified in most cases by microstimulation. For microstimulation we use balanced biphasic pulses at 300 Hz of 0.2 msec duration with currents from 5 to 40 μA. Patients typically report seeing brief speckles or flashes of light of various colors in the contralateral visual field in a localized region, which is most often lateral to or near the midline. The internal capsule can be identified by observing stimulation-induced (60 to 90 μA, 300 Hz) movement of the limbs or orofacial structures. The relative proximity of these structures (i.e., optic tract and internal capsule) can be ascertained by the stimulation threshold at which muscle contraction occurs or the patient reports seeing speckles or flashes of light.

Once the sensorimotor portion of the GPi and its borders are defined, the site for lead implantation is selected based on the physiological map. The DBS lead (Medtronic DBS 3387, Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, MN) is placed in the sensorimotor pallidum, at approximately lateral 21.5 mm, 4 mm anterior to the posterior border with the bottom contact placed at the ventral border of the GPi. The DBS 3387 lead has four metal contacts, each 1.5 mm in diameter, separated from each other by 1.5 mm. The total distance from the top of the first contact to the bottom of the last is 10.5 mm. Macrostimulation with the DBS lead is used to further confirm the distance of the lead from the optic and corticospinal tracts to insure activation thresholds for these structures are significantly higher than those generally required for improvement in dystonia. Intraop-eratively, there is often little or no improvement (decrease tone) in motor function observable in dystonia patients at the time of stimulation. Improvement in dystonic symptoms is often gradual occurring over days to weeks and months following the onset of stimulation and adjustment of stimulation parameters. Thus the decision to move the lead will be based primarily on the ability to stimulate at parameters necessary to obtain relief from dystonic symptoms without inducing side effects. Dystonia patients require wider pulse widths (> 210 μs) and higher voltages (> 3.0 V) than patients with PD. Therefore, macrostimulation with the DBS lead should be free of side effects at 8 V for standard 90 Ms or at 5 V with pulse widths 210 μs and a frequency of up to 250 Hz.

Following implantation and screening macrostimulation with the DBS lead, prior to removing the equipment holding the lead in place, a fluoroscopic image is taken and stored to monitor the anteroposterior and dorsoventral location of the lead. The protective guide tube and anchoring equipment are removed, leaving the lead in place. Fluoroscopy will again be used to confirm that the lead has not moved, and screening thresholds will be reconfirmed. Following satisfactory test stimulation, the guide tubes holding the lead are removed, and the lead is anchored to the skull with a lead-anchoring device (Stimloc, Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, MN). The excess lead is coiled below the galea and the wound closed. Placement of the extension head and implantable pulse generator (IPG) are performed within 2 weeks following lead placement, under general anesthesia as described in Chapter 7. Due to the potential of a transient lesion effect following placement of the DBS lead as well as the presence of edema in the region, initial programming occurs 2 to 4 weeks following lead implantation. A pulse width of 210 μs is one used most commonly by centers currently performing DBS for dystonia. Each lead contact will be tested using monopolar stimulation, with the contact as the cathode and the case (IPG) as the anode. For each contact the voltage will be increased in intervals while assessing the patient for beneficial effects and for side effects indicating spread to the optic tract or internal capsule. The effect of stimulation on speech is also assessed. The deepest contact in the GPi that permits a voltage of at least 3.0 V and pulse width of 210 μs without associated side effects is used for stimulation. Depending on the degree of benefit derived from stimulation using this contact, other contacts are explored for effectiveness, and the most effective contact or combination of contacts is used. Various lead combinations (bipolar stimulation, use of two contacts as cathodal), voltage and pulse durations can be used to maximize the clinical benefit while minimizing any potential side effects. Due to the delay in benefit often reported with stimulation, programming dystonic patients will require careful and thorough evaluations over multiple visits. Once benefit is achieved, however, it has been our experience that stimulation parameters remain stable, and little change is required other than small increases in voltage.

Frameless systems are a less encumbering method of performing stereotactic surgery.73 It is a misnomer in that the frame is attached around the entry point rather than by four-point fixation around the entire calverium. There are unique limitations of the frameless system in targeting the GPi nuclei. Because the Nexframe (Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, MN) base sits on the skull, the convexity of the calverium makes alignment difficult for lateral targets. The approach to target must be within a 12-degree angle, or an offset must be used. In these cases, we have had to either drill a second burr hole or use the restricted trajectories available to map the target. In addition, the head is steadied by a restraining device, most commonly a cervical collar attached to the operating table. It offers no help for a patient with significant movement of the neck. Patients will rub themselves raw against the restraints, compromise their airway, and render the recordings worthless. In these cases, we prefer a frame and heavy sedation or general anesthesia. We are still struggling to define the role of frameless stereotactic surgery for dystonia.

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Aug 5, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on Deep Brain Stimulation for Dystonia

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