Chapter 14 Emerging Indications and Other Applications of Spinal Cord Stimulation

However, in addition to the beneficial effect on chronic pain, SCS has been used successfully in many other conditions. Indications for clinical and laboratory SCS applications other than pain may be divided into several large categories (Box 14-1):

Motor Control
Beneficial effects of SCS on spasticity were discovered early; multiple reports in the 1970s documented usefulness of SCS in improvement of spasticity. Objective evaluation of stretch and H reflexes was used to support clinical results,1 and the most responsive cause of spasticity was dysfunction of the spinal cord as a result of injury or demyelination.2 Developed as an alternative to destructive interventions,3,4 SCS was used in many clinical centers throughout Europe, Asia, and America with impressive long-term results.5–8 In addition to patients with spinal cord injuries, SCS was tried in patients with multiple sclerosis, poststroke hemiparesis, dystonia, and cerebral palsy. Animal experiments were used to confirm clinical observations and to find an explanation for the SCS effect and putative mechanism of SCS action in these circumstances.9
Although the initial impression suggested that spasticity of cerebral origin does not respond to SCS,2 subsequent studies showed sustained benefits of SCS in patients with poststroke weakness,10,11 dystonia,12 and posthypoxic encephalopathy.13 The general enthusiasm was lowered by reports indicating a lack of clinical long-term effectiveness14,15 or cost-effectiveness of SCS in spasticity,16 but the main reason for almost complete abandonment of this once popular SCS indication was introduction of intrathecal baclofen administration.17 However, in countries where intrathecal baclofen is not available because of regulatory barriers, SCS remains a useful tool for treatment of otherwise refractory spasticity through nondestructive intervention.18,19
In addition to suppression of spasticity in symptomatic patients, SCS may be effective in recovery of motor function in paraplegic patients. A study of 10 patients with complete motor spinal cord injury indicated that epidural SCS at the lumbosacral spinal cord level recruited leg muscles in a segmental-selective way, generating integrated motor behavior of sustained extension and rhythmic flexion and extension movements.20 In the case of an incomplete spinal cord injury, a wheelchair-dependent patient was able to walk with a walker essentially in effortless manner after prolonged SCS. The superiority of gait assisted by SCS was particularly impressive in ambulation at longer distances.21
The latest surge of interest to SCS in treatment of motor disorders came from an experimental study showing improvement in locomotion in an experimental model of Parkinson disease (PD).22 The improvement in mobility and restoration of normal patterns of neuronal activity were observed with dorsal column stimulation in both the acute PD model of pharmacologically dopamine-depleted mice and the chronic PD model of hydroxydopamine lesioned rats.22
Vasoactive Applications of Spinal Cord Stimulation
With the primary intent of pain relief, early SCS implanters noticed that in addition to paresthesias and/or sense of vibration, patients described a sensation of warmth in their extremities; along with this subjective sensation there may have been objective vasodilation and blood flow augmentation. As early as 1976, multiple groups described changes in peripheral blood flow in response to SCS, laying a foundation for subsequent widespread clinical applications.23,24
This consistent and reproducible effect on autonomic functions became the basis of SCS application for blood flow augmentation and ischemic pain relief in treatment of vascular disorders such as peripheral arterial occlusive disease,25 coronary ischemia/intractable angina,26 and vasospastic disease in extremities.27
Genitourinary Effects of Spinal Cord Stimulation
Conus medullaris SCS for micturition control in a paraplegic patient was first performed in 1970; this approach was later used in a group of 10 other paraplegic patients with long-lasting symptomatic improvement.28 Improved bladder control was one of the major, results of SCS in a group of 24 patients with upper motor neuron disease, including multiple sclerosis, traumatic spinal cord injury, and neurodegenerative conditions,29 and another group of 11 patients with multiple sclerosis.30
When SCS was implanted specifically to treat neurogenic bladder, most patients developed complete or almost complete normalization of urination with relief of bladder spasticity, marked increase of bladder capacity, and reduction or abolition of postvoid residual urine volume.31 The same group of authors noticed no changes in bladder striatal activity or detrusor reflexes in patients who underwent SCS for pain treatment and had intact bladder function.31
The urodynamic changes do not occur in all patients undergoing SCS. In a study of patients with spinal cord injury who underwent SCS implantation for control of spasticity, less than 20% (6 of 33) were found to have changes in lower urinary tract function.32
In addition to bladder function normalization, SCS appeared to facilitate normalization of bowel regimen and morning erections in a group of patients with posttraumatic paraplegia.3
In a somewhat unconventional approach, SCS was used to treat female orgasmic dysfunction.33 In this series of 11 patients, a single percutaneous SCS electrode was used to produce pleasurable genital stimulation and subsequent orgasm. In 91% of subjects, SCS resulted in increased lubrication, greater frequency in sexual activity, and overall satisfaction. An orgasmic capacity returned in 80% of patients with secondary anorgasmia while using SCS, but anorgasmia returned once the device was removed. Despite pleasurable paresthesias in the genital area, none of the patients with primary anorgasmia (those who never had an orgasm) experienced orgasm during the study, making the researchers speculate on whether the underlying difficulty that prevented orgasm from occurring throughout the patient’s life could not be overcome with SCS application. At the same time a possibility of a longer stimulation period (longer than 9 days) resolving primary anorgasmia was also brought up.33