Ugur et al. (2000) [20]
293 stroke patients discharged from an inpatient unit. 52 % male
A standard questionnaire was posted to the patients or their relatives to obtain information about falling, and patients were asked to fill out Montgomery and Asberg rating scale and Barthel Index (BI) functional status forms to evaluate their mood and functional status. Other information about stroke type, severity, and risk factors were screened from hospital records
Falls associated with older patients, right hemispheric aetiology, depression, low BI score, and the absence of heart disease. No association found between falls and diabetes, hypertension, trauma, and gastrointestinal disease
Hyndman et al. (2002) [15]
41 community-dwelling people with stroke. Mean age 69.7 years old. 63 % male. Time from stroke onset 3–288 months
Patients were visited at home, and their demographic characteristics and falls history obtained using Stack and Ashburn’s falls assessment questionnaire. Cognition was assessed with the Middlesex Elderly Assessment of Mental State test, mobility was assessed using the Rivermead Mobility Index, functional status was assessed using the Nottingham Extended activities of daily living (ADL) scale, functional arm movement was assessed with the Rivermead Motor Assessment (RMA) and anxiety and mood were assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression score
Those who had had two or more falls had significantly reduced arm function and ADL ability. Repeat fallers had significantly higher depression scores than non-fallers with no near falls. On average, repeat fallers had their stroke more recently than non-fallers. Differences across faller vs. non-faller groups in stroke side, age, gender, and number of medications were not statistically significant
Hyndman et al. (2003) [21]
48 community-dwelling stroke patients. 62.5 % male. Mean time since stroke 46 months
Patients were interviewed about falls history, adaptive equipment, medication, and co-existing diseases. Attentional capacity was assessed using four subtests of the Test of Everyday Attention, visual attention was assessed using the Star Cancellation Test, balance was assessed with the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), and functional abilities were assessed with the Nottingham Extended ADL scale
Impaired attentional ability in both tests of sustained and divided attention correlated with falls, poor balance, and reduced ADL ability
Belgen et al. (2006) [22]
50 community dwelling stroke patients recruited from support groups and via advertisement. Participants could walk 10 m with no physical assistance and follow three stage commands. Mean age 59.9 years old. 62 % male
A questionnaire recorded information about demographic characteristics and medical and stroke history. Participants were interviewed about their falls history including fear of falling, living situation, and functional abilities. Falls related self-efficacy scale measurements were undertaken, motor function was assessed with timed sit-to-stand, timed up-and-go, Fugl-Meyer Assessment (lower limb) and BBS. Mood was measured with the mood and emotion subscore of the Stroke Impact Scale
Patients with any falls history were more likely to have a fear of falling, had less falls-related self efficacy and more depressive symptoms. Multiple fallers had poorer balance, more fear of falling and used a greater number of medications than never- or single- fallers. Age, gender, the use of an assistive device, alcohol history and stroke side were not significantly associated with falls
Souyer et al. (2007) [23]
100 cognitively intact, ambulant community dwelling patients with a stroke at least 6 months prior. Only 45–60 year olds were recruited
Patients were interviewed to determine demographic characteristics, falls history, and medical and stroke history. Function was measured using the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) instrument. Joint position sense was measured using a computerized 2-inclinometer system. RMA was used to assess motor ability, tone was measured using the Ashworth scale and functional evaluations of balance and gait were determined using Tinetti Assessment
Significant differences between multiple fallers, one time fallers and never-fallers with respect to functional status, functional balance and gait. Multiple fallers had significantly worse knee proprioception than the other groups. Fallers were more likely to use a walking aid. Ordinal analyses suggested that as spasticity, general disability, and functional disability in gait and balance increased, so did falls risk. Falls were not associated with age, gender, stroke side or aetiology, or ankle joint position sense
Table 11.1b
Retrospective cohort studies assessing the relationship between different patient characteristics and falls
Study | Subjects | Methods | Findings |
Sze et al. (2001) [14] | 677 patients admitted to a Chinese stroke unit approximately 1 week after stroke. 53 % male | Analysis of medical and falls history for the duration of the inpatient admission from the medical notes. Cognition was measured using the Abbreviated Mental Test score (AMTS) and function was assessed with BI. Data on falls was also obtained from a form filled in by staff in the event of a fall | 11.5 % fell during their admission. Falls were associated with low BI, urinary incontinence, dysphasia, and hemiplegia. No association found between falls and previous stroke, diabetes, hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, cognition, and sensory impairment in univariate analyses |
Teasell et al. (2002) [3] | 238 consecutive admissions to a stroke unit who were judged to have potential to eventually go home after their stroke. Mean age 72.1 years old. 49.8 % male | Data including demographic and medical characteristics and stroke impairments were collected from medical notes. Balance was assessed using the BBS, function was assessed with the FIM score, and motor recovery was assessed with the Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Impairment Inventory. Other stroke impairments such as cognitive impairment or aphasia were measured from reports of relevant therapists. Falls were observed during patients’ stay of inpatient rehabilitation | 37 % of patients experienced at least one fall; 19 % of patients experienced at least two falls. Fallers were more likely to have impaired balance and lower functional abilities with their affected arm, leg, and foot. Fallers were more likely to be apraxic and cognitively impaired. Repeat fallers had lower functional independence. Age, the presence of aphasia, homonymous hemianopia, neglect, depression, and seizure history were not associated with falls |
Suzuki et al. (2005) [4] | 256 patients admitted to a stroke rehabilitation unit | Data including demographic information, clinical and falls history extracted from medical records. Function and cognition were measured using FIM scores | 47 % of patients fell at least once during their inpatient stay. Falls were significantly associated with lower measures of functional independence and lower cognitive performance |
Schmid et al. (2010) [24] | 1,269 patients admitted to four hospitals over a 5-year period. Mean age 71 years old. 56 % male | All medical, demographic, falls- and stroke- specific data were collected in a review of medical notes and charts (including data on mood and anxiety). Stroke severity was measured using National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS). Dependence was recorded for any patient who was reported to need help with any ADL | 5 % of patients fell during their admission. Greater stroke severity was associated with falls, as was a history of anxiety. Factors that were not associated with falls were age, gender, ethnicity, the presence of gait abnormality, hemiparesis, sensory impairment, aphasia, brainstem stroke; or a history of hypertension, depression, diabetes, seizures, syncope, urinary tract infection, or Parkinson’s disease. Falls in this study were independently associated with a loss of function even after adjusting for stroke severity, age, gait problems, and previous stroke |
Table 11.1c
Prospective longitudinal studies assessing the relationship between different patient characteristics and falls
Study | Subjects | Methods | Findings |
Forster et al. (1996) [6] | 108 community stroke patients at discharge from inpatient rehabilitation who were over 60 years of age and were resident at home with residual disability | Questionnaire-based interview to obtain falls history, demographics, and medical history at discharge. Further falls history taken at 8 weeks and 6 months. Carers were also interviewed including a 28-point questionnaire about well-being. Function was measured with BI, cognition was assessed with the AMTS, balance and functional movement were assessed with the Motor Club Assessment, social activity was assessed with the Frenchay activities index, and perceived state of health was assessed with the Nottingham health profile. Neglect was measured using Albert’s test. Walking speed was measured | 73 % of patients fell during follow-up. Fallers were significantly less active at 6 months and had lower measures of gait and balance and functional ability. Even though fallers and non-fallers had no significant gait speed difference at the beginning of the study, at 6 months fallers were significantly slower. Patients who had fallen at least twice were less socially active at 6 months. Carers of fallers were significantly more stressed. Falling was not significantly associated with age, cognitive impairment, or other co-morbidities such as diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, or poor eyesight |
Jørgensen et al. (2002) [11] | 111 patients in the community who suffered a stroke, on average, 10 years previously. Mean age 67 years old. 57 % male | Demographic and medical historical data collected in a questionnaire at the beginning of the study. Functional ability was assessed using the BI, motor function of the arms and legs was assessed with subscores of the Scandinavian Stroke Scale, vision was assessed with Printer’s Point Score test, mood and anxiety were assessed with the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating scale, and cognition was assessed with the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Patients kept a ‘falls calendar’ to record falls index for a mean of 112 days | 23 % of stroke patients fell during the period of follow-up. Falls were significantly associated with depression, but not decreased leg function or epilepsy. Depression was also associated with decreased leg function |
Yates et al. (2002) [25] | 280 community-dwelling stroke survivors identified from admission records of 12 facilities. Mean age 68.3 years old. 50 % male | Clinical evaluation within 14 days of stroke onset, including assessments of leg function with Fugl-Meyer lower limb score, and other stroke deficits with NIHSS. Follow-up at 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months to determine fall status | 51 % of subjects fell in the follow-up period. Risk of falling was greater for subjects with motor impairment and motor + sensory impairment. In multivariate analysis, the motor + sensory + visual impairment group were less mobile, and fell significantly less |
Andersson et al. (2006) [26] | 162 patients admitted to a stroke unit. Mean age 73 years old. 55 % male | Clinical evaluation at a mean of 8 days post-stroke. Demographic information, medical and drug history, including history of visual impairment, was obtained by structured interview and reference to medical notes. Cognition was assessed with MMSE, stroke deficits were assessed with NIHSS, motor function was assessed with the Birgitta Lindmark motor assessment scale, neglect was assessed with the Behavioural Inattention test and Baking Tray test, tone was assessed with the modified Ashworth scale, balance was assessed with BBS. The ‘Stops Walking While Talking’ and ‘Timed up and go’ tests assessed global mobility with extra attentional demands and against the clock. Alternate patients were followed up either at 6 or 12 months by interview to establish falls history | 43 % of patients fell at least once during follow-up. Fallers were significantly more likely to have functional motor impairment, have visual impairment, or take sedative medication. Falls were not associated with age, gender, stroke side or severity, spasticity, cognitive impairment, neglect, or antidepressant or diuretic usage |
Mackintosh et al. (2006) [8] | 55 patients from a community rehabilitation centre. Mean age 68 years old. 45 % male | An initial interview established cognitive performance (using the Orientation-Memory-Cognition test), falls risk factors medication, and falls history. Hemianopia was assessed using visual confrontation, hemi neglect was assessed with the Star Cancellation ratio and the Baking tray test. Muscle strength was tested using the Nicholas Manual Muscle Tester, balance was assessed with the BBS and Step Test, tone was assessed with the Tone Assessment Scale, fear of falling was assessed with the Falls Efficacy Scale, depression was assessed with the Geriatric Depression Scale, and activity levels were assessed with the Human Activity Profile. Patient then kept a diary to record falls for 6 months | 45 % of patients fell during the study period. Fallers were more likely to have hemi neglect, low quadriceps strength, a low BBS, a low step test score, a slower gait speed, have lower activity levels, and be taking multiple medications. No significant association was found between falling and age, gender, hemianopia, strength of dorsiflexors or hip abductors, spasticity, use of psychotropics, fear of falling, or depression |
Czernuszenko et al. (2007) [27] | 353 inpatients at a stroke facility | Assessment from medical notes of demographic data, falls risk factors, and medical history. Function was measured with Modified Rankin Score and BI. Stroke severity was measured with the Scandinavian Stroke Scale. Data on falls was recorded as they occurred throughout the inpatient stay, which had a mean length of 28 days | 10 % of patients suffered falls. Fallers were more likely to have unilateral neglect, have more functional disability, and have more severe stroke impairments |
Table 11.1d
Randomized controlled studies assessing the relationship between different patient characteristics and falls and examining different rehabilitation interventions
Study | Subjects | Methods | Findings |
Tilson et al. (2012) [28] | 408 subjects with stroke within the last 45 days, residual paresis, slow walking but needing no more than one person’s assistance. Mean age 62 years old. 54.9 % male. Subjects were drawn from the wider Locomotor Experience Applied Post-Stroke (LEAPS) study | Demographic characteristics and information pertaining to medical history and stroke risk were obtained at randomization. Gait speed was measured and 6 min Walk test was administered. Motor function was tested with Fugl-Meyer assessment scale, balance was assessed with BBS and Activities Specific Balance Scale, cognition was assessed with MMSE and Trail-Making tests. Depression was tested with Patient Health Questionnaire nine-item depression scale, disability was assessed with the Stroke Impact Scale, and physical function was assessed with the Short Form −36 | Across groups, falls were positively associated with age at onset, a history of alcohol abuse, Fugl-Meyer total motor upper limb and lower limb scores, low walking speed, 6 min walk distance, low BBS, the use of an assistive device, and increasing Modified Rankin scales. No other significant relationships found, including with depression and cognitive impairment |
Subjects were randomized either to early locomotor training programme (LTP) at 2 months, late LTP at 6 months, or early strength and balance exercises in the home (HEP) at 2 months | There was no difference across the three arms in overall fall rate | ||
Patients kept a falls diary and were followed up by phone at 2 and 12 months | Early-LTP in severely slow walkers was associated with more falls than late-LTP or HEP. Late LTP group was significantly less mobile |
These observations have led some researchers to devise tools that can be used to predict falls risk based on observable patient characteristics (Table 11.2). In general, no test has been found to have excellent sensitivity and specificity for falling, but low Berg Balance scores have been found to be fairly good predictors of falling in the community (especially when combined with a history of falls) [8] and in hospital [29]. Rapport et al. [32] reported that when a falls questionnaire was combined with neuropsychological tests of impulsivity, falls could be predicted in 80 % of cases of male right middle cerebral artery territory stroke survivors in a rehabilitation setting. Nyberg et al. [34] give a scoring system that is based on the data observed in their study which correlated significantly with the fall risk, but this has not been independently validated. Part of the difficulty in devising a test to predict falls in stroke patients lies in the fact that so many different factors may contribute to falls risk. A simpler test is likely to ignore important variables, whereas a more complex one may be unwieldy.
Table 11.2
Validity indices for different tests in falls prediction over the duration of different studies
Clinical test | Investigator | Study period | OR | Sens (%) | Spec (%) | PPV (%) | NPV (%) |
History of previous falls | Mackintosh et al. (2006) [8] | 6 months | 28 | 92 | 72 | 48 | 97 |
Berg Balance Score <50 | Mackintosh et al. (2006) [8] | 6 months | 20 | 92 | 65 | 42 | 97 |
Berg Balance Score <50 + history of inpatient fall | Mackintosh et al. (2006) [8] | 6 months | 83 | 91 | 71 | 95 | |
Berg Balance Score <45 | Andersson et al. (2006) [26] | 6–12 months | 63 | 65 | 58 | 69 | |
Berg Balance Score <30 | Maeda et al. (2009) [29] | Mean 83 days | 80 | 78 | NR | NR | |
STEP test score <7 | Mackintosh et al. (2006) [8] | 6 months | 20 | 92 | 64 | 42 | 97 |
STEP score <7 + history of inpatient fall | Mackintosh et al. (2006) [8] | 6 months | 83 | 86 | 63 | 95 | |
Slow gait <0.56 m/s | Mackintosh et al. (2006) [8] | 6 months | 6 | 58 | 81 | 47 | 88 |
Hemineglect | Mackintosh et al. (2006) [8] | 6 months | 3.8 | 50 | 79 | 40 | 85 |
STRATIFY score at baseline | Smith et al. (2006) [30] | 6 months | NS | 11 | 89 | 25 | 76 |
STRATIFY score at discharge | Smith et al. (2006) [30] | 6 months | NS | 16 | 86 | 38 | 66 |
Downton index >2 | Nyberg et al. (1996) [31] | Median 48 days | 2.9 | 91 | 27 | NR | NR |
Fall assessment questionnaire + behavioural impulsivity | Rapport et al. (1993) [32] | NR | NR | NR | NR | 80 | NR |
“Stops walking when talking” | Hydman et al. (2004) [33] | 6 months | 53 | 70 | 62 | 62 | |
“Stops walking when talking” | Andersson et al. (2006) [26] | 6–12 months | 15 | 97 | 78 | 61 | |
Timed up and go >14 s | Andersson et al. (2006) [26] | 6–12 months | 50 | 78 | 59 | 72 |
Mitigating Falls Risk
The most compelling reason to understand and assess falls risk after stroke is to prevent people from falling. In the community-dwelling general elderly population, there is an established, evidence-based acceptance that certain interventions are effective in reducing falls. These include exercise programmes, prescribing modification programmes, interventions for visual impairment, and home safety interventions, as well as multifactorial assessments and interventions [35]. As described below, there is less evidence, however, supporting such interventions in the stroke patient population [36].
Physical Therapy and Exercises
Most stroke patients receive some form of physiotherapy and most stroke specialists would agree that physiotherapeutic interventions are key to restoring mobility and balance. After a stroke, ways of coping with deficits have to be learnt, and it is unquestionable that in many patients supervised practice of physical skills will provide benefits. Physiotherapy helps to identify impairments in dynamic function as well as the ways in which patients physically compensate for the deficits. Sometimes falls may result from the deficits themselves and sometimes from the compensatory mechanisms (e.g., over-reliance on unaffected limbs to the extent that balance is affected, known as “pusher syndrome”). Physiotherapists can help teach patients adaptive and balanced ways of mobilizing so that they can reduce their falls risk.
Physiotherapists and occupational therapists both have an important role to play in determining what patients can and cannot do safely. This is vital to prevent falls in both inpatient and community settings. By setting guidelines about what patients should be doing on their own, and what they should be doing with supervision, what aids they should be using, and what mobilisation techniques they should employ, therapists can help ensure that the falls risk is minimized as long as patients are operating on a day-to-day basis within their recommended safe levels of function. Of course, if falls do occur it is mandatory to determine whether patients were operating within these recommended safe levels, or whether they were doing something over and above what had been recommended. In the case of a patient who falls despite following recommendations, further assessments may be warranted to determine if there was another unrecognized cause of the fall. In some cases, discussion may need to take place about whether the previously agreed safe levels of function are actually still safe. Sometimes new, lower levels may need to be set, but of course this may compromise the independence of patient. The decision to do this would have to take place as part of a wider analysis of the patients’ goals and wishes as well as the overall direction of rehabilitation. Conversely, the management of a patient who falls after “giving it a go” with a risky and unrecommended manoeuvre is very different. The reasons that the patient has for taking the risk need to be sought in order to determine the approach to take. On the one hand, the patient may not be aware of the risk and require an explanation; alternatively, they might acknowledge the risk but go ahead anyway because of an urge for independence. In all these cases, an individualized approach needs to be taken, in order that the management plans can be tailor-made for each patient. In many cases, there is also a difficult balance to be struck between independence and safety.
A number of randomized controlled trials have addressed the question of whether falls can be reduced in stroke patients undergoing specific physiotherapeutic or exercise regimens. A small trial on early rehabilitation after stroke randomized 56 patients to normal care or an intervention group that were mobilized in the first 24 h post-stroke [37]. This intervention proved no less safe than normal care, but the rates of falls over the following year were no different. As previously discussed, falls are commonly seen while transferring. A study of 48 patients compared usual inpatient rehabilitation with a group who received extra sit-to-stand practice [38]. Although the intervention group’s sit-to-stand performance and quality of life improved, their falls rate remained unchanged. Another research group [39] gave patients a rehabilitation programme that included sit-to-stand training as well as training with a biofeedback device aimed at improving postural symmetry. Out of their 54 participants, they found that the intervention group suffered significantly fewer falls than the controls who underwent a conventional rehabilitation programme (42 % vs. 17 %, p < 0.05).
A larger study [40] randomized 146 patients with mobility problems over a year after a stroke to receive either community physiotherapy or no intervention. At 6 and 9 months, the intervention group had slightly better mobility and gait speed than the control group, but around 20 % of patients in both groups had fallen by these time points. Another community study [41] randomly assigned 61 patients to receiving either supervised agility training or Tai-Chi like stretching and weight-shifting practice. Even though the agility group fell less than the stretching/weight-shifting group (25 falls vs. 75 falls), this difference did not reach significance (p = 0.2). The agility group, whose training involved experimenter-induced standing perturbations, suffered significantly fewer falls on an unexpectedly moving platform. Yelnik et al. and Duncan et al. independently showed that falls were not reduced by a multi-sensorial approach to rehabilitation that included visual deprivation during exercise or by employing body-weight supported treadmill practice in place of home exercise including balance training [42, 43]. The latter study did, however, find significantly fewer falls in severely slow walkers who had balance training at home.
As previously discussed, commonly prescribed medications such as antihypertensives, antidepressants, sedatives, and other psychoactive drugs can predispose to falls. Some medications, however, may actually help decrease risk. Studies have demonstrated reduced falls rate and risk with vitamin D provision to patients with low vitamin D levels [44]. This may be mediated by the effect that vitamin D has on increasing muscle protein synthesis and thereby enhancing muscle strength. A further study showed an even greater reduction in falling from alendronate therapy compared with vitamin D therapy [45]. These findings have not however been replicated, and the putative mechanisms of a falls risk reduction with bisphosphonates are not clear [46, 47].
Interventions for Visual Impairment
Whilst randomized controlled trial data is lacking, there are a range of possible interventions for patients with visual field defects, diplopia, or other eye movement abnormalities after stroke [48]. Some are proposed to work by restoring the visual field (restitution); these aim to take advantage of the fact that patients with so-called cortical blindness can sometimes see moving objects in their affected field. Other strategies compensate for the deficit by changing behaviour, such as by training patients to scan across the visual field. Others still aim to substitute for the visual field defect by using a device or extraneous modification such as a prism. Finally, eye patches may be useful in patients who have diplopia.
Environmental Interventions and Equipment
A number of different environmental interventions are possible to try to help reduce falls risk with stroke patients. In the inpatient setting, chair alarms are sometimes used to alert nurses to patients getting up who may not be very safe to mobilize independently. Other strategies involve identifying patients at risk using alert badges at “board rounds” or alert wristbands. Inpatient environments should be well-lit with non-slippery floors and handrails that are easy to see.
Meanwhile at home, occupational therapy assessments are a key intervention in optimizing the environment to minimize falls risk. People’s homes may be messy with potential obstacles strewn on the floor. There may be slippery carpets or mats. The route to the toilet may be circuitous with bulky furniture in the way. These are things that are usually straightforward to fix. At the same time, balance may be improved with the provision of hand rails in opportune locations. Devices such as stair or bath lifts may help people who might otherwise fall at these locations. A convenient commode may also reduce long and risky trips to the bathroom. A range of other pieces of equipment usually recommended by physiotherapists may also help people’s balance after stroke. Some, such as sticks or orthoses, aid mobility and increase the physical area of people’s support base. The evidence-base for these therapy-directed interventions is extrapolated from interventions to prevent falls in older people in the absence of stroke-specific data [35, 49].
Social Environment
People who are at risk of falls may have the risk attenuated to some extent by the presence of other people to help them. For example, a common time for falls to occur is during transferring. If people have the right help and supervision at these times, whether from friends and family or formal carers, falls can be avoided.
Urinary Incontinence
Since urinary incontinence is associated with falls, and the relationship may be partly causal, it follows that managing the incontinence can help manage the falls risk. This will firstly involve assessments to uncover the precipitating factors leading to incontinence and, secondly, specific management strategies aimed at ameliorating or removing those factors. Of course, the management of incontinence, as much as the management of falls, is multidisciplinary, and very often physiotherapists and occupational therapists are invaluable in devising and practising toileting regimens to avoid incontinence after stroke.
A comprehensive evidence base from which to recommend particular interventions to reduce falls risk after stroke is lacking. It may be, however, that the evidence-based approach to falls reduction in the general older population can also be applied, to an extent, to stroke patients. This seems especially true of multifactorial interventions that are based on multifactorial risk assessments. However, not all strokes occur in older age and the stroke population has specific, separate problems and deficits that should be assessed and managed differently.
It is, however, fair to say that the first step in the management of falls risk after stroke is to identify the antecedent factors that contribute to the falls risk in that particular patient. There are many such factors and especially in stroke, different members of the multidisciplinary team have complementary roles in bringing these factors to light, according to their specialty. Just as the assessment of risk is multidisciplinary, so is its management. Patients at risk of falls after stroke will benefit from a coordinated approach to determine the most appropriate individualized interventions which can be applied by members of the different disciplines.
Consequences of Falls
Falls, when they do occur, can have severe consequences. Some are psychological, such as the development of a fear of falling, which can lead to its own complications. Others are due to injuries sustained at the time of fall, such as fractures or bleeding. People who fall and cannot get up for a long time may be at risk of hypothermia, dehydration, pressure sores, or rhabdomyolysis. There is a burden on carers of patients who fall and falls may lead to more stress for carers. Falls can lead to patients restricting the activities they do, and a resultant loss of independence. This can lead to reduced quality of life.
Fear of Falling
Fear of falling is increasingly recognized as an important determinant of morbidity after falling. It refers to anxiety about falling that may have been caused by a fall that actually occurred, or may just be a result of a general sense of imbalance. It affects people in a number of different ways. Firstly, there is the psychological burden of the anxiety. However, the mental state itself can also cause physical problems. If someone is afraid of falling they are less likely to attempt to mobilize; their mobility and balance then deteriorates, and, as a consequence, their fear of falling increases and becomes more justified.
Fear of falling often has functional consequences as well. People with fear of falling (or indeed with falls regardless of their emotional response) may try to do less around the house, with a resulting loss of independence. They may go out less and give up previously enjoyed activities or lose touch with their social network. These changes may have a profound impact on a patient’s quality of life. There is a possibility this could lead to poorer mental health and depression (although studies have only established a correlation and not a causal link between fear of falling and depression).
In stroke research, studies have shown correlations (again, not causal relationships) between fear of falling and indices of quality of life, depression, and anxiety [50]. Fear of falling can also hamper rehabilitation. Patients with anxieties about balance and falling may be less willing to try new compensatory mechanisms or practise recovering their mobility. This mandates an approach to stroke rehabilitation that includes consideration of patients’ psychological states, particularly with regard to their physical function. Cognitive behavioural therapy may be an invaluable tool to allow patients to learn to tackle their fear and has been shown to be effective in non-stroke patients who have fear of falling [51]. Meanwhile, exercise may have the dual benefit of increasing mobility and improving psychological health [52].
Bleeding Risk After Falling
A number of injuries can result from falling and, depending on the mechanism of the fall, bleeding may result. Such bleeding will be potentiated by the antithrombotic medications commonly prescribed to patients after ischaemic stroke. Many patients are prescribed anticoagulants for secondary stroke prevention but, despite the benefit, clinicians may be reluctant to prescribe them in patients at risk of falling because of worries about contributing to bleeding, including traumatic subdural or intracerebral haemorrhage. A number of key studies have addressed this clinical dilemma. Man-Song-Hing et al. [53] analysed data from 49 different studies examining falls, anticoagulation, and intracranial haemorrhage in non-stroke patients and calculated that a person with atrial fibrillation (AF) on warfarin would have to fall 295 or more times a year to make warfarin more risky than beneficial. This probably cannot be usefully extrapolated to stroke patients, however, as it relies on assumptions about the rates of falls which are based on non-stroke patients, and the authors only used traumatic subdural haemorrhage in their analysis of factors that would count against warfarin. Gage et al. [54] retrospectively analysed records of 1,245 Medicare beneficiaries with AF and found that patients treated with warfarin (around half) were no more likely to suffer intracranial haemorrhage, but if they did, it was more likely to be fatal. However, because of the reduction in stroke rates in the warfarin group, warfarin protected patients overall from a composite endpoint of stroke, intracranial haemorrhage, myocardial infarction, and death. It is difficult, however, to draw robust conclusions about the efficacy and safety of warfarin in fallers from this study as there is a selection bias in that patients in the study were only on warfarin because their physician thought that it would be safe and beneficial enough to prescribe and there was no standardized way of assessing falls risk; whether patients were at risk of falls or not was taken from remarks written in the notes. The BAFTA trial [55] randomized 973 over-75-year-olds with AF to either warfarin or aspirin. Patients were recruited from 200 English GP practices, but excluded if their GP found, there were clinical reasons to chose warfarin over aspirin, or vice versa. There were 24 primary events (21 strokes, two other intracranial haemorrhages, and one systemic embolus) in people assigned to warfarin and 48 primary events (44 strokes, one other intracranial haemorrhage, and three systemic emboli) in people assigned to aspirin. These data support the notion that warfarin is not associated with a high excess bleeding risk in the elderly. It should be noted that the sample in the BAFTA study is likely to have excluded some patients at high risk of falls, if their GPs used these patients’ falls risk as a reason to prefer aspirin. Donze et al. [56] studied 515 patients discharged home on warfarin for AF and found that while patients at high risk of falls (determined using a screening questionnaire) had a higher annual rate of major bleeding than those at lower risk (8 % vs. 6.8 %), this was not significant. These studies perhaps argue that extra major bleeding rates with warfarin are overestimated.
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