78 A 67-year-old woman complained of upper neck pain worsened by neck extension, radiating into her left sub-occipital region. Objectively, she has no focal neurologic deficit and a mild decrease in cervical range of motion. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the cervical spine demonstrated a destructive bony lesion involving the inferior part of C2, C1, and the clivus (Figs. 78-1 and 78-2). Skeletal dysplasia The patient was presented with four treatment options: (1) observation with medication, (2) biopsy, (3) posterior upper cervical fusion, and (4) vertebroplasty. She has similar lesions in her right arm and pelvis.
Fibrous Dysplasia
Radiologic Findings
Fibrous Dysplasia
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