Das et al. [18] used the Vicon motion capture system in a population of individuals with PD and found a high correlation with the UPDRS. Many cardinal features of PD can be captured and analyzed using the proprietary software that is provided with this system. Such as tremor, bradykinesia, gait and postural stability [18]. Mirek et al. [18] explored the difference in gait parameter measures between PD and healthy control participants. It was found that the Vicon system was able to accurately detect a reduction in several gait measures in PD and control participants.
The main drawback to this system is the lack of portability. The system requires a large area for set-up and confines the individual to a round area where the cameras are able to record. If the individual moves outside the boundaries, the system will be unable to track their movements. The required number of body markers makes assessments with patients difficult because placing all the required markers is very time-consuming. The Vicon system is one of the more expensive motion capture technologies on the market, which limits the number of research laboratories that may be able to use it.
Gait Analysis Carpet System
Various gait assessment tools have been developed to quantify gait parameters while individuals walk across a pad with sensors. The Zeno walkway (Zenometrics™ LLC, Peekskill, NY, USA) is a 7-m-long carpet with embedded pressure sensors (Fig. 10.2). The sensors detect each footfall made by the participant while walking and relay the information to a computer for analysis. The software system captures each footfall on the Zeno walkway and provides accurate measurement of various spatial and temporal gait measures such as step length, stride velocity, single support time, double support time, and cadence, among many others [21, 22]. The sensor recording hardware is common to two main analysis software platforms, GaitRite™ and PKMAS™ . The validity and reliability of both software analysis systems has been shown in many studies to date [10, 23, 24]. Van Uden and Besser [24] examined the test–retest reliability of the Zeno walkway over a 1-week period. An intra-class correlation coefficient of over 0.90 was obtained for all spatial and temporal gait measures [24].

Fig. 10.2
The Zeno™ walkway carpet system used to monitor gait performance in real time, image provided courtesy of Protokinetics
The Zeno walkway system allows the participant’s gait performance to be quantified in an efficient manner, allowing post-hoc analysis to be conducted [4]. The ability to extract gait parameters during a patient’s walk in real time has advanced the way in which treatment regimens are assessed. Obtaining these gait parameters can elucidate the characterization of disease [25, 26], the prediction of falls [27], and contribute to defining gait patterns in the progression of PD [28].
The main drawback to the Zeno walkway system is that it only provides 7 m of walking distance for analysis, which may not be a good representation of the general walking of the patient. Furthermore, a recent study examined the potential Hawthorne effect that arises while using the gait carpet [29]. It was found that patients walked significantly better when they knew they were being examined on the gait carpet [29]. The gait carpet system also needs to be used in a laboratory setting and is not a viable option for at-home monitoring.
In summary, laboratory based assessment techniques:
- 1.
Are highly accurate and are able to record very reliably at a high resolution
- 2.
Require the presence of a gait laboratory
- 3.
Are not portable and need specialist expertise to be able to use
- 4.
Are expensive and because of their very nature are primarily confined to academic institutions for gait and biomechanical research
Portable and Mobile Methods
Tele-monitoring is the remote monitoring of patients who are not at the same location as the health care provider. The ability of technology to provide a detailed objective and quantitative review of PD symptoms is making at-home monitoring a possibility. At-home assessment tools provide a method of observing patient symptoms on a continuous long-term basis. In this way, health care standards would improve and the cost would decrease. Patel et al. [30] developed a system that allowed tracking of PD motor fluctuations in the person’s own home. The PD participants wore eight sensors that were connected to a web-based platform that sent data directly to the health care center. This system provided only details about motor fluctuations, but this method could be applied to other technologies to advance at-home monitoring of PD. Several of the systems currently available for home monitoring are reviewed briefly.
The Kinect™ is a motion-sensing input device that provides full-body 3D motion capture (Fig. 10.3a). This system is used to directly control computer games through body movement. One main strength of this system is that it is affordable and can be easily purchased. This system can be quickly set up anywhere and does not require markers to be placed on the body. Cancela et al. [31] developed a method for tracking gait performance in healthy subjects. They were able to track several features of the gait cycle with minimal error. Galna et al. [17] tested the Kinect system in 15 individuals diagnosed with PD. This group found that Kinect was able to track gross body segment movements very well, but fell short when attempting to track finer movements (such as toe tapping and tremor) [17]. Kinetic can currently be used to track bradykinesia quite well [17].

Fig. 10.3
(a) The standard Kinect™ system for Xbox One™ developed by Microsoft™, image from Wikimedia commons [32]. (b) The 20 key points that the Kinect sensor uses to generate a general skeleton for tracking users
Currently, the system estimates the position of 20 anatomical landmarks (Fig. 10.3b). This estimation needs to be much more accurate and should have the capability to optimally adjust these landmarks for personalized use. The Kinect system is not portable, once it is set up the individual can only move a certain distance away and to the side of the sensor. However, this system is a viable option for at-home UPDRS assessment of patients. The patient can perform various motor assessment tasks in their own home while in front of the Kinect system.
Optotrak™ is a three-dimensional camera system used to track the motion of infrared emitting diode (IRED) markers (Fig. 10.4a). The IRED markers are placed on body segments of participants and the Optotrak camera tracks the movement of the markers in real time. The camera unit has a limited range within which participants have to stay for proper tracking (Fig. 10.4b). Optotrak has addressed this limitation and allows up to eight camera units to be used, which greatly expands the area of assessment. The Optotrak software provides kinematic data that are clinically relevant to individuals with PD, such as gait measures, tremor detection, and bradykinesia.

Fig. 10.4
The Optotrak™ system from Northern Digital allows real-time tracking of participants wearing infrared emitting diode markers. (a) The camera system used to track the markers, up to eight camera units can be used simultaneously, image provided courtesy of Northern Digital Inc. (b) The area of tracking for each camera unit, image provided courtesy of Northern Digital Inc.
A recent study compared the gait measures extracted from the Optotrak system and the Kinect system. The agreement between the body measurements of the two systems was assessed using an intra-class correlation coefficient. It was found that gait parameters obtained from Kinect match well with the Optotrak system [31]. The Optotrak system is expensive, especially when acquiring more than one camera unit. The area of tracking for one camera unit is not sufficient for accurate body assessments and several units would need to be used for proper assessment. Although the Optotrak system has the advantage of being able to track finer movements, technology is quickly advancing and less expensive options may become available.
Wearable Inertial Sensors
Wearable inertial sensors are commonly used to measure motion and physical activity associated with daily living [34, 35]. The small size and ease of use make them ideal for placement on various body segments for real-time portable capture of multi-segmental body movements. The gaming and film industry has made use of these sensors in the design and development of their products. The clinical application of these sensors is still in its infancy but this application is quickly garnering attention.
There are three classes of inertial sensors. The combined signals of all three sensors have been used to accurately determine the temporal and spatial measures of body movement. The sensors are:
- 1.
Accelerometers : measure the acceleration of linear motion. According to Newton’s second law acceleration of linear motion is the force acting on a mass. Accelerometers can be used to assess balance, gait and classification of movements.
- 2.
Gyroscopes : measure the angular velocity giving information about orientation and rotation. These sensors allow recognition of movement within a 3D space.
- 3.
Magnetometers : measure the precise movements of the body in the earth’s magnetic field.
Wearable inertial sensors have been useful for application in assessing MDs [1, 36–38]. Chang et al. [39] developed a fall detection system by using three sensors (containing an accelerometer and gyroscope) placed on both feet and the waist. This study was able to accurately predict fall risk in various terrains including: motionless, walking, running, walking up an incline and climbing stairs [39].
Several studies have compared the UPDRS with the inertial sensors [40, 41]. Salarian et al. [41] found a high correlation between the total UPDRS and the data collected from three sensors in ten PD participants. This group was interested in monitoring ambulatory activity in a population of individuals with PD. PD often presents as an asymmetric disorder, one side of the body being more severely affected than the other. Sant’Anna et al. [40] assessed asymmetry of both lower and upper limbs during ambulation. The study used four sensors (both legs and wrists) to track asymmetry in 15 PD participants. They found a strong correlation (0.949) between the asymmetry scores of the UPDRS and the asymmetry values from the body sensors [40].
The inertial sensors are able to detect very fine movements, which patients and clinicians’ do not notice. It is often argued that if patients do not notice the small changes in the parkinsonian state then employing these sensors is “overkill.” However, this attribute could be beneficial for early diagnosis of PD by providing data that the clinical scales cannot detect [42]. Furthermore, the ability to detect such fine changes in the parkinsonian state may be beneficial in evaluating the efficacy of new treatments. These claims have to be validated in terms of making a difference in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. As such they remain predominantly in the research domain.
The Kinesia™ system (Cleveland Medical Devices Inc., Cleveland, OH, USA) is marketed as a clinical deployable technology that tracks tremor and bradykinesia in individuals with PD. This device is worn on a single finger, making the device very compact (Fig. 10.5). It has three accelerometers to track linear acceleration and three gyroscopes to measure angular velocity [43]. The device has shown test–retest reliability over clinic-based assessment techniques [44].

Fig. 10.5
The Kinesia One™ sensor, which is placed on the fingertip and can monitor motor symptoms of PD, image provided courtesy of Kinesia
Motor symptoms of PD affect the entire body, which is a major concern with the Kinesia device. While it may be useful for detecting tremor and bradykinesia in the hand, it can provide limited detail about the symptom severity in the contralateral lower limb. Furthermore, PD motor symptoms are commonly asymmetric and affect one side more than the other [45, 46]. The motor symptoms may present bilaterally, but the severity of the symptoms may not be symmetrical [45]. The asymmetry of the disease represents another drawback for the Kinesia system.
Motion Capture Suit
A full body sensor system is an appealing assessment technique that is gaining interest in the PD research field. Several motion capture suits have been used for research from animation companies such as Xsens™ and Synertial™ (Fig. 10.6a). These systems contain 16–19 inertial sensors that are located all over the body and provide information about all body segments (Fig. 10.6b). Research with the motion capture suit systems have shown reliability and validity at monitoring human movement [37, 47, 48]. These motion capture systems allow assessments to be completed outside of clinic and in the patients’ own home environment.

Fig. 10.6
The Synertial™ motion capture suit employs 17 sensors each containing a magnetometer, accelerometer, and gyroscope. The set-up time is minimal as the sensors are pre-placed onto the pants and top. (a) The Lycra motion capture, which houses 17 inertial sensors, reproduced with permission from LHSC [49]. (b) Diagram depicting the placement of the 17 inertial sensors on the body
Motion capture suit systems provide large quantities of data that need to be properly assessed for clinical impact. The main concern of these types of systems is the ability to extract relevant features. As previously mentioned, these sensors can detect small changes in body movements, but extracting these data for clinical application is not yet possible.
In summary, portable and mobile assessment methods:
- 1.
Can be divided into those that are cheap and easy to implement but have lower resolution and those that provide very accurate information but large data sets.
- 2.
Can be divided into sensor systems that utilize single or a small number of sensors for monitoring global body movements versus those that can monitor whole-body responses. To monitor single body parts (such as one limb) or to generate a global mobility score, single sensor systems may have some value. However, if a more detailed and whole-body measurement is required, then a multi-sensor system including body suit-type systems is more useful.
- 3.
Are now becoming very affordable to buy, but lack the analysis software support to directly help clinicians to make management decisions.
- 4.
Generally remain in the research domain, although vigorous efforts are on-going to make them clinically useful.
Rehabilitation Approaches in Current Use
Despite optimal pharmacological treatment, the motor impairments in individuals with PD continue to deteriorate, leading to further impaired mobility [50]. The implementation of rehabilitation therapy is used as adjunctive treatment for troubling motor symptoms of PD. A multidisciplinary management plan for PD that incorporates both medical and rehabilitation therapy should be implemented to better manage the complex MD [51]. Medical management of PD is well understood. Additionally, several studies have shown supportive evidence for the implementation of rehabilitation techniques for PD management in combination [52]. Current rehabilitation techniques are discussed.
Rehabilitation Techniques for PD
Currently, physical therapy is the most widely used rehabilitation technique for the management of PD, focusing on improvements in gait, physical capacity (i.e., strength and endurance), posture, and balance [52]. Morris [53] was to our knowledge the first to describe a model of physical therapy management for individuals with PD. He proposed that the ability to move is not lost in PD; rather, it is an activation problem [53]. Morris suggested that the deficit in activation forces individuals with PD to rely on cortical control mechanisms to initiate movement [53]. The model used task-specific strategies such as gait, sitting down, and turning in bed.
The model made use of external cues such as visual, auditory, and proprioceptive stimuli (rocking the body from side to side) [53]. In a healthy human brain, the BG are related to the triggering of internal cues for performing a desired motor function [54, 55]. In PD, such internal cued movements may be significantly affected because of the complex cortical–basal ganglionic dysfunction [54, 56, 57]. It is also possible that these cues are not used to select and modify the required motor response correctly. The results may be seen as a disruption of normal motor function in appendicular and axial systems, including gait. In this context of PD, the external cues used allow alternative brain circuits to be recruited, bypassing the defective BG circuitry [54]. Verschueren et al. [56] studied the influence of extern— cues on motor task performance In a population of PD participants, who were trained to perform a motor task that provided external feedback during the performance of the task. The PD participants were then asked to complete the motor task while blindfolded, eliminating the external feedback. It was found that performance was significantly reduced in PD participants when performing the task blindfolded [56]. It was concluded that providing the external feedback during the performance phase allowed PD participants to partially bypass the BG [54, 56]. A recent review of literature highlighted this fact that external cues access alternative neural pathways that remain intact in the PD brain, such as the cerebello-thalamo-cortical network [58].
The ability to put together a temporal order of task performance is thus very difficult for patients with PD, leading to task failure or “freezing.” Such difficulties can be seen in all aspects of motor performance. To address this, the training model discussed above also used cognitive movement strategies, which break complex movements into separate components [53]. Individuals with PD are trained to perform each component separately and to pay conscious attention to their execution. Morris [59] provided some updates to the physical therapy model focusing on adjusting the rehabilitation strategy based on years of diagnosis. Morris suggests that the tasks used in newly diagnosed individuals should be different from individuals who have been diagnosed for more than 5 years. This is because of the progressive death of substantia nigra cells, despite optimal pharmacological intervention [59].
A recent meta-analysis, conducted by Tomlinson et al. [13], examined the effectiveness of physical therapy in 33 randomized clinical trials with over 1,500 PD participants. Tomlinson et al. [13] found that physiotherapy intervention provides a transient benefit in the treatment of PD, regardless of the physiotherapy intervention. However, in the long term, benefit from physiotherapy remains elusive [13]. This meta-analysis states that an issue with current studies focused on physical therapy for PD is that outcome measures are drastically different [13]. They suggest employing relevant, reliable, and sensitive outcome measures, which hints at both measurement of the physical improvement using reliable tools (such as the systems mentioned above), but also functional improvements in the tasks that actually matter to the patient. Indeed, an improvement in the endurance or strength in a PD population may not matter to the performance of a task such as doing the laundry or crossing the street.
Another issue with current physical therapy models for PD stems from the symptomatic constraints in PD such as rigidity, bradykinesia, freezing, and impaired cognitive processing. Traditional rehabilitation techniques are not suitable for individuals with PD. King and Horak [60] developed an exercise program that was more suited to individuals with PD. However, the program was not adaptable to the various stages of the disease. A rehabilitation program, with functionally relevant tasks, that has direct applicability to the activities of daily living is a necessity. Providing a single space for rehabilitation for every patient is not ideal, as some patients may perform better in the contrived space [29]. Currently, PD patients are enrolled in standardized rehabilitation programs, in a contrived space, to carry out tasks that may not be applicable to their everyday life.
In summary, currently used rehabilitation techniques used for neurological diseases, especially PD:
- 1.
Are nonspecific to the actual condition and stage of disease.
- 2.
Are not targeted toward directly assessing and improving the functional impairments faced by the patient in daily life. Instead, nonspecific rehabilitation such as relaxation, stretching, cardiovascular fitness, and weight training are performed.
- 3.
Could be more accurately assessed by using the sensor technologies discussed above to record out-of-laboratory mobility.
- 4.
Are conducted in environments and contexts that are not yet individualized to the deficits of the disease.
Targeted, Disability-Based Rehabilitative Approaches to Parkinson’s Disease
There are very few practical and useful devices available on the market for the specific treatment of PD symptoms. The two reviewed below are the only ones that have been adopted to some degree by patients and physicians. In the first instance, sensor technology is employed to measure a specific symptom, namely tremor, and a “made-to-measure” treatment is provided. In the second, a specific external cuing device is used to improve gait.
Active Cancellation of Tremor Device
The development of technologies that counter specific symptoms of PD, although not a cure, help to improve the quality of life of those affected. Tremor is one debilitating motor symptom of PD that affects daily activities. Tremor oscillates at a specific frequency range of 2–15 Hz, which can be measured using inertial sensors [61, 62]. The lower frequencies are indicative of a more severe tremor, whereas higher frequencies relate to mild tremor. The ability to measure the degree of tremor has led to the development of tremor cancellation devices. These devices measure the directionality of the tremor and move in the opposite direction to stabilize it.
Pathak et al. [62] designed a spoon that counteracts tremor in the hand, improving utensil accuracy for individuals with mild to moderate tremor (Fig. 10.7b). The study examined 15 participants diagnosed with essential tremor. The handheld device significantly reduced spoon tremor rated by the UPDRS and accelerometer data [62]. The main strength of this device is the non-invasive nature of the intervention; it is comfortable and easily adopted by its users. However, this device has not proven useful for individuals with severe tremor [62].

Fig. 10.7
Examples of assistive tremor cancelling devices. (a) The GyroGlove™ is worn to reduce hand tremor when the patient requires accurate hand movements, image provided courtesy of GyroGear. (b) LiftLabs™ tremor cancelling spoon, which improves accuracy by opposing tremor caused by disease, reproduced with permission from Kozovski [64]
The GyroGlove™ is a new technology developed by Faii Ong that reduces tremor continuously (Fig. 10.7a) [63]. The glove is in development with a patent pending, but has the potential to reduce hand tremor in individuals with PD throughout the day. The glove makes use of gyroscopes that resist hand movement and thereby reduce tremors. However, tremor is often multijointed and involves the elbow and shoulder as well.
Laser Cane
Freezing of gait (FOG) is a common symptom in individuals with PD that shows little or no response to pharmacological and surgical interventions [65]. FOG has been estimated to affect 32 % of all individuals diagnosed with PD [66]. Several auditory and visual cues have been used to counter FOG episodes in individuals with PD. Several studies have demonstrated that when PD participants walk across parallel lines on the floor there is an improvement in their FOG episodes [67–69].
The U-Step Laser Cane™ is a walking aid that projects a red laser line across the walking path, making use of the parallel line visual cue (Fig. 10.8). Donovan et al. [70] used the Laser Cane in a population of 26 individuals with PD and found a significant improvement in FOG after 1 month of usage. McCandless et al. [71] compared the Laser Cane with several other auditory and visual cueing interventions in a population of 20 individuals with PD. The Laser Cane was found to be the most effective cueing intervention for correcting FOG episodes [71].

Fig. 10.8
The Laser Cane™ from U-Step™ is used to correct freezing of gait episodes by use of an external laser line cue, image provided courtesy of U-Step
In summary, disability-based rehabilitative approaches:
- 1.
Are able to provide patients with temporary relief of the specific motor symptoms that they may be experiencing.
- 2.
Require continual battery replacements and may leave the patient without treatment if replacements are not kept ready.
- 3.
Are adjunctive therapies to medical intervention and may not provide benefit to every patient.
- 4.
Are affordable assistive devices, which makes the use of them possible in patients needing adjunctive symptom relief.
Future Technology-Based Rehabilitation of Parkinson’s Disease
Technology will play an increasingly important role in the assessment and in the treatment of MDs. As discussed above, inertial sensors are currently providing real-time feedback on various PD symptoms, allowing treatment regimens to be individualized more efficiently. Physical therapy is also an important factor for the management of PD progression. Physical therapy techniques help to maintain mobility in addition to the treatment provided. As previously discussed, current physical therapy techniques are suitable for individuals not diagnosed with PD, use irrelevant tasks, and are performed in contrived spaces. These factors may contribute to the ineffectiveness of these programs in managing motor dysfunction in the PD population. Construction of ecologically valid situations is a necessity when attempting physical therapy for individuals with PD.
As discussed through the chapter, we have now reached a point where the ability to objectively assess the physical disability in the patient can now be supported using a variety of technologies. However, the questions that remain are:
- 1.
How do we carry out these assessments in what would be termed “ecologically valid” environments?
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