Endovascular Treatment of Cerebral Sinus Thrombosis



Infection related

 Direct septic trauma

 Cerebral abscess

 Subdural empyema


 Tuberculous meningitis

 Otitis media

 Orbital cellulitis


 Dental infections




 Pulmonary tuberculosis




 Herpes simplex

 Varicella zoster








Hypercoagulable disorders

 Protein C deficiency

 Protein S deficiency

 Antithrombin III deficiency

 Factor V Leiden mutation

 Prothrombin gene mutation


 Essential thrombocythemia

 Primary polycythemia

 Plasminogen deficiency

 Tissue plasminogen deficiency

 Elevated plasminogen activator inhibitor-1


 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)

 Increased factor VIIIc

Medication related

 Oral contraceptive pills


 Antiestrogen therapy

 Antineoplastic agents: cisplatin, l-asparaginase




 Squamous cell metabolic cervical cancer

 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

 Bilateral glomus tumors

 Colorectal cancer

 Epidermoid carcinoma of tongue


 Ewing’s sarcoma

 Allogenic transplant for acute lymphoblastic leukemia

 Paraneoplastic syndrome


Rheumatologic disease

 Behcet’s disease

 Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome

 Systemic lupus erythematosus

 Wegener’s granulomatosis

 Churg–Strauss syndrome

Other conditions

 Nephrotic syndrome

 Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria

 Iron deficiency anemia

 Sickle cell anemia

 Inflammatory bowel disease


 Lumbar puncture

 Endocrine disorders: diabetes, thyroid disease

 Renal allograft



 Prolonged airline flights

Occlusion of the cerebral veins causes localized edema and venous infarction. Microscopic examination shows enlarged, swollen veins, edema, ischemic neuronal damage, and petechial hemorrhages. These petechial hemorrhages can merge to become large hematomas. Both cytotoxic (cellular swelling in the setting of apoptosis) and vasogenic (blood-brain barrier breakdown and extravascular extravasation of fluid) edemas occur [9].

A second, less dramatic cause of clinical symptoms in CVT is increased intracranial pressure (ICP). This is generally caused by isolated or predominant dural sinus thrombosis. Thrombus in this location leads to poor CSF drainage and absorption by the arachnoid granulations. A combination of these two mechanisms is often present in the most severe cases [10].

Clinical Presentation

Consistent with the variations in the underlying pathophysiology, clinical presentations also vary significantly, depending of the type and extent of venous thrombosis. This variability makes diagnosis, at times, challenging. There are three large categories of clinical features [11]:

  • Headache with/without papilledema: headache is by far the most common symptom in CVT, occurring in 90 % of cases. It may occur suddenly, but more commonly is gradual in onset. The triad of headache, vomiting, and papilledema occurs in only 20–40 % of CVT patients, but is the most consistently identified clinical pattern.

  • Focal brain irritation/injury: focal neurologic signs, including sensory and motor deficits, aphasia, or hemianopia, develop in 40–60 % of patients with CVT. Seizures occur in about 40 % of patients. Seizures may be focal or generalized. Status epilepticus is one of the more damaging manifestations of CVT.

  • Obtundation/coma: found in 15–19 % of patients at presentation. These signs are usually seen in patients with extensive thrombosis of the deep venous system and bilateral thalamic involvement or with generalized seizures. This presentation can also be seen in patients with large unilateral lesions causing mass effect and herniation. Coma at presentation is the strongest predictor of poor outcome in CVT [10, 12].

Radiological Features

The most commonly utilized neuroimaging studies, non-contrast head CT and MRI, may be normal in CVT patients. Hyperdensity of the dural sinuses may be detected by the meticulous neuroimager but is only 25 % sensitive for this condition [13]. The famous “empty delta” sign is seen on contrast CT or MRI. An axial or coronal image through the torcular Herophili or superior sagittal sinus will show the triangular enhancement of the dural walls, but no contrast enhancement within the lumen due to clot. However, even this sign is only found in 30 % of CVT [14]. For this reason, venography is crucial to rule out CVT. MR venography and CT venography are both effective tools to image the dural sinuses, but are less sensitive for cortical vein and deep vein thrombosis. The sensitivity may be increased with catheter angiography, but must be accompanied by a high index of suspicion on the part of the angiographer. Catheter angiography also has the advantage of providing a dynamic assessment of venous flow/flow restriction [15] (Fig. 8.1).


Fig. 8.1
(a) Gadolinium-enhanced sagittal MRI showing thrombus within the superior sagittal sinus (SSS). (b) Lateral projection cerebral angiogram confirming SSS thrombosis and demonstrating the collateral venous drainage patterns

Medical and Surgical Management

Once CVT has been diagnosed, the first line of therapy should include aggressive hydration and anticoagulation. The evidence base for anticoagulation in the setting of CVT is not deep, but the two published, prospective, randomized trials point to its benefit [16, 17]. A meta-analysis showed over 50 % reduction in death and disability compared to placebo [18]. It is important to emphasize that anticoagulation appears effective even in the setting of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH).

Both unfractionated (UFH) and low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) have been used to achieve anticoagulation in the acute setting [16, 17]. UFH has the advantage of rapid normalization of coagulation parameters once the intravenous drip is turned off LMWH, on the other hand, maintains a more consistent therapeutic effect. In a mildly affected patient (i.e., headache and papilledema), LMWH may be relied upon. However, in the unstable or deteriorating patient, UFH should be utilized. This is especially true in the setting of ICH where hematoma expansion would necessitate prompt cessation of the anticoagulant effect. Although clinical trial evidence is lacking, it is common practice to transition from UFH or LMWH to oral anticoagulation once clinical stabilization/improvement is noted. The duration of oral agent use can be tailored to the particular patient. Typically, it is maintained until clot resolution is visualized on follow-up imaging (3–6 months). In patients with ongoing risk (e.g., a hypercoagulable condition), lifetime treatment may be required [19].

Seizure prophylaxis in CVT patients is somewhat controversial, but should be considered when significant cortical edema or hemorrhage has occurred [20]. Once seizures have occurred, however, initiation of an antiepileptic agent (AED) is universally recommended [21]. Status epilepticus is a not uncommon and particularly deadly manifestation of CVT and requires the use of intravenous agents. Fosphenytoin and levetiracetam are effective agents with good side effect profiles. It is reasonable to continue oral AED treatment for up to 1 year to prevent delayed seizure activity.

Surgical therapies are also effective and at times life saving in CVT. Extraventricular drain (EVD) placement is particularly effective in patients with a predominant involvement of the dural sinuses and impaired CSF drainage due to venous hypertension and obstruction of the arachnoid granulations by clot. In patients with significant preexisting parenchymal injury and/or a herniation syndrome, however, EVD placement is generally not helpful [22]. However, decompressive surgery (i.e., hemicraniectomy) does appear to be effective in preventing death under these dire circumstances. Such surgeries may also reduce long-term disability [23, 24].

Endovascular Treatment

Patient Selection

Due to the low incidence of CVT and high rate of favorable outcomes following medical therapy alone, endovascular therapy’s role has taken only incremental steps forward over time. Current indications include:

Nov 3, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Endovascular Treatment of Cerebral Sinus Thrombosis

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