Developmental Anomalies

Developmental Anomalies

Arachnoid Cysts

1. Characterize intracranial arachnoid cysts.


G7 p.222:100mm

a. Origin: c_____



b. C_____ _____ _____ produce _____.

cells of lining; CSF


c. age: y_____ _____

young patients


d. incidence per 1000 autopsies_____



e. symptoms of s_____, h_____

seizures, headache


f. treatment: s_____, d_____, f_____

shunt, drain, fenestrate


g. path: s_____ a_____ m_____

split arachnoid membrane


2. True or False. Acute deterioration in patients with known arachnoid cysts usually signifies


G7 p.223:65mm

a. rapid increase in cyst size



b. postictal state



c. rupture into subdural space



d. rupture of bridging veins and cyst bleed



3. Complete the following about arachnoid cysts:


G7 p.222:177mm

a. The location of the only extradural type of arachnoid cyst is in the_____ cyst.

intra sellar


b. A retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst might mimic a_____ _____syndrome.



c. The most common location for an arachnoid cyst is the_____ _____.

sylvian fissure


d. The next most common location is the _____ _____.

cerebellopontine angle


e. They are associated with ventriculo megaly in _____%.


G7 p.224:45mm

f. The best treatment is probably_____ of_____.

shunting of cyst

G7 p.224:170mm

4. Complete the following regarding intraspinal cysts:


G7 p.224:70mm

a. If you find one ventrally think_____ _____.

neurenteric cyst


b. If you find one dorsally think_____ _____.

arachnoid cyst


Intracranial Lipomas

5. Intracranial lipomas


G7 p.225:130mm

a. are usually found in the_____ _____

midsagittal plane


b. especially in the_____ _____.

corpus callosum


c. They are frequently associated with _____



d. of the_____.

corpus callosum


e. They may less frequently involve the


     i. _____ _____

tuber cinereum


     ii. and the_____ _____.

quadrigeminal plate


6. True or False. Characteristics of intracranial lipomas include


G7 p.225:145mm

a. Association with_____abnormalities



b. On CT they have a _____density.



c. Differential diagnosis is



     i. d_____ c_____

dermoid cyst


     ii. t_____



     iii. g_____



d. On MRI they have a _____intensity on T1

high (like fat)


e. On MRI they have a _____intensity on T2.



7. Intracranial lipomas may present clinically with


G7 p.225:178mm

a. s_____



b. h_____ d_____

hypothalamic dysfunction


c. h_____



d. m_____ r_____

mental retardation


Hypothalamic Hamartomas

8. Hypothalamic hamartomas


G7 p.226:50mm

a. are frequent or rare?



b. are neoplastic or nonneoplastic?



c. consist of a mass of_____ _____

neuronal tissue


d. that arises from the



     i. in_____ h_____ or

inferior hypothalamus


     ii. t_____ c_____

tuber cinereum


9. Hypothalamic hamartomas clinically


G7 p.226:98mm

a. may present with a special type of seizure called _____, which means _____ seizure

gelastic; laughing


b. may also have_____ attacks





G7 p.226:125mm

     i. may also present with p_____ p_____

precocious puberty


     ii. due to release of g_____ r_____ h_____

gonadotropin releasing hormone


     iii. formed within the_____ cells



Neurenteric Cysts

10. Complete the following about neurenteric cysts:


G7 p.227:100mm

a. A neurenteric cyst is a central nervous system (CNS) cyst lined with_____



b. resembling the_____ or_____ tract.

gastrointestinal or respiratory


c. Regions affected are usually the_____ or_____ areas.

cervical or thoracic

G7 p.227:115mm

d. Histology is a cyst lined with c_____- c_____ e_____

cuboidal-columnar epithelium


e. with m _____-s_____ g_____ c_____.

mucin-secreting goblet cells

G7 p.228:34mm

Craniofacial Development

11. Complete the following about craniofacial development:


G7 p.228:105mm

a. The anterior fontanelle closes by age _____.

2.5 years


b. Head size is 90% of adult size at age _____

1 year


c. The head stops enlarging by age _____

7 years

G7 p.228:130mm

d. The skull is_____ at birth.



e. Diploë appears by the _____year and



f. reaches a maximum at age_____

35 years


g. Diploic veins form at age_____.

35 years


h. Air cells in the mastoid occur in _____ year.



12. True or false. Craniosynostosis


G7 p.228:172mm

a. has been proven to occur after shunting.



b. of one suture does not cause ↑ ICP.

false—11 % have ↑ ICP


13. Complete the following about craniofacial development:


G7 p.229:157mm

a. The most common craniosynostosis is _____.



b. The male to female ratio is



c. The resulting skull shape is

dolichocephalic/scaphocephalic/boat shape


d. Surgery should be done within the age range of_____.

3 to 6 months


e. The strip craniectomy should be_____ cm wide.



14. Complete the following regarding coronal synostosis:


G7 p.230:28mm

a. Incidence of patients with craniosynostosis who have coronal synostosis is _____%.



b. In which is it more common, males or females?



15. Coronal suture synostosis (CSS)


G7 p.230:35 mm

a. plus syndactyly is called_____ syndrome.



b. Unilateral CSS is called_____.



c. CSS plus hypoplasia of the face is called_____ disease.



d. Plagiocephaly has an unusual orbit appearance on x-ray called the_____ _____ _____.

harlequin eye sign


e. Plagiocephaly



     i. Forehead on affected side is _____ or _____

flattened or concave


     ii. Supraorbital ridge has a _____margin.



16. Harlequin eye sign


G7 p.230:40mm

a. occurs in u_____ c_____ suture closure

unilateral coronal


b. seen on_____ _____ _____.

anteroposterior skull x-ray


c. The abnormal bony structure is the_____ _____

supraorbital margin


d. and is_____ than on the normal side.



17. Complete the following about craniofacial development:


G7 p.230:80mm

a. What suture is closed to produce trigonocephaly?



b. It is usually associated with an abnormality of the_____ chromosome.



18. Characterize lambdoid synostosis.


G7 p.230:100mm

a. Male to female ratio is_____.



b. Side involved most frequently is_____.

right side


c. The frequency of involvement is_____% right.



d. Does it have a ridge or an indentation to palpation?

not a ridge like the sagittal or coronal synostosis, but it has an indentation


19. Considering lambdoid synostosis:


G7 p.230:160mm

Fig. 8.1


illustration by Tony Pazos

a. Differentiate from positional flattening by looking at the ears from the_____ _____ _____ _____.

top of the head


b. In lambdoid synostosis you will see the ipsilateral ear_____ _____.

lags behind


c. In positional flattening you will see the ipsilateral ear is _____ _____.

pushed forward (If flat side of occipital bone is same side as the posteriorly positioned ear it is a case of lambdoid synostosis; if not it is a case of positional flattening.)


20. Answer the following concerning lambdoid synostosis treatment:


G7 p.231:85mm

a. True or False. All require surgery.

false (Only 15% won’t respond to repositioning.)


b. True or False. Surgery is indicated early (i.e., in 3 to 6 months).

false (One can observe for 3 to 6 months for improvement.)


c. Ideal age for surgery is_____ to_____ months.

6 to 18


d. Early surgery is indicated for s_____ d_____ and e_____ i_____ p_____.

severe disfigurement and elevated intracranial pressure


21. Describe oxycephaly.


G7 p.231:155mm

a. Definition:_____ _____

tower skull


b. Occurs if there is fusion of_____ _____

multiple sutures


c. Is there elevated ICP?



d. What is the status of the sinuses?

underdeveloped sinuses


22. Complete the following about craniofacial development:


G7 p.232:60mm

a. Cranium bifidum is another name for _____ or_____.

encephalocele or meningocele


b. What type does not produce a visible soft tissue mass?

basal encephalocele


c. Definition: an extension of_____ structures outside the normal_____ of the skull

normal, confines

G7 p.232:75mm

d. A nasal polypoid mass in a newborn should be considered an_____ until proven otherwise.


G7 p.232:75mm

23. Complete the following about encephalocele:


G7 p.232:130mm

a. Incidence of the basal form of encephalocele is _____%.



b. May exit the skull via a defect in



     i. c_____ p_____

cribriform plate


     ii. f_____ c_____

foramen cecum


     iii. s_____ o_____ f_____

superior orbital fissure


c. Treatment is by a combined i_____ and t_____ approach

intracranial and transnasal


Chiari Malformation

24. Compare Chiari types I and II.


G7 p.233:100mm

a. medulla-caudal dislocation

Chiari I, no



Chiari II, yes


b. into cervical canal

Chiari I, tonsils

Chiari II, vermis, medulla,

fourth ventricle


c. myelomeningocele

Chiari I, no

Chiari II, yes


d. hydrocephalus

Chiari I, no

Chiari II, yes


e. medullary kink

Chiari I, no

Chiari II, 55%


f. cervical nerves

Chiari I, normal

Chiari II, upward


g. age at presentation

Chiari I, adult

Chiari II, infant


h. symptoms

Chiari I, neck pain

Chiari II, hydrocephalus, respiratory distress


25. Complete the following about Chiari malformation:


G7 p.234:25mm

a. Chiari I has how many abnormalities?

1—with many names


b. List four names this abnormality has been called.



     i. t_____ h_____

tonsillar herniation


     ii. c_____ d_____ of c1

caudal displacement of cerebellum


     iii. p_____ e_____ of t_____

peglike elongation of tonsil


     iv. c_____ e_____

cerebellar ectopia


26. Chiari I


G7 p.234:25mm

a. has how many deformities?



b. is known by the following names



     i. e_____



     ii. e_____



     iii. d_____



     iv. h_____



c. symptoms



     i. o_____ h_____

occipital headaches


     ii. c_____ p_____

cervical pain


27. What is the particular eye sign associated with Chiari I?

Downbeat nystagmus is considered a characteristic of this condition in 47%, but it can also occur in Chiari II.

G7 p.235:130mm

28. What percentage of Chiari I patients have hydrosyringomyelia?

20 to 30% of Chiari I patients have a syrinx.

G7 p.236:1 5mm

29. Characterize the location of tonsils and Chiari I.

G7 p.236:1 5mm

a. Normal range related to foramen magnum

     i. high

8 mm above


     ii. low

5 mm below


     iii. mean

1 mm above


b. Chiari I range is



     i. high

3 mm below


     ii. low

29 mm below


     iii. mean

13 mm below


c. Symptoms can occur with tonsils at _____ mm below.



d. Usual level considered cutoff for diagnosis is_____ mm below.



30. Possible better correlation with symptoms of tonsillar herniation is the degree of brain stem compression


G7 p.236:100mm

a. at the_____ _____

foramen magnum


b. as seen on the_____



c. T_____ W1 MRI.



31. The best results from surgery occur if treated within years of onset of symtoms.


G7 p.237:160mm

32. Complete the following concerning Chiari I:


G7 p.237:182mm

a. The most common postop complication is

     i. _____ _____

respiratory depression


     ii. in _____%.



b. Occurs within how many days of surgery?



c. Occurs mostly at what time of day?



d. Death can occur from s_____ a_____.

sleep apnea


e. Other risks of surgery include


     i. c_____ f_____ l_____

cerebrospinal fluid leak


     ii. injury to_____ _____

posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA)


     iii. h_____ of c_____ h_____

herniation of cerebellar hemispheres


33. Complete the following concerning Chiari I:


G7 p.238:30mm

a. Operative results



     i. Main benefit may be to_____ progression



     ii. Best results in patients with syndrome_____ syndrome



     iii. which consists of


G7 p.238:55mm

t_____ a_____

truncal ataxia


l_____ a_____

limb ataxia








b. Which responds better: pain or weakness?


G7 p.238:55mm

34.Factors that correlate with a worse outcome are


G7 p.238:63mm

a. a_____



b. s_____



c. symptoms that are lasting more than_____ _____

2 years


35. Which Chiari malformation is associated with myelomeningocele?

Chiari II

G7 p.238:108mm

36. Study Chart. Chiari II anatomical abnormalities: A to Z.

atlas assimilation

beaking of tectum

bony abnormalities

cerebellar folia poorly


cervical medullary junction



corpus callosum agenesis

degenerated lower CN nuclei

enlarged massa intermedia

falx hypoplasia

fourth ventricle trapped

fusion of cervical vertebrae

gyri miniaturized




Klippel-Feil deformity

low attachment of tentorium

massa intermedia enlarged

medulla oblongata

“z” bend microgyria

nuclei of lower CN



peg of cerebellar tonsils

septum pellucidum absent


tectum beaking (fusion)

tentorium low attachment

Z-shaped bend of medulla

G7 p.238:137mm

37. Considering Chiari II, presenting symptoms are due to dysfunction of


G7 p.239:15mm

a. b_____ s_____

brain stem


b. l_____ c_____ n_____

lower cranial nerves


38. Finding on presentation of Chiari II

Hint: n2 chiari two


G7 p239:30mm

a. n_____

nystagmus—down beat


b. n_____ _____

nasal regurgitation


c. c_____



d. h_____



e. i_____ _____ _____

impaired ventilatory drive


f. a_____ _____, _____

apneic spells, aspiration


g. r_____, _____ _____

regurgitation, respiratory arrest


h. i_____ _____

inspiratory stridor


i. t_____ _____ _____ _____ _____

tenth nerve (vagus) vocal cord paralysis


j. w_____ _____

weak arm—weak cry


k. o_____



39. Complete the following regarding Chiari II:


G7 p.240:68mm

a. The most common cause of mortality is_____ _____.

respiratory arrest


b. The mortality at 6 years follow-up is _____%.



c. Range of mortality



     i. Infants in poor condition (i.e., cardiopulmonary arrest, vocal cord paralysis, and/or arm weakness mortality) is _____%.



     ii. There is gradual onset of symptoms in _____%.



     iii. The worst prognostic factor for response to surgery is b_____v_____ c_____ p_____.

bilateral vocal cord paralysis


Dandy-Walker Malformation

40. Complete the following regarding Dandy-Walker malformation (DWM):


G7 p.240:138mm

a. It is caused by a_____ of the f_____ of L_____ and M_____.

atresia of the foramina of Luschka and Magendie (old theory)


b. Results in



     i. agenesis of_____



     ii. large_____ _____ _____, which communicates with the

posterior fossa cyst


     iii. _____ _____, which becomes

fourth ventricle


     iv. _____.



41. To differentiate DWM from retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst observe for


G7 p.241:28mm

a. v_____ a_____

vermian agenesis


b. cyst opens into f_____ v_____

fourth ventricle


c. enlarged p_____ f_____

posterior fossa


d. elevation of the t_____ H_____

torcular Herophili


42. What is Dandy-Walker pathogenesis?


G7 p.241:50mm

a. D_____

Dilation of fourth ventricle


b. A_____

Agenesis of vermis


c. N_____

Membrane of fourth ventricle


d. D_____

Dysembryo genesis


e. Y_____



43. DWM patients


G7 p.241:60mm




     i. Hydrocephalus is present in_____%

70 to 90%


     ii. and _____% of hydrocephalus patients have DWS.

2 to 4%


b. A common associated abnormality is


G7 p.241:92mm

     i. _____ of the_____ _____ in

agenesis of the corpus callosum


     ii. _____%.



c. and c_____ a_____

cardiac abnormalities


d. If treatment is necessary, you must shunt the ventricle, the cyst, or both?



e. If aqueductal stenosis you should shunt _____also.



f. But shunting the lateral ventricle alone


G7 p.241:122mm

     i. is _____



     ii. because it might cause_____ _____.

upward herniation


g. To avoid _____ herniation


G7 p.241:125mm

h. you must not shunt the _____ alone.


G7 p.241:125mm

44. What is the prognosis in DWM?


G7 p.241:152mm

a. Seizures occur in _____%.



b. Mortality occurs in _____to _____%.

12 to 50%


c. Normal IQ is _____%.



Aqueductal Stenosis

45. True or False. Aqueductal stenosis is seen only in children.

false (Adults can present with symptoms as well.)

G7 p.241:179mm

46. What are the causes of aqueductal stenosis?

Hint: aqectal


G7 p.242:20mm

a. a_____

astrocytoma of brain stem


b. q_____

quadrigeminal plate mass


c. e_____

inflammation, infection


d. c_____

congenital atresia


e. t_____



f. a_____

arachnoid cysts


g. l_____



47. Complete the following concerning aqueductal stenosis:


G7 p.242:45mm

a. It is associated with congenital hydrocephalus in _____%.



b. MRI may show absence of



     i. n_____ f_____ v_____ in the

normal flow void


     ii. a_____ of S_____.

aqueduct of Sylvius


c. MRI with contrast should be used to rule out_____



d. Follow-up should be for at least _____

2 years


e. in order to rule out_____.


G7 p.243:22mm

48. True or False. A patient with aqueductal stenosis of adulthood may have the following symptoms:


G7 p.242:100mm

a. headache



b. visual disturbances



c. decline of mental function



d. gait disturbance



e. papilledema (sign)



f. ataxia



g. urinary incontinence



49. What are the treatment options for aqueductal stenosis?


G7 p.242:175mm

a. ventriculoperitoneal_____ _____

CSF shunting


b. T_____ _____ _____ _____

Torkildsen shunt in adults


c. ETV = _____ _____ _____

endoscopic third ventriculostomy


Neural Tube Defects

50. With neural tube defects there are classification systems. Give examples of


G7 p.243:45 mm

a. neurulation defects



     i. a_____



     ii. m_____



b. postneurulation defects



     i. m_____



     ii. h_____



     iii. h_____



     iv. l_____



     v. s_____



c. spinal defects



     i. d_____



     ii. s_____



51. Complete the following about neural tube defects:


G7 p.243:45mm

a. Failure to fuse the anterior neuropore results in_____.



b. Failure to fuse the posterior neuropore results in_____.



c. The definition of microcephaly is head circumference_____ _____ _____ below the mean.

2 standard deviations


d. In hydranencephaly the cortex is replaced by_____.



e. Failure to cleave can result in_____.



52. Complete the following about neural tube defects:


G7 p.243:45mm

a. Give examples of neurulation defects.



     i. a_____



     ii. c_____



     iii. m_____



b. These defects are due to _____ of the neural tube



53. Complete the following about neural tube defects:


G7 p.243:70mm

a. Name five postneurulation defects.



     i. h_____



     ii. l_____

lissencephaly (most severe)


     iii. h_____



     iv. a_____ of_____ _____

agenesis of corpus callosum


     v. d_____



b. Which is the most severe?



54. Complete the following regarding lissencephaly:


G7 p.243:120mm

a. It is an example of an abnormality of neuronal_____.



b. It results in an abnormality of the _____ convolutions



c. called_____.



55. Name the key features of schizencephaly.


G7 p.243:155mm

a._____ which communicates with _____

cleft; ventricle


b. lined with_____ _____

gray matter


c. Two types are



     i. o_____ l_____

open lipped


     ii. c_____ l_____

close lipped


56. Complete the following about neural tube defects:


G7 p.243:160mm

a. In schizencephaly, the cleft wall is lined with cortical_____ _____.

gray matter


b. In porencephaly, a cystic lesion is lined with _____ or _____ tissue.

connective or glial


57. Hydranencephaly


G7 p.244:49mm

a. is a _____-neurolation defect.



b. Cranium is filled with_____.



c. Is there a small or large head?



d. Most common etiology is_____ _____ _____.

bilateral ICA infarcts


58. Angiography


G7 p.244:137mm

a. of anterior circulation shows_____ _____.

no flow


b. of posterior circulation shows _____.



59. Complete the following about neural tube defects:


G7 p.244:150mm

a. What are the three types of holoprosencephaly? Please list in order of decreasing severity.



     i. a_____

alobar (single ventricle) most severe


     ii. s_____



     iii. l_____

lobar (least severe)


b. They occur because of



     i. failure to_____



     ii. of the_____ _____

telencephalic vesicle


60. List the risk factors for neural tube defects.


G7 p.245:120mm

a. B_____ i_____

B12 insufficiency


b. c_____

cocaine—maternal use


c. D_____

Depakene—use during pregnancy


d. f_____ a_____ i_____

folic acid insufficiency


e. f_____

fever in first trimester


f. h_____e_____

heat exposure—maternal hot tub, sauna


g. o_____

obesity before and during pregnancy


h. v_____ a_____

valproic acid use during pregnancy


     i. v_____

vitamins—prenatal up folic acid and B12


61. What are the tests for prenatal detection of neural tube defects?


G7 p.245:160mm

a. serum _____ _____ (If high at 15 to 20 weeks be suspicious for neural tube defects.)

alfa fetoprotein (If high at 15 to 20 weeks be suspicious for neural tube defects.)


     i. u_____,



     ii. which can detect what % of spina bifida cases?



b. a_____



62. For prenatal detection of neural tube defects


G7 p.245:168mm

a. test mother’s serum for_____ _____.

alpha fetoprotein


b. Has a success rate for



     i. spina bifida open _____% and



     ii. anencephaly_____ %.

100% may be missed


     iii. Closed spinal dysraphism_____ _____ _____.

may be missed


c. An overestimate of gestational age will make us think that a high alpha fetoprotein level is _____.



d. Real-time imaging is by_____.



e. Identifies _____% of s_____ b_____.

90% of spinal bifida


f. Obtaining fluid from the womb is called _____.



g. It carries a risk of fetal loss of _____%.



63. Characterize agenesis of the corpus callosum.


G7 p.246:70mm

a. On computed tomographic scan the typical appearance is as follows:



     i. Third ventricle is_____



     ii. Lateral ventricles are_____.



     iii. Atria and occipital horns are _____.



b. Corpus callosum forms at age_____ _____ after conception and forms from_____ to_____.

2 weeks; rostral to caudal


64. Complete the following concerning the bundles of Probst:


G7 p.246:115mm

a. They are aborted beginnings of the_____ _____

corpus callosum


b. bulging into the_____ _____.

lateral ventricles


65. Complete the following regarding agenesis of the corpus callosum:


G7 p246:155mm

a. Does it always have clinical significance?

no, it may be an incidental finding


b. Underlying cause may be an abnormality of a_____.



66. List the features of spina bifida occulta.

Hint: bifidaocculta


G7 p.247:145mm

a. b_____



b. i_____



c. f_____

foot deformity


d. i_____



e. d_____



f. a_____

atrophy of leg


g. o_____

occurs in 20 to 30% of people


h. c_____

cutaneous stigmata


i. c_____

clinical importance often nil


j. u_____

urinary incontinence


k. l_____

lipoma, leg weakness


l. t_____

tethered cord


m. a_____

absent spinous process


67. Complete the following regarding myelomeningocele:


G7 p.248:28mm

a. The anterior neuropore closes at gestational age day_____.



b. The posterior neuropore closes at gestational age day_____.



68. Complete the following concerning myelomeningocele (MM):


G7 p.248:40mm

a. Incidence if no previous child has a MM equals_____ % or_____ per 1000.

0.2%, 2


b. One previous MM child equals _____% or_____ per 1000.

2%, 20


c. Two previous MM children equals _____ %or _____ per 1000.

6%, 60


d. Associated hydrocephalus equals incidence of _____%.



e. Associated Chiari II occurs in_____ children with MM.



69. Answer the following about myelomeningocele:


G7 p.248:40mm

a. What is the incidence of meningocele or myelomeningocele?

1 to 2/1000 live births (0.2%)


b. Does the risk increase in families with one affected child?

yes (The risk does increase to 2 to 3% in families with one previous myelomeningocele child.)


c. Does the risk increase in families with two affected children?

yes (It further increases to 6 to 8% in families with two previous affected children.)


70. True or False. All children born with myelomeningocele have an associated Chiari II malformation.

false (Not all, but most, have Chiari II.)

G7 p.248:72mm

71. True or False. Closure of myelomeningocele may result in the need for CSF shunting.


G7 p.248:77mm

72. Meningomyelocele patients develop allergy to_____.


G7 p.248:80mm

73. True or False or Uncertain. Intrauterine closure of mm defect reduces


G7 p.248:120mm

a. Chiari II defect



b. hydrocephalus



c. neurological dysfunction



74. Complete the following concerning myelomeningocele:


G7 p.248:140mm

a. If ruptured start_____ (n_____ and g_____).

antibiotics (nafcillin and and gentamicin)


b. Perform surgery within_____ to_____ hours.

24 to 36 hours


c. Better functional outcome occurs if children have spontaneous _____ of _____ _____.

movement of lower extremities


d. Do multiple anomalies occur in myelomeningocele?

yes (average 2 to 2.5 additional anomalies in myelomeningocele)


75. Complete the following about myelomeningocele and early closure:


G7 p.248:140mm

a. True or False. Results in improvement of neurological functions.

false (Early closure does not result in improvement of neurological function.)


b. True or False. Results in lower infection rate

true (It does result in a lower infection rate.)


c. Myelomeningocele should be closed within 12, 24, or 36 hours?



76. Considering late problems in myelomeningocele repair, possible late problems include


G7 p.250:145 mm

a. brain _____

hydrocephalus— malfunctioning shunt


b. cervicomedullary junction_____

Chiari II compressing medulla


c. cord_____



d. cauda_____

tethered cord


77. Characterize myelomeningocele outcome without treatment and with treatment.


G7 p.251:25mm

a. survive infancy without treatment ____% with treatment ____%

15 to 30%, 85%


b. normal IQ without treatment ____% with treatment____%

70%, 80%


c. ambulatory without treatment ____% with treatment ____%

50%, 40 to 85%


d. continence without treatment _____ with treatment ____%

rare, 3 to 10%


78. For each of the following what are the facts to know concerning lipomeningocele?


G7 p.251:90mm

a. age for surgery

2 months is appropriate for surgery


b. band

thick fibrovascular band constricts


c. conus

is split


d. dura

is dehiscent


e. epidural fat versus

lipoma is distinct from epidural fat


f. placode

lipoma attached to neural placode


g. neuro exam

is normal 50%


h. sensory loss

most common neurological abnormality


i. stigmata



j. urologicexam

should be done preop


79. True or False. Lipomyelomeningocele is associated with tethered cord.


G7 p.251:90mm

80. Study Chart.


steps in surgical treatment:

untether the cord


CUSA (Cavitron Ultrasonic

Surgical Aspirator)

recording from anal sphincter

free up sides from

attachment to dura

reduce bulk of fat using CUSA

in the midline

tie dura open to sides

place bovine pericardial graft

as dural substitute

G7 p.251:90mm Courtesy of Dr. David Frim

81. True or False. The most common location of a dermal sinus tract is the


G7 p.252:130mm

a. occipital region



b. cervical region



c. thoracic region



d. lumbosacral region



82. What is the most likely cause of dermal sinus?


G7 p.252:115 mm

a. Failure of the_____ ectoderm



b. to_____



c. from the_____ -ectoderm



d. at the time of_____



e. of the_____ _____.

neural groove


83. Dermal sinus items to know include


G7 p.252:115mm

a. Location most common is the_____ area



b. Results from _____ of_____ of _____ _____

failure of separation of cutaneous ectoderm


c. from_____ _____

neural ectoderm


d. appears as a_____



     i. hair?

with or without hairs


     ii. midline?

close to midline


     iii. skin stigmata?



e. First manifestation is_____ dysfunction



f. Tract always courses_____ from lumbosacral area



84. True or False. An epidermoid cyst contains hair follicles and sweat glands.

false (An epidermoid cyst contains stratified squamous epithelium with keratin from desquamated epithelium. A dermoid cyst is lined with dermis and contains sebum and hair.)

G7 p.252:145mm

85. What is a major difference between epidermoid cyst and dermoid cyst?


G7 p.251:145mm

a. Epidermoid cyst is



     i. lined with s_____ s_____ e_____

stratified squamous epithelium


     ii. and contains only_____.

keratin (from desquamated epithelium)


b. Dermoid cyst is



     i. lined with_____



     ii. and contains_____ _____ such as

skin appendages


     iii. hair follicles?



     iv. sebaceous glands?



86. True or False. A dermal sinus tract is a potential pathway for intradural infection such as meningitis or abscess.


G7 p.251:155mm

87. Radiologic evaluation of dermal sinus


G7 p.253:48mm

a. If seen at births do_____



b. If first seen later do_____



88. Given the above, indicate whether the dermal sinus tract should be excised at the given locations.


G7 p.253:80mm

a. lumbar



b. sacral

yes, though controversial


c. coccygeal



89. Complete the following concerning the cranial dermal sinus:


G7 p.253:140mm

a. The track extends_____.



b. If the dermal sinus tract enters the skull they do so_____ to the torcula.



Klippel-Feil Syndrome

90. True or False. Klippel-Feil syndrome results from failure of


G7 p.253:183mm

a. primary neurulation



b. secondary neurulation



c. dysjunction



d. segmentation

true (Klippel-Feil results from abnormal segmentation of the cervical somites between 3 and 8 weeks gestation.)


91. Klippel-Feil syndrome


G7 p.253:183mm

a. results from failure of_____ of _____ _____ at gestational age of _____.

segmentation of cervical somites; 3 to 8 weeks


b. Clinical triad



     i. Hairline is_____.



     ii. Neck is_____.



     iii. Motion is_____.



c. Limitation of range of motion of the neck occurs only if more than_____ segments are fused.



d. True or False. Other congenital abnormalities may also be present.



e. True or False. Klippel-Feil causes symptoms related to fused vertebrae.

false (No symptoms ever attributed to the fused vertebrae.)


92. True or False. Anomalies seen in association with Klippel-Feil include


G7 p.254:45mm

a. Sprengel deformity



b. webbing of the neck



c. basilar impression



d. unilateral absence of the kidney



93. Possible systemic congenital abnormalities include (be specific)


G7 p.254:63mm

a. g_____

enitourinary—absence of one kidney


b. c_____



Tethered Cord Syndrome

94. List six presenting signs and symptoms of tethered cord syndrome.


G7 p.254:130mm

Fig. 8.2

Illustration by Tony Pazos


95. True or False. In a patient with myelomeningocele with worsening scoliosis, spasticity, worsening gait, or deteriorating urodynamics, shunt evaluation is not part of the primary workup.

false (In a myelomeningocele patient with worsening clinical symptoms, shunt evaluation and confirmation of normal intracranial pressure should be one of the first modalities of intervention.)

G7 p.255:15mm

96. True or False.


G7 p.255:33mm

a. Progressive scoliosis is not seen in conjunction with tethered cord syndrome.

false (Progressive scoliosis may be seen in up to 29% of patients with tethered cord syndrome.)


b. Early untethering may result in improvement in scoliosis



97. True or False. The following is associated with adult tethered cord syndrome:


G7 p.255:78mm

a. foot deformities

false (Foot deformities are associated with childhood tethered cord syndrome.)


b. pain



c. leg weakness



d. urological symptoms



98. True or False. Urological symptoms are not common in the adult tethered cord syndrome.

false (Urological symptoms are common in both pediatric and adult tethered cord syndrome.)

G7 p.255:95mm

99. True or False. A tethered conus lies distal to L2 on radiographic evaluation.


G7 p.255:130mm

100. Complete the following concerning tethered cord syndrome:


G7 p.255:132mm

a. Name two criteria.



     i. conus below level_____



     ii. thick filum greater than_____

2 mm diameter


b. A preop test that is strongly recommended is a _____.



101. Indicate the characteristics used to identify the filum.


G7 p.255:180mm

a. The vessel on the surface is _____.



b. The color of the filum is_____ _____ than nerve roots.

more white


102. Complete the following outcome from tethered cord:


G7 p.256:30mm

a. In meningomyelocele it is usually _____ to permanently untether.



b. Repeated untethering is advised till patient stops_____.



c. Symptoms of retethering are especially likely during the a_____ g_____ s_____.

adolescent growth spurt


d. Surgical release in an adult is



     i. good for_____ and



     ii. poor for_____ _____.

bladder function


Split Cord Malformation

103. True or False. Diastematomyelia is associated with a nonrigid bony septum that separates two durally ensheathed hemicords.

false (Diastematomyelia is associated with a rigid bony septum that separates two durally ensheathed hemicords.)

G7 p.256:84mm

104. Complete the following concerning diastematomyelia:


G7 p.247:95mm

a. cutaneous stigmata h_____

tuft of hair hypertrichosis


b. True or false. There are foot abnormalities



c. specifically n_____ h_____- a_____ f_____.

neurogenic high-arched foot


Miscellaneous Developmental Anomalies

105. True or False. In holoprosencephaly, there is absence of the septum pellucidum.


G7 p.247:33mm

106. Characteristic features of septo-optic dysplasia include

Hint: h3pvoplas3i2a


G7 p.247:55mm

a. h_____ hypopituitarism


b. h_____



c. h_____

hypersecretion of hormones


d. p_____

pituitary infundibulum absent


e. v_____

ventricles enlarged


f. o_____

optic nerves absent (blind)


g. p_____



h. l_____

little-dwarfism-Tiny Tim


i. a_____

anterior midline structures fail


j. s_____

septum pellucidum absent


k. s_____



l. s_____

sexual precocity


m. i_____

isolated growth hormone deficiency


n. i_____

intelligence normal


o. a_____

absence of midline morphogenesis


107. True or False. Septo-optic dysplasia frequently presents with symptoms of


G7 p.247:55mm

a. panhypopituitarism



b. sexual precocity



c. dwarfism



d. blindness



e. impaired intelligence

false (Most patients are of normal intelligence.)


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Aug 6, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on Developmental Anomalies

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