
The electrical activity of the brain (the electroencephalogram [EEG]) is easily recorded from electrodes placed on the scalp. The potential difference between pairs of electrodes on the scalp (bipolar derivation) or between individual scalp electrodes and a relatively inactive common reference point (referential derivation) is amplified and displayed on a computer monitor, oscilloscope, or paper. Digital systems allow the EEG to be reconstructed and displayed with any desired format and to be manipulated for more detailed analysis and also permit computerized techniques to be used to detect certain abnormalities. The characteristics of the normal EEG depend on the patient’s age and level of arousal. The rhythmic activity normally recorded represents the postsynaptic potentials of vertically oriented pyramidal cells of the cerebral cortex and is characterized by its frequency. In normal awake adults lying quietly with the eyes closed, an 8- to 13-Hz alpha rhythm is seen posteriorly in the EEG, intermixed with a variable amount of generalized faster (beta) activity (>13 Hz); the alpha rhythm is attenuated when the eyes are opened (Fig. 6-1). During drowsiness, the alpha rhythm is also attenuated; with light sleep, slower activity in the theta (4–7 Hz) and delta (<4 Hz) ranges becomes more conspicuous.


A. Normal electroencephalogram (EEG) showing a posteriorly situated 9-Hz alpha rhythm that attenuates with eye opening. B. Abnormal EEG showing irregular diffuse slow activity in an obtunded patient with encephalitis. C. Irregular slow activity in the right central region, on a diffusely slowed background, in a patient with a right parietal glioma. D. Periodic complexes occurring once every second in a patient with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Horizontal calibration: 1 s; vertical calibration: 200 μV in A, 300 μV in other panels. In this and the following figure, electrode placements are indicated at the left of each panel and accord with the international 10:20 system. A, earlobe; C, central; F, frontal; Fp, frontal polar; P, parietal; T, temporal; O, occipital. Right-sided placements are indicated by even numbers, left-sided placements by odd numbers, and midline placements by Z. (From MJ Aminoff [ed]: Aminoff’s Electrodiagnosis in Clinical Neurology, 6th ed. Oxford, Elsevier Saunders, 2012.)

Activating procedures are generally undertaken while the EEG is recorded in an attempt to provoke abnormalities. Such procedures commonly include hyperventilation (for 3 or 4 min), photic stimulation, sleep, and sleep deprivation on the night prior to the recording.

Electroencephalography is relatively inexpensive and may aid clinical management in several different contexts.


The EEG is most useful in evaluating patients with suspected epilepsy. The presence of electrographic seizure activity—i.e., of abnormal, repetitive, rhythmic activity having an abrupt onset and termination and a characteristic evolution—clearly establishes the diagnosis. The absence of such electrocerebral accompaniment to an episodic behavioral disturbance does not exclude a seizure disorder, however, because there may be no changes in the scalp-recorded EEG during certain focal seizures. With generalized tonic-clonic seizures, the EEG is always abnormal during the episode. It is often not possible to obtain an EEG during clinical events that may represent seizures, especially when such events occur unpredictably or infrequently. Continuous monitoring for prolonged periods in video-EEG telemetry units has made it easier to capture the electrocerebral accompaniments of such clinical episodes. Monitoring by these means is sometimes helpful in confirming that seizures are occurring, characterizing the nature of clinically equivocal episodes, and determining the frequency of epileptic events.

The EEG findings in the interictal period may show certain abnormalities that are strongly supportive of a diagnosis of epilepsy. Such epileptiform activity consists of bursts of abnormal discharges containing spikes or sharp waves. The presence of epileptiform activity is not specific for epilepsy, but it has a much greater prevalence in epileptic patients than in normal individuals. However, even in individuals with epilepsy, the initial routine interictal EEG may be normal up to 60% of the time. Thus, the EEG cannot establish the diagnosis of epilepsy in many cases.

The EEG findings have been used in classifying seizure disorders and selecting appropriate anticonvulsant medication for individual patients (Fig. 6-2). The episodic generalized spike-wave activity that occurs during and between seizures in patients with typical absence epilepsy contrasts with focal interictal epileptiform discharges or ictal patterns found in patients with focal seizures. These latter seizures may have no correlates in the scalp-recorded EEG or may be associated with abnormal rhythmic activity of variable frequency, a localized or generalized distribution, and a stereotyped pattern that varies with the patient. Focal or lateralized epileptogenic lesions are important to recognize, especially if surgical treatment is contemplated. Intensive long-term monitoring of clinical behavior and the EEG is required for operative candidates, however, and this generally also involves recording from intracranial (subdural, extradural, or intracerebral) electrodes.


Electrographic seizures. A. Onset of a tonic seizure showing generalized repetitive sharp activity with synchronous onset over both hemispheres. B. Burst of repetitive spikes occurring with sudden onset in the right temporal region during a clinical spell characterized by transient impairment of external awareness. C. Generalized 3-Hz spike-wave activity occurring synchronously over both hemispheres during an absence (petit mal) attack. Horizontal calibration: 1 s; vertical calibration: 400 μV in A, 200 μV in B, and 750 μV in C. (From MJ Aminoff [ed]: Aminoff’s Electrodiagnosis in Clinical Neurology, 6th ed. Oxford, Elsevier Saunders, 2012.)

The EEG findings may indicate the prognosis of seizure disorders: In general, a normal EEG implies a better prognosis than otherwise, whereas an abnormal background or profuse epileptiform activity suggests a poor outlook. The EEG findings are not helpful in determining which patients with head injuries, stroke, or brain tumors will go on to develop seizures, because in such circumstances epileptiform activity is commonly encountered regardless of whether seizures occur. The EEG findings are of limited utility in determining whether anticonvulsant medication can be discontinued after several seizure-free years. Further seizures may occur after withdrawal of anticonvulsant medication despite a normal EEG or, conversely, may not occur despite a continuing EEG abnormality. The decision to discontinue anticonvulsant medication is made on clinical grounds, and the EEG is helpful only for providing guidance when there is clinical ambiguity or the patient requires reassurance about a particular course of action.

The EEG has no role in the management of tonic-clonic status epilepticus except when there is clinical uncertainty about whether seizures are continuing in a comatose patient. In patients treated by drug-induced coma for refractory status epilepticus, the EEG findings indicate the level of anesthesia and whether seizures are occurring. During status epilepticus, the EEG shows repeated electrographic seizures or continuous spike-wave discharges. In nonconvulsive status epilepticus, a disorder that may not be recognized unless an EEG is performed, the EEG may also show continuous spike-wave activity (“spike-wave stupor”) or, less commonly, repetitive electrographic seizures (focal status epilepticus).


The EEG tends to become slower as consciousness is depressed, regardless of the underlying cause (Fig. 6-1). Other findings may suggest diagnostic possibilities, as when electrographic seizures are found or a focal abnormality indicates a structural lesion. The EEG generally slows in metabolic encephalopathies, and triphasic waves may be present. The findings do not permit differentiation of the underlying metabolic disturbance but help to exclude other encephalopathic processes by indicating the diffuse extent of cerebral dysfunction. An EEG responsive to external stimulation is helpful prognostically because electrocerebral responsiveness implies a lighter level of coma than a nonreactive EEG, and thus a better prognosis. Serial records provide a better guide to prognosis than a single record and supplement the clinical examination in following the course of events. As the depth of coma increases, the EEG becomes nonreactive and may show a burst-suppression pattern, with bursts of mixed-frequency activity separated by intervals of relative cerebral inactivity. In other instances there is a reduction in amplitude of the EEG until eventually activity cannot be detected. Such electrocerebral silence does not necessarily reflect irreversible brain damage, because it may occur reversibly in hypothermic patients or with drug overdose. The prognosis of electrocerebral silence, when recorded using an adequate technique, therefore depends on the clinical context in which it is found. In patients with severe cerebral anoxia, for example, electrocerebral silence in a technically satisfactory record implies that useful cognitive recovery will not occur.

In patients with clinically suspected brain death, an EEG recorded using appropriate technical standards may be confirmatory by showing electrocerebral silence, but disorders that may produce a similar but reversible EEG appearance must be excluded. The presence of residual EEG activity in suspected brain death fails to confirm the diagnosis but does not exclude it. The EEG is usually normal in patients with locked-in syndrome (Chap. 32), and helps in distinguishing this disorder from the comatose state with which it is sometimes confused clinically.


In developed countries, computed tomography (CT) scanning and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used as a noninvasive means of screening for focal structural abnormalities of the brain, such as tumors, infarcts, or hematomas (Fig. 6-1). The EEG is still used for this purpose in many parts of the world, however, although infratentorial or slowly expanding lesions may not be recognized. Focal slow-wave disturbances, a localized loss of electrocerebral activity, or more generalized electrocerebral disturbances are common findings but do not indicate the nature of the underlying pathology.

In patients with an acute encephalopathy, focal or lateralized periodic slow-wave complexes, sometimes with a sharpened outline, suggest a diagnosis of herpes simplex encephalitis, and periodic lateralizing epileptiform discharges (PLEDs) are commonly found with acute hemispheric pathology such as a hematoma, abscess, or rapidly expanding tumor. The EEG findings in dementia are usually nonspecific and do not distinguish reliably between different underlying causes except in rare instances when the presence of complexes occurring with a regular repetition rate (“periodic complexes”) supports a diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (Fig. 6-1) or subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. In most patients with dementia, the EEG is normal or diffusely slowed, and the findings alone cannot indicate whether a patient is demented or distinguish between dementia and pseudodementia.


The brief EEG obtained routinely in the laboratory often fails to reveal abnormalities that are transient and infrequent. Continuous monitoring over 12 or 24 hours or longer may detect abnormalities or capture clinical events that otherwise would be missed. The EEG is often recorded continuously in critically ill patients to detect early changes in neurologic status. Continuous EEG recording in this context has been used to detect acute events such as from nonconvulsive seizures or developing cerebral ischemia, to monitor cerebral function in patients with metabolic disorders such as liver failure, and to manage the level of anesthesia in pharmacologically induced coma.


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