

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

1. What is the frequency of the following EEG rhythms?


G7 p.266:50mm

Hint: dtab


a. delta

0 to 3 Hz


b. theta

4 to 7 Hz


c. alpha

8 to 13 Hz


d. beta


2. Matching. Match the following EEG patterns and their probable diagnostic pathology:


G7 p.266:80mm



Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; Hepatic encephalopathy-anoxia-hyponatremia; SSPE—subacute sclerosing pan—encephalitis


EEG pattern:


a. triphasic waves


b. body jerks plus high-voltage periodicity with 4 to 15 seconds separation; no change with pain


c. myoclonic jerks, bilateral sharp waves react to painful stimulation


3. True or False. Periodic lateralizing epileptiform discharges (PLEDs) may be produced by


G7 p.266:85mm

a. herpes simplex encephalitis



b. brain abscess



c. embolic infarct



d. brain tumor



e. any acute focal cerebral insult



Evoked Potentials

4. Complete the following statements about evoked potentials:


G7 p.267:72mm

a. Evoked potentials offer limited usefulness because they are _____.

delayed (and therefore less valuable in alerting surgeon to intraoperative injury)


b. Criteria for significance



     i. increased latency of _____%



     ii. decreased amplitude of _____%



5. Intraoperative SSEP may localize the primary sensory cortex by_____ _____ potential across the central sulcus.

phase reversal

G7 p.267:82mm

6. Evoked potentials during spine surgery


G7 p.267:82mm

a. may remain unchanged by injury to the _____ cord



b. but are sensitive to injury to the _____ columns of the _____ cord

posterior, dorsal


7. True or False. Regarding transcranial (i.e., motor evoked) potentials:


G7 p.267:140mm

a. Too painful to do on the awake patient



b. Feedback is prompt, almost immediate



c. Can’t record continuously because of muscle contractions



d. Useful for cervical spine surgery



e. Useful for thoracic spine surgery



f. Useful for lumbar spine surgery



g. Have more special anesthetic requirements



8. Provide the SSEP deterioration plan.

Hint: r3s3tahe


G7 p.268:28mm


remove hardware


b. r_____

reposition patient


c. r_____

release traction


d. s_____

sixty Hz


e. s_____



f. s_____

stop surgery


g. t_____



h. a_____



i. h_____



j. e_____

electrode contact


9. Name the location of the generators for the brain stem auditory evoked potentials (BSAER) test.

Hint: diplomu (Fig. 10.1)


G7 p.268:95mm

Fig. 10.1 (Reprinted with permission from Greenberg MS. Handbook of Neurosurgery, 6th ed. New York: Thieme; 2006:146. Copyright © 2006 Mark S. Greenberg. All rights reserved.)



a. p1 d _____e_____ n_____

distal eighth nerve


b. p2 p_____ e_____ or c_____

proximal eighth or cochlear nucleus


c. p3 l_____ p_____ /s_____ o_____ c_____

lower pons/superior olivary complex


d. p4 m_____ -u_____ p_____

mid-upper pons


e. p5 u_____ p_____ or i_____ c_____

upper pons or inferior colliculus


f. d1 _____ e_____ n_____

distal eighth nerve


g. p_____ e_____ n_____

proximal eighth nerve


h. lo_____



i. m_____



j. u_____ p_____

upper pons


10. Name the parts of the EMG examination.


G7 p.269:176mm

a. i_____ a_____

insertional activity


b. s_____ a_____

spontaneous activity


c. v_____ a_____

volitional activity


11. How long following denervation of muscle after nerve injury do you start to see fibrillation potentials on electromyography (EMG)?


G7 p.270:35mm

a. The earliest is _____, but

10 days


b. reliably not until_____,

3 to 4 weeks


c. Therefore don’t order EMG until at least _____ weeks after injury.



12. SNAP


G7 p.270:99mm

a. aka _____ _____ action potential ganglion

sensory nerve


b. lies within the _____ _____

neural foramen


c. Herniated disc is preganglion; therefore, SNAP is _____ _____.

not affected


13. H reflex


G7 p.270:127mm

a. is practical only regarding the_____ root.



b. has similar information to the _____ _____.

ankle jerk


14. True or False. Regarding EMG:


G7 p.270:160mm

a. Is low yield for radiculopathy



b. Best reserved for patients with weakness



c. Pain without weakness, EMG has low yield



15. True or False. Radiculopathy EMG is


G7 p.270:170mm

a. Reliable if negative

false—EMG is not sensitive for radiculopathy


b. Reliable if positive

true—When positive it is very specific


16. True or False. Paraspinal mm testing is useful for lumbar disc disease.


G7 p.271:70mm

a. Preop



b. Postop

false—muscles cut during surgery


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Aug 6, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on Electrodiagnostics

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