Epilepsy Surgery Assessment and Testing

Fig. 25.1
Right anterior temporal spikes


Fig. 25.2
High-resolution MRI detects mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS) in 80–90% of cases

Her presurgical evaluation indicated that she was a good candidate for a right anterior temporal lobectomy (Fig. 25.3). During the presurgical evaluation, she was started on levetiracetam, and her phenytoin and valproate were tapered off. Later, prior to her surgery, she responded better to combination therapy with levetiracetam and lamotrigine; i.e., her seizures were less frequent and her side effects improved significantly. The patient became seizure free after a right anterior temporal lobectomy and was kept on a lower dose of monotherapy with one of her ASMs (follow-up >4 years).


Fig. 25.3
Standard anterior temporal lobectomy [4]

Is Epilepsy Surgery Warranted?

Randomized, controlled trials (RCT) to assess the efficacy and safety of epilepsy surgery were missing till 2001. In the first such study [4], 80 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) were randomly assigned to surgery (n = 40) or treatment with ASMs for one year (n = 40). The primary outcome was seizure freedom and secondary outcome included seizure frequency and severity, quality of life (QOL), disability, and death.

At 1 year, the cumulative proportion of patients who were seizure free was 58% in the surgical group versus 8% in the medical group (P < 0.001). Patients in the surgical group had fewer complex-partial seizures (CPS) and significantly better quality of life (P < 0.001 for both comparisons) than the patients in the medical group. Four patients (10%) had adverse effects of surgery (mainly the expected mild language and memory-related problems such as word finding and short-term memory difficulties) while one patient in the medical group died. This study confirmed that in TLE, surgery is superior to prolonged medical therapy. This RCT also showed that randomized trials of surgery for epilepsy are feasible and appear to yield precise estimates of treatment effects.

Early Randomized Surgical Epilepsy Trial (ERSET)

It has been well established that years of active epilepsy predict cognitive impairment in children and adolescents [5, 6]. Therefore, in order to investigate the effects of early surgery, i.e., whether it would be superior to continued medical management, Engel et al., conducted a multicenter, parallel-group RCT soon after the failure of 2 ASM trials in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy [7]. Thirty-eight patients (18 M/20 F; age ≥ 12 years) with MTS and refractory MTLE who were within 2 consecutive years of adequate trials of 2 ASMs were randomized to (1) continued ASM (n = 23), or (2) anterior mesial temporal lobectomy (AMTR) plus ASM treatment (n = 15) and were followed for two years. The primary outcome was seizure freedom during the second year of follow-up, and the secondary outcome was health-related quality of life (QOL), cognitive function, and social adaptation.

Seizure freedom during the second year of follow-up was reported in 11 of 15 patients in the surgical group versus none of the 23 in the medical group (P < 0.001). Also, improvement of QOL was higher in the surgical group (P = 0.01). Memory decline occurred in 4 patients (36%) after surgery. Adverse events included one stroke in a surgical case versus 3 cases of status epilepticus in the medical group. It was concluded that resective surgery plus ASM in patients with new refractory MTLE results in lower probability of seizures during second year of follow-up than continued ASM treatment alone.

Surgical Methods

There are different surgical methods depending on the patient and seizure type and other characteristics including:

  • Temporal lobe surgery

  • Lobectomy

  • Resection of the epileptogenic zone

  • Lesionectomy

  • Corpus Callosotomy

  • Hemispherectomy

  • Multiple subpial transections (MST)

Temporal lobe surgery

Temporal lobectomy

There are different methods to remove the seizure focus in the temporal lobe. Anterior temporal lobectomy is the classic and most commonly used type of surgery, but it may be done using different approaches including:

  • Standard (en bloc) anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL) including 3–6 cm of anterior temporal neocortex and 1–3 cm of mesial structures (amygdala and hippocampus)

  • Modified (Yale group) and limited neocortical resection (3.5 cm from temporal pole) sparing superior temporal gyrus, to address language deficits

  • Selective amygdalohippocampectomy

  • Stereotactic radiosurgery [8, 9]

Selective Amygdalohippocampectomy (SAH)

This method was introduced by Niemeyer in 1958 in an attempt to preserve the lateral temporal cortex out of concern for language deficits. The technique includes accessing temporal horn to selectively resecting mesial temporal structures through a small incision in the middle temporal gyrus while preserving the neocortical area. Other approaches to selective amygdalohippocampectomy include:

  • Transsylvian approach [10, 11].

  • Subtemporal approach [12].

  • Other variants of the transcortical approach [13].

Outcome Following Temporal Lobe Surgery

Long-term Surgery—MTLE and MTS

Temporal lobectomy provides continued long-term seizure control but risk of seizure recurrence ≥2 years after surgery is present. In one report, 50 consecutive post-temporal lobectomy patients with MTS (mean follow-up 5.8 years, range 2–9.2) seizure-free rates were 82% at 12 months, 76% at 24 months, and 64% at 63 months [14]. Complete, or better, seizure outcome was associated with significantly better long-term QOL, and risk factor for seizure recurrence was the reduction in ASM intake—or absorption—in 5 of 17 patients (29%), including 3 of 5 with a first seizure recurrence within 24 months.

Standard Anterior Temporal Lobectomy

In another study, 116 patients with MTS, MTLE, and post-anterior temporal lobectomy with amygdalohippocampectomy (ATL-AH) were studied (follow-up period: 6.7 years) [15]. Complete seizure freedom was seen in 103 patients (89%) and Engel Class I or II outcome in 109 patients (94%). The highest concordance (i.e., test consistent with the side of eventual surgery) was seen with video-EEG (100%), PET (100%), MRI (99.0%), and Wada test (90.4%). The lowest concordance was seen with SPECT (84.6%) and neuropsychological testing (82.5%). A strong Wada memory lateralization appeared to be the predictor of excellent long-term seizure control, while less disparity in the memory score between the sides was the predictor of persistent seizures.

Temporal Lobectomy—Inferior Temporal Approach

Inferior temporal gyrus approach to mesial temporal lobe resection is safe and effective with low morbidity and mortality. One study reviewed 483 patients with AMTL resection via inferior temporal gyrus approach for TLE [16]. Thirteen complications (2.7%) (3 months post-op) were reported including eight delayed SDH (1.6%), two superficial wound infections (0.4%), one delayed ICH (0.2%), one small lacunar stroke (0.2%), and one transient frontalis nerve palsy (0.2%). There were no deaths or severe neurological impairments. Complications were more common among older patients.

Selective Amygdalohippocampectomy

SAH in TLE patients with MTS results in seizure-free outcomes comparable to procedures with more extensive temporal neocortical resections [17]. Although this method was introduced to minimize the neurocognitive side effects of temporal lobectomy, interestingly, at this point there is more controversy regarding postoperative neuropsychological outcomes, rather than seizure-free outcome, when compared to standard ATL. Some studies have suggested that SAH results in better cognitive function compared to ATL [10], while others have shown no evidence of a clear neurocognitive benefit and in fact SAH might cause significant verbal memory deficits in dominant temporal lobe resection [18, 19].

In another study, 76 adult patients with SAH for MTLE via the trans-middle temporal gyrus approach reported 92% Engel Class I or II with very low surgical morbidity and no mortality. Postoperative neuropsychological testing showed verbal memory decline in the left SAH group, but no memory decline in the right SAH group was seen while some even showed improvement [20].

Neurocognitive Deficits and Risk Factors Following ATL

Cognitive impairment is very common in epilepsy patients and may be negatively or positively affected by surgery. Larger temporal lobe resections are associated with better seizure control, but at the same time resecting more functional tissues carries higher risk of cognitive outcome [21].

Comparison of the changes in cognitive performance in relation to the extent of resection of mesial and lateral temporal structures (1–2 cm and >2 cm for mesial, and ≥4 or ≤4 cm for neocortical) in 47 right-handed patients with left temporal lobectomy for MTLE showed no difference in cognitive outcome between the groups. However, there was a negative correlation with patient age at seizure onset [22].

Standard Versus Selective Temporal Lobe Surgery

A meta-analysis of standard anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL) versus selective SAH for seizure control in TLE included 11 studies (1203 patients) and concluded that ATL is more likely to achieve an Engel Class I outcome compared with SAH (p < 0.01). Standard ATL confers better chance of achieving freedom from disabling seizures in patients with TLE [23].

Right Versus Left Temporal Lobectomy (RTL vs. LTL)

Comparison of neuropsychological outcome following RTL versus LTL shows postoperative decline in verbal memory after LTL, performance intelligence decline after LTL (depending on infero-lateral and basal region removal), and visuospatial memory outcome after RTL (depending on basal and hippocampal region removal). More resection is associated with worse functioning and vice versa [24].

Case Presentation #2

A 43-year-old man developed seizures two years after surviving a left temporal aneurysm rupture. Following the surgery and aneurysm resection, he did well until the seizures started. Multiple ASMs were tried but he continued having partial seizures with secondary generalization about twice a month. His brain MRI findings were consistent with his history of prior surgery and an encephalomalacia involving the posterior temporal lobe. His video-EEG monitoring localized his seizure onset focus to the left temporal area including the posterior regions. His Wada test lateralized language to the left side and showed a significantly better memory function on the right. He was admitted for subdural grid placement in order to accurately localize the epileptogenic zone and perform language mapping prior to a prospective left temporal resective surgery (Figs. 25.4, 25.5, and 25.6).


Fig. 25.4
Subdural grid and strip placement to cover the lateral and basal-medial areas of the left temporal lobe


Fig. 25.5
Ictal discharges mainly limited to electrodes 23 and 31 (red), before spreading and secondary generalization; patient aware


Fig. 25.6
Results of cortical mapping

Cortical mapping defined the language cortex next to the seizure focus. The patient underwent a left temporal lobectomy including the seizure foci while preserving the language and sensory cortex as depicted above. He had no language deficits after the resection. He has been completely seizure free since the surgery while continuing only one of his ASMs at minimal dose (he had one breakthrough seizure 5 years later after stopping his ASM but has remained seizure since resuming the ASM (follow-up since surgery >6 years)).

Case Presentation #3

A 35-year-old woman presented with seizures since age 5 years. She described her seizures as “day dreaming, head turning, lip smacking, right-hand posturing and at times convulsions.” In the past, she had been on phenobarbital since childhood, as well as several other ASMs. Her current seizure frequency is about 3 times per week. She lives with her family, has never worked, and does not drive. Her mother reports behavioral problems (outbursts). After the first visit, while starting her presurgical evaluation, her ASM was changed to levetiracetam that resulted in some improvement in seizure frequency, but later she responded better to the combination therapy of levetiracetam and lamotrigine (i.e., her seizures decreased to 1–2 per month). Her high-resolution brain MRI was normal. A routine EEG showed left temporal spikes and video-EEG monitoring revealed left temporal ictal onset, but there were a few seizures with indeterminate localization. An invasive monitoring using subdural strip electrodes was performed to confirm the localization (Fig. 25.7). Resective surgery was curative.


Fig. 25.7
Buildup of rhythmic ictal discharges in few left mesial–basal temporal electrodes. The patient underwent a standard left ATL and has been completely seizure free since the surgery with no new deficits (follow-up >5 years)

Outcome Following Nonlesional Partial Epilepsy Surgery

Surgical outcome following surgery in MRI-negative (nonlesional) patients with refractory partial epilepsy can result in favorable outcome. A review of 399 patients has shown positive long-term outcome after 0.5–15.7 year (mean 6.2) follow-up period [25]. The seizure types included focal dyscognitive seizures (complex-partial): 237 (59%), GTCS: 119 (30%), focal without alteration of awareness (simple-partial seizures): 26 (6%), and mixed: 17 (4%). Of these 372 (93%) had temporal lobe, and 27 (7%) extra-temporal lobe resections. The pathology showed MTS in 113 patients (28%), gliosis in 237 (59%), and normal tissue in 49 (12%). The overall Engel Class I outcome is given as follows:

  • 81% at 6 months

  • 78% at 1 year

  • 76% at 2 years

  • 74% at 5 years

  • 72% at 10 years

Almost all seizures occurred during the first year after surgery. The positive predictive factor was seizure control during the first follow-up year. A Class I outcome at first year indicated 92% probability of seizure remission at 10 years. Negative risk factors included (1) extra-temporal seizure focus (p < 0.001), (2) previous surgery (p < 0.001), (3) male gender (p = 0.035), and (4) normal tissue in pathology (p = 0.038).

Outcome Following ATL in Nonlesional TLE Surgery

A normal MRI is not against surgery in patients with TLE. Sixty-four adult patients with refractory TLE but normal MRI who had underwent TLE surgery (1996–2009) were followed for 1–14.5 years (mean 4.1). Standard anterior temporal lobectomy was done in 84% and an unremarkable pathology was reported in 45% of the patients. Complete seizure freedom rates are given as follows:

  • 1 year: 76% (Engel Class 1: 81%)

  • 2 years: 66% (Engel Class 1: 76%)

  • 7 years: 47% (Engel Class 1: 69%)

The negative predictors (risk factors) were (1) higher baseline seizure frequency and (2) preoperative generalized tonic–clonic seizures. Memory decline was reported with dominant hippocampus resections [26].

Case Presentation #4

For the past 20 years, a 45-year-old man would wake up soon after falling asleep screaming and flailing his arms and legs for 30 s before full recovery. He is otherwise healthy. Currently he is on 4 ASMs. He has been on most of the available ASMs, clonazepam, and SSRIs, for seizures, sleep disorders, and “pseudoseizures,” respectively. In the past, he had experienced a few similar episodes during the day as well. His EEGs and polysomnogram have all been normal in the past. His current event frequency is 3–7 events per night. He is unemployed, does not drive, and his wife sleeps in a separate room (Figs. 25.8, 25.9, 25.10, 25.11, 25.12, and 25.13).


Fig. 25.8
Left temporal interictal spike during sleep


Fig. 25.9
Clinical seizure; arousal from sleep; movement artifact with no clear epileptiform discharges


Fig. 25.10
Postictal EEG; no clear epileptiform discharges or postictal suppression


Fig. 25.11
Bilateral subdural strips placed through burr holes for seizure onset focus lateralization (Phase 2a). From left: frontal, left oblique, and left lateral views

Oct 11, 2017 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Epilepsy Surgery Assessment and Testing

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