Expectations and Outcomes

Expectations and outcomes

Since the resurgence of neurostimulation technologies in the 1990s, promising advances have been made in this field by altering nervous system function for relief of pain and other symptoms in select patients. Combined with a better understanding of the disease process, the use of electrical stimulation and lesioning of specific targets in the brain or spinal cord has provided many patients with the amelioration of symptoms and medication reduction, thus improving their overall quality of life. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) for movement disorders, spinal cord stimulation (SCS) for pain, motor cortex stimulation (MCS) for neuropathic pain, and vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) for epilepsy are described with respect to the end-user experience that includes patient clinical outcomes and perceptions.

Deep brain stimulation for movement disorders

Parkinson’s disease

Some of the initial attempts at long-term stimulation for chronic disease states were attributed to Shealy in the USA , and Bechtereva in Russia . However, before stimulation efforts, other surgical measures had been used to effect modulation of the nervous system including the ligation of the choroidal artery for movement disorders and targeted lesioning. Although DBS is currently used most often for movement disorders, there are many other indications. In this setting, implantation of stimulation devices generally targets the subthalamic nuclei (STN), globus pallidus internus (GPi), or ventralis intermediate nucleus (Vim) of the thalamus.

The exact placement of the stimulator has significant impact on the patient, resulting in symptom relief that is unique for each target. In terms of motor improvements, the targets and symptom relief can vary. For example, the target could include the GPi in cases of dystonia or the Vim in cases of non-parkinsonian tremor. In patients with Parkinson’s disease, targeting this subnucleus (Vim) does relieve the parkinsonian tremor but fails to modify the other chief symptoms of the disease . Although debate exists what is the ideal target for various movement disorders, the target is largely based on the type of expected symptom relief. Target selection is then matched to the nature of symptoms experience of the patient. To ensure the optimal surgical outcomes for patients with movement disorders, the medical team should carefully select the patient, exhaust the available medical treatments, choose the best target and surgical technique , optimize the DBS settings , and properly manage the post-surgery medication regimens.

Deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s patients is complicated in part because of the spectrum of symptoms that are not just movement related. The stimulation effect reaches other aspects of the disease and does so to varying degrees depending on the target. Both the GPi and STN nuclei not only improve parkinsonian symptoms but also reduce drug-induced dyskinesias but, in addition, the STN is thought to also reduce medication burden. In the 2009 COMPARE trial, the authors demonstrated that motor score improvements were similar whether targeting the GPi or STN . Zahodne et al also noted that neither motor nor mood scores differed by these two targets, but the GPi target did demonstrate greater improvements in the subscale ratings related to mobility, activities of daily living (ADL), stigma, and social support. This relatively new claim warrants further research because the impact on patient quality of life is significant. With the negative impact of the disease on patient’s cognition, Heo et al believed that bilateral STN stimulation might lead to slightly more detrimental effects on frontal lobe function and memory . The authors inferred that improved outcomes with cognition might be obtained via GPi or unilateral targeting. The full impact of GPi versus STN targeting though is still an area of controversy, especially with respect to overall patient outcomes.

Results in quality-of-life studies have varied regarding the effects of surgical treatment in patients with movement disorders. And, the numbers of studies are sparse. Outcomes for movement disorders, particularly Parkinson’s disease, have used the unified Parkinson’s disease rating scale (UPDRS) part III, a standardized scale that primarily demonstrates the motor benefits subsequent to surgical intervention. Such measures can in part reflect subjective improvements from the point of view of the patient: for example, regaining motor dexterity and control (e.g. holding a cup of coffee without fear of spilling it). Admittedly, the patient’s relief in these circumstances is subjective, difficult to measure and appreciate. In a long-term follow-up study of STN DBS, Krack et al found that there were significant improvements in the postoperative UPDRS scale, specifically ratings were 59% lower at 3 months and 54% lower at 5 years . In this same study, the authors reported improvement in ADL functions by 49% compared with baseline functioning; they furthermore noted that, before surgery, most patients had depended on others to some degree but after surgery nearly all enjoyed independence throughout the entire follow-up period.

In a similar study assessing the psychological impact of deep brain stimulation, Schupbach et al demonstrated comparable results, that is, the UPDRS ratings showed 54% improvement at 5 years . The authors noted that 10 of 20 patients were able to withdraw completely from all parkinsonian medications. Although the measures of neuropsychological and mood assessments were unchanged by the surgical procedure, cognitive decline was marked. However, this decline was attributed to the natural progression of the parkinsonian disease rather than the intervention performed. Another important aspect of this study demonstrated that daily dosing of levodopa was reduced by 58% and very likely significantly impacted the patient’s perception of the disease. When medication regimens are simplified , patients can not only better control their disease symptoms but also notice significant impact on quality of life and cost effectiveness.

Essential tremor

Neurostimulation for tremor can significantly benefit a patient’s quality of life. Even while undergoing intraoperative testing, patients may feel tearfully happy about the prospect of better motor function. As discussed in other chapters, Vim or STN targeting is most often used in neurostimulation for essential tremor. Many of the research findings regarding tremor are included with information for Parkinson’s disease. Sydow et al documented long-term relief of tremor 6 years after surgery in the 19 of 37 patients available for follow up; significant reduction in tremor score and improvement in activities of daily living were found compared with baseline or in the stimulation-off mode . Zhang et al cited an 80.4% reduction in tremor and 69.7% improvement in handwriting in 34 patients with an average 56-month follow up . Interestingly, between 57- and 90-months follow up, no statistical difference was found in functional ability when evaluating tremor and handwriting. Subtle adjustments in programming, primarily increases in voltage, were needed by many patients during the 5-year follow up. At 7 years postoperatively, Hariz et al noted decreases in the efficacy of DBS for tremor; however, a notable positive impact on quality of life and ADL functioning remained , especially for the patient’s ability to eat and concerns with social life. The authors stated the more significant declines in the effects of DBS in most other areas, which began 6–8 years postoperatively, were likely due to aging, aging co-morbidities, and disease progression. At this endpoint, tremors significantly worsened when stimulation was turned off. Patients with tremors who had been unable to write their names or perform other common tasks found significant rewards with the renewed ability to function in ways often taken for granted by others.


Stimulation of the GPi is the most studied target for dystonia, both primary and secondary. In primary generalized dystonia (PGD), the mean improvement at 3- to 12-month follow-up ranged from 46% at 3 months and 80% at 12 months follow up in the Burke–Fahn–Marsden dystonia rating scale (BFMDRS) severity score, and 37% at 3 months, and 69% at 12 months follow up in the BFMDRS disability score . At 2-year follow up, mean improvement ranged from 34 to 82% in the BFMDRS severity scores and 32 to 75% in BFMDRS disability scores . At 3-year follow up, the motor improvement and quality of life (SF-36 questionnaire) observed at 1 year had been maintained . Significant benefits of this therapy were evidenced by the improvements in general health and physical functioning at 12-month follow up and 15% improvement in the unified dystonia rating scale (UDRS) which is statistically significant .

In children, the improvement reported at 6-month follow up was as high as 56% in the BFMDRS motor scores and 42% in the BFMDRS disability scores . Compared with adults, the better outcomes in children were associated with DYT1-positive genetic status and with less motor impairment before surgery .

Regarding the neuropsychological outcomes, there have been no reported significant changes in measures of mood and cognition after pallidal stimulation in dystonia patients in short- and long-term follow up . Some authors reported no significant reduction in the number of errors in the Wisconsin card sorting test (WCST) at 1-year follow up . Others showed that bilateral GPi DBS clearly improved functional abilities and quality of life , and noted some improvements in concept formation, reasoning, and executive functions .

Contact location greatly impacted outcomes: overall clinical improvements were as high as 89% with posteroventral contacts versus only 67% with anterodorsal contacts in the pallidum . There is also a chance of poor outcome because of lead misplacement. In addressing this topic, Ellis et al reported 12.8% improvement above the already-obtained improvement in the UDRS score after lead relocation .

Factors that predict poor outcome in generalized dystonia seem relate to a greater disability from symptoms (a high preoperative BFMDRS score) and long disease duration . There was greater improvement in children with the genetic form DYT1-positive than in children with non-DYT1 forms. The volume of the GPi stimulated also influences the outcomes, the greater the GPi volume, the greater the degree of improvement .

For primary focal and segmental dystonia, improvements in the BFMDRS score are in the order of 64% at 3 months and 75% at 1 year 75% . At 2-year follow up, ratings on the Toronto western spasmodic torticollis rating scale (TWSTRS) had improved nearly 60% for both disability and pain scores . In patients with cervical dystonia, there was a 43% improvement in the TWSTRS severity score and a 59% improvement when both the disability and pain scores were combined . A pilot study of bilateral pallidal stimulation in idiopathic cranial–cervical dystonia, BFMDRS motor and disability scores improved 72% and 38% at 6 months, respectively. Total TWSTRS scores improved 54% at 6-month follow up. Although the combined severity and disability subscores (BFMDRS) showed statistical improvement, the pain subscore only showed a trend toward improvement and was not statistically significant . General health and physical functioning and depression scores improved significantly. Some negative changes in neuropsychological tests (memory and verbal skills) were observed, but did not impact daily life or employment .

For secondary dystonia (i.e. dystonias due to brain injuries), the reported outcomes of the GPi DBS were less promising than for other dystonias . In a recent study that seems to refute some of these findings, Loher et al reported almost the same outcomes for both primary and secondary dystonias . In tardive dystonia at 3–6 months after surgery, there were improvements of 74% in BFMDRS-M score, 89% in BFMDRS-D score, and 70% in abnormal involuntary movement scale (AIMS). In another study, quality-of-life improvements were significant in physical components and affective states .

In a mixed group of secondary dystonia patients (i.e. myoclonic dystonia, tardive dystonia, post-traumatic hemidystonia) who underwent treatment with bilateral GPi stimulation, improvements in the AIMS score ranged widely from 0 to 73.9%; the patient with no improvement had post-traumatic hemidystonia that temporarily improved after surgery but returned to the baseline findings some days after the DBS was turned on . Some authors suggest that among the secondary dystonias, the drug-induced forms have potentially better outcomes compared with the secondary dystonias. That is, the BFMDRS severity scores improved 47.2% for the drug-induced group and 37% for the other mixed dystonias, and the BFMDRS disability scores were 54.6% and 34.4 %, respectively . In patients with secondary dystonia, it is important to note that anatomical preservation of the basal ganglia is related to surgical outcome .

Previous reports of the usefulness of thalamic DBS to control dystonia have shown questionable results. Since then, GPi stimulation has gained greater acceptance in the treatment of this syndrome . In a study of bilateral anterior dorsolateral STN stimulation in patients with predominantly cervical dystonia, significant improvement occurred in the motor, disability, and total TWSTRS scores. Outcomes were better in those who did not have fixed deformities. The mental component score of the SF-36 markedly improved, and neuropsychological function was not negatively affected as a result of surgery. However, there were no differences in the TWSTRS scores between stimulation-on and -off for the group as a whole . In another study of patients with writer’s cramp who underwent unilateral ventral oralis anterior/ventral intermediate (Voa/Vim) stimulation (one patient underwent both GPi and Voa/Vim DBS), Fukaya et al showed that BFMDRS scores improved 87.5% when the stimulator was turned on; this improvement was maintained at 2-year follow up. In the patient with dual DBS targets, the thalamic stimulation was superior to the pallidal stimulation ; however, superior results were obtained with pallidal stimulation in a previously Vim-DBS implanted patient with paroxysmal non-kinesiogenic dystonia . These last two studies showed some interesting results, but need further study.

In our review of the literature, we found no consensus on programming settings for either primary or secondary dystonia. Usually GPi DBS required more amplitude than the GPi or STN DBS for Parkinson’s disease, with wide ranges of pulsewidth and frequency settings for all groups . Some authors suggested that the pulsewidth should exceed 180 μs (in dystonias), and the rate should be between 130 and 185 Hz (high-frequency stimulation) . Other studies have reported significant improvement with low-frequency stimulation (50–60 Hz) . In a study focused on the frequency of pallidal stimulation in primary dystonia, optimized stimulation at 130 Hz resulted in a 43% improvement in the BFMDRS score 6–12 months post-surgery. Quality of life measured through PDQ-39, EuroQoL1, and EuroQoL had significantly improved after surgery when measured in all of the scales. However, in this same study, a significant deterioration was observed at lower frequencies (0, 5, 50 Hz) in all patients .

After DBS, mobile, phasic dystonic movements respond rapidly and are predictors of good outcome, whereas fixed postures are less likely to improve and are predictors of poor outcome at 12-month follow up, mostly due to muscle contractures . Although tonic components tend gradually to improve, some patients experience rapid improvement shortly after the DBS. Long-lasting benefits were not observed until 6–12 months later in most patients. The presence of microlesion effect immediately after pallidal DBS for dystonia also appears to be a good predictor of optimal clinical outcome, though this remains controversial .

Spinal cord stimulation for pain

As technology developed for electrical cardiac stimulation, these same principles were applied to stimulation of the nervous system, namely the spinal cord. This new technology found support from the gate theory of pain, which helps explain how the nervous system is affected in pain syndromes . Although still somewhat controversial, the gate theory premise is the inhibition of small, unmyelinated pain fibers by the activation of large sensory nerve fibers. The spinal cord stimulator, placed over the dorsal columns of the spinal cord at approximately the mid-thoracic level, activates these large fiber neurons thereby to inhibit or diminish pain sensation. Good outcomes were reported with at least 50% reduction in pain; satisfaction was achieved in 47% of study participants 5 years after surgery ; 25% of patients returned to work after the implant. In the same study, many patients reduced or eliminated analgesics for pain and noted improvements in activities of daily living.

In the 2008 PROCESS study, Manca et al noted marked improvements in quality of life for patients with spinal cord stimulators . While overall costs to the health-care system were higher, improvements in quality of life were seen by using the short-form (SF-36) and EuroQol-5D (EQ-5D) . The EQ-5D consists of five questions, each relating to a different dimension that included mobility, self-care, and ability to undertake usual activity, pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression. Each dimension has three possible levels of severity described as none or moderate or severe problems. Based on their combined answers to the EQ-5D questionnaire, patients can be classified into one of 243 health states. Each health state has an associated utility score on a 0 (death) to 1 (good health) scale. At mean baseline of EQ-5D, the PROCESS study participant scores were 0.15, which was considerably worse than the 0.31 for patients admitted to the hospital with ischemic strokes . Considering the significant toll on the quality of life for patients with failed back syndrome, the potential for improvement on quality of life of these patients should not be underestimated.

Multiple studies have demonstrated superiority of SCS in comparison with other types of management. In a comparison with optimal medical management, Kumar et al demonstrated superior outcomes after SCS for failed back syndrome . They reported that many patients not only found greater relief of neuropathic pain by implantation of SCS than conventional therapy, but also showed a significant increase in the quality of life. Kumar et al reported that 24 months after implantation, patients with SCS had greater satisfaction with treatment, and improved functional capacity and health-related quality of life . Remarkably, 30% of patients returned to work after SCS therapy, including 4 of 37 patients who had been out of work for more than 2.5 years. In a 2007 comparison of reoperation versus SCS for failed back syndrome, North et al showed that SCS insertion was more effective and less expensive than re-operation for patients with failed back syndrome who had a previous surgery . SCS was found to be most effective when patients avoided repeat surgery. Additionally, costs of SCS for patients with failed back syndrome were significantly less than for repeat surgery. Both factors play major roles in a patient´s quality of life.

Motor cortex stimulation for neuropathic pain

Motor cortex stimulation for neuropathic pain is a well-accepted practice that was introduced in the early 1990s by Tsubokawa et al . However, as seen with SCS for pain, lack of uniformity in the surgical techniques used, pain pathologies enrolled, evaluation scales used, and even pain nomenclature make comparison of studies difficult . Only a few statistically well-designed studies have assessed outcomes of MCS therapy with long-term follow up. In a randomized double-blind trial that included population of patients with mixed types of pain, central and peripheral pain, Velasco et al reported significant 40–80% pain improvement at 1-year follow up in all patients during the on-stimulation period . The Bourhis scale and MPQ scores for the group decreased from 8.5 to 4.5 and from 133 to 40, respectively ( P < 0.01) . In another randomized controlled trial of patients with central and peripheral neuropathic pain, Smith et al reported >50% pain relief .

In a series of 32 patients who underwent MCS, Nguyen et al reported 77% pain relief in the patients with central pain, and 83.3% relief in the neuropathic facial pain group . In a 4-year follow-up study including central and peripheral neuropathic pain, Nuti et al reported pain relief was excellent in 10% and good in 42% of the patients. Intake of analgesic medications decreased in 52% of patients and was completely withdrawn in 36% of patients. In the same study, 70% of the patients noted their satisfaction with the procedure, by saying that they would have undergone the same surgical intervention for relief of their pain .

In a literature review, Henderson et al reported rates of 40 to 100% relief of neuropathic facial pain relief from 3 to 28 months after MCS and 50% reduction in medications after the procedure . In a series of 11 patients with thalamic pain, Tsubokawa et al reported that 73% of patients had excellent pain control during the trial period; the positive effects of the MCS were unchanged in 45% of the patients after more than 2-year follow up . In a randomized controlled cross-over trial of MCS, Lefaucheur et al reported questionable results because the patient population was heterogeneous (i.e. different types and locations of peripheral neuropathic pain); however, during the open trial, there were significant improvements in visual analogue scale (VAS) and McGill pain questionnaire scores .

In a meta-analysis of the relevant studies on cortical stimulation and chronic pain, Lima et al reported a weighted-responder rate of 72.6% (95% CI, 67.7-77.4) in favor of the MCS . Additionally, in another literature review, a good response was achieved of pain relief ≥40–50% in ≈ 50% of patients who underwent surgery and in 45% of 152 patients with a postoperative follow up ≥1 year .

Programming the stimulator is a very important factor in achieving good outcomes. However, with time, the initial benefits can be lost. Therefore, an intensive reprogramming can optimize the outcomes. Henderson et al showed that in patients with MCS, VAS scores declined from 7.44 to 2.28 with intensive reprogramming in chronically implanted MCS patients (mean 7.16 months (range 2–18)) . In conclusion, MCS for chronic neuropathic pain is a reasonable and feasible option for select patients. Further studies are warranted better to define optimal patient populations and programming parameters.

Vagal nerve stimulation for epilepsy

Vagal nerve stimulation is one of the most recent developments in neurostimulation in selected patients with generalized epilepsy. VNS stimulation occurs via a specialized electrode wrapped around, typically, the left vagus nerve, and connected to an implanted pulse generator. The mode of action of this type of stimulation is thought to occur via retrograde activation of the vagus nerve into the brainstem and there causing the suppressing effects. This type of stimulation exerts a modulatory effect on cerebral neuronal activity. Since its approval in 1997, it quickly emerged as a well-accepted modality for the treatment of intractable epilepsy. In a study of 454 patients with generalized epilepsy, 43% of patients achieved a 50% reduction in baseline seizure frequency with the VNS and achieved a long- lasting, even progressive benefit from long-term stimulation. Although VNS treatment may not allow a patient with seizures to resume normal employment or drive a car, the device may afford other significant quality-of-life improvements. Day-to-day providers who directly care for patients with VNS devices implanted have noted recovery is shortened in the immediate post-ictal period . However, overwhelming support for this device among practitioners is somewhat lacking. Some caregivers helping with the patients with a VNS device may question its utility because debilitating seizures often continue and the sole prevention of generalization is less than ideal or insufficient to improve the quality of life for many patients and their families.

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Jul 15, 2019 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Expectations and Outcomes

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