HPA axis
Cortisol non-suppression
↑ Cortisol suppression in BPD/PTSD and BPD
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone
BPD blunting > MDD
Sleep studies
Differences from BPD in patterns of sleep architecture
↑ Stage 2 sleep
Sleep continuity
↑ REM sleep duration
Total sleep time
↑ Slow-wave sleep
Sleep onset latency
% of wakefulness
Over the past decade, much of the literature concerning the relationship between MDD and BPD has shifted from endocrine parameters to direct visualization of brain structure and function through neuroimaging. While both disorders have been studied using structural and functional MRI and PET scanning, to date, there have been no neuroimaging studies directly comparing MDD and BPD. Comparing individual findings in the two disorders is compromised by technical differences between the pertinent studies and by the fact that studies of MDD do not report on BPD comorbidity. (Studies of BPD tend to include subjects with a history of depressive episodes, as this is true of most individuals with BPD, but most exclude patients with a current major depressive episode (MDE).) Nonetheless, we review current imaging findings for both disorders, recognizing that the ability to compare findings from one body of literature to the other is limited.
Neural systems relevant to MDD include those that involve emotion regulation, emotion processing, and reward seeking [120]. In a review of new developments on MDD, Kupfer et al. [120] found that neuroimaging studies showed evidence that these systems are dysfunctional in the disorder. Hasler et al. [21] proposed several brain abnormalities as putative endophenotypes for the disorder, including increased amygdala activity, decreased subgenual prefrontal cortex (PFC) activity, left anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) volume reduction, and hippocampal reduction. Each of these will be discussed separately and compared to findings in BPD.
Increased Amygdala Activity
Structural imaging studies of amygdala volume in MDD are inconsistent, with some reporting increased amygdala size [121], others noting decreased size [21], and others showing no difference from normal controls [122, 123]. In BPD, as in MDD, volumetric studies have yielded discrepant results, with reports of volume reduction [124–128], perhaps reflecting excitotoxicity with volume loss, alongside studies citing no volume differences [129–131]. Taken together, MDD and BPD structural imaging studies do not converge on a consistent finding regarding amygdala volume.
The amygdala has been viewed as the subcortical structure from which fear and perhaps anger may emerge. Amygdala activity is typically studied after exposure to a fear-inducing stimulus. In MDD, however, amygdala hyperactivity has been consistently reported [132] even at rest, perhaps due to internally generated thoughts of anxiety or sadness [133]. Similarly, increased amygdala activity is found in MDD during REM sleep, when conscious processing of stressors is not occurring. Subjects with MDD show exaggerated response to increasingly sad faces in the left amygdala and other areas that process facial emotion compared to healthy controls [134]. There is less clarity regarding amygdala response to positive stimuli [134, 135].
While increased amygdala activity in response to negative stimuli has been consistently reported in MDD, there are contradictory findings regarding amygdala activity in BPD. fMRI studies in BPD do not show increased amygdala activity when at rest as in MDD. However, increased amygdala activity is shown in BPD in response to specific types of stimulus [136] (e.g., “unresolved” life events), emotional faces [137], scenes of threat and suffering [138], positive and negative emotional pictures [139], and scripts [140]. Hazlett and colleagues [139] also reported an increase in amygdala activity to emotional stimuli. Contrary to earlier studies, however, Goodman et al. (in press) found baseline amygdala activity (at rest) to be higher in BPD subjects when compared to healthy controls. Similar amygdala hyperactivity is seen in impulsive aggressive personality-disordered subjects in response to emotional faces [141]. Furthermore, prolonged amygdala activity is seen when subjects are exposed to negative stimuli such as electrodermal stimulation [142]. These findings suggest overlap in amygdala hyperactivity in both disorders, but with differences at rest and potential variation according to type of emotional stimuli. In addition, BPD patients seem to show particularly robust responses to other emotions, including anger [143]. However, contrary to these previous findings, a meta-analysis of the neural correlates of negative emotionality in BPD found that BPD subjects showed less amygdala activity than control subjects in response to negative emotional stimuli [144] (Table 2.2).
Table 2.2
Comparison of neuroimaging studies of the amygdala
MDD | BPD | |
Amygdala volume | Inconsistent findings | Inconsistent findings |
↓ Volumea | ||
Amygdala activity | ↑ Activityb | ↑ Activity |
Anterior ACC
Numerous studies in MDD have noted volume reductions in subgenual and pregenual ACC. The subgenual ACC is involved in the subjective experiencing of [123] and is viewed as a critical structure in the pathogenesis of MDD. The left subgenual ACC is reported to have 20–40 % gray matter volume reductions [145], but despite these volumetric decreases, some studies suggest that there is hyperactivity of the remaining subgenual tissue, which decreases to normal with effective antidepressant treatment [133] and is the target of deep brain stimulation [146]. However, a meta-analysis of neuroimaging data on altered emotion and cognition in MDD reported hypoactivity in subgenual tissue when not at rest [147]. Additionally, subgenual measures, such as decreased pretreatment responsivity to negative words, have been associated with treatment outcome in cognitive behavior therapy [148]. In the pregenual ACC, findings regarding the effect of treatment have been less consistent [149].
The ACC has also been a region of interest in BPD. Evidence suggests decreased gray matter volume and increased white matter volume in rostral [150] and subgenual [151] cingulate in individuals with BPD but no current MDD compared to healthy controls. Functional imaging studies in BPD have tended to show decreased activation of the ACC in response to provocation. Schmahl and colleagues [136] noted in 12 BPD subjects (one with current MDE and 11 with history of MDD) diminished activation of the perigenual ACC with induction of pain. Several other functional imaging studies in BPD also show decreased activation of the ACC in response to provocation [143, 152, 153]. Silbersweig and colleagues [154], using a behavioral inhibition task during the induction of negative emotion with fMRI, demonstrated decreased activation in the subgenual ACC and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), with increases in amygdala activity, prompting their group and another [148] to propose that BPD sits at the “intersection of cognition and emotion” and ponder whether this constellation of impaired regions is specific to BPD.
Pharmacologic probes have also shown decreased metabolic activity in the ACC and OFC in response to the serotonergic challenge in BPD patients with impulsive aggression [155, 156] and with affective instability [157] compared to healthy controls. Decreased coupling of resting metabolism between the OFC and ventral ACC has been reported by our group [130]. A recent case study of a patient with schizencephaly [158] resulting in a primary ACC and secondary OFC lesion, who prominently manifested symptoms of BPD, supports the notion of important interconnections between these two brain regions in the development of BPD, but not MDD.
Taken together, these studies suggest similar decreases in ACC volume in MDD and BPD. By contrast, while there appears to be an overlap in the anatomic region of aberrant processing (ACC and adjacent OFC) between MDD and BPD, differences exist in the functional responses of these brain regions: In MDD they are generally hyperreactive, only when corrected for volume loss, while in BPD they appear to be under-responsive.
Decreased hippocampal volume has been reported in MDD in most, but not all, studies, with 8–19 % difference from normal controls [21, 122, 159, 160]; for a meta-analysis of these findings, see Videbech and Ravnkilde [161]. A recent meta-analysis by Kempton et al. [162] also reports decreased hippocampal volume in MDD. Volume loss appears to be inversely related to time spent depressed [163]. However, hippocampal volume loss is also found in other disorders, such as PTSD and schizophrenia.
In BPD, hippocampal volume loss has been reported in some [164–166] studies, but appears to be associated with extent of trauma [167] and abuse history [129], reflecting comorbidities with PTSD rather than specificity to BPD itself [168]. An exception to this, however, is a recent study [166] that found hippocampal volume reductions in BPD to be inversely correlated with aggressive but not impulsive symptomatology. Recent meta-analyses also support previous findings of hippocampal volume decrease in BPD [128, 168] (Table 2.3).
Table 2.3
Comparison of neuroimaging studies of the ACC and hippocampus
MDD | BPD | |
Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) volume and activity | ↓ Volume subgenual ACCa | ↓ Subgenual volume in BPD/no MDD |
Target of deep brain stimulation | ↓ Activation of ACC to provocation | |
Others report ↓ activity | ||
Hippocampal volume | ↓ Volume in most studies but not all | ↓ Volumeb |
Other Brain Regions
Other neuroimaging findings not cited by the Hasler review but implicated in MDD include increased metabolism in the posterior cingulate [133], a region believed to function as a sensory association cortex where processing of affective salience occurs, and decreased cerebral blood flow and metabolism in the dorsal medial PFC, whose impairment affects the ability to modulate emotional responses. The ventrolateral PFC, lateral orbital regions, and insula are reported to show increased metabolism in MDD; however, these findings appear to be state dependent and to improve with treatment [149].
In BPD, similar findings of posterior cingulate activation were noted by New and colleagues [156] in their 5-HT challenge study. However, other findings include volume loss [152] in the region and diminished uptake with PET scanning in BPD females with dissociation and history of childhood sexual trauma, phenomena which complicate the clinical picture and obscure the direct contribution of BPD symptomatology to the posterior cingulate findings [169].
Diminished Serotonin Function
There exists considerable evidence from multiple perspectives, including peripheral, postmortem, imaging, and antidepressant treatment studies, of diminished 5-HT function in MDD. Defects in the 5-HT1A receptor [88] and 5-HTT [170] have been particular sites of inquiry.
The mechanism of the serotonergic abnormality in BPD has recently been examined with molecular neuroimaging studies. A PET study of 5-HT synthesis showed lower synthesis in men with BPD compared to controls in the medial frontal gyrus, ACC, superior temporal gyrus, and corpus striatum; women with BPD had lower 5-HT synthesis compared to controls in the right ACC and superior temporal gyrus [171]. Increased binding was found in the hippocampus in impulsive BPD females independent of mood [172]. More recently, we employed the 5-HTT PET radiotracer [11C]McN 5652 to show reduced availability of 5-HTT in the ACC of personality-disordered individuals with impulsive aggression compared to healthy controls, suggesting reduced serotonergic innervation in this brain region [173]. Interestingly, evidence shows an association between a particular haplotype in the 5-HTT gene (10-repeat of the VNTR intronic marker and the short form of a promoter polymorphism) and BPD, which lends further support to the notion that genetic differences in 5-HTT may play a role in the etiology of the disorder [72]. Impulsive aggressive subjects with BPD are being studied in our lab with PET to determine whether reduced numbers of 5-HTT as indexed by [11 C] DASB-specific binding exist in the cingulate cortex.
Taken together, the published evidence regarding 5-HT suggests that there exist similarities between MDD and BPD, with a serotonergic abnormality that may underlie the impulsive aggressive symptoms of BPD and may be related to specific genetic risk factors, but the precise molecular nature of this abnormality is not yet clear for either disorder (Table 2.4).
Table 2.4
Comparison of neuroimaging studies in 5-HT function
MDD | BPD | |
5-HT function | Peripheral, postmortem, imaging, and antidepressant treatment studies provide evidence for ↓ 5-HT function (5-HT1A receptor and 5-HTT receptors are of particular interest) | PET study of BPD showed ↓ 5-HT synthesis ↑ Binding in hippocampus ↓ Availability of 5-HT transporter in the ACC |
We have examined data from the last 14 years pertinent to the relationship of MDD and BPD, including comparisons between the two disorders’ phenotypes and putative endophenotypes and genotypes, focusing heavily on neuroimaging findings. We assert that BPD and MDD are distinct disorders with overlapping biological processes pertaining to emotional regulatory functions. While both disorders share affective symptomatology, the disturbances central to BPD and MDD are entirely different. The central disturbance of BPD is affective lability, whereas the affective disturbance of MDD is episodic, more sustained, less reactive to the environment, and punctuated by periods of sustained remission. The familiality and phenotypic differences suggest that BPD differs in important ways with respect to symptomatology, prognosis, and heritability; however, very recent twin studies highlight genetic overlap between the two disorders. BPD and MDD comorbidity appears to be most strongly influenced by features of BPD, a revision of Koenigsberg’s more bidirectional model, in which each disorder affects the development of the other.
The neurobiological findings in both MDD and BPD are still preliminary at present, and no coherent model for either disorder can be said to have emerged. We have reviewed the overlapping biological processes—amygdala hyperreactivity, volume changes in the subgenual ACC, and deficient serotonergic function—that appear to underlie emotional dysregulation in both disorders. However, the disorders seem to differ in their patterns of brain region involvement, neurohormonal indices, and sleep architecture. At present, the minimal data available for putative genotypes of BPD is still emerging, is nonspecific to the disorder, and demonstrates significant overlap with MDD. The ability to discern commonalities and differences in the neurobiology of these two disorders is limited by the differing methodologies applied in different studies. Definitive clarification of what MDD and BPD have in common and in what ways they are distinct will only be derived from studies that examine both illnesses using the same study design and methodology.
This work was supported by a VA Advanced Career Development Award to MG and additional resources from the VISN 3 MIRECC and James J. Peters Research Foundation.
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