Guillain-Barré Syndrome

12 Guillain-Barré Syndrome

Jennifer A. Frontera

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a heterogeneous group of immunemediated polyneuropathies with motor, sensory, and dysautonomic features. It is the most common cause of acute flaccid paralysis in the United States, with a frequency of 1 to 3 per 100,000 people, and occurs in all age groups.1 The pathophysiology of GBS is thought to be related to molecular mimicry triggered by recent infection producing an autoimmune humeral and cell-mediated response against the ganglioside surface molecules of peripheral nerves (Table 12.1). There are several clinical subtypes of GBS (Table 12.2).

Table 12.1 Factors Associated with Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Bacterial infection Campylobacter jejuni
Haemophilus influenzae
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Borrelia burgdorferi
Viral infection CMV
HIV (seroconversion)
Vaccines Influenza vaccine
Oral polio vaccine
Menactra (Sanofi Pasteur, Lyon, France) meningococcal conjugate vaccine
Medications Case reports related to streptokinase, isotretinoin, danazol, captopril, gold, heroin, and epidural anesthesia

Abbreviations: CMV, cytomegalovirus; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.

Table 12.2 The Subtypes of Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Subtype Comments
Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (AIDP) Most common subtype in the U.S. (85–90% of cases)
40% seropositive for Campylobacter jejuni
Primarily demyelinating
Progressive, symmetric weakness, absent/depressed deep tendon reflexes
Acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN)
Acute sensorimotor axonal neuropathy (AMSAN)
Primary axonal injury
5–10% of U.S. cases
70–75% associated with preceding Campylobacter jejuni infection/diarrhea
Up to 1/3 may be hyperreflexic
Common in China, Japan, and Mexico
GM1, GD1a, GalNac-GD1a, and GD1b antibodies
Miller Fisher syndrome Triad of ataxia, ophthalmoplegia, and areflexia
1/3 develop extremity weakness
GQ1b antibodies in 90%
5% of cases in U.S. and 25% of cases in Japan
Bickerstaff-Cloake encephalitis-brainstem encephalitis with ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, encephalopathy, and hyperreflexia associated with GQ1b antibodies may be a related entity. It responds to IVIG and plasma exchange.
Pharyngeal-cervical-brachial Acute arm weakness and swallowing dysfunction
May have facial weakness
Leg strength and reflexes preserved
Paraparesis Involvement limited to the lower extremities
Acute pandysautonomia Sympathetic and parasympathetic involvement
Orthostatic hypotension
Urinary retention
Diarrhea, abdominal pain, ileus, vomiting
Pupillary abnormalities
Variable heart rate
Decreased sweating, salivation, and lacrimation
Reflexes diminished
Sensory symptoms
Pure sensory Sensory ataxia
Reflexes absent
GD1b antibody

Abbreviation: IVIG, intravenous high-dose immunoglobulin.

History and Examination


A typical history involves acute symmetric ascending weakness, often beginning in the proximal legs. Weakness beginning in the arms or face occurs in 10%, but eventually 50% of patients have facial or oropharyngeal weakness. Paresthesias in the hands and feet are reported in 80% of patients, as is lower back pain. Diplopia occurs in 15% due to oculomotor weakness. Dysautonomia occurs in 70% (tachycardia/bradycardia, wide swings in blood pressure, orthostasis, tonic pupils, urinary retention, ileus/constipation, hypersalivation, and anhidrosis). Respiratory failure requiring intubation occurs in 30%.2,3

  • Assess for history of recent travel, viral illness, vaccine, or diarrhea.

Physical Examination

  • Vital signs: Monitor for dysrhythmia, fluctuating blood pressure, hyperthermia, or hypothermia.
  • Frequent checks of VC and NIF (every 2 to 6 hours)

Neurologic Examination

  • Mental status: Normal unless CO2 retention leads to inattentiveness; delirium/hallucination/delusions have been reported in ICU GBS patients.
  • Cranial nerves: Ptosis, ophthalmoparesis (diplopia), facial weakness, dysarthria, difficulty swallowing with pooling of secretions, tonic pupils can occur in patients with dysautonomia; rare papilledema has been reported.
  • Motor: Ascending symmetric proximal >distal weakness, neck flexor weakness (C3-C5) correlates with respiratory capacity, hypotonia.
  • Sensory: Can have abnormal proprioception, typically sensory <motor signs, sensory ataxia can occur
  • Reflexes: Absent to reduced reflexes
  • Cerebellar: Sensory ataxia may be confused for cerebellar ataxia.

Differential Diagnosis

  1. GBS
  2. Other polyneuropathies

  3. Neuromuscular junction disease. There is no sensory involvement in any disorder of neuromuscular transmission.

  4. Muscle disorder: Critical illness myopathy and acute polymyositis can mimic GBS. Can differentiate with electromyography/nerve conduction study (EMG/NCS).
  5. Spinal cord disorder: Acute myelopathy can cause weakness, numbness, and acutely depressed deep tendon reflexes, along with bowel and bladder dysfunction. Back pain is common in GBS and spinal cord disorders. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can easily distinguish between the two (enhancement of nerve roots can occur with GBS).
  6. Brainstem disease with multiple cranial neuropathies (stroke, Bickerstaff-Cloake, rhombencephalitis, basilar meningitis, carcinomatous meningitis, Wernicke’s encephalopathy)

Life-Threatening Diagnosis Not to Miss

  • Impending respiratory failure due to progressive neuromuscular disorder
  • Spinal cord compression requiring surgical intervention

Diagnostic Evaluation

Clinical Criteria

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) criteria for diagnosis typically apply to acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP); patients with variants may not meet the criteria found in Table 12.3.5

Table 12.3 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Criteria for Diagnosis of Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
Required features Progressive weakness of >1 limb, ranging from minimal weakness to quadriplegia, and variable trunk, bulbar, facial involvement or ophthalmoplegia
Areflexia; distal areflexia with hyporeflexia at the knees and biceps is still consistent with the diagnosis of GBS
Supportive features Progression of symptoms over days to 4 weeks and recovery starting 2–4 weeks after a plateau in symptoms
Symmetrical involvement
Mild sensory signs or symptoms
CN involvement, bilateral facial weakness
Autonomic dysfunction
No fever at onset
Elevated CSF protein with white cell count <10 mm3
EMG/NCS consistent with GBS:
80% have NCV slowing/conduction block
Patchy reduction in NCV to <60% normal
Distal motor latency increase up to 3x normal
F waves prolonged
15–20% of patients have normal nerve conduction studies
Diagnosis less likely Sensory level
Asymmetry in exam
Severe and persistent bowel and bladder dysfunction
CSF with >50 white cells or polys

Abbreviations: CN, cranial nerve; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EMG, electromyography; GBS, Guillain-Barré syndrome; NCS, nerve conduction studies; NCV, nerve conduction velocity.

Laboratory Findings

Table 12.4 Electromyography/Nerve Conduction Study
EMG/NCS confirms AIDP Multifocal demyelination
EMG/NCS highly suggestive of AIDP Abnormal median SNAP and normal sural SNAP
Rapid recovery of low distal CMAPs and SNAPs on subsequent studies
EMG/NCS suggestive of AIDP Absent F waves with normal nerve conduction studies

Abbreviations: AIDP, acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; CMAP, compound muscle action potential; EMG, electromyography; NCS, nerve conduction studies; SNAP, sensory nerve action potential.



Acute respiratory failure occurs in 30% of GBS patients. GBS patients with deterioration or impending crisis should be admitted to an intensive care unit because respiratory deterioration can be rapid. Although patients may be unable to handle secretions, glycopyrrolate should only be used with extreme caution, as it can lead to mucous plugging. VC and NIF should be measured every 2 to 6 hours, and prompt intubation should be pursued when NIF is worse than -20 cm H2O and/or VC <10 to 15 mL/kg or if there is a steadily declining NIF and/or VC. Succinylcholine should be avoided during intubation. The initial ventilator mode is typically “assist control/volume control.”

Patients should meet weaning criteria delineated in Chapter 17 prior to extubation. A bedside measure of the patient’s readiness for extubation is the ability to lift the head off the bed against resistance. Pressure support can be used as a weaning mode, but GBS patients should also undergo a T-piece or tube compensation trial prior to extubation.

Guillain-Barré Syndrome

Specific treatment for Guillain-Barré syndrome is given in Table 12.5.6,7

American Association of Neurologists’ Practice Parameters8

  • Treatment with IVIG or plasma exchange speeds recovery.
  • IVIG and plasma exchange are equivalent.
  • Plasma exchange is recommended for GBS patients unable to walk who start treatment within 4 weeks of onset of symptoms. Plasma exchange is also recommended for ambulatory patients who start treatment within 2 weeks of symptom onset.
  • IVIG is recommended for nonambulatory GBS patients who start treatment within 2 or possibly 4 weeks from symptom onset.
  • The time to onset of recovery is shortened by 40 to 50% by plasma exchange or IVIG.
  • Combining IVIG and plasma exchange is not beneficial.
  • Steroids alone are not beneficial.9

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Aug 30, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on Guillain-Barré Syndrome

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